League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 70: pudding


Jana sat sulking in her room.

She didn't know why she was so angry. Although it was not easy to show it in front of Lu Chuan, she felt more angry after returning to the room.

This kind of anger didn't mean that Lu Chuan was really angry, but there was a resentment that a little woman did not succeed in acting like a baby. This state shocked Jana herself.

What's wrong with me, how can I have such a strange idea.

Originally, she didn't have much relationship with Lu Chuan. If you divide it layer by layer, Jana finds that she and Lu Chuan are only teammates...

Although the guy looked at her body completely when they first met, Jana couldn't always say cheeky,'You have to like me when you look at my body'.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan really didn’t overstep him after the first meeting. Even if he occasionally stares at his chest, but when the situation is tightly covered by himself, anyone can appreciate the shape from the outside. Naturally it is not too much.

Lowering her head, her slender fingers pulled a cluster of beige hair that was already waist-length and gently wound it, Jana was still thinking.

Since when did this guy first come into his heart

Is this the concept of love mentioned in the clan before

But the love within the clan seems to be built on the basis of intermarriage, and there are even small babies.

"I heard... that a little baby needs that... that... only later..." Jana suddenly came up with a thought that made her blushing, and shook her head hurriedly, flushing her face to throw away the thoughts.

Impossible impossible!

How could you do that kind of shameful thing with that glib guy, don't kill him!

Maybe Jana didn't know it, her current state is like a little woman in a crush, eager to get the other's approval, but she is ashamed to talk about it, except for the jokes of the war between heaven and man in her heart, he is good, he is not good , He is good, he is not good, Jana has no other way.

After all, for a wind spirit like Jana who has been born and raised in nature, she is a bit too simple, even under an indifferent appearance, her transparent, crystal-clear heart cannot be hidden.

When Lu Chuan had been in contact with her for a long time and coaxed her to become a maid, Lu Chuan discovered this early. This little girl is not an ordinary cheat.

"Forget it, I get a headache when I think about it. Let's ask Ari another day. She seems to know men well." Jana sighed slightly and glanced out the window casually.

Jana's face was uttered as soon as she glanced out the window.

She saw Lu Chuan's figure flashing away from the entrance of her small courtyard, with an extremely angry expression on her face, and her speed was urged to the extreme. A blue shadow was brought out behind her, which was just a breath away. The gate of the courtyard disappeared.

"Lu Chuan? Why is he so irritable? Where is he going?" Jana thought slightly, and suddenly thought, walking in Lu Chuan's direction, as if thinking of the gate of the palace.

Out of the palace

Where is he going

Jana vaguely remembered that Lu Chuan said when he was lying in bed two days ago to recuperate, that he might have to live in the palace during this time, because that little bead had discovered several divine envoys and needed to cultivate mutual understanding.

It was still the unconvincing excuse of the envoy, but Jana didn't bother to think about it, and simply believed it.

But since he said he wanted to stay in the palace, why did he want to go out in a hurry at this time, and he still didn't notify his party.

Faintly, with a hint of female intuition, Jana felt something was not quite right. Lu Chuan didn't look good when he rushed over. Something must have happened.

Thinking of this, Jana finally couldn't help her temper anymore, ran out of the small courtyard, raised her jade hand, and wrapped her up with a light breeze, her feet floated in the air slightly off the ground, "Wind!"

"Om!" The voice fell, and Jana's figure flew a few meters forward. She followed Lu Chuan closely and followed him out of the palace.

The small dense forest Lu Chuan described in the soldier's mouth did not know the specific location. Lu Chuan went straight to the Broglang mansion.

With the dual blessings of sprinting and wind, Lu Chuan's speed reached an astonishing level. In just a few minutes, it took more than half an hour for the carriage to travel.

When his figure stopped abruptly at the door of Brogland's mansion, the excessive speed acted on the inertia, and the corners of his clothes and the ends of his hair were blown forward.

This time Lu Chuan did not call the door, but jumped directly into the courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he seemed to be able to hear the intermittent cry of a little girl.

Lu Chuan opened the door and followed the sound of crying. In a small room, he saw a little girl lying on the bed.

That girl was the little maid serving Brogland’s diet and daily life. She was lying on the bed with a pale face. She seemed to be wrapped in gauze in many layers. It seemed that the injury was not light, but she was still sane. Clear, at least not passing out of a coma.

The little maid who was weeping softly saw a black shadow suddenly coming out of the door, and she shuddered in terror, thinking it was the black shadow she had encountered in the dense forest before, and then killed her when she saw that she was not dead.

She sat up from the bed in a dying struggle, picked up a small vase in front of the bedside table and pointed to Lu Chuan, and said with white lips, "You... don't come here... come one more step and I will show you!"

"Don't be afraid, it's me." Lu Chuan stepped back a bit, and when the little maid calmed down and realized that it was Lu Chuan, her strength seemed to be drained instantly, she fell on the bed weakly, and returned to her original sobbing appearance. , His eyes were red and swollen and said, "Master Brogeland... he... he's dead... oooooo..."

With her heartbroken look, Lu Chuan couldn't bear it.

It’s nothing more than Pudding being so sad. Pudding was originally a small wanderer in Demacia. She didn’t know who her parents were since she was a child. She has been walking through the alleys of Demacia since she remembered. To make a living looking for leftovers in the trash can, thanks to Brogrand, after an accidental encounter, he saw the pudding pitifully and brought back the little pudding, who was only a few years old at the time, for adoption. Treated almost like his own daughter.

Only after a little bit of age, Pudding became sensible and understood that his life was given by Brogland, so he began to do housework for him as much as he could, and when Brogland was busy forging weapons, he would help him. Share some trivial things.

The name Pudding was also given to her by Brogland. It does not have the atmosphere of a noble family, but it has the cuteness of Xiaojiabiyu.

In Pudding's heart, Brogrand is the existence of both the master and the father. Now Brogrand is dead, dying in front of her. Tell her how not to be sad.

After sobbing for a while, Pudding seemed to have thought of something, and struggled to sit up from the bed again.

"Don't move, you should have a serious injury? I learned from the soldier who sent the letter that you have suffered a serious injury." As Lu Chuan spoke, Pudding had lifted the quilt and got up. She was completely naked. Wearing any clothes, but being entangled in layers of white bandages, it seems that her whole body is seriously injured. After being rescued by someone, she was bandaged to become what she now looks like.

"You should be in the nursing home, why did you run back?" Lu Chuan frowned slightly.

"Do you know... Master he died... My life was given by the master... I will never see him again..." Pudding bit his lip, barefoot and struggling to walk towards Luchuan step by step. , Perhaps because of the injury, she shivered every step she took, showing signs of falling at any time.

"It was the master who raised me... But I let the master die in front of me... He was pierced with a sword in his heart... At that time I was so scared that I couldn't muster the courage to push that guy away... I was hiding behind the carriage, and I saw the master being killed... I could feel the last look of the master before he died, he looked at me... He wanted me to run quickly... The master wanted me to be able to Stay alive... But I am afraid to stand up..." Pudding's voice was trembling.

"It's not your fault. Even if you stood up at the time, you wouldn't be able to save your master." Lu Chuan sighed softly. The anger in his heart was temporarily suppressed by him. He didn't have any reason to treat the little boy in front of him. Ya got angry.

"Yeah, I'm too weak, I can't do anything... but you must be very good, sir. If you can get a medium-grade silver weapon, you must be very good, sir, can you help me... even if it is I'm willing to do anything you ask me to do. Can you help me, kill that guy... Kill him... Kill him..." Pudding's face suddenly showed a morbid flush, and her speech became faster and faster. Hurry, she walked to Lu Chuan's side, pulled Lu Chuan's sleeve, and knelt down weakly, with tears on her face.

Lu Chuan moved his lips, trying to say something, but after all, he could only sigh.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Pudding's head, and at the same time mocked his own ugly selfishness in his heart.

Brogrand was killed because of the holy object, but Lu Chuan rushed over in such a hurry only because he wanted to find the pudding to find out where the holy object was and where the person who snatched the holy object ran away.

But Pudding, the underage girl in front of her, blamed herself because she didn't have the courage to stand in front of Brogland. What she begs for now is only to seek justice for the dead master.

Compared with her pure heart, her own heart, which was polluted by the world, was dirty and unsightly.

"I will retaliate for you. Before that, I hope you can calm down and provide me with some clues." Lu Chuan paused and said in a deep voice.

Pudding seemed to see hope, she hurriedly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, stood up from the ground, and said excitedly, "My lord, thank you for being able to help me... Thank you..."

"No, no, I'm also helping myself." Lu Chuan immediately said again, "Did you see where the dark shadow went?"

"The man fled in the direction of the Demacia Mountains."

"Demacia Mountains? Why are you so sure?" Lu Chuan was slightly surprised.

"Because several exits of the dense forest are connected to the main road of Demacia, and the remaining exit is leading to the Demacia Mountains. When the master fought with him, he was also injured. Moreover, if something happens to the master, the news will be spread out as soon as possible. The master will have a good relationship with the royal family. If something happens, the royal family will send people to search the city. Since that person dare not to assassinate the master in an open manner, he chooses to be in the dense forest with few people and secluded. Doing it shows that he still has some scruples, plus he has injuries on his body. Therefore, for safety's sake, he is very likely to flee to the Demacia Mountains and wait until he escapes the limelight before coming out."

Pudding's analysis surprised Lu Chuan slightly. He didn't expect this underage girl to be extremely careful.

"The Demacia Mountains... That's not a good place either. If he really flees there, the chances of bumping into him are very high." Lu Chuan had taken Gana and his party to Dema before. The Gangfeng Ridge in the West Asia Mountains, and the Demacia Mountains are four major ridges and one main peak in a surrounding type.

If that guy really flees to the mountains, then in order to avoid the wind and his own injury, naturally there will be no way to get out for a while. At this time, if he chases him, the possibility of chasing him is extremely high.

After making up his mind, Lu Chuan told Pudding to take good care of him at home. When he was about to go out, there was a loud noise like a hammer hitting the door.

"Boom!" After that, the door was smashed from the outside. Small blue skin dwarfs with the same height as Timo broke into the door, throwing a huge hammer that was a few points longer than their own height. He carried on his shoulders and exuded an aura of impetuosity. He glanced at Lu Chuan who was standing by the door, and asked in an unkind tone.

"Where is my father?"

Pudding heard the movement outside the door and hurriedly walked out of the room. When he saw the little blue-skinned man, he shouted in surprise, "Miss? Why are you back..."

[Such an obvious hero, I believe everyone knows, but who is it? 】

[This chapter is a 4,000-word chapter, but this does not affect the fourth change of the end. It can be regarded as a remedy for some minor changes of the previous two days. The first update is sent, and there are three more today. 】