League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 330: Get back


"Sir..." Ada looked at Luchuan's back blankly. He always thought that these two guests were just walking around here, not to mention their strength. Who knew that he was just a move to subdue such a majestic man.

"Sure enough, it's a rubbish, will he only bully children?" Lu Chuan kicked the big man's stomach directly, reducing his strength to a minimum. For that matter, he kicked the big man backwards. After a few laps, he lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"Okay!" Although a group of passers-by have long been uncomfortable with what the big guy did, but due to their strength, they are also afraid of being asked for trouble. Therefore, a group of people just dare not speak, but now they see someone who dares to take action. Cheered.

However, the cheers stopped abruptly when the straw curtain of the carriage was lifted.

A middle-aged man with a big belly walked out from behind the carriage, but the clothes he wore were extremely luxurious. It was in stark contrast with the passers-by who were wrapped in burlap or even animal skins. A fat face was even more impressive. The face was full of red light, and it seemed that life was very moisturized.

"This little brother, are you a foreign tourist?" Since Brent can get to the position where he is today, he can play around with the king, which shows that his scheming is not small. He got out of the carriage and first glanced at Lu Chuan's. Dressing up, he found that his clothes were not bad, so he didn't get angry directly, but he was talking with a smile, but his eyes that were about to be buried in the flesh made people look a little uncomfortable.

"Are you Brent Lord?" Lu Chuan suddenly showed a look of panic.

"You're almost enough." Tianshen has been watching the development of things silently, and she doesn't need her to take action on things of this level, but when he heard Lu Chuan speak, Tianshen still couldn't help but vomit, "What's the matter? You can use it to play."

"Hey, I'm idle anyway."

"Just be happy with you, don't delay the task, I'll go and squint for a while." The god yawned and there was no sound.

On the contrary, Brent was a little confused by Lu Chuan's hand. After a long pause, he came back to his senses, "What? Have the tourists heard of me?"

"Of course, Lord Brent's heroic deeds are also very lively in other countries." Lu Chuan smiled flatteringly.

The passers-by had a sudden drop in Lu Chuan’s affection for Lu Chuan. Originally thought he was a man, but he turned out to be a soft-hearted stuff. When Brent showed up, he couldn’t jump up. On the contrary, he was pleased. Compliment him. Brent master yelled one by one.

Brent was a little bit interested, "Oh? What did the people outside say about me?"

"They said, Lord Brent..."

"Say it!" Brent suddenly wanted to know how he was evaluated in the outside world.

"They said Lord Brent... is a fool." Lu Chuan shrugged casually.

"They actually said that I was stupid? Haha, they have the foresight...Wait?!!! You fucking say it again?" Brent reacted and suddenly found Lu Chuan scolding him with a fat face. A burst of blue and purple.

"Hahahaha!" A burst of laughter broke out in the crowd, and even Ada laughed very happily with it.

Especially when Brent had a bit of joy just now, and then realized that he was insulted by others, it couldn't be more exciting.

The people who have been oppressed by Brent all day have never seen him like this.

"I think you want to die too crazy! Give it to me! Catch him!" Brent's face sank, and he commanded the few soldiers around him who couldn't even make up a whole set of armor.

The soldiers drew rusty iron swords from their waists and rushed towards Lu Chuan with a huge aura.

As a result, they all fell to the ground in less than a second, and the iron sword in their hands was also folded in two.

"Huh? What else do you want to say?" Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows and stood still staring at Brent.

"You are fine! You will die miserably! You should know who I am. I am the person the king trusts most. As long as I have a word, I can mobilize soldiers from the whole country to encircle you. No matter how powerful you are, Can he still be an enemy of the soldiers of the whole country??" What is the glory of Brent these three years? Which dare not give him face? But for the first time, the face was swollen by a foreigner who looked like a tourist.

Without waiting for Lu Chuan to speak, Brent hurriedly called his coachman to turn around and walk back, his panicked look awkward.

In fact, Brent also knew that if he didn't leave, it would be even more embarrassing to give this guy a beating on the ground, so compared to this, it was obviously more elegant to turn around and escape.

It’s just that Lu Chuan didn’t intend to give him this opportunity. Just when the carriage turned around and walked not far, Lu Chuan slammed forward and removed the wheel. The entire carriage was out of balance, and Brent’s fat body went straight from the carriage. Rolled out and fell to the ground.

"I think that with your fat body, it is faster to roll back than a carriage. I'll give you a ride." Lu Chuan waved a hand and raised a gust of wind, which gathered together. Pushing Brent's back, rolling all the way.

"Hahahaha!!" A burst of laughter broke out in the crowd, and the contempt for Lu Chuan just now turned into admiration.

At this time, there was a weak voice from Maggie behind her, "Well, that... Thank you, Sir."

Lu Chuan turned around, rubbed the little girl's head, and said with a chuckle, "It's okay, go home."

At the same time, he glanced at Ada, "The kid is young, so courage is not young."

"Hey, it's actually just a moment of excitement." Ada scratched her hair and smiled a little silly.

"It's enough to have this courage. After all, everyone has someone who wants to protect. They are not afraid to beat their opponents, even if they don't even have this courage." Lu Chuan said thoughtfully.

Ada raised her head to look at Lu Chuan a little ignorantly, as if thinking about the meaning of Lu Chuan's words.

However, as he was still young, he couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence for a while.

It's getting into the night.

But Lu Chuan was very embarrassed.

Because he still couldn't find a place to live.

Originally, according to what Little Ada said, the best hotels here only cost ten silver coins to stay for a day, not to mention those places that are of lower quality.

Only after something like that happened just now, even though a group of people applauded when Lu Chuan was in his early days, the news spread very quickly, saying that there was a foreign tourist with extraordinary skill and he had taught Brent.

But when I really wanted to find a place to live, I was repeatedly rejected by the innkeepers.

There is only one reason. They are afraid that after accepting Lu Chuan, Brent will ask for trouble to come home.

After all, Lu Chuan was just a passer-by, and he might have left after playing for a few days, but Brent was always there. At that time, he wanted to make trouble or something, and no one could stop him.

So I kept asking until the evening, but there was still no hotel willing to take them in.

"If it's not that our house is too small, my husband wouldn't hate that he could go to our house to make do for a night, but it's a pity that the place is too small to accommodate two adults..." Ada was also embarrassed, and he looked confidently as a tour guide. As a result, the housing problem has not been solved by the night.

"It's okay. If it doesn't work, let's make do for a night in the open." Lu Chuan didn't pay much attention to it. There were a few makeshift tents in his storage bag.

But at this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"If you two don't dislike it, you might as well go to my place to stay overnight."