League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 27: Second master


The fire spread out from Dulan Jian, madly rushing towards the group of Gang Wind Moths.

"Zizizi!" In the spread of the fire roll, the dozen wind moths that rushed to Lu Chuan first were roasted into ashes in an instant. This sword-inspired fire was stronger than Lu Chuan imagined. .

And because of the direction of the wind, the fire roll did not intend to stop after burning the dozen or so moths, but was washed away by the wind all the way down.

The Gangfeng Moths themselves are not very intelligent, and they are more densely dependent on each other after chasing Lu Chuan all the way, the fire and the fierce wind will definitely hit them absolutely destructive.

Even too late to dodge, batch after batch of Gangfeng Moths uttered screams and screams, and they were swallowed by Lihuo and burned to ashes.

One after another, the magic core rounded like a pearl rolled down, rolling down the mountain.

"Jana, roll up those magic nuclei!" Lu Chuan hurriedly shouted. That monster is just a gold coin. There were at least two or three hundred wind moths running along with Lu Chuan. For most of the Gangfeng Moths, those magic cores have at least two hundred.

"Oh, Master." Jana raised her hand horizontally, and a tyrannical wind came from her palm, gathering all the magic cores together so that they could not roll down. Lu Chuan hurried forward and followed Pick up eggs like you have to throw them in small beads.

"Cai fan." Ari hummed in Lu Chuan's arms.

"I don't work hard to make money. What do you eat and wear." Lu Chuan rolled his eyes. These magic cores have greatly improved the samurai's cultivation base, and Lu Chuan plans to save some of them to exchange for gold coins and materials for future use. The winding.

Lu Chuan had to say this time, he also occupied most of his luck.

In normal times, Lu Chuan would not dare to fight against the idea of this group of Gangfeng Moths. As Jana said, even a silver-ranked warrior, seeing such a large group of Gangfeng Moths, must temporarily avoid the limelight.

However, Lu Chuan relied on Jana's awakening wind, and went up against the wind, and then with the help of the five-element sword-inspired Lihuo sword, following the wind, Huo Juan's advantage was infinitely expanded, which allowed him to get the two at once. Three hundred gang wind moths caught them all in one net.

Although there are elements of opportunism in it, if you change someone else, you really don't necessarily have the courage of Lu Chuan to rush into the Gang Wind Moth swarm.

As the saying goes, take down the sword of glory, and seek wealth and wealth in danger.

Just as Lu Chuan collected a bunch of magic nuclei into the small beads, and was about to lead Jana and Ari to the top of the mountain, a rough and crazy voice sounded abruptly.

"Boy, your brain is good, but that's it. Leave the holy thing with your strange bead, and I will give you a happy way to die." The voice fell, and a figure carrying a machete appeared. In front of Lu Chuan and his party.

The figure of that person is not too burly, just a little stronger than the average person, but his footsteps are very steady, even on the mountainside where the wind is blowing, he still stands in the wind, without the slightest Shaken.

He was the second head of the Scarlet Mercenary Group that had chased Jana before, although he was instructed by the big boss half a month ago and sent him to chase Jana and win the holy relic.

However, half a month ago, he happened to hit the realm of Brass 1 star. At that time, his cultivation was overflowing, and he just realized the mystery of a breakthrough, so he looked for a quiet and comfortable place and started to do it. It was a breakthrough of half a month.

According to the description of the master, those two guys are only about the strength of brass 4 stars, and they also have the positioning of the magic sniffing beast. They will definitely not be able to run, so the second master is not so eager to find it all the way.

Just two days ago, the second master succeeded in breaking through to the brass 1 star, so he hurriedly chased it all the way and wanted to hide it to see what Lu Chuan gang was thinking about, but when he saw those two or three hundred When the magic core was taken into the bag by Lu Chuan, the second master finally couldn't help it anymore.

Although this Gangfengling has never been in the future, he has also heard that it is the lowest dangerous mountain in the Demacia Mountains. If there is anything in it, I am afraid it will be given by a group of more powerful mercenaries. Take it away early.

Perhaps the most valuable is the wind howling stone at the top of the mountain, but although it is precious, it is not too difficult to obtain, because the wind howling stone only improves the samurai with the wind attribute and is a limited material. The degree of preciousness is naturally greatly reduced.

As a result, in comparison, the two or three hundred magic cores in front of them must be more attractive.

And after seeing that Lu Chuan was able to turn a bunch of gang wind moths around with only the five-star brass method, the second master did not dare to wait any longer, I am afraid that what will happen after a long time. Unexpectedly, the holy relic is something that the master must have, and there is no room for sloppyness.

Seeing the strange man in front of him mentioned the sacred object, Lu Chuan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and Jana, who stood behind him, quietly appeared in the depths of her eyes without any fluctuations.

"Is it you guys... I'm still wondering. It stands to reason that you should have chased you over long ago. After waiting for so long, you still haven't shown up. I'm really afraid that you will have some accidents later. The group was destroyed on the way.” Lu Chuan sneered. As his contract hero, the two people will have a subtle connection in their hearts because of the contract, and Gana’s anger will also make Lu Chuan. Somewhat empathetic.

The feeling of being slaughtered is a hatred that cannot be erased in a lifetime.

"Boy, it's windy here, and you are careful to flash your tongue when you speak big words. You only have 5 stars in brass, even if you add the chick with 2 stars in brass, you two are not my opponents together. Your confidence Where did it come from?" The second master snorted, his sharp eyes staring at Lu Chuan tightly.

The realm of the samurai's strength is clearly divided. Since it is divided, it has a certain truth. Although there is only one star on the bright side of the brass 2 star and the brass 1 star, there is only one star. Among them, there are many different strengths. There are many warriors with ordinary talents, who can only step into the brass 2 stars, and stay in this state for a lifetime.

"Come on, then, why did the cannon fodder always like to talk so much nonsense before he died." Lu Chuan licked his dry lips, clenched the Duolan sword in his hand, and there was a hint of war in his eyes.

From the journey to the present, although the time has only passed for more than half a month, Lu Chuan has grown a lot in this more than half month.

He understands that in the face of such a situation, the opponent will chase and kill all the way, and will definitely not show mercy to his men, so if you want to defeat the opponent and protect the people around him, it is useless to rely on cowardice and fear.

In addition to his own strength, he must also have a heart to defeat him anyway!

[Thanks to my friend'potato' for the reward (づ ̄3 ̄)づ]