League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 4: Ultimately invincible transformation


Lu Chuan had a very strange dream.

In his dream, he was in a dark space where he couldn't see his fingers. Suddenly a small golden bead floated around him. As Lu Chuan reached out and held up the bead, a ray of light covered all the darkness. To disperse. At the same time, the surrounding scenes also appeared.

Lu Chuan suddenly appeared in the air, from a god-like perspective, looking at the world under his feet. It is a rich and beautiful land. Countless people live on this fertile land. They work diligently and earnestly. , The beauty of this land is clean, they are carefree. In my ears, I could hear bursts of laughter after bursts of laughter.

"Where is this..." Lu Chuan murmured, he lowered his head and looked down at his feet, and at this moment, the picture suddenly changed, and a touch of black slowly invaded from the distant horizon, like a picture falling into the ink. The white paper in the tank is constantly dyed with pitch black and deep colors.

The dark colors quickly corroded and invaded the ground at the foot of Lu Chuan. In a blink of an eye, the laughter and laughter in his ear disappeared, leaving only endless despair and crying voices echoing in his ears.

The ground under his feet was corroded and only withered color remained.

At this time, the space Lu Chuan was in seemed to have been pulled vigorously by people, and it stretched sharply, and even Lu Chuan himself, who had been looking at the world under his feet, turned into an extremely small ant.

He looked up and found an unspeakable behemoth that he had never seen before, looking at him as if he had a bird's eye view of the world under his feet. The behemoth exuded heart-palpitating aura fluctuations.

From the moment Lu Chuan saw it, his entire heart was occupied by extreme despair. I can't say why, but he felt a wave of powerlessness, as if he couldn't escape its control anyway, and couldn't escape the space being dominated by it. fact.

This feeling of fear, even the moment Lu Chuan fell off the cliff, the moment he was trampled on by that murderous mercenary, he had never experienced despair like he is now, desperate scalp numb, despair to the point of cold hands and feet. .

At this moment, Lu Chuan's mind suddenly trembled, and the little bead he held in his hand once again shone brightly. Numerous breaths floated from it, and it penetrated into Lu Chuan's body. The fear disappeared in that moment, and he also felt unprecedented strength and courage.

At the same time, familiar cheeks slowly emerged in Lu Chuan's mind. He suddenly stunned, grinned and chuckled, murmured in a low voice, "It turns out... That's it, I see. I will take the strength of all of you to defeat it."

After that, Lu Chuan slowly raised his hand and gently grabbed it in mid-air.

"Crack!!!" The scene in front of him, together with the behemoth, shattered like a broken mirror. After the smoke disappeared, Lu Chuan plunged into darkness again.

At this time, in another space not knowing how far away, a deep voice sounded.

"Prophet, has the vision of the future passed to him?"

"It has been conveyed, but I have seen countless pieces of future fragments on his body... What will the future of Valoran Continent be like, I am afraid I can't predict it."

"It's good to pass it through. God has already selected a candidate for us, so let's leave the rest to our fate."

"Pop!" There was a five-fingerprint on Lu Chuan's face, waking him up from his sleep.

"Who? Who attacked me!" Lu Chuan covered his face and jumped up from the ground. After looking around for a long time, he saw Jana with a pretty face glowing red, and her hand before she could take it back.

"You hit me?" Lu Chuan glared at Jana.

"Oh, it's a good thing not to kill you. I was worried that your fellow is dead. Just a closer look, you just..." Jana was really embarrassed to repeat the scene just now.

Originally, because he drove away the guys and helped himself to unlock the sacred barrier, he stayed by his side while he was in a coma to prevent some monsters in the dense forest from taking him away. of.

As a result, he had been sleeping peacefully, but suddenly he started to move, as if he was doing a nightmare.

Jana couldn't bear it when she saw this. Just when she wanted to step forward to see what was going on with him, who knew that the guy stretched out his hand and grabbed his... chest.

I still muttered the shameless words like "I will take the strength of all of you to defeat it".

Jana was angry when she heard it.

WTF? How many people do you want to touch my mother's chest

So she was also very simple, and slapped Lu Chuan awake.

"What's wrong with me? Could it be that I touched your chest? So angry." Lu Chuan said grimly. Anyone who was slapped while sleeping would be angry.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that Gana's pretty face gradually became gloomy.

Lu Chuan suddenly realized that it was not good. "Did I just touched you when I was in a coma..."

"Shut up!!!" Gana's forehead burst into blue veins.

"Okay, I'll shut up." Lu Chuan repeatedly compromised.

If you really touched her breasts and got slapped, it wouldn’t be a loss. After all, in Lu Chuan’s world, “touching a beautiful big sister’s breasts is only slapped” if such a good thing is spread out, it will definitely happen. There are countless hanging silks waiting in line to be fanned.

Alas, it's tears if you talk too much.

"By the way... That group of guys ran away?" Lu Chuan started talking. He vaguely remembered that he had driven away the group of mercenaries before going into a coma.

After seeing Jana nodded lightly, Lu Chuan said again, "Then what about your holy artifact? Did you get it too? I wanted to get it for you just now, but when I touched it, I was bounced. came back."

While Lu Chuan was talking, Jana pulled out a slender jade-colored staff from behind. The staff was full of extraordinary light and strong wind faintly existed in it.

"Maybe it needs the bloodline successor of the Wind Elf clan to control it. I took it down as soon as I took it, but although I got it, there was no way to use it. There seems to be some seal in it, but it depends on my own strength. There is no way to untie it." Jana Liu frowned slightly. After getting the staff, she also tried to activate some wind abilities, but the strength was not improved. Obviously the ability of the staff has not been developed.

"You can get it. I will think about it later, and I will definitely be able to study it thoroughly. I can play with 3D custom maids when I have nothing to do at home. I can't play with 3D custom maids at first. Later, I fumbled more..." Lu Chuan suddenly found that he had leaked. , Just shut up.

Jana looked at Lu Chuan suspiciously, "3D custom maid? What do you mean?"

"Uh, nothing, nothing." Lu Chuan shook his head quickly.

"But having said that, what you guys hide is really deep enough to be able to fight against six brass five-star warriors with one's own strength. I really missed it." Jana squinted up and down Lu Chuan.

When Jana reminded him of this, Lu Chuan suddenly remembered that before he was in a coma, when he was almost killed by the middle-aged man, a small magical bead saved him. He hurriedly touched his chest and found the next to his clothes. , There was indeed a bead half the size of a palm, because Lu Chuan had been running away since the fall, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and he didn't know when this little bead was on him.

Lu Chuan immediately thought of the illusory and misty dream just now. The bead in the dream was exactly the same as the bead in his arms.

"What the meaning of that dream... and when the beads appeared earlier, the voice that echoed in my mind... resisting the void... the key to change... I don't really understand, I don't understand the routines of your world." Lu Chuan He took out the small bead with a look of doubt and turned it over in his hand, but the small bead is dim and dull, and people will laugh at it if it is the most inferior orb.

"What is this?" Seeing the beads in Lu Chuan's hands, Jana asked curiously. Lu Chuan recovered and hurriedly stuffed the beads into his arms, as if he was afraid that they would be snatched by Jana.

Although I didn't figure it out, there must be some power hidden in the bead, otherwise I would have died earlier. It is better to be cautious.

"Heh, if you want to snatch me away while you are in a coma, do you have to wait until now." Jana snorted disdainfully, looking at Lu Chuan with contempt.

"Well, you are selfless, you are great, and you have got the holy relic. According to the agreement, can I go now?" Lu Chuan shrugged.

Jana put a strand of hair past her ears, glanced at Lu Chuan, and hesitated, "Will you...Would you like to go to Demacia with me? I have something to do there. If they are together, it is considered a caregiver. ."

After Lu Chuan's powerful strength demonstrated just now, for Jana, who is still in pursuit, teaming up with Lu Chuan is the smartest choice.

But our classmate Lu Chuan said.

Grandma has a leg. Just now I wanted to kill Lao Tzu. Now when I see that Lao Tzu is so powerful, she hugs her thighs

Will I agree

Will you agree

"Demacia, go by yourself. I'm just passing by for a trip. Seeing you poorly and saving you by the way, don't thank me, remember my name, Lei Dafeng. Let's meet bye bye bye." Lu Chuan made one. What men like to do, pretend to be forced.

He originally wanted to frustrate this little girl's spirit. When the two were walking together, he had to have an idea. He wanted to let Jana know that it was okay to be a company, but she was the boss, she was just a small follower.

Drinking foot wash... Ah, that's not right, the kind of foot wash.

"Shameless." As a result, Jana didn't mean to please Lu Chuan, but after coldly dropping a word, she turned her head and left. After just a few breaths, she disappeared into this dense forest, speed Lu Chuanbo was dumbfounded by the speed.

"It's so fast, this little girl, it's just a joke, don't you say that girls in this world are not joking?" Lu Chuan touched his cheek helplessly, and looked up at the dark night that had gradually faded. I've stayed in this dense forest for a long time, and it's time to find a way back.

Logically speaking, since he could cross over, there should be a way back. Lu Chuan wanted to return to the lake where he logged in for the first time. Suddenly, a gloomy cold wind blew his face, making Lu Chuan shiver all over his body.

"The temperature difference in the Valoran continent is also too great. It was fine during the day, but it was so cold at night." Lu Chuan folded his hands on his chest, rubbed his shoulders, and when he was about to turn his head, he saw a pair of greens glowing. Light eyes were staring at him.

Immediately afterwards, there were many more pairs of green eyes in the dense forest, as well as bursts of low roars.

Lu Chuan encountered a pack of wolves very unfortunately.

"You...you beasts, do you think I would be afraid of you? I just ran away a group of strong men." Lu Chuan swallowed, took out the small bead from his arms and placed it on his chest, putting a very handsome In his posture, there was a word in his mouth, "The universe is extremely invincible and transforms!! Stupid beasts, you have time to run now, ha ha ha."

After three seconds...

Lu Chuan kept his original posture, and the dim beads in his hand did not respond. A cold wind hit, the hair of the wolves swayed wantonly, and the gloomy light in his eyes grew brighter.

"Gudong..." Lu Chuan swallowed hard, and smiled at the group of wolves in front of him, "Hey... what... The older brothers must have just come for a walk, right? The younger brother just passed by, so let's not disturb the wolves. It's yaxing, haha... hahaha... numb! Help, help! Where are you Jana!"

There was a miserable cry for help from the dense forest.