League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 25: Gang wind moth


At the foot of Gangfengling Mountain.

Even standing at the foot of the mountain, you can feel the gusts of wind blowing from time to time, hovering down from the top of the mountain, looking at the messy wild jungle in front of you, but was stepped on a road artificially, rugged and straight to the top of the mountain.

"According to the records in this Demacia document, this Gangfeng Ridge is the least difficult among the four mountains. There have been countless mercenaries climbed over the years, but most of them died on the way. "Lu Chuan is holding a book that looks like a magazine. It was bought by Jana and Ari just now. There are also top views of the four major mountains. It is said to be a silver-ranked warrior of the wind system floating in the sky. Captured with a magic mirror device.

"Are there any ferocious beasts on Gangfengling?" Ari asked while stirring her long black hair with her hands.

"Well, let me take a look..." After turning a few pages of the document in his hand, Lu Chuan found the page dedicated to Gangfengling. "Because of the perennial strong wind, even the trees in the mountains grow in the direction of the wind. It is extremely difficult for ordinary beasts to survive and forage in strong winds, so there are not many types of beasts on Gangfeng Ridge."

After a pause, he continued, "However, there is a Windying Tiger whose strength has reached the silver 5 stars, entrenched on the top of the mountain."

"Silver 5 stars? Too dangerous, isn't it?" Ari opened her ruddy mouth slightly in surprise.

Because of the fact that they are not as intelligent as humans, they are not as fast as humans when they cultivate. If at the same time and with the same talent, humans may reach Silver 5 stars, but Warcrafts can only reach Brass 1 or even only. Brass 2 stars.

But because the time spent is longer than that of humans, the strength of the monsters is more condensed, and the power of the monsters themselves is several times stronger than that of the humans, so the monsters of the same level are much stronger than the warriors of the same level.

Therefore, the Feng Yinhu entrenched on the top of the mountain, although it is a silver five-star monster, is more powerful than a silver four or even a silver three-star warrior.

"We need wealth and danger. Besides, the area of the top of Gangfeng Mountain is not small. Where can a Fengyinhu go as big as possible, we try to avoid him and run away when we find the Fengxiaoshi." Rubbing his chin.

"But besides Feng Yinhu, there should be other monsters. It is impossible for the entire mountain range to be guarded by the Wind Yinhu, otherwise this Gangfeng Ridge would have been flattened by people." Jana said faintly at this time.

"Well, just now the literature also mentioned another beast that lives in Gangfengling, Gangfengmoth." Listening to Lu Chuan throwing out a new word, Ari and Jiana both looked at him. Wait for the following text.

"Gangfeng Moth is a kind of beast that mutates into a moth that eats the wind. Its size is half the size of a human, and its average strength is only at the level of a new brass 5-star warrior. A single threat is not big, but it has One characteristic is... gregarious. If a gang wind moth finds its target, it will immediately call its friends to call countless gang wind moths. A brass 5 star warrior is not terrible, but a group of them will have a headache. "Lu Chuan threw the literature into the little bead. There is only so much in the literature about the introduction of Gangfengling.

Both Ari and Jana looked at each other, especially Ari, after a two-time laugh, he retreated a little, "I'm in a bad condition today, so I feel that we will have another day..."

Lu Chuan held her clothes on her back with a calm face, so that Ari who wanted to sneak away had nowhere to hide.

"Are you in a bad condition because you are tired from shopping?"

"You let go... I promised not to run..."

"What if I let you go? How can you believable what your foxes said."

"You are holding my underwear strap..." Ah Li flushed with shame.

"..." Lu Chuan hurriedly let go with a dry cough, and Jana gave Lu Chuan coldly.

In the end, Lu Chuan and his group set off toward Gangfengling, but the road they chose was not the one trampled by countless formers, but another secluded road full of weeds.

The reason is very simple. The monsters are more or less intelligent. Countless predecessors follow the path to climb to the top. Over time, the monsters will notice something, and they will eventually live near that path. , As soon as they encounter people, they will press forward to obliterate them. This is why there are so many mercenaries who have explored Gangfeng Ridge over the years, but only a few people have climbed to the top.

"By the way, Ari." The group of people walked forward from the foot of the mountain. After about ten minutes, Lu Chuan pulled away a branch that was blocking the road, and looked back at Ari, who was following behind and leaping dexterously among the trees.

"What's the matter?" A li shrugged his furry ears as he sprinted across a tree root easily.

"When you weren't transformed into a human form, you grew up in a dense forest, right?"

"Uh..." Ari's eyes rolled, as if he had a premonition. When he was about to shake his head, Lu Chuan smiled slyly at her, "Explore the way, you must be more familiar with this kind of terrain than we are. Many, and if I’m not wrong, your spirit fox clan’s keenness is very strong, after all, the ears are so much bigger than ours."

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll just go, I really don't know whether I am a fox or you are a fox. People say that the fox is cunning. I always feel that you are more cunning than me." Ali sighed helplessly, she Those little clever tricks are always invisible in front of Lu Chuan.

After agreeing, Ari's hands were connected with a seal, and he was muttering something softly. Just when Lu Chuan was still wondering what she was doing, Ari's graceful and graceful body suddenly shrank, and finally a white glow. After passing by, it turned into a white-haired little fox less than two palms long.

"I rely on... Can I change back after becoming a fine?" Lu Chuan was dumbfounded.

"Really ignorant." Ari, who turned into a little fox, rolled his eyes at Lu Chuan, and after the soft white tail swayed slightly behind him, he said in a deep voice, "I'll go ahead and take a look. If it takes five minutes I haven't returned yet, it means I'm waiting for you in front, and you can just keep up."

After the words fell, Ahri turned into a petite body after the prototype, and moved extremely flexibly through the dense forest, and disappeared without a trace in just a few blinks.

"I didn't expect Ari to have this form, but it's a lot more convenient. With such a small figure, even if it's dangerous, you can get rid of it flexibly." Lu Chuan said, turning his head and smiling at Jana. " Don’t worry, you must get the Wind Howling Stone for you this time. After unlocking the first layer of the holy artifact, your strength will definitely increase. The silver medium-grade weapons are close to you. I’m afraid that group of guys will not. How dare to do to you."

Jana was silent for a moment when she heard the words, as if she was making some decision in her heart, and then raised her head to look at Lu Chuan, her eyes became serious, "I have been holding some words in my heart, but now I can't hold them anymore. In fact, I wondered a long time ago, what exactly is your identity? Or, who are you? At first, it was just an ordinary person with no skills, but it was strange to have a handful of pornography. Weapons of middle grade copper."

"When you are in a restaurant, you wake up early every day and say that you are practicing swordsmanship, but you are actually just to master your sword skills? Ordinary swordsmanship will not change the color of the weapon itself, no matter how harsh it is. A skill book The degree of preciousness is only lower than that of weapons, but you have it again without any surprise. You told me that you happened to get it. You are in my sight almost every day. Where did you get the skills? Book

Also, when we first met, you desperately helped me seize the holy artifacts, and later teamed up with me. When doing the task two days ago, you did not know what secret method was used to force my My strength has improved a lot, and now I’m trying to help my holy artifacts lift the seal, have you done too much for me, but you have never asked for anything in return... Sorry, maybe I’m too suspicious, but it’s about our clan A holy relic that has been passed down for hundreds of years, I have to be cautious. "

Having said this, Jana glanced elsewhere, she was a little afraid to face Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan treats her very well, and these Jana know that if given a chance, Jana will return it.

But the problem was that Lu Chuan was so kind to her. He was obviously just a person who knew him for less than a month. Why could he do so much to himself, and even almost took his life several times? He is more concerned about his own affairs than anyone else.

If he is good to himself and has thoughts about himself, then Jana can also understand that, after all, they are men and women of the same age, who moved emotionally to say the past.

But what makes Jana angry is that he seems to be indifferent to himself, except for occasionally being in a daze with his figure, he has hardly done anything outrageous, and he is also polite to himself.

In this way, the question arises, what is he plotting

Jana had to think about the worst. He was trying to get his staff, and after the seal was unlocked, he would take it away

But this also has a very contradictory point. If he wants to snatch the holy artifact, why didn't he snatch it early? Have to wait until the seal is lifted

Jana, who hadn't been involved in the world, thought for so long and didn't want to understand. She had a good feeling for Lu Chuan, but she really liked it but couldn't talk about it. Maybe it was just a good feeling for being a companion for so long.

Facing Jana's question, Lu Chuan had to sigh slowly. Although he knew that Jana would be suspicious, he didn't expect that she would ask at this moment.

And Lu Chuan is not very good at answering.

What is the picture

Should Lu Chuan press her shoulders and tell her, "I'm just to brush your favorability level. If your favorability level increases, you can be ashamed... Oh no, if your favorability level increases, you can awaken you multiple times, so that my strength will also be Is the situation like that

This kind of thing, if you don't explain it clearly, it is easy to make Jana misunderstand, the girl's mind is more sensitive, especially when Jana has only experienced the pain of genocide not long ago.

While Lu Chuan was still considering how to explain it, he heard a cry for help coming from a short distance away.

"Help... Help... Kill the fox, kill the fox..." A petite figure ran toward here from a distance, and when Lu Chuan took a closer look, he realized that it was Ali who had turned into a fox.

Only after glancing behind her, Lu Chuan's face became ugly.

Behind Ari, followed by a group of half-human moths, if nothing else, it would be the most numerous beast in Gangfeng Ridge, Gangfeng Moth.

Although I don't know what the young girl has done, which has attracted the hatred of so many gang wind moths, the number is a bit too terrifying, looking at the densely packed area, there are at least hundreds of them.

Hundreds of gang wind moths with brass 5 stars? What is this concept

Lu Chuan drew the Dolan sword from the small bead, took a step forward and crossed it in front of Jana, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "The question just now, I will talk to you slowly after this time, and I will give you a reasonable explanation. Before that, save Ari!"

[Thank you for the reward of "Hey you chicken card her", don’t ask me why I am this strange name, it’s like this according to the pinyin, don’t speak

(づ ̄3 ̄) One fragrant?]