League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 409: Void Marauder


"Not good!" Alibeka exclaimed, and when she reacted, she found that she was halfway up the mountain.

She looked back abruptly and saw a mantis-like creature whose skin was purple and black, obviously from a void creature.

There are two slender sharp blades like sickles at the end of the guy's arms. It is holding the sickle high at this moment, and slashing towards the god who is refining energy.

When a samurai is practicing, it is the weakest moment of defense. At this time, even a samurai of the lowest strength can easily kill the gods, so this is why they, these giant dragons, surround her when they refine energy. For the sake of my side.

Rebecca clenched her silver teeth, her figure turned into a mass of wind.

At her speed, as long as she rushes past now, there is still time!

Before that giant praying mantis succeeds, kick him away from the god!

"Om!" At this moment, those annoying bugs seemed to be drawn by some kind of power. The surrounding bugs all left the dragons fighting with them and surrounded Elliebeka.

At the same time, a large amount of dark green corrosive liquid was sprayed at her.

If it was sprayed with so many corrosive liquids, even if it was the dragon's recovery method, there would be no way to recover quickly. It would be corroded to death in the highly poisonous, and Ai Libeka had no choice but to avoid it.

But in this way, the best time to save the gods was also lost.

The sickle was already close to the neck of the god.

Just in the next blink of an eye.

The gods will be in different places.

"It's over..." Alibeka's face turned pale.

All the dragons looked at this scene in front of them unbelievably.

Is the last god in Valoran Continent about to fall like this

Without the blessing of the gods, how will Valoran Continent resist the menacing Void army next

"Wow!!" At this moment, a meteorite-like flame meteor in mid-air struck straight towards the giant praying mantis with the speed of low beam.

"Huh!!" The praying mantis jumped away from the gods subconsciously.

This is its nature as a creature to face danger.

And it was this nature that made it miss the best time to slaughter the gods.

But when the flame was about to fall to the ground and smashed into the deep pit, it stopped suddenly and stopped in place. Between the fierce flames burning, a solid figure slowly emerged, "Go away, die. insect."

He shouted to the praying mantis with a hoarse throat.

At the same time, Alibeka got rid of the shackles of the insects, and her figure emerged behind the praying mantis.

"Kazk the Void Predator, it really is you." She said with a cold look, staring at the giant praying mantis in front of her.

"Jiejie, I didn't expect my name to be remembered even after thousands of years." Katzkesen smiled coldly.

"Your sins, Valoran Continent will always remember until you use your corpse to worship the gods who have died." Alibeka stared at Kazik coldly, and then looked behind him, the one who was all over. The guy who burns flames-Augustus the fire dragon.

"Hmph, don't look at me so surprised, the life and death of the gods has nothing to do with me, I just don't like the place where I sleep, being soiled by creatures from other planes." Augustus just snorted.

"Anyway, your willingness to take action really surprised me. How about uniting and killing this outsider first?" Alibeka invited with narrowed eyes.

"You don't need to teach me, this is my place." Augustus spread out his palm, and a thick flame emerged from it.

Even in the center of the flame, a group of magma-like viscous objects constantly turned outwards like a fountain with sparks.

"Hell's flame!!" With a flick of his wrist, the magma fire rushed towards Khazic, and on the path of the leap, even the ground was burned with a deep trace.

"Small bugs, Valoran plane guys, as always, people can't beat their spirits." Kazk smiled sarcastically, and a pair of transparent wings opened behind him.

"Huh!" The next moment, he flew a long distance, the speed was not even inferior to Alibeka.

After all, Alibeka is only the fastest person in the Valoran plane, but after being baptized by the void elements, the creatures on the Void plane are stronger than the Valoran plane.

The creatures on these two planes are not on the same starting line.

But the magma fire did not end like this.

Alibeka stretched out her jade finger and snapped, and a strong wind greeted the magma fire.

"Which!!" Under the control of Alibeka, the magma fire was once again given a direction, and once again rushed towards Khazir.

Perhaps Augustus's speed is not fast enough, but Alibeka's speed is on par with Kazk.

This time, even Kazk felt the pressure, the transparent wings behind him spread out, jumping and dodge constantly, and the magma fire had been chasing him closely behind him.

Finally, Kazik became impatient with his escape, he turned his body over, his arms shook suddenly.

Countless sharp spikes fell off his outer shell and headed towards the magma fire.

At this moment, the dragons that had been entangled with the insects for a long time rushed over one after another.

"The power of shadow!!"

"Baptism of Light!"

"The prison of imprisonment!"

With a low voice after another.

The original fiery magma fire became colorful at this moment, mixed with more other elements, and turned into a super terrifying energy group.

With a panicked look on Kazk's face, he washed the spikes that came back, and then washed them away like a windstorm, and slammed Kazk's body fiercely.


A huge sound exploded, followed by a mushroom cloud formed by the majestic energy impact and slowly floating above the sky.

"Huh... Huh..." All the dragons stared at the smoke out of breath, facing the predator Kazik who stepped into the Valoran plane from the void, they directly used their strongest power.

After all, this guy at the moment killed countless gods of the Protoss.

"Solution... Is it resolved?" Senenia gasped with sorrow.

"It feels hit." Fire Dragon said slowly with a gloomy face.

Although the magma fire did hit Khazk, he had a hunch.

Kazk would not die so easily.

Even if it is the power of their many dragons.

"Is the god okay?" Alibeka glanced to the side and found that the place where the god was sitting cross-legged was now covered by a thick layer of bedrock.

Along with the tremor of the bedrock, a figure slowly emerged.

"She is fine, she is rapidly absorbing energy." The Earth Dragon cancelled the bedrock shield.

"She's fine, this little girl is the hope of all of us..." Alibeka let out a sigh of relief.

Even if Khazk is solved, they still can't neglect, the energy fluctuations of the refining of the gods at this time will naturally make more void powerhouses feel.

It was so difficult for a Khazik and the others to deal with, let alone other void creatures.

At this moment, a scream came from Ellie Becca's ear.

She turned her head away, but found that a cloud of blood burst out of the dragon of light Senenia's chest, and her eyes instantly became hollow. After flying upside down for tens of meters, she rolled on the ground unconsciously.

In the place where Senenia flew upside down, Kazk's figure once again appeared in the sight of the dragons.

Only this time, his outer shell has been removed and replaced by dark red skin.

"Kacha, khacha." Kazk twisted his neck, the purple-black shell on his body was peeling off constantly, he stared at the dragons in front of him with a grim look and smiled grimly.

"Jie Jie, I really underestimated you, I was able to play my final form."

Alibeka's face turned pale, her delicate body trembling.

Their many demi-god dragons, all the power they gathered, actually only shot this guy in front of them into the final form

Elibecca finally felt fear, it was a shapeless taste called fear.

[Tomorrow on the 1st, as usual, one to two days off, there are about a few chapters in the book, and the new book is being prepared. 】