Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 116: Love bet live game 01 ┃ Zhuang Li Did the original owner commit suicide?


In this life, Zhuang Li still followed his lover away.

They held hands and lay quietly on the bed. When the assistant found them, their bodies were already cold, with happy smiles on their faces.

When the news spread to the outside world, the world was shocked, and the national leader even gave a speech on TV in person to mourn the two heroes who made outstanding contributions to the country.

Most of Zong Zhengming's achievements are state secrets and cannot be talked about on TV, but Zhuang Li's achievements cannot be summed up in a speech at all.

He personally opened the door to the era of intelligence, made China achieve a great rejuvenation, and changed everyone's life.

Huarui stopped production for one day to show condolences, and projected Zhuang Li's famous words on the sky in the form of 3D images: "A first-class enterprise should have the ability to change a country or even a world.]

Everyone passing by the Huarui Manufacturing headquarters building will stop and look at the line of text in the sky, and then smile proudly.

There is no doubt that Zhuang Li did it. He changed the country and the world.


In a distant time and space, a tall man was picking up another equally tall man with one hand, waving his fist and smashing him in the face.

The man who was beaten had turquoise scales all over his body, a long tail was dragged behind his thighs, and two fangs like poisonous snakes protruded from his mouth, and his cold vertical pupils showed a look of horror.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to beg for mercy, but he didn't expect the man to punch him again, directly breaking his teeth.

All his words were lost in the sudden onset of pain.

The man hadn't stopped, punching punch after punch, until the man covered with scales was smashed into a mass of flesh and mud, wrapped in a violent fist wind, smashed a big hole into the hard ground, and the crack that slowly cracked like a Cobwebs generally spread in all directions.

The team members who stood on the sidelines immediately stayed away from the land, for fear that a collapse accident would occur later.

Since the scars on the body began to heal one by one, the captain's strength has been continuously upgraded.

His attitude towards the enemy was also very decisive in the past. But today, his mood is very abnormal. After waking up from the dream, he is like a furious lion, constantly looking for enemies to vent his anger.

The man who was killed by him was called Demon Snake. He was an SSS-level mutant who had strangled many missionaries and was one of the overlords in this area.

The team members thought that the captain and the devil snake would fight, and the outcome was probably between five and five. Who knew that in just two rounds, the devil snake was broken off, threw it to the ground, and was smashed into mud by the captain's punch.

"Captain is very wrong today!" a team member whispered.

"It must be because I didn't dream!" Another team member said firmly: "If the captain doesn't dream of his sister-in-law one day, he will be very angry when he wakes up."

"No, he dreamed." The yellow-haired boy interjected: "Today he called 'Zhuang Li' when he woke up, and then he bounced back with a frightened expression on his face. I suspect him I had a nightmare, dreaming that my sister-in-law encountered danger or something."

"How can the things in the dream be taken seriously?" The team members sighed and shook their heads.

"Why don't you go and tell him not to take dreams seriously?" The yellow-haired boy shouted at the angry captain Nunu.

Everyone hurriedly shook their heads and waved their hands, firmly rejecting them.

Just kidding, the captain is pointing at those dreams now, how dare they tell him the dreams are fake? Wouldn't it be nice to have hope in this desperate world

During the discussion, the man finally kicked the Demon Snake's body aside, wiped off the blood on his face, and said coldly, "Did you see it? In the future, you must not be soft-handed in the face of the enemy. If you can kill it at once, don't leave it alive."

The team members only complied with their promises and did not dare to speak.

The man lowered his head and licked a wound on his wrist, pursed his thin lips, and watched it slowly disappear with gentle eyes, turning into a pink scar.


When Zhuang Li opened his eyes, he found that he was standing at the corner of a building. A handsome young man was playing a recording with his mobile phone. His sharp eyes were looking straight at him, and his expression was full of contempt.

Zhuang Li reached out and touched his trousers pocket, took out a mobile phone, and lowered his head to look at the body, and found that he was wearing a small casual suit, but the workmanship had nothing to do with sophistication. uniform.

He raised his eyes to look at the handsome young man, and found that the other party was about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing the same small suit, so he understood that this should be a school uniform.

He looked around and found several teaching buildings, a basketball court, and a sports field.

The campus is a relatively safe place. Realizing this, Zhuang Li slowly relaxed, and then went to listen to the recording played by the boy.

The recording is a dialogue, and one of the voice lines is exactly the same as Zhuang Li's, so it must be the original owner.

He was gushing out in a resentful tone: "Fei Zai, I really can't take it anymore, I want to run away from this home. My mother only cares about Teng Xuan, not me at all. I've been wondering recently if she is me. Mother."

Fei Zai: "Of course she is your mother, you think too much. If she is not nice to Teng Xuan, Uncle Teng will have opinions on her. She is also for your own good. If the Teng family hadn't paid you tuition, you Can I go to a good school like Chongming?"

"Fei Zai, you are wrong. I can go to Chongming without Uncle Teng's money. Do you know how good my grades were? I was the first in every exam. amount scholarship.

"But my mother didn't allow me to take the first place in the exam, and she didn't allow me to bring my transcript back. The reason is ridiculous! She said that every time I took the first place in the exam, Teng Xuan would secretly cry, and told me not to irritate him.

"I was so angry at the time, you know? It's my ability to be able to take the first place in the exam. Teng Xuan's grades are not good, why should I come to accommodate him?"

Fei Zai: "I think the more you talk, the more exaggerated it is. Teng Xuan has been a well-known scholar since he was a child, and he is the first in every subject of the year. How dare you compare your grades at the end of the crane to others? And let him, don't be funny!"

The original owner: "I'm not joking. If I hadn't let Teng Xuan get into Chongming with the first place result? Can he represent the school in those math, physics, and chemistry competitions? I just don't want to compete with him. You don't understand the feeling of being under a fence.

"I just want to grow up quickly, become independent, and leave the Teng family quickly. I don't want to let Teng Xuan anymore. Everything about him should belong to me."

There is still a long section of the recording, all of which are full of the original owner complaining endlessly about his mother's partiality and the indifference of the Teng family.

However, Zhuang Li was no longer interested in listening. He took out his mobile phone and quickly hacked into the Internet. Through the clue of "Chongming High School", he easily found the original owner's student registration information, and then followed the school registration information to find out his home address, kinship, growth experience and so on.

The original owner's parents divorced a long time ago, his father is missing, and his mother's name is Zhuang Xin, who is married to a wealthy businessman named Teng Wei. The wealthy businessman also has a son named Teng Xuan, who is the same age as the original owner.

The boy who was playing the recording was none other than Teng Xuan, and his photo was on the student registration information. He and the original owner are brothers in name.

In addition to the complicated family relationship, Zhuang Li also found a very interesting thing.

When Teng Xuan received this recording, he was playing a live broadcast with three friends on the rooftop. They are a small group, they all have prominent family backgrounds, handsome looks, and unique temperament, so they are very popular in the Internet, and they are also the campus princes of Chongming.

While the live broadcast was in progress, Teng Xuan actually played the recording openly.

So fans from all over the country heard the arrogant and ridiculous words of the original owner.

Teng Xuan posts his transcripts and awards on the Internet every year. His excellent grades, which are close to full marks, make him madly attract millions of fans. God of learning".

The original primary and secondary exams were all at the end of the crane, and the combination of several main subjects was only a fraction of Teng Xuan's. How could he be so embarrassed to say that he gave everything Teng Xuan had? He's too ignorant, isn't he

Teng Xuan's three friends laughed angrily, and said in front of millions of fans that they would teach the original owner a lesson.

Teng Xuan was afraid that they would use violence and cause bad social impact, so he quickly stopped them.

At this time, the hacker who secretly sent the recording to Teng Xuan took screenshots of the original owner's online diary and sent them to Teng Xuan one by one.

Teng Xuan's screen is connected to the live broadcast room, so through these diaries, netizens across the country can see the original owner's inner activities.

In addition to implying that he was a god of learning, he could easily crush Teng Xuan when he was serious, and he even covetted Teng Xuan's three good friends.

He often hid in the dark and peeked at the four of them playing. After returning home, he silently wrote down his feelings of envy, jealousy, and hatred, and he always used an ambiguous tone to praise how handsome the other three were.

It is said that there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

Some netizens felt that the original owner's voyeuristic behavior was very wretched, disgusting, but pitiful; some netizens suspected that he was gay and nympho, and even fell in love with Teng Xuan's three good friends at the same time.

Netizens can say what they think, and the barrages such as "Nympho, Gay, Aquaman" occupy the entire live broadcast room.

Seeing these barrages, Teng Xuan's three good friends had a flash of inspiration, and they even made a bet to pursue the original owner and broadcast the whole process. School violence is wrong, so they can always use emotional offensive, right? In the end, the original owner's expression must have been funny when they debunked all the truth.

The vast majority of fans of the four-member group are minors, and they have no basic legal and moral awareness at all. They have a fanatical interest in this proposal and repeatedly urged them to act quickly.

So now, Teng Xuan came, holding the phone to play the recording. At the same time, his escort was hiding in the aisle upstairs, secretly filming this scene, and connecting the live broadcast room to let everyone appreciate the ugly state of the original owner.

The four-person group has a huge popularity, attracting tens of thousands of people to watch it online.

All the students in Chongming High School knew about this, but they helped the group of four to conceal or even tease the original owner. They also want to participate in this fun and exciting game. They never thought about how cruel it would be to treat such a young soul as a doll and force him to show his most embarrassed side in front of the world!

It's just too late in public! The lingering of the heart is more desperate than the tearing of the body.

If Zhuang Li hadn't come, the original owner, who didn't know anything, would have been irritated by Teng Xuan and said even more irrational words, and then welcomed the favor of the three male gods in a depressed mood.

They'll take care of him, get close to him, protect him, and then stab the cruel truth into his heart as he sinks into the illusion of happiness, looking forward to the moment of a new life.

They will make the original owner understand that he does not deserve to have all the good things; he does not deserve to be compared with Teng Xuan; and he does not deserve to be a person. He is the most ridiculous doll in the world, and the most vile dirt on the earth. Being played with and trampled on is his destiny.

Sixteen or seventeen-year-olds are the time when their self-esteem is particularly strong, and it is also the time when their minds are the most vulnerable. To be teased like this, and to let people all over the country watch by live broadcast, the original owner will definitely collapse!

Zhuang Li pressed the phone to his chest, closed his eyes and asked, "System, did the original owner commit suicide in the end?"

7480: "…"

Shivering! What the hell is going on with the Destiny Child of this world? Worse than a murderer! Die, I don't care!

Chapter 132 Love Bet Live Game 02 ┃ Zhuang Li: Children of Destiny are more garbage than each other.

7480 did not dare to hide the host, and after hesitating for a while, he said timidly: "Master, you guessed right, the original owner finally committed suicide."

"These people didn't get the punishment they deserved?" Zhuang Li continued to ask.

"Yes, yes," 7480 flipped through the script and whispered, "In order to protect Teng Xuan, Zhuang Xin sent the original owner's body to cremation overnight, and even fabricated a lie that her son had left the country. No one knew that the original owner couldn't stand the excitement. He committed suicide by cutting his wrists. After he disappeared, netizens scolded him for not being able to play.

"The Teng family and the parents of the other three children joined forces to suppress this matter. Invasion of privacy is not a serious crime. The perpetrators are still a group of minors, and no one has stood up to seek justice for the original owner, so If he dies, he dies, and no one cares."

Everything is in line with Zhuang Li's conjecture: power, status, wealth, these things can turn black into white, turn a deer into a horse, and naturally they can also play with human life.

Zhuang Li likes the unknown future, but the future of this disappeared child was already doomed as early as when the hacker sent the recording and diary to Teng Xuan, and when the other three teamed up to play with him.

A child who lives in loneliness and darkness all year round desires warmth and light the most. How could he resist such a temptation when others handed him a hand of warm light

It was a longing buried deep within him, something he desperately wanted to get.

At the happiest moment, these people who held the light in their hands suddenly told him - none of this is true, you are not worthy!

What kind of lethality does this sentence have on the original owner? Falling into the abyss of despair and then self-destruction has become a foregone conclusion at the moment of the voice.

It is true that the original owner committed suicide, and it has nothing to do with anyone, but all those who participated in this incident are murderers, all stained with his blood.

It's the same old saying - when an avalanche happens, no snowflake is innocent.

Zhuang Li's hacking skills are better than the hackers who sent the recordings and diaries, so he quickly found out the most deeply hidden and most terrifying secret through his mobile phone.

The hacker who ignited the fire and caused all the disasters was none other than Teng Xuan himself.

He stole the original owner's private, secret diary and phone recordings, and sent them to his mobile phone, which was being broadcast live, through a regular sending software. He pretended to be a victim and induced three other friends step by step.

There is no deep hatred, and no private hatred, everything only stems from the word "rejection". He did not allow the original owner to invade his home, so he simply let him disappear forever.

"So, the child of destiny in this world is Teng Xuan, right?" Zhuang Li sighed.

7480: "???"

Zhuang Li sneered: "You don't need to go all over the world to find the Son of Destiny. Every time you go to a place, first find out the most filthy person next to the original owner, and the answer will be revealed. Your Lord God is not a good thing in itself, and he is picked by him. What the hell is the Child of Destiny in ?"

7480: "…"

This is so poisonous, but it can't be refuted!

"Love bet live broadcast? Very good, I like this game very much, and I like Teng Xuan's methods very much. Once the live broadcast starts, no one can stop it!" Zhuang Li opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his pupils.

7480's whole body trembled, looking at Teng Xuan with a cold and arrogant expression on the opposite side, shouting in his heart: Son of Destiny, you are dead! You are liked by the host!

At this moment, the recording ended, Teng Xuan's face was calm and indifferent, but his mood fluctuated greatly. Just because Zhuang Li's reaction was completely beyond his expectations.

He thought that this person would blushed and felt embarrassed, and then he was so angry that he uttered nonsense, so that tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room had a good look at his ugly appearance.

However, none of these conjectures came to fruition. Zhuang Li regarded this recording as the background music, and played with his phone while listening to the corners of his lips. He was neither angry at Fei Zai's betrayal, nor ashamed of the wild words on the phone, nor did he think he should react.

The recording is just a recording, just listen to it.

He raised his eyes slightly and asked with a smile, "Anything else? I'll go to class without me."

When he met his playful gaze, Teng Xuan suddenly felt a shock, but quickly calmed down, and said coldly, "Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"There's nothing to explain. As you heard, all the achievements you've achieved over the years are due to my courtesy." Zhuang Li took a step forward, looked at Teng Xuan face to face, and said slowly, "Without me Courtesy, what are you?"

Teng Xuan's slender eyebrows were tightly twisted together, even if he was angry, his expression was much more indifferent than ordinary people.

"Then you don't have to show me courtesy in the future. I want to see your true strength." Teng Xuan took a step back and sneered with the corners of his lips hooked.

Zhuang Li tilted his head slightly, with a bit of sarcasm in his voice: "Is this your request? If I don't show courtesy in the future, you won't go to my mother and cry again, right?"

This trumped-up accusation finally angered Teng Xuan and almost made him show a distorted expression in front of tens of thousands of people.

The corners of his mouth fell down, but soon turned up slightly, and said in a warm voice, "Aunt Zhuang seems to think too much. Dad and I have never seen your transcript." The implication was that Zhuang Li did well in the test. Well, their father and son don't care at all, so why are they crying.

If it was the former Zhuang Li, hearing this sentence would definitely produce a sense of shame and inferiority, and then become more irritable and irritable.

But Zhuang Li just nodded and said casually, "Is that so? But don't worry, in the future, even if you don't want to see my results, you can always see my results. When counting from the top to the bottom, I always occupy the first place. Who would ignore that position?"

Teng Xuan shook his head and laughed, then looked behind Zhuang Li and greeted politely, "Mr. Zhou, let me help you move things." After speaking, he passed Zhuang Li and walked towards the math teacher who was standing behind them at some point in time. .

The math teacher obviously heard the conversation between the two, and looked at Zhuang Li up and down with strange eyes. He had no idea that this introverted child could be so arrogant in private.

Teng Xuan's achievements are all because of his courtesy? How could he be so embarrassed to say such outrageous words

"If you have this kung fu to brag, it's better to read a few more books. Time is running out. Go back to the classroom." Teacher Zhou persuaded meaningfully, and then handed a thick stack of test papers to Teng Xuan.

The group left the corner.

A few classmates who were hiding on the balcony on the second floor and filmed this scene almost fell to the ground laughing.

"Hahahaha, Zhuang Li is too funny! I just met the head teacher when I was bragging, and I wanted to run down and ask him how he was feeling at the time. His cheeks are really thick! He doesn't feel ashamed at all!"

"He really impressed me today! Sure enough, homosexuals are a bunch of weird people!"

"Yeah, without a super thick skin, who would be embarrassed to peep at a man!"

The conversation between the two was introduced into the live broadcast room, provoking more vicious attacks from the audience.

[Die gay!]

[King of cowhide!]

[gross! I want to kill Zhuang Li!]

[I feel embarrassed for him!]

[I was so ashamed that I dug out the three rooms and one living room with my toes, but Zhuang Li was still able to brag with a smile, so I accepted it!]

Similar barrages flooded into the live broadcast room.

In the classroom of Class A of the third year, all the students held up a mobile phone and watched the live broadcast just now. The same thing happened in other classrooms.

The group of four led by Teng Xuan is the idol-level figure of this school. As soon as they start the live broadcast, the rest of the classmates will watch it. Therefore, they bet that the story of teasing Zhuang Li has already spread to every corner of the campus.

Chongming is an aristocratic school with very strong teachers. The children who can enter the school are either rich second-generation, privileged, or super talented. In the case that no one can afford to offend, Chongming does not prohibit students from using mobile phones like other schools.

There was once a teacher who just arrived and couldn't stand this kind of ethos. He confiscated a student's mobile phone during get out of class. As a result, after class, the student lost several million due to missing an important business call.

The teacher almost lost his fortune, and in the end no one dared to repeat the same mistakes.

At this moment, two classmates who were standing outside the balcony ran into the classroom and reminded loudly: "Zhuang Li is here, everyone, put away your mobile phones! Don't watch it, don't watch it, why are you watching the live broadcast even if the real people are here!"

Everyone put their phones away in unison.

While going up the stairs, Zhuang Li used his mobile phone to hack the campus network, unlock the original owner's account, and dig out his diary.

These diaries are set to be visible only to themselves, so the original owner is very relieved to use them to record his mood. He never thought that Teng Xuan, the poisonous snake, would closely monitor his every move, and excavate all the secrets he had hidden in his heart, exposing them to the public.

Now, Zhuang Li has taken over this account, but he did not delete it, but continued to tap the next diary word by word:

[Class first:

[Grade 1:

[National Mathematics Competition:

[National Chemistry Competition:

[National Physics Competition:

[International Mathematics Competition:

[International Chemistry Competition:

[International Physics Competition:

[Provincial Outstanding Students:

[National Outstanding Students:]

This is the full text of the diary, with no beginning or end, only a list of honors. What does it mean

Teng Xuan, who followed Zhuang Li closely, immediately took a screenshot of this bizarre diary and posted it on the forum created for this betting game. Of course, he used the identity of the hacker codenamed "Kestrel".

If the group of four is the campus prince of Chongming, then the Kestrel is the underground law enforcement officer of Chongming. He would often break out the scandals of some of his classmates unexpectedly, causing them to fall into the attack of public opinion.

The people he targeted either became extremely autistic, or simply dropped out of school, and some disappeared inexplicably.

The people he targeted had more or less stains on them, so the classmates didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. Instead, they admired him very much, and even named him a messenger of justice.

As soon as this diary was transferred to the forum by Teng Xuan, netizens from all over the country poured in and expressed their conjectures.

[I guess, this is a schedule. Zhuang Li used these achievements to prove himself.]

[Pull it down! He is already in the third year of high school this year, and his grades are so bad, how can he turn over?]

[These plans cannot be realized by hard work alone. Tutoring can improve your grades, but it is impossible to enter these heavyweight math, chemistry, and physics competitions without talent far beyond ordinary people!

[Do you know the "Grey Theory"

[People who have no talent and only hard work are not worth training at all. This is the Grey Man Theory, which originated at Oxford University. You will feel cruel when you say it, but the truth is that 100% hard work is not enough in front of 100% talent!

[Other people play every day, but only take five minutes to study at night, but it is better than what you can achieve when you study 24 hours a day.

[Don't admit it, such geniuses abound, and Zhuang Li can only be a tragedy. He might not even be a Grey, at least the Greys know how to work hard.

[He will not succeed. One day he will understand the gap between genius and mortal.]

A netizen made a bunch of comments.

Many people liked it below his post.

At the same time, Teacher Zhou handed out the monthly exam papers, pointed at Zhuang Li and said, "Come on, let's invite our hidden genius, Zhuang Li, to explain the exam questions."

There was laughter in the classroom, and everyone looked at Zhuang Li sitting under the blackboard.

I don't know who is screaming and screaming: "Oh, our hidden genius Zhuang Li scored 34 points in the test this time. It's really amazing!"

The laughter from the audience became louder.

One of the classmates had opened the live broadcast room, and with the help of the textbooks stacked on the table, he secretly filmed everything that happened in front of him.

Isn't Zhuang Li a self-proclaimed genius? Teacher Zhou's move was too ruthless, and it directly pierced Zhuang Li's hide.

Blow, he blows again! If you have the ability, come to the stage to explain this monthly exam paper to everyone!

The more the students thought about it, the more joyful they became, and they couldn't help booing: "Zhuang Li, come on! Give us a good lecture! Show your true skills, you are a hidden super genius!"

Teng Xuan raised his hand to rest on his forehead and sighed softly, as if he was ashamed of Zhuang Li. The three friends sitting around him all gave him the look of watching a good show.

A certain classmate who was sitting in the last row, covering his head with his coat and sleeping soundly, was awakened by laughter, moved his stiff body, straightened his waist, took off his coat, and frowned to look at the podium.

Standing up with the test paper, Zhuang Li casually glanced at the audience, but when he saw this classmate, his expression was blank, and his brain was blank.

He checked the student files of this school and found no one named "Ming". Why did his lover appear in the classroom

Has he changed his name