League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 272: misunderstanding


"What news did you ask him to find out?" Peggy asked curiously.

Although she was also prepared to be refused by Lu Chuan, after all, Lu Chuan had never said his purpose from the beginning, and there was news that he didn't want to be known.

However, Peggy himself had roughly calculated some, but he felt that his ideas were a little absurd.

For example, Master Lu Chuan came from Demacia, but Noxus is going to send troops to fight Demacia... Then his intention should be quite clear, and it must be related to this war.

However, in a war, one person's role is obviously negligible, which is also a point of Peggy's doubts.

"You want to know?" Lu Chuan suddenly changed into a mysterious tone, making Peggy even more curious.

"If you don't want to say it, then forget it. Why do you play tricks on me like this? The people who do it want to know but can't know..." Peggy puffed up her cheeks and looked away with some discomfort.

"Actually, it's okay to tell you. I'm afraid you can't accept it. I just asked him to help me find out if there are any romantic places in Noxus. The bigger the better.

"Fengyue place? What place is that?" Peggy looked suspiciously at Luchuan.

"Uh... You don't know Fengyue place?" Lu Chuan was stunned, but immediately remembered that this little girl seemed to have grown up in a small village, she had never been to a big town at all, let alone the names of these places.

"In short, Fengyue place is a place where men and women do that kind of thing."

"Ah... Your lord..." Peggy's face flushed suddenly, staring at Lu Chuan, "You actually said such nasty things... It's too nasty..."

"..." Lu Chuan thought that this little girl is really pure. Just a pronoun, she flushed her face and called nasty. If she changed her name to Ari, she might still giggle in her ear and say, "Little girl has it." The intention to sell the flesh, free of charge, I wonder if your husband is interested? '

But when he thought of Ari, Lu Chuan sighed silently in his heart.

I don't know where Nizi and Jana are now, what they are doing, and whether they think about themselves.

I am afraid that it is impossible to think about it. I did something that was very shocking for them. It is normal for them to leave. Now I guess they are still irritated.

"But ah but ah... My lord, why are you going to those romantic places?" Peggy found that this adult's behavior is always strange, and first came to the bar for a drink and said that he wanted to inquire about things.

The result was the location of Fengyue place.

Is it possible that this adult is a womanizer

But if he was lustful... Peggy was hit hard by being indifferent by his side.

The man's behavior of'I would rather go to the Fengyue place day B than to do you' is undoubtedly a very big blow to women.

Perhaps noticing Peggy's downturn, Lu Chuan said with some speechless comfort, "Don't think too much... I am not going to Fengyue place to do some sloppy things, but as I just said, gradually approaching."


"Forget it, it's okay to tell you my purpose, maybe you guessed something in your heart-Noxus intends to declare war on Demacia, and I'm going to persuade Noxus to dispel this idea."

"..." Peggy's mouth grew wide, with a speechless expression.

Although it was similar to what she had guessed in her mind, she used her own efforts to persuade a country to cancel the war... This is indeed a fantasy.

"Does it feel unreliable?" Lu Chuan smiled.

"I..." Peggy didn't have the embarrassment to say it, but it did feel a little unreliable, this plan.

"Things are man-made, how do you know the result if you don’t work hard? War will result in the sacrifice of many people. Whether it is the Demacia army or the Noxus army, those soldiers also have parents and families, and they all have their most important people. No one wants to die, so being able to prevent a war from happening is the best thing."

"But it looks like... Is it a little too..." Peggy had a very vague idea. She couldn't tell the feeling. Maybe it was not reaching that level and couldn't understand it, but it just felt that something was wrong. .

"Doesn't it look like the behavior of the Creator who loves everything in the world?"

"Um... It just feels a little bit like this..." Peguinu said, "It feels a bit silly..."

"Actually, I feel very stupid. If I were the one I used to be, I would definitely have thoughts like,'You love to fight or not, you love to die or not, what matters to me', but ah..." Lu Chuan from his pocket A gold coin was found inside, pressed on the table of the bar counter, stood up, stretched a lazy waist with both hands.

"Now I am a candidate for God, so saving the world and maintaining peace is something that seems silly and scumbags must be done." Lu Chuan said in a joking tone.

But Peggy was stunned and stared at Lu Chuan blankly.


It seems to see a ray of light covering him...

He obviously didn't do anything, but he felt something unusual.

what is it? Peggy thought in her heart.

late at night.

Inside a small hotel room.

Peggy: "Are you trying too hard?"

Lu Chuan: "No, I used to do this. Maybe it's the first time you are not used to it. It will be fine after you get used to it, and you may even feel a little comfortable."

Peggy: "But it's a bit painful... Can you take a break?"

Lu Chuan: "Don't be kidding, you begged me to do this at the time, and it's only halfway through now. I haven't shown any more powerful moves, so you backed down?"

Peggy: "But my place is really going to be broken..."

Lu Chuan: "If you stick to it, it will soon be better."

Peggy: "Do you think... the way we talk is easy to misunderstand?"

Lu Chuan: "It seems a little bit."

Peggy: "Then let's change to a way of speaking that is not misunderstood?"

"Okay." Lu Chuan nodded and got up, while looking at Peggy sitting cross-legged on the bed, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Keep this posture, keep your eyes closed, and feel the flow of breath in your body with your heart, you think To step into the realm of samurai, the most basic point is that you have to feel the flow of breath in your body."

"But the legs are so numb..." Peggy squashed her mouth and sweated profusely. She has been in this cross-legged position for more than two hours since just now.

"The first time you try to step into the realm of samurai is like this. How can you do without a little effort? After you can feel the breath flow a little bit, I will tell you some more effective shortcuts."

"Oh... alright." Peggy nodded softly in response.

Late at night, the moonlight outside the window was dim.