League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 234: The emperor returns


"Life and death do not end in reincarnation." Nasus changed his gestures with one hand while murmured in a low voice.

Yasuo, who had been shrinking and was about to die, was restored to new life in the next moment.

"You are blocking Shurima's revival, and you are a traitor that is unforgivable!" Renekton roared, his figure turned into a sharp blade, and he leaped straight towards Nasus.

"Boom!" In the sharp turn of Renekton's figure, even the land passing by under his feet was brought up by a gully.

"Don't be obsessed anymore, my stupid brother." Nasus put the half-moon staff across his chest, and Renekton's axe hit the staff heavily, causing a buzzing sound to erupt.

"You can never escape from my palm! Welcome to the catastrophe!" Rick roared and smashed the axe in his hand. This blow seemed to contain a thousand pounds of force, and Nasus flew upside down. go out.

After sliding against the ground for a certain distance, Nasus was able to stabilize his figure. Just after turning over and standing up, Renekton then used his axe to attack him fiercely.

Nasus kept retreating again and again, and the situation seemed to be at a disadvantage.

"If even Mr. Nasus can't stop him, we are probably in vain..." Ahri reluctantly stood up from the ground at this time, and the aura that broke out from Lekton just now directly brought the line up. People are swayed by the shock.

The cyclone alone consumed nearly half of their strength, and Nasus was also at a disadvantage, and the form looked very unoptimistic.

"When it's not over, it's best not to give up." Ezreal wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. He just hit a stone directly, and his cheeks were scratched. He slowly straightened his body, The moon-shaped pendant was wrapped around his right hand, his left hand held his right arm, and his whole body began to faintly tremble.

"Next, it's time to show the real technology." Ezreal chuckled lightly, and a light yellow half-arc energy wave was already condensed in the palm of his right hand at this time.

Ezreal gathered all the energy of his physical stamina in this half-arc wave, and then raised his head and shouted, "Go to death for me!!!"

"Huh!" Just when Renekton and Nasus were entangled and fought, a sound of breaking wind slammed not far away. Taking a glance from the corner of Renekton's eyes, he found a half-meter-wide curved wave blade approaching him quickly .

Although the energy fluctuation contained in it is not deadly enough, if it hits the vital part, it will also be traumatized.

"A bunch of damn chores, isn't it too long?" Lekton grinned angrily, but had to pull out his axe to resist the blow.

Nasus took the opportunity to wave the half-moon staff in his hand. The front end of the staff suddenly deformed into a heavy sledgehammer. When Renekton was defending Ezreal’s strongest blow, he waved the staff. The sledge hammer fell heavily on Renekton's chest with the force of extinction.

"Puff!!" A mouthful of blood spurted out. After the blow, Renekton's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken line for several meters, and then slowly hit the ground.

"Nasus... You... You actually learned the despicable means of humans... Unforgivable..." Renekton's breath wilted in an instant, and Nasus seized the opportunity and raised it with one hand.

A lavender barrier formed under Renekton's feet, and his actions became very slow.

Coupled with his current wounded state, it is undoubtedly worse. Nasus' withered enchantment caused his life to be lost quickly.

"Your Majesty... Save me..." Renekton let out an unwilling roar, looking at Azir who was sitting firmly in the middle of the main hall begging.

Azir stared coldly at Renekton, whose signs of life were quickly disappearing. "Raekton, once a noble warrior, is now just a crazy beast. You can't do the little things that are entrusted to you." Okay, what's the point of your existence?"

"No... Your Majesty, I just made a mistake, give me another chance, I will definitely kill them all!" Lekton explained hurriedly.

"Enough, you don't have any value anymore, turn it into yellow sand." Azir suddenly got up and shook his palm.

"Om!" Rekton's body, which was originally huge, turned into dusty yellow sand in an instant, slowly falling down.

Azir's decisiveness and cruelty made the shocking group of people speechless for a while.

"How come... Isn't that his subordinate?" Ari murmured.

"Don't be funny, this kind of guy, how can he identify with his subordinates..." Although Ezerel pretended to say lightly, the cold sweat on his forehead had already betrayed his uneasy mood at this time.

Ezreal's surprise was not that Azir was cruel to his subordinates, but that he could turn his subordinates close to the god level into yellow sand with just a bare hand grip.

"Is the strength of the god-ranked warrior already so strong? Even close to the god-rank... can't withstand his random blow... This is too exaggerated." Ezreal moved his Adam's apple.

"No, you are wrong. I am not a god-level, and Azir is not a god-level. These are our strengths during our lifetime, but after the destruction of the body, we, with only the soul body, weakened by nearly half. Nasus exhaled heavily and sighed.

"Has weakened strength still feels so terrifying?" Ah Li asked incredulously.

"If I have to give a restrictive realm, my current strength should be... the diamond realm."

The diamond rank, the realm above the platinum realm, so there is nothing for others, but Ezreal, as a platinum warrior, naturally understands the hardships and difficulties.

Ezreal had already stepped into the platinum tier several years ago. Based on his ability to travel through space, the opportunities he encountered and the treasures he obtained were much better than ordinary people.

This is the case with the envoy, and Ezreal has only stepped in place at the bottom of the platinum realm within a few years.

From this it can be seen how difficult it is to increase the strength after reaching the platinum rank.

And since Nasus did not have a physical body and only a soul body, the strength displayed was sufficient to have a diamond rank, so he was a warrior near the god rank before his death, which seemed very credible.

"Don't talk about the gods, even if the warriors of the near gods are fighting, I am afraid they have already razed this place? The power of the warriors of the gods due to the battle, the power generated by the collision of skills, is enough to crush a country. It's not an exaggeration." Nasus seemed to remember the era when the Shurima Empire fell.

"Are you discussing your own way of death?" Just as Nasus was communicating with the group in a low voice, Azir finally walked off the throne slowly. He flicked with one hand, and one was engraved with the sun circle. The staff of Pan was carried in his hand.

"Shurima, your emperor, you are back!" Azir raised the staff above his head, and the staff emitted an extremely dazzling light, like the sun, rushing in all directions.