League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 29: Sacrifice!


Feng Yinhu, a silver 5-star level 2 monster, is known for its powerful physical explosive power.

Lu Chuan looked back at the second master who was in a frantic state. He didn't seem to know what secret method he used to increase his explosive power. At this time, his mind was a little confused, and he chased Lu Chuan on a rampage all the way.

However, the explosive power of the current state of the second master is unquestionable. As long as Lu Chuan is caught by him, he may not escape death.

"I don't know if Feng Yinhu can help me." Lu Chuan murmured to himself, but he didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he could only rush to the top of the mountain to see the situation.

After all, Feng Yinhu belongs to a neutral beast, and whoever is angered will lock the target.

"What's the matter? Are you out of strength? I see where you can escape!" The second master who chased all the way behind also found that Lu Chuan's speed was declining, and his back from Lu Chuan grew more and more. In the near future, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more crazy, and the middle-grade brass machete in his hand was even more like blood, glowing with blood, as if longing for a harvest of life.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Lu Chuan threw a blast with a backhand, and the purple light sword aura rushed towards the second master who had chased him crazily.

The second master took the machete and smashed the sword qi into the air, but because of this slight delay, Lu Chuan rushed forward tens of meters.

"You can't run away, catch you this time, I'm going to take your skin!" A cold flash flashed in the murderous eyes of the second master.

"It's really noisy, let's talk about it when you get it." Lu Chuan snorted coldly. It was just such a sentence that made the second boss even more angry.

With his 1-star brass strength, he was stupefied by this kid who only had 5-star brass, and he was still unable to touch half of the kid’s clothes even when he started a battle cry. Jiao, now he turned his head to provoke him, which made the second master angrily, clenched his fists, and was speeded up again by half a point.

At this time, Lu Chuan had already rushed to the top of the mountain.

At the top of Gangfeng Ridge, the squally wind here has turned into a gang wind due to the speeding up of the speed between the mountains, and it whizzes past, like a substantial sharp blade, slapping Lu Chuan's cheek.

Lu Chuan, who was still thinking about where the Wind Yinhu would be located, just ascended to the top of the mountain, and suddenly felt that his heartbeat had missed a beat.

The coercion, a very strong coercion spread from Lu Chuan's heart, and his chest was tight, almost out of breath.

It was a feeling as if it was being stared at by a scourge. As long as it moved a little, it would pounce and tear itself to pieces.

Lu Chuan slowly turned his head and saw the source of coercion from behind him.

It was a giant tiger about the size of a hill, covered with golden hair. I don’t know if it’s because of the baptism of the wind all the year round. Its hair is not as soft as a normal tiger. On the contrary, it looks like One by one, they floated like barbs, which enlarged the figure of the tiger.

If nothing else, this tiger should be the Wind Yin Tiger entrenched on the top of Gangfeng Mountain. The light radiating from it has indeed reached the Silver Rank, because there are only Silver Rank warriors or monsters. Substantial coercion will be formed, and a samurai below the silver rank, even if the strength is strong, such as the second master, it can only be regarded as an aura.

Although the meaning of aura and coercion are somewhat similar, there is a clear difference.

Aura can force people and make people feel pressure, while coercion is a kind of surrender that people cannot resist.

The Feng Yinhu was staring at the human being rushing in in front of him with unkind eyes at this time, and his mouth made a low beast moan, as if he was still investigating the strength of the person before him.

The cultivation speed of monsters is much slower than that of human beings. Therefore, monsters that can reach the silver rank are not low in intelligence. They will not be like the group of wind moths at the foot of the mountain. If they lock the target, they will regard death as home.

Lu Chuan didn't even dare to move at this time, for fear that it would anger the giant tiger in front of him and be torn into pieces.

If he doesn't anger the wind and the tiger, it doesn't mean that others will not.

The second boss, who was angrily attacking his heart, followed closely. Seeing Lu Chuan climbed to the top of the mountain, he froze his figure, thinking that he had nowhere to escape, his mouth opened with a hideous grin, and he lifted the medium-grade brass machete in his hand, and took three steps. He rushed to Lu Chuan in two steps and slashed towards Lu Chuan with a violent wind breaking sound, "Is there no way to escape? Then die!"

Lu Chuan let out a sneer, "No matter how strong you are, your mind is stupid to a certain extent."

"If you have something to say, wait until you die!" The second master let out a wild laugh. In his opinion, Lu Chuan in front of him is no doubt with a corpse.

But at this time, Lu Chuan pounced towards the side, and the giant Windy Tiger, which was blocked by Lu Chuan, was finally completely exposed in front of the second master.

Before that, Lu Chuan had already climbed to the top of the mountain, and the second master was still on the slope, only a few steps away from the top. Because of Lu Chuan’s condescending position, the second master’s angle couldn’t pass through Lu Chuan and saw the one behind him. Respect the behemoth.

Now as soon as Lu Chuan moved away, he saw the giant tiger, whose hair stood upright like barbed roots, exuding a strong pressure.

The second master was shocked, and his mind suddenly became clear, and he wanted to stop the offensive in his hand.

But the machete that was full of suffocation, like a blood-chewing knife, had already fallen halfway at this time, and it was too late to take it back at this time.

Feng Yinhu pressed his front paws on the ground at this time and suddenly roared like thunder and deafening. It opened its mouth wide, sharp fangs glowing with cold light, and a tiger roar erupted from its mouth, which contained a strong sense of wind.

"Bang!" The second master's blow slashed fiercely on the invisible wind sound wave, and the whole person flew backwards like a cannonball.

Even a silver-ranked warrior would not dare to fight for strength in front of a monster of the same rank. The second master's attack against Feng Yinhu was completely fighting force. With this move, the second master lost very much. thorough.

"Huh!" Hearing a deep sound, the second master smashed to the ground heavily, even a deep hole was smashed, the machete in his hand also fell to the side, and the dust was agitated.

Even Lu Chuan, who anticipated the fall of his second master, couldn't help but slap his tongue after seeing this scene.

"The power of Warcraft is too overbearing. I thought that guy would walk in its hands for several rounds. I didn't expect to lose in one round." Lu Chuan smashed his tongue.

"Speaking of which, I am also a monster. Why don't I have that kind of power?" Ali showed two furry ears and poked out a little fox's head from Lu Chuan's arms.

"You are already refined. Compared to the speed of cultivation, which monster will be faster than you?" Lu Chuan rolled his eyes, and when he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly moved.

"That guy... isn't dead yet?" He looked forward, and a figure slowly stood up in a big hole that was originally smashed by the second master. As the dust and fog were blown away by the wind, the second master's figure finally It is fully revealed.

With just a glance, Lu Chuan felt a chill in his heart.

What kind of person is this...

In other words, is he still human now

The second master now has a disheveled hair and a hideous face. The skin all over his body has become red and hot, as if the blood in his body is oozing out at any time. The intent of killing on his body is exploded to the extreme at this moment. A strong bloody breath.

At this time, the second master was like a ghost Shura crawling out of hell.

"This is..." Ari, who was lying in Lu Chuan's arms, looked at the scene in front of him. After a few small ears moved subconsciously, there was a solemn voice in his voice.

"If I read it right, this should be... a sacrifice!"

[Sorry for keeping everyone waiting, and finally the card came out. There are two more changes next, one before eight o'clock, and one more before ten o'clock. The reward list will be posted later]