Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 101: Back to the first world 13 ┃ Zhuang Li If you have muscles, you should show them


In order to curb China's 5G technology development, the United States is still using the old trick this time, that is, stick and carrot, give you a stick first, make you dizzy, and then give you a little benefit in exchange for their huge benefit.

They want to use the chip export ban to claim Zhuang Li's 5G chip technology.

Once Hua Guo showed signs of resignation, they would send a delegation to negotiate, get the technology, and then turn against Zhuang Li.

If Zhuang Li is not willing to be loyal to the United States, then they will completely destroy this person.

Fixed-point sniping is also a specialty of the Americans.

However, their follow-up plans were completely disrupted by the good news that suddenly broke out in China.

The Chinese people actually created a 1-nanometer chip in a test tube, and also successfully developed the chip and circuit of a quantum computer. With these two important components, quantum computers with computing power hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary computers will soon become a reality.

The Americans panicked. In order to regain their face, they announced to the world the next day that they had begun to build a 6G network that was more advanced than 5G, and had achieved remarkable results. Mars will send tens of thousands of satellites into space one after another to help the United States build a 6G network that integrates space, space and ground.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world applauded the United States.

[The United States will be great again], this arrogant slogan spread wildly on the Internet.

The Chinese, who had just been happy for a while, fell into depression again. They realized with dismay that even if China made some progress, it would still be impossible to surpass the United States in a short period of time.

However, on the same night, the Chinese government also announced to the world that our country's 6G network has been rolled out simultaneously with the 5G network, and the United States' Gypsophila project is just a large-scale political show.

At the same time, the Huaguo government also released a video in which Zhuang Li held a walkie-talkie and ordered a rocket to send Huaguo's three quantum satellites into space. His title is the chief engineer of the Huaguo Space Administration.

It is said that through only three quantum satellites, Huaguo's network signal can cover the whole world, and with the quantum signal transceivers that have been quietly deployed on the surface, Huaguo's communication will completely enter the quantum field.

What is the concept of quantum communication

In Einstein's words, it's a ghostly action at a distance.

If two arrows establish quantum coherence, one of the arrows rotates downward, and the other must rotate upward under the action of quantum effects. If the upward-spinning arrow was sent to the other side of the universe and changed its direction of rotation, the arrow still on Earth would immediately sense the change and make the opposite rotation at the same moment.

This theory is called quantum entanglement.

The two quanta that have established coherence can transfer information to each other much faster than the speed of light, which surprised Einstein so much that it was difficult for him to accept the theory of quantum mechanics.

The quantum signal transceiver developed by Huaguo is a communication instrument based on quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and other theories, and it also has this ghostly action at a distance.

When the communication era faster than the speed of light arrives, the traditional network of information transmission by network cable, optical fiber and WIFI will be completely abandoned.

Obviously, China is once again ahead of the world.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the world, and the President of the United States sent dozens of tweets in a row, roaring in exasperation: [This is fake news, fake news! No one understands technology better than me, and Chinese people will never be able to develop a 6G network!]

The U.S. military person even smiled and said to the reporter: "Well, in order to verify whether the Chinese are lying, we will help them test their 6G network."

The meaning of this is obvious. When necessary, the United States will use jamming devices to paralyze China's satellite system and land network to see if the Chinese can still live normally.

Americans do such despicable things a lot. When a major earthquake occurred in China that was once in a century, the Americans turned off the GPS in the earthquake area, hindering the government's rescue of the victims.

Americans preach peace, human rights, and fraternity all over the world, but in fact they do what robbers would do. Their human rights can be summed up in one sentence - the world is up to me.

The Chinese people were furious, and they poured into the Internet to scold the Americans, but many accounts were blocked by social software in the United States. The so-called freedom of speech is just a poison packaged by the Americans.

That night, Zhuang Li posted this sentence on his Weibo: [Okay, please arrange it as soon as possible, after all, our own tests also cost money #sarcasmface#]

Huaguo netizens were stunned, leaving a screen full of question marks: [Is our Master Zhuang so rigid, dare to choke directly with the President of the United States? I don't know why, but seeing the mocking little yellow face he added after this sentence, I'm not worried at all.]

[I'm still a little worried! Once the satellite system and surface network are paralyzed on a large scale, our country will enter the most vulnerable state!]

[I don't know if our country's 6G network is real, I'm panicking now.]

Hua Guo had been weak for too long, and had been silent for too long, and suddenly became hard-hearted, and many people were not used to it.

The President of the United States paid close attention to Zhuang Li's actions. As soon as he saw his provocation, he immediately replied on his social account: [OK, go ahead!]

So there is no then.

The Chinese people waited in fear for one day, two days, three days, four days... However, the social order was as usual.

Waiting for them to get used to it and forget it.

Seven days later, Zhuang Li suddenly posted a Weibo, directly CUE the President of the United States: [Hello, Mr. Tetopo, it seems that your test has ended? Now it's our turn to help you test 6G networks.]

Today's Zhuang Li is a superstar on the Internet. With his handsome appearance, romantic temperament, arrogant personality, and excellent ability, he has attracted a large number of die-hard fans. In China, no one does not know him; in the world, he also has a very high reputation.

In less than a minute, this Weibo of his was sent to the top of the hot search by hundreds of millions of fans, and then various official Weibo registered by the state began to madly forward and promote it.

Even foreign media sent the Weibo headline in bright red letters.

Only at this time did Hua Guo realize that in the past seven days, the Americans had launched an attack on China's 6G network.

[Hey Hey hey? is this real? I don't feel anything at all!]

[My internet speed is so fast!]

[My navigation system is more accurate than before!]

[Hua Guo: Can we start? United States: No, it's over, painless interference, you deserve it!]

[Hahahahaha! Brother upstairs, you are so talented, I will send you up!]

[Booming in a trance, Lao Tzu laughed until his head fell off!]

Huaguo Network set off a wave of carnival, everyone was ridiculing the arrogance and ignorance of the Americans, and then a bigger surprise came. The American satellite system and ground network were two minutes after Zhuang Li posted this Weibo. Paralyzed, the entire social order became chaotic.

It is clear that the Huaguo test has begun, and it has been fruitful.

News media around the world immediately reported heavily on the disaster, describing Zhuang Li as "terrible intellect and vengeful."

There is no doubt that Zhuang Li is a hawk who does not believe in the so-called modest, restrained and silent style of the older generation of Chinese people. If he has revenge, he will report it on the spot, and he will never delay a minute or a second.

The President of the United States was so angry that he subconsciously took out his mobile phone and tweeted, only to find that the Internet was not available at all, there was no navigation system, and he did not dare to go out at all, so he could only hide in the White House.

After finally repairing the network, he immediately announced to the world: [Hua's provocation heralds war! America will have to fight back!]

This is the logic of the Americans. He can hit you with a big stick, but instead of standing up and being beaten honestly, you are beaten back. This is your fault.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on these two superpowers, and the spark of the war seems to have been ignited.

Some Chinese people expressed indignation that they would go to the battlefield to help the country defend against foreign enemies, and some people called on everyone to be calm and restrained. War is not good for anyone.

An atmosphere of panic spread in every corner of China.

However, a day later, the Chinese government released a video that shocked the world.

Three drones sprayed with the American flag flew over the border and invaded China's airspace. Sometimes they swooped down, sometimes raised their heads, and sometimes made a sharp turn, as if to show off their superior performance.

The video was shot by a surveillance satellite in the airspace of China. The angle is from top to bottom. It is very wide and the pixels are extremely clear.

After flying some distance, one of the U.S. fighter jets sideways fuselage, revealing the missile launcher under the wing, seemingly ready to attack.

At this moment, a red beam of light suddenly shot from the sky, piercing the plane, causing it to fall suddenly with black smoke. The other two drones immediately turned their direction and ran back, but were penetrated by two consecutive beams of light and exploded into two fireworks in the sky.

At the end of the video, the Chinese government immediately announced to the world that the three quantum communication satellites that were previously sent to outer space by a rocket actually have the ability to fight back. They are all equipped with laser emission devices, which can achieve precise strikes while transmitting signals.

How accurate is this

The United States is 0.2 meters, the E country is 1.2 meters, and the Chinese country is millimeters, which is a full order of magnitude.

That is to say, if a bug from the United States flies into China's airspace, if necessary, the three quantum satellites can also use lasers to remove it.

This kind of damage rate that is not bad is terrible!

In fact, the United States began to develop space-based laser weapons as early as the last century. The specific plan is to launch more than 20 satellites to form a laser network that can precisely hit any corner of the earth's surface.

This plan has always been the focus of the US military deployment, and it has lasted for many years, so they can also manufacture laser satellites, but they have not reached the level of China.

Huaguo's three laser quantum satellites were loaded into space simultaneously by one rocket. From this, it can be inferred that the weight and volume of the three satellites are very small.

However, the US laser satellites are huge and overweight, and there is currently no way to send them into space by rockets.

The three satellites of China can continuously emit laser beams, which shows that they have a stable energy supply, while the laser satellites of the United States will fall into the dilemma of no energy available after several launches.

No matter how superior the performance of the battery is, it cannot withstand the consumption of a single laser beam. Solar panels can indeed charge satellites, but there are only a few of them, just enough to keep the satellites going, not enough to create a destructive laser beam.

It is impossible for the Americans to send astronauts into space to recharge these satellites or add chemical agents every once in a while.

How to obtain a steady stream of energy supply in distant space and then create a steady stream of laser beams is a major difficulty.

Without breaking through this technical difficulty, the laser satellites built by the Americans at a cost of tens of billions of dollars will turn into a pile of broken copper and iron after several launches after being sent into space. That's not the effect they want.

But what they couldn't do, the Chinese did it!

The Chinese have reduced the size and weight of the laser launcher and enabled it to continue to attack in space. They have invented a device that can charge steadily in the universe!

I do not know since when, the technology of the Chinese people has surpassed the United States and is at the forefront of the world!

The video silenced the entire planet.

Even the always twittering president of the United States has stopped tweeting. He gradually realized that when China has more advanced weapons than the United States, there is no need to fight this war.

War is just a tool for the United States to absorb its interests. When the means of force are useless, they can only choose to retreat.

So the fuse that was ignited by the Americans was trampled out by themselves.

The U.S. president quickly deleted the tweet announcing the start of the war, and the U.S. military had to admit to reporters that now is not a good time to go to war with China.

The Americans who clamored for the dimensionality reduction attack on China: "..."

The terrified Chinese: "... Hahaha, what kind of development is this? Is my country already so powerful?"

Everything has been quietly changing.

Before this explosive news subsided, Zhuang Li posted a photo on Weibo: a strong man with a naked upper body leaning on the sofa, his bronze muscles covered with crystal sweat, under the lights. Thrilling lines appear in the mist.

As if he had just experienced intense exercise, bulging blue veins appeared on his strong arms, indicating how powerful this perfect body was. His face was not in the mirror, only a sturdy jaw was exposed, but a strong male breath came over it.

This scene is enough to make the blood flow, but behind the man, a pair of slender arms stretched out and hugged them tightly. The jade-white skin with pale blue blood vessels formed a strong contrast with the wheat-colored chest.

The man who hugged the man from behind also showed only half of his face, but his red and thin lips drew a captivating evil smile.

Above the photo is a short sentence - [If you have muscles, you should show them, are you right?]

Netizens who were almost drawn to nosebleeds by this beautiful photo were stunned for a few seconds before realizing what Master Zhuang was alluding to, and quickly replied: [You are right, it's time to show the muscles of our country !]

[Master Zhuang, I know it's you who is holding this macho man! I recognize your lips!]

[Yes, Master Zhuang's lip shape is so beautiful, I remember it after seeing it once!]

[In one minute I want all the information about this macho!]

No one is disgusted with this slightly outrageous photo. When a person's height is beyond the reach of ordinary people, he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't break the law.

At the same time, Zhuang Li was stroking his lover's strong chest while swiping Weibo, and whispered with a smile in his ear: "One more time?"

Xuan Ming immediately threw Xiao Curly's phone aside and kissed it fiercely.