League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 235: Demonize


Azir stepped off the throne and raised the staff in the shape of the sun disc in his hand.

At the moment when the staff was revealed, the light burst out suddenly, and the stingers almost couldn't open their eyes.

"The ascension that was not completed thousands of years ago, I will end it today." Azir pierced the staff heavily into the ground, quickly forming a seal with his hands.

The disc on the staff suddenly expanded several times. During the constant turning, it seemed as if energy was being drawn from the yellow sand underground, and the light on the disc became more and more dazzling.

"And before the ascension ceremony is ready, let's warm up with you guys." Azir glanced at Nasus and the people behind him with disdain, as if yawning boredly.

"Nasus, the group of people you gathered seems to be too weak, don't you want to rely on such a junk army to defeat me? It's a foolish dream."

The people who had been ridiculed by Azir without any shame, although they were uncomfortable, could not refute any words.

In front of Azir, their strength is like a mayfly shaking a tree.

Nasus didn't make a sound, but flipped the staff in his hand. After the staff turned into a sledgehammer, Nasus stomped on the ground and rushed towards Azir.

"Bang!" Azir only slightly raised his hand, and Nasus hit an invisible barrier, bounced back, hit the ground directly, and vomited blood.

The look of everyone changed drastically.

It was just a blow... No, I didn't even take out a blow, just raised his hand, as if he had established some kind of enchantment, and beat Nasus back intact.

This gap in strength is really terrifying.

"What to do?" Ari and Jana looked at each other. Without Lu Chuan by their side, they always felt like they were missing something.

In the past, following Lu Chuan's adventures, no matter which time is good, as long as Lu Chuan is still with them, they always feel that there must be a way.

Because Lu Chuan always makes them feel at ease inexplicably.

But this time, when facing opponents whose strengths differed so much, even they gave birth to a trace of despair.


It would be great if Lu Chuan was by his side.

But even if he is by his side and facing such a situation, is there really a way

Just when the group was at a loss, Azir stepped forward and stood in front of Nasus, looking at him condescendingly, "Shurima's revival is inevitable, and your death date is also inevitable. Thinking that you have surrendered to me for hundreds of years, I can give you a chance to save your soul from being completely wiped out."

After a pause, Azir continued, "After helping me ascend successfully, I will protect your soul forever."

"Impossible." Nasus wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up swayingly. "The revival of the Shurima Empire is also what I expect, but it is definitely not in such a form. … Your Majesty, your current consciousness has been completely controlled by the creatures of the Void Plane. Even if it is Shurima's revival, all you have to do is to invade and encroach on other kingdoms."

"So what? Let all the residents of Valoran Continent become the subjects of my Shurima Empire, wouldn't it be great?" Azir frowned, "Shurima will be as strong as ever. The coexistence of the Shurima Empire is the glory of all."

Feeling the depth of Azir's manipulation by the Void Plane, it was no longer the time to persuade him in a few words, Nasus slowly clenched his fists, "Even so, I will stop you!! The goddess of the desert!!! Please give me the power of your storm."

With his roar, Nasus' body shape suddenly changed in an instant, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of black mist, and his body size expanded several times.

Soon, Nasus, a big giant, appeared in front of everyone. His tall body had already overturned the roof of this main hall, and his huge arms were a bit thicker than the pillars in the palace. point.

At this time, Azir looked to Nasus as a little poor ant.

"This is... Demonization..." Ezreal quickly flipped through a simple book in his hand.

"Demonization?" Everyone stepped back and kept a certain distance from Azir and Nasus before asking in a deep voice, "What does that mean?"

"All existing creatures in ancient times had the gods who ruled them and led them. The human race has its own god of war, and the forest race has its own forest god. These people living in the desert Races also have their own gods of the desert. Demonization is to show enough faith in the devotion of the gods, to obtain the grace of the gods, and to obtain the permission of the gods. The power to borrow from the gods. But this kind of power, It is the opposite of God’s power. After all, it is a compulsory borrowing, so it is called demonization."

"God...?" Ahri was stunned for a few seconds, "Then do our spirit fox tribe believe in the god of the forest?"

"No, your god should be regarded as the god of druids, the god of orcs. And the god of the forest is the god believed by the elves." Ezreal quickly turned the pages of the book.

"Then what can I do to take advantage of the power of the gods?" Ari also wanted to contribute a small amount of her own strength. She always relied on Lu Chuan in previous battles.

In the absence of Lu Chuan this time, she also wanted to use her own strength to protect everyone.

"It's useless, you must have a strong belief in the gods. You probably only learned about the gods you belong to now, so this belief is far from enough for you to use power from the gods." Ezreal shook his head. .

"That's it..." Ah Li, who had finally worked up his energy, was discouraged again.

"However, Nasus, who has been demonized, may have the ability to fight Azir. After all, Mr. Nasus's own strength is only second to Azir. The power borrowed from demonization, Perhaps this level of strength can be filled." Ezreal raised his head and looked at the huge Nasus, "The next thing, we can only watch the changes from the sidelines, and the rest of us are really helpless. NS."

It's a pity that just when everyone deposited all their hopes on Nasus, Azir's words lightly spoken, and everyone's hopes hit the bottom.

Azir looked up, stared at the giant-sized Nasus quietly, and sneered.

"Is it demonized? I didn't expect you to be so pious to the god you believe in, so pious enough to be able to use power... However, you want to use the power borrowed from me to defeat me, is it a bit too unreasonable Do you know what you can do? Because I...I am the god of the desert!"

Azir slowly raised his hands, raised his head and laughed loudly, "The god of the desert you believe in has already been swallowed by me. I am the god of the desert, and I will soon become the one of this plane. Lord God, none of you can stop me!!!"