League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 60: Haven't given up yet!


Even Jana, who is most familiar with Lu Chuan, had never seen him use that middle-grade brass shield. At this time, her ruddy little mouth opened slightly, seemingly surprised.

On stage.

Because Tu was interrupted by his thoughts, his movements were a bit stagnant, and Lu Chuan took the opportunity to urge his sword intent, and a hot breath floated to the hilt. As he became more familiar with the Lihuo Sword, he was now able to release the Lihuo Sword without condensing.

Of course, the instantaneous Lihuo Sword is naturally not as powerful as the power that condenses to the most perfect state, but in this arena, Tu obviously will not give Lu Chuan time to condense the Lihuo Sword to the perfect state.

Forcibly suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Tu raised his head and stared at Lu Chuan sternly, "Even if you have a lot of things at the bottom of the box, but the difference in strength lies here, you still can't avoid the end of the corpse!"

When the voice fell, the axe rose.

Tu's soles slammed on the ground, and his figure rushed toward Lu Chuan again, and the axe in his hand was stained with blood red light.

After all, it is a samurai who is about to step into the silver rank, and his physical strength is much better than that of an ordinary samurai. The blood blade that seemed to consume a lot of strength was condensed by him just now.

And this time... he condensed more than one blood blade.

First, a line broke through the air, attacked Luchuan with a blood-red tail, followed by an axe volleyed down, and another blood blade burst from the tip of the axe.




There were four or five bloody blades in succession, parting ways, but one after another quickly passed one, rushing towards Luchuan rushing forward.

With a blood blade, Lu Chuan can use the Dolan Shield with the attached skills to shake the blood blade apart.

But what about the five blood blades

Each of them contains enough energy to tear a three-star brass samurai into pieces. How can he resist these five blood blades

The audience in the audience held their breath and looked at the blood blades that were almost impervious to each other on the stage. The violent fluctuations contained in it had reached an extremely dangerous level.

While the audience sweated for Lu Chuan in their hearts, they also faintly expected that this guy who always surprises them... will he choose to surrender or bring surprises again.

Looking at the five blood blades that rushed in, Lu Chuan frowned. He clearly felt that the fluctuations contained in the five blood blades were probably not comparable to Lihuo Sword.

It’s not that the rank of Lihuo Sword is low, it’s just that this is a battle that crosses four levels after all. If Lu Chuan is also a brass warrior at this time, then the Lihuo Sword that is released at will can easily take that one. Dao's blood blade was shaken away, and he could still bite towards Tu Jian.

Although the blood blade is strong, it is only a low-level medium-level or even a low-level low-level skill.

But if there is no if, Lu Chuan's strength is only brass 4 stars. He grasped the Lihuo Sword that had been slowly condensed, and there was a sense of choice in his eyes.

"Although... I haven't used that trick in actual combat, but at the moment, it seems that there is no better way to defend against the enemy..." Lu Chuan groaned secretly, his arm shook suddenly, it was already half of the concentration. The powerful Lihuo Sword, turned into a few tiny little tongues of flame, was shaken away like this.

"What's the matter?" The audience who had been following Lu Chuan's actions in the audience were all astonished when they saw this.

"I don't know, it looks like... I gave up?" At this time, Lu Chuan's arm holding the sword was already drooping, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the ground, and his head was lowered. It seemed that he had given up the game. .

"Yes, too, it's not easy to get to this point. Tu's five-strength attack, I am afraid that even if Hister takes it hard, it will be very difficult..." An audience argued for Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan The performance along the way has made everyone look down on him from the very beginning, and slowly changed into speaking for him now.

In the face of opponents whose strengths are very different, they can't be beaten without shame.

"Wait... he hasn't given up... There is another kind of strange wave on his sword..." The sharp-eyed audience found that on the tip of Lu Chuan's sword, a faint ocher climbed silently onto the hilt. .

"What's this trick?!" The audience suddenly became excited.

It's not over yet, this guy who has always surprised them hasn't given up yet, he's still struggling, even if his opponent is a warrior at the brass doorstep.

Looking at the five bloody blades approaching in his pupils, Lu Chuan’s sword hilt was completely covered by a layer of earthy color at this time, and it looked like a sword squeezed out of mud from a distance. It’s sharp, and it doesn’t have the original aggressiveness.

Compared with the dazzling flame, the sword shape this time is not unsightly. But from that sword, Hao Yu's majestic aura continued to spread, and a calm and mountainous coercion pressed down from the hilt of the sword toward the four directions.

"Wei...Coercion?!" Even Jarvan under the stage stared at the stage in astonishment. After the earth-colored sword hilt in Lu Chuan's hand was condensed and formed, a heavy coercion fell, as if his heart was all over. Suppressed a big mountain.

Isn't it only the samurai who stepped into the silver step or the brass door that can exude coercion

Why can Lu Chuan only have 4 brass stars, but he can do it

How did he do it



Many emotions were washed away in Jarvan’s heart. From the first time he met Lu Chuan, his evaluation of Lu Chuan was only a brass 4 stars, a good-talented warrior, and without an exclusive knight willing to play for the prince. , And forced by the approach of the Wuhui, Jarvan tentatively invited Lu Chuan to be his exclusive knight.

As for Lu Chuan's expectation, originally he only hoped that he could make it into the quarterfinals, at least not at the bottom, so that he would not be used as a saying among the people.

But Lu Chuan stood on the martial stage of the finals, and he still had the power to fight back when facing the attack of the brass warrior.


Maybe you can really win...

Somehow, this absurd idea suddenly appeared in Jarvan's mind.

Can you win if you exceed the fourth level, and you are one level short of it

However, not only Jarvan but also the audiences off the field had that kind of absurd idea.

He can win this battle!

As the pressure released by the Duolan sword in Lu Chuan's hand became more and more intense, the shouts from the audience erupted like a tide at this moment, and the momentum was shocking and thunderous.

At the moment when the crowds cheered, Lu Chuan thrust the Dolan sword in his hand into the ground forcefully. As the tip of the sword pierced, the entire ground seemed to tremble. On the piece of land under Lu Chuan’s feet, Small cracks appeared quietly, and more and more cracks spread quickly. In an instant, the ground at Lu Chuan's feet was already torn apart.

Looking at the five blood blades that had rushed to the front, mixed with extremely dangerous energy, Lu Chuan's right palm slowly sank down, and when he held the hilt of Dulan's sword, a majestic force poured into him madly. In his right arm, his face also turned red, perhaps because that power was too overbearing. Lu Chuan's forehead blue veins violently, gritted his teeth, as if trying to merge with that violent force.

Just when the five blood blades were about to tear Lu Chuan's body, he let out a sigh of foul breath and lifted the Duolan sword that had pierced into the ground, with a deep voice in his mouth.

"Five Elements Sword Intent·Cracking Sword!"

A sword came out, and the ground broke into the mountain.

[Second more sent! There will be three more waiting! There must be five shifts today! God! Please give me your strength! Make my fingers twitch like crazy! ! ! (There seems to be nothing wrong, Yao Ming's face)]

[Thanks to my friend'卍? Young's? 卐','how the great god is made','' (His ID is blank...),'Dream that never passes away','Sword Demon's Heartfall','The World is Never Satisfied','→Mian フ Memory ←''s tips

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ】