League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 26: Crazy choice


"Come here! How did you do it? How did you pull so much hatred?" Lu Chuan held the Duolan sword in his hand. Ari's figure approached from far away, and when she was a few meters away, her short legs suddenly Pressing the ground, bounced from the ground, and rushed directly towards Lu Chuan.

After Lu Chuan caught Ari, she climbed onto Lu Chuan’s shoulders and said while panting, "Huh... Huh... I just... When I passed by, I saw some long and delicious fruits on the tree. So I just..."

"are you a pig?"

"I'm a fox... Oh, be careful!" As Ari spoke, he glanced at him and found that the fastest flying moth with flapping wings had swooped in front of Lu Chuan, even though it was just a moth-like creature. , But after it mutated into a monster, there were two slender sharp fangs growing on the fist-sized head, and they bit at Lu Chuan.

"Go!" Lu Chuan yelled, and the Dolan sword in his hand slashed obliquely, slashing heavily on the body of the wind moth, a thick dark green blood splashed out, and the wind moth emitted After a scalp numbing scream, he fell to the ground, and a beast core half the size of a fist rolled out of its body. This is the unique core of Warcraft, and it is also the key to mutate into a Warcraft. The cultivation and improvement of the strength of Warcraft are closely inseparable from this core.

And because Warcraft stores all its essence in the inner core, this inner core is a very good cultivation medicinal material for human beings. The first-level Warcraft core on the market is worth at least one gold coin.

Lu Chuan bends down to pick up the magic core on the ground, and throws it into the small bead with a cursory glance. The most important thing at the moment is the large group of gang wind moths in front of him, although the single strength is threatening to Lu Chuan. It's not big, but these hundreds of gang wind moths are indeed a bit hard to resist.

Seeing that several more fast-flying Gangfeng Moths came forward, Lu Chuan held the Duolan Sword in his hand tightly, a gleam of purple light was poured into it, and the body of Duolan Sword began to faintly tremble.

With the continuous improvement of Lu Chuan's strength and the more and more proficient in this explosive cut, his explosive cut power is now different from the past.

With a sharp shout, at the same time he slashed out the fully charged Dolan sword with a volley, and with a whistling wind, it violently attacked the few gang wind moths.


"Puff!" With a sword cut, the few Gangfeng Moths almost had no power to fight back, and fell under Lu Chuan's sword. The magic nucleus in their bodies dissipated from their bodies because the host's consciousness dissipated. Rolling to the ground.

Although the strength of a monster is much higher than that of a warrior of the same rank, the Gangfeng Moth, who has just stepped into the 5-star brass realm, will only rush forward because of insufficient intelligence. Lu Chuan's sword light is equivalent to seeking a dead end.

What's more, Lu Chuan is not an ordinary brass 5-star strength. Before he stepped into the realm of brass, Ari had to use his own strength to play the final hole card.

It can be seen that having a high-quality weapon and first-class skills can improve the samurai.

Next, in several swings and hacks, he harvested the lives of several Gangfeng Moths, picked up the magic core on the ground and threw it into the small beads, and Lu Chuan began to withdraw and retreat.

Because the'big force' finally arrived at this time. If the few wind moths just now were just the vanguard, then the dense swarm of hundreds of wind moths swooped violently, which made Lu Chuan dare not take it. .

"What to do? Do you want to evacuate first." Jana also understood that the situation was not good at this time, and did not delve into the topic just now, but asked Lu Chuan.

I thought that Lu Chuan would nod and agree to her proposal. After all, these hundreds of gang wind moths, even if they were hit by a silver-tiered samurai, could only temporarily avoid the limelight. But who ever thought of Lu Chuan shook his head.

"These are hundreds of magic nuclei... A good thing to enhance strength, how could it be missed like this." Lu Chuan glanced at a higher mountain in the distance, as if he had thought of something, and gently raised the corner of his mouth.

"Are you crazy, the magic core is indeed a good thing, but it has to go..." Before Jana spoke, she felt a blur of consciousness and her body began to become uncontrollable. She exhausted the last trace of consciousness. Squeeze a word from his mouth, "Lu Chuan... You... Don't mess around..."

"I'm sorry, Jana, although what you said is good, but I am a very greedy person. In such a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, if you only shrink when you encounter difficulties... you will never be promoted-so wake up, Jia Na!" Lu Chuan roared, and a bright light flashed from the small beads in his arms.

"Om!" A strong gust of wind erupted from Jana's body, and shook back the Gangfeng moth that was about to pounce on Lu Chuan's face and bite it a few meters away.

Jana's black pupils dissipated, and only the indifferent white pupils were left in their eye sockets. Her white and pure feet lightly touched her body, floating in the air, looking towards Lu Chuan without feelings, "The wind is an incarnation, wait. Your dispatch, master."

"Turn on the wind, we run against the wind." Lu Chuan gave the order. In this state of absolute obedience, Jana, even if she is anxious, her body and brain are not controlled at all, and she can only unconditionally obey Lu Chuan's orders. .

"Yes, my master." Jana's jade hand raised lightly, and a touch of wind was attached to Lu Chuan's body. Lu Chuan suddenly felt that his whole body became a lot lighter, and his soles slammed on the ground, holding Dulan in his hands tightly. The sword... actually rushed directly towards the group of Gangfeng Moths.

"Lu Chuan, calm down! What the hell are you doing!" Ari, who had been lying on Lu Chuan's shoulders, finally became anxious, although she didn't know what mandatory secret Lu Chuan imposed on Jana to make Jana right. He became obedient and went crazy with him, but this kind of behavior by Lu Chuan would undoubtedly die!

Rushing into the swarm of Gang Wind Moths? Hundreds of gang wind moths are enough to eat him without any bones left.

But after transforming into a fox, Ari wants to transform back into a human form but needs to wait for a certain amount of time. Now she is only two palms the size of her and lives in Lu Chuan, who seems to have gone crazy.

"Don't worry, I'm not crazy enough to deliver food to them. Just be a mascot and watch it obediently." A touch of confidence aroused from the corner of Lu Chuan's mouth, just as he was about to rush to the Gangfeng Moth. Lu Chuan shouted, "Jana, control the wind to shake them away!"

The fit between Jana and Lu Chuan is not low. When Lu Chuan’s voice fell, Jana conditioned her arms to stretch out and stretched out. A wind that was stronger than before came out of her body. Although there was no substantial damage, they directly scattered a group of wind moths with their mouths open and ready to eat Lu Chuan, shaking them to both sides.

"Let's go!" Lu Chuan gave an order, with the blessing of Jana's wind after awakening, and his speed was urged to the extreme. With Ari on his shoulders, Lu Chuan stepped out on the ground and leaped tens of meters away. Landed after the distance, followed by another step. Jana's figure floating in mid-air followed closely behind. In the blink of an eye, the two shook the group of gang wind moths tens of meters away.

In this way, facing the squally wind blowing on their faces, Lu Chuan and Jana went up against the wind, and the howling wind kept passing by Lu Chuan's ears, like roars after another.

"Is it possible to run off like this? There is still more than half of the distance from the top of the mountain, and the stronger the wind is at the top of the mountain, the stronger the wind will be, and our speed will be slower and slower, but the group lives all year round. The Gangfeng moths in Gangfengling will chase closer and closer, and they will still be overtaken in the end." Because Ali has turned into a petite fox, her body weight has not been reduced by a small amount, and she is now headed up. The gust of wind almost fell off Lu Chuan's shoulders, but she had no choice but to grab Lu Chuan's collar with her paws, and let her body swing with the gust of wind.

"Just run, no matter what, I can't pit myself." Lu Chuan also noticed that Ari seemed to be unable to hold it, so he hurriedly reached out and took a fish back and hugged Ari in his arms.

"I really don't know what you are thinking, and it looks like you are confident. Forget it, I believe you. After all, you guys are always amazed." Shrinked in Lu Chuan's warmth. In the arms of Ari, Ari could only complain helplessly. The current situation has reached this point. It will be useless for her to say anything, she can only pin her hopes on this guy.

Not only must there be hundreds of Gangfeng Moths in the Gangfeng Ridge of Nuo Da, but also as Lu Chuan and the others go up, the Gangfeng Ridge they encounter halfway through, the larger their body, and their hidden strength. Achieved 4 stars for brass.

After all, the higher the gang wind is, the stronger the gang wind moth can survive the stronger the gang wind, the faster the strength will naturally increase.

However, for these newly killed moths, Lu Chuan still asked Jana to constantly shake them to the sides, and soon they were also integrated into the original army of wind moths that followed Lu Chuan.

When Lu Chuan read the document, although it gave a certain introduction to Gangfengling, there was one thing that was not mentioned in the document.

That is, once the Gangfeng Moth locks on to the target, unless the target, it will chase to the end until one party dies.

But I think about it, those who record the documents, no one like Lu Chuan is a lunatic, let hundreds of Gangfengling chase his buttocks to eat the dirt, naturally they will not be able to record this characteristic of Gangfengling.

Soon, Lu Chuan and his party had arrived at the halfway point of Gangfengling. The wind force at the foot of the mountain at this time was three times stronger than that. Lu Chuan, who was heading up against the wind, felt that his cheeks were faintly felt at this time. The wind was a little painful.

At this time, the gang wind moths chasing behind him have reached the size of hundreds. Once Lu Chuan stops, they will swarm them. This time they will eat Lu Chuan without leaving any bones.

"It's almost done." Lu Chuan glanced back at the dense wind moth chasing like a black cloud, and found a colorful book from the little bead.

"Skills book?" When the book was taken out by Lu Chuan, Ari's expression was sluggish. You must know that her nine-star skills are still learned from the spirit fox clan. The rank is low-level, but it is that one. This low-level mid-level skill book is regarded as one of the few powerful abilities in the spirit fox clan. Not all foxes are qualified to learn. The inheritance ability within the clan requires qualifications, like Ah Li This kind of talent is so hard and hard to soak the patriarch for a long time before he secretly put Ari in.

The skill book Lu Chuan held in his hand was actually a colorful light, which looked extraordinary.

This colorful skill book is naturally the low-level and high-grade five-element sword intent that Lu Chuan scoured from the small beads two days ago. Although I can’t understand the mystery after previewing it a few times, but For the current Lu Chuan, this kind of skill book can be used after learning it.

The only difference is that there is more skill than unskilled.

The skill book was spread out, and the pages of the skill book were fluttering messily with the wind blowing. Soon, the skill book turned into a colorful light because it had been read, and it got into Lu Chuan's mind.

A memory that he had never had was blown into his mind.

"Is this... the Five Elements Sword Intent?" Lu Chuan looked down at the texture in his palm, and stopped in midair. With the help of Jana's wind, he could temporarily stay in the air without landing.

Halfway up the mountain, the wind whizzed wanton, and the corners of Lu Chuan's clothes were whirring. He stood quietly in the air like this, watching the group of gang wind moths that screamed at him. Lu Chuan slowly raised the Dolan sword, holding the sword in both hands, the outline of his whole person was wrapped in a strange light, and his whole person also entered a state of incomparable mystery. Lu Chuan slowly closed his eyes, and continued to comprehend a touch of opportunity in the mystery.

"Don't be stunned, they are about to pounce on!" Seeing Lu Chuan suddenly stopped in mid-air, she was in Lu Chuan's arms, constantly pulling his clothes, her face full of excitement.

Just kidding, this is a life-threatening matter. Is this time to be handsome

"Ah! I'm going to die, kill the fox, kill the fox..." Seeing that the wind moths had already swooped in front of him, Ah Li quickly covered his eyes with his paws.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a very strong heat, radiating from Lu Chuan's body, and even a little bit hot.

"Five Elements Sword Intent-Li Huo!" At this moment, Lu Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of fire blazed fiercely from his eyes.

The scarlet Dolan sword was even more dazzling red at this time. A flame emerged on it, and the hilt of the sword seemed to have been ignited. Lan Jian's sword was covered by a layer of fire.

"Chop!" Lu Chuan suddenly slashed down the air while holding the sword in both hands. A flame burst out from the Dolan sword, and then turned into a flame, rushing towards the Gangfeng Moth that flew forward frantically!

[Thanks to my friends for the rewards of'paranoia' and'depraved song'

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ】

[In addition, when I flipped through the book review today, I saw a reply from God, saying that these moths are real. Drink the northwest wind, I'm sorry I didn't laugh, I didn't laugh. 】