League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 233: Everyone must die!


The main hall of Shurima Empire.

This is a magnificent palace with a magnificent architecture, which can be seen from the pillars at the door.

The columns are magnificent and tall, with ancient fierce beasts engraved on them. In those days, these fierce beasts were said to be enough to level the mountains and rivers with a single step, and to shake the nebula with a roar.

As for authenticity, there is no way to study it.

"Azir, King of Shurima, live here?" Ari tilted his head and looked at the high gate. After a while, he turned his face to look at Nasus.

"Well, after crossing this door, everyone needs to be mentally prepared. The enemy inside may be a realm that you have never seen and will never reach in your life." Nasus said in a heavy voice.

Everyone nodded cautiously.

Inside lived a warrior of the gods.

The god-ranked warriors are the same as the fierce beasts carved on the pillars. They only hear their voices, but do not see their people.

There has never been a warrior of the gods in Valoran Continent for thousands of years. What's more, among a group of people, the highest realm that has been contacted is Ezreal.

Ezreal is only three platinum platinum stars, and is not a star and a half away from the gods.

Afterwards, Nasus settled down, stepped forward and pushed open the towering gate.

"Squeak~" The door was slowly pushed open after a gloomy sound.

The inside is unexpectedly not too dim, and the surrounding buildings are also very delicate and exquisite, but the empty hall looks slightly cool and empty.

No, it's not empty.

There was a guy in a pale yellow robe sitting on the central bench at the innermost side of the hall, but he looked very strange.

The human body, with the head of a bird, looks very funny.

"Isn't it the King Azir of Shurima?" Ahri asked Nasus quietly.

Unexpectedly, Nasus nodded.

"..." Ahri was speechless for a while, and then whispered to Gana, "Shurima is really a magical country, don't the residents here like to interbreed with beasts?"

Jana's face turned red and glared at Ari, "Aren't you also a beast? Don't you always want to do with Lu Chuan... do that kind of nasty thing?"

A single sentence made Ahri a blushing face, "You, you, you... You are... you call his name every day in your dreams, so and so... Who would want to do that kind of thing with him... And I heard that it is very difficult to do that kind of thing. It hurts, there is blood or something... It's too uncomfortable."

The two chicks seem to be ignorant of the knowledge of that aspect, after all, they have never experienced it. Although there are some rumors in the hearsay, they will also feel a little curious.

At the same time I'm scared.

Just when Ari and Jana were whispering non-stop, the bird-headed monster sitting on the throne in the center slowly spoke.

The sound was the vast and majestic sound that Lu Chuan and his party had heard when they entered the desert burial ground, as if it contained everything.

"Are you still looking for it, my loyal subordinates. If you change your mind now, I will let you be my guardian of the left, and let you be my guardian of the left. Together with Renekton, I will be in charge of Shurima, and I will enjoy the great empire. Rebirth from the sand brings surprises and shocks to the world!" Azir's voice was a little excited.

However, Nasus sighed deeply, "Your Majesty, don't be obsessed anymore. Now you, the current Shurima, are completely different, and you are no longer the empire that flourished in the past. Still hope. Your Majesty can stay awake and completely remove the idea of the void plane from his mind."

"Presumptuous!" Azir slapped the armrest of the bench heavily, and the powerful force instantly transformed into a shock wave, spreading in all directions.

As the shock wave spread, it turned into a strong wind, blowing everyone except Nasus back a few steps before he could stabilize his figure.

"This guy... is too perverted." Ah Li hugged the pillar beside him to avoid being blown away by the strong wind. "Just slapped his palm, and such a strong wind broke out..."

Ezreal also looked gloomy, "This duel is too unfair."

"I think you are the one who fell! Nasus, has your loyalty dissipated with Huang Sha in these thousands of years?" Azir stared coldly at his former servant of the most loyal minister.

However, he was the one who was brainwashed by the Void Plane's mind, so in his eyes, Nasus, who wanted to continue to maintain the peace of Valoran Continent, became a traitor.

At this point, Nasus knew that Azir could not be convinced by just one or two words. He slammed the half-moon staff in his hand to the ground, "Sorry, your majesty, I must end you here today. , This is your will during your lifetime."

"Haha, a joke." Azir clapped his hands. "Lekton, this is for you. Your brother betrayed me. You should know how to do the next thing, right?"

Azir's voice fell, and a figure two people tall jumped down from above, and when he looked intently, it was a guy with a human figure but a crocodile head.

"Everyone! Got to die!" Renekton roared rudely, with a sharp axe in his hand with the sound of strong wind, without any stop or nonsense, he rushed directly into the crowd with a sharp axe in his hand. Force rotation.

"Boom!" The violent energy was mixed in the axe, and everyone was thrown away. They fell on the wall one after another, and then landed on the ground.

"Huh, the weak and vulnerable!" Renekton squinted his eyes and looked at Nasus. "Stupid brother, have you become like this?"

"My obsessive brother, have you even been washed your mind by the mind of the Void Plane?" Nasus raised the half-moon staff in his hand, and a purple-black beam enveloped Renekton, and then immediately His speed of action has also become very slow.

"You're the one who doesn't understand it? The revival of the Shurima Empire is the most important thing! All those who block the Shurima Empire's revival must die! They must die!" Lekton let out a loud roar. , Under his roar, the whole hall began to faintly tremble, and debris continued to fall.

At the same time, Renekton's figure is also growing rapidly. Around him, a layer of light gray violent elements is rapidly condensing.

That layer of violent elements is like the handwriting of the god of death, without any anger at all, once it is contaminated by half, it will quickly weaken, wither, and finally die.

Yasuo, the closest person to Rekton, was accidentally contaminated with that layer of gray violent elements, and his entire body began to age rapidly.