League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 224: Eye of the Void


The same situation didn't just happen to Ari's body.

Katerina and Sivir went to the east hall together, and when they were about to reach the hall, they were dragged away by two thick purple tentacles.

Once the tentacles are wrapped around the target's body, the target will be restricted by some peculiar force, unable to move, and unable to lift a trace of strength.

On Ezreal's side, Jana also suffered the same.

Seeing Jana being wrapped around her ankle and quickly dragged away, Ezreal's face turned pale.

If Jana had any shortcomings, I'm afraid Lu Chuan would kill him.

If it hadn't known the inside story before, Ezreal would not care about Lu Chuan's mood.

Only after knowing the source of his little bead...

Now that I can't take care of so much, Izeril released several space jumps in a row, quickly rushing to the direction where Jana was dragged away.

In a gloomy room, which looked more like a space in the belly of some kind of creature, the dark green grease everywhere kept sliding down the meat-wall.

In the center of the space, several dark purple tentacles were hung in the air, each with a woman hanging from the tentacles, it looked like Ali and the others.

At this moment, Arijana was all dizzy, their hands were entangled in the tentacles and hung in the air, and the curves of her tender body were exposed.

"It's really a perfect body. If you eat all these bodies and then break them down, you should be able to evolve the ninth tentacle, right? The plane of Valoran Continent is really wonderful." Below, a young octopus The rudimentary creature, rubbing its two front tentacles, looked like it couldn't wait.

Vikz, the eye of the void, as the leader of the invasion of the void plane, invaded the Shurima empire thousands of years ago, but because of Azir's self-sacrifice, it was sealed together with its void troops. Under the dark yellow sand.

However, this does not prevent Vickers from continuing his great exploration career. Vickers discovered that the residents living on this continent will always know some kinds of knowledge, and this knowledge is its evolution. The best energy of one's own tentacles, every time a piece of fresh knowledge is captured, its tentacles will intensify some changes and become stronger.

And Azir sank his country under the ground, and buried his people under the ground.

The people of the Shurima Empire who were buried did not die quickly. The perseverance of such a strange creature of human beings was so strong that Vickers had to sigh with emotion at certain times.

They can survive in a space of tens or even hundreds of meters underground, and they are stubbornly trying to escape from this dark area.

But for the same surviving void creatures, they became a nightmare for the Shurima people.

The only thing the void creatures can do under this dark ground is to slaughter these original inhabitants. After losing the blessing of King Azir, the situation of these inhabitants is nothing more than fish on the chopping board.

In this way, it provided Vickers with a large amount of knowledge sources, and he began to decompose the bodies of those people day and night, so as to obtain the knowledge they had.

In the process of evolving his tentacles, Vickers also discovered some more interesting things.

That is about the female body structure.

By coincidence, Vickers discovered that some women would react aggressively when their fingers point to certain parts.

The portrayal of this strong reaction makes Vickers feel very novel.

'Why do they flush with excitement when they are wrapped around the crotch with their tentacles, and some unknown colorless liquid is sprayed from the crotch? What kind of knowledge is this? 'In this regard, Vickers is very interested. He has studied the reactions of various women when they are touched by tentacles on various parts of their bodies.

And Vickers also found that when the tentacles penetrate the hole in the female crotch, their performance will reach a peak, as well as another hole behind the buttocks, these are where it explores.

It’s just that no one explained this for it, so Vickers can only study more female bodies and discover some mysteries.

Over time, Vickers began to indulge in this matter, because there is really no better time than this under the ground.

Seeing the expressions on their faces, some were yelling because of excitement, some were crying because of pain, and some were silent because of anger and gritted their teeth and closed their lips.

For women who still feel angry after being touched by tentacles, Vickers feels it is necessary for them to experience the real fun.

There are even some women who are too extreme. After being'aggressed' several times, they beg themselves to'aggress' them more. This makes Vickers even more puzzled.

"Are human women all such strange creatures? But it's okay, it's better than the women of the Void Plane. There is no beauty in terms of beauty, and at the same time, the temper is ridiculous." Vickers rubbed. His tentacles looked up at the five women hanging in the air.

These five women have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the curves are also very soft, which are very hard to find nourishment for the knowledge of the exploration area.

"Which one is better to start with?" Vickers was lost in thought, his eyes swept across the women.

"The one on the left? Has long ears. According to humans, is it a descendant of the elves? But from the conclusion drawn from human memory before, this female of the elves is considered to be very good among women. The variety... Then save it till the end and enjoy it."

Vickers cast his gaze on Catalina again, and the blood-red hair was particularly dazzling.

"How about this?"

"Or do you mean this?" Vickers glanced at Sivir.

According to the knowledge he has absorbed in the minds of some human men, the choice of women is to look at the face and the position called the chest by humans. It is said that the larger the position, the more affected the male is. Baptism of eyes.

But the women in front of them had very full chests, and Vickers didn't know where to start.

"It's better to come together, watching them stripped naked, and watching each other soberly at their ugly appearance, it is really a kind of enjoyment." Vickers let out a weird laugh, and at the same time waved his right side. The third tentacle.

"Huh!" Several tentacles appeared in the air instantly, and they flapped a few times in front of the noses of each woman. Soon, several women slowly opened their eyes.

"Next, let's start enjoying the big meal." Vickers waved his tentacles and pointed at the sensitive parts of several women.