League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 78: Forever!


Lu Chuan only felt that the entire self-contained space was shaking, presumably Jana didn't understand the situation and slapped the small beads with his hands.

Lu Chuan hurried back to the teleportation formation, and after a blue light flashed, his soul flew back into his body.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chuan opened his eyes and saw an anxious Jana.

Jana didn't speak, but just stretched out her finger to point to the top of her head. Lu Chuan looked up and found that the magma pool that was originally blocked by the enchantment was pouring down a large amount of magma at this time. They were in the depths of the cave. There are a few rocks covering the top of the head, and the magma has not yet flowed in.

But when he glanced outwards, the tunnel seemed to be flooded, filled with magma, and the scorching high temperature approached the cave.

"Jana, Wind Shield!" Lu Chuan hurriedly let out a low voice, Jana supported the Wind Shield with her jade hand, but just as soon as the Wind Shield was pulled out, it turned into a gust of wind and shook away.

"No... The space is too small to hold up." The formation of Jana's wind also requires external forces, such as wind currents flowing in the air.

But there is no access at the bottom of the cave. Above the head is extremely dense magma. Now the magma is leaning down, driving them to the deepest part of the cave, and the range of movement is too small.

If the space is too small, the flow of air will be reduced. Jana’s wind can only support a thin shield, but the magma pool is a high temperature of one to two thousand degrees. I am afraid that a thin layer of wind shield Even the heat wave caused by magma can't resist.

Feeling the higher and higher temperature around her body, Jana's whole body has been wet with fragrant sweat, sweat is like rain, the white skirt is sticking to her delicate body, Miaoman's ketone body is looming, and she can even vaguely see the front of her chest. Charming stalwart.

"How could this happen? The barrier was fine just now..." Lu Chuan's heart suddenly sank.

Could it be caused by the broken stone I picked up just now

That broken stone is the source of the barrier

Recalling the horrible fire radiating when the stone was placed on the jade pillar in the self-contained space, Lu Chuan faintly guessed what it was.

"Damn, I got pitted again." Just when Lu Chuan wanted to get into the small bead and take the stone out and put it back, suddenly an invisible barrier floated outside the small bead, blocking Lu Chuan's soul from penetrating in.

"This..." Lu Chuan's expression finally changed.

"Om!" The thick, hot magma finally roared towards the face at this time, and a heat wave hit Lu Chuan and Jana's bodies.

"Zizizi." You can only see puffs of white smoke rising up, and the white skirt that floats on the magma for only a breath before being melted away.

The Royal Palace of Demacia.

The palace at this time should look exceptionally gloomy and solemn, and a vague premonition emanating from it. As if some catastrophe is about to be washed over.

Jarvan was kneeling on one knee in the center of the palace, Harriman sat on the throne a little haggard, stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed his forehead.

"Just learned the news from the spy. The Norman family has gathered 5000 soldiers in captivity to their palace. The back garden of the Willie family is even more vast, with at least ten thousand soldiers, and as for us Some aristocratic families who were still close together went back to their homes and closed their doors. This reshuffle was faster than I had imagined. Finally, I can’t help it anymore.” Harriman frowned. , With deep concern in his tone.

This is the summoning of the soldiers under the eyes of the royal family, and the soldiers approach the city, staring at them. As for their purpose, I am afraid that as long as they are not fools, they can see it.

"How many of the guards in the palace can be mobilized immediately?" Harriman asked in a deep voice at this time.

"Back to Father, about... 5000 people." Jarvan hesitated, gritted his teeth.

"5000 people... It's too shabby." Harriman smiled a little self-deprecatingly. Now when it comes to the time when it is time to use soldiers, is there only 5,000 people who can use the Demacia Empire

Jarvan lowered his head, silent.

Generally speaking, for an empire, military power is not in the hands of the king, but scattered in the hands of the generals.

After all, as far as the soldiers below are concerned, it is the general who trains them, and it is the general who accompanies them to fight with them. So they only recognize their admiral, but the king has direct command over the admiral.

Except for the most mysterious Fearless Legion.

The advantage of decentralizing military power is that once any army general wants to rebel, then the king has other forces at his disposal.

It's just the current situation... The generals with a little brain all took their own legions and went to the nobles and consortia. Among the mighty palaces, there are now only 5,000 troops that can be used to save the field.

"If it's just soldiers, it shouldn't be a cause for concern. What I am worried about is the masters lurking behind them, tens of thousands of soldiers. It only takes more than ten silver-ranked warriors to suppress them. After all, the soldiers are scattered sand. No. Killing a hundred will be honest." Jarvan said solemnly at this time.

"I also understand this truth, but what kind of power is it that insists on embarrassing us Demacia, is it going to destroy our German empire?" Harriman said weakly.

Jarvan took a deep look at Harriman, who had lost his intent to fight. He understood that his father was really old, and that he was not old enough to resist the banner of this country.

"Father, I try to negotiate with several big families to see if I can persuade them to withdraw their troops."

"Withdraw troops? It's not easy." Harriman shook his head.

"If it doesn't work, you can only reward the prince by the fief. If you are willing to withdraw your troops, you will reward the Grand Duke." Jarvan gritted his teeth, and Harriman was shocked.

The Grand Duke, that is, the Grand Duke, is the highest rank in the entire empire after the bloodline of the royal family. It is one level higher than the Duke. For a general Grand Duke, each one can obtain a large territory (Demacia). As a city empire in this book, the area is similar to a city), there are more than dozens of manors, and it can lead 5000 soldiers and 100 knights by itself.

This is a force that cannot be underestimated.

Regarding the rewards and awards of the grand dukes, the imperial royal family will have clear regulations. It is difficult for an empire to have more than five grand dukes, because they are worried that the number of grand dukes will affect the real-government of the royal power.

But this is the end of the matter, the royal family is in danger, and there is not much real power to speak of, so he has to grit his teeth and make such a decision cruelly.

"Oh, well, leave the matter to you, I'll take a rest." Harriman waved his hand absently, got up and walked towards the side door, with a sullen look from his back.

The less power of the royal family is now, for him, I am afraid that the decline will only happen sooner or later, and he Harriman, Demacia III, has been unable to restore this situation.

Watching Harriman's departure, Jarvan got up from the ground, clenched his fists, a sharp sharp flash in his eyes, and he snorted coldly.

"You won't compromise so easily, Demacia, it will last forever!"

[2 Delivered earlier. 】

[Thanks to my friends, for the rewards of'Qingcheng, Phantom','Sword Demon Heart Falling', and'Help 2'

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ】