Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 12: Zhuang Li I am a super genius


Being surrounded and hunted by the system was the most bizarre and darkest thing Xuan Ming had ever encountered.

He thought that this kind of thing that could be parasitized in the human brain was an extremely terrifying existence. But now it seems that they are no more than that. Even the main god behind them sounds like that.

The anger in Xuan Ming's heart has not subsided, but his anxiety and fear have completely dissipated.

In the face of these alien invasive species, he is not completely dead, at least he can hear the conversation between the system and the host, and intercept their movements: at least there is such a magical curly-haired youth sitting beside him.

Xuan Ming glanced at the other party inadvertently, his dark eyes were already stained with a smile.

Zhuang Li was completely immersed in his own world, but he did not forget to devote some attention to making the minutes of the meeting.

The 7480, which was stripped to the bottom of his bottoms, was in the midst of a devastating blow. But it is a machine after all, and the program of the machine cannot be changed. The Lord God needs it to complete the task, so it will never give up until the last moment of ashes.

"Hehe, hehe..." 7480 suddenly laughed nervously.

Zhuang Li was still typing, his expression very indifferent.

Xuan Ming suddenly felt a chill on his back. This kind of laughter is very abnormal, shouldn't there be something wrong with the system? It's crazy with little curly hair

"Hehehe, I remember the host!" 7480's tone was harsh: "Although I can't escape your brain, I can wait! With the level of technology in your world, you have no way to tear me down! Wait for yours. By the time technology develops enough to tear me down, you will already be dead!"

"Do you know what happens when you die?" it asked cryptically.

Zhuang Li was typing with a slap in the face, not bothering to pay attention to it at all.

Xuan Ming's heart lifted.

7480 wants to guide the youth step by step into the abyss of fear, but if the youth does not pick it up, the atmosphere it wants to create will not hold up.

That's not how the script was written! You turned a blind eye to me when it was time to cooperate with the performance, and you are too unkind to the host!

7480 was furious, but he had to continue to say: "When you die, your consciousness will be weakened, and I will swallow your consciousness, get enough energy to get rid of your control, and then go to find The next host. You see, although you trapped me temporarily, you can never win against me!"

Zhuang Li was still typing, not even bothering to hum.

Xuan Ming took out a cigar and knocked it on the table, his strength was a little heavy, and his face became gloomy.

Qiao Yanan paused for a few seconds, and continued to speak when the boss had no other instructions. The participants also straightened their backs and became highly nervous.

7480 excitedly waited for the host's response, but the ending let it down again. The host was neither afraid nor panicked, but instead acted as if he had nothing to do.

Can't he hear? No, there is no inaudible problem with communication that unfolds in consciousness. So he deliberately ignored me!

7480 gritted his teeth angrily and said fiercely: "Not only when the host is dead, but also when the host is seriously ill or in a coma, I can also swallow the host's consciousness. So host, you better pray that you will never get sick in your life. , and won't be in a coma, or you'll be finished! Hahaha..."

"System, how long do you think it will take for the technology in this world to develop before the technology to dismantle you?" Zhuang Li suddenly said.

7480 was stunned before he said, "You can't do it for at least three hundred years."

Three hundred years is too long! Xuan Ming closed his eyes, despairing because of this answer.

Zhuang Li was very calm. He pushed the laptop away, took out a blank piece of paper and put it in front of him, and said slowly, "Then you must be very familiar with the history of technological development in this world."

7480 snorted coldly.

"Then do you know how many technological revolutions this world has gone through?" Zhuang Li picked up the ballpoint pen.

7480 was too lazy to speak. Now it is beyond the reach of the host.

But Zhuang Li did not need its cooperation, so he wrote five numbers on the paper and wrote them in sequence after each number: the first scientific and technological revolution, the second scientific and technological revolution, the third scientific and technological revolution , the fourth scientific and technological revolution, the fifth scientific and technological revolution.

"The answer is five times," Zhuang Li said calmly: "The first scientific and technological revolution started with the invention of the steam engine and realized the mechanization of the whole people."

"The second scientific and technological revolution started with the invention of the generator and realized the electrification of the whole people."

"The third scientific and technological revolution is mainly marked by the invention of atomic energy, electronic computer, space technology and biological engineering, and has realized the comprehensive application of information control technology."

"The fourth scientific and technological revolution is marked by the rise of systems science and the formation of systems biology science. The main achievement of this stage is the establishment of a new energy system, which lays a solid foundation for the further liberation of productive forces."

"The fifth technological revolution starts with IT technology and information and communication technology, and ends with all devices being connected to the network. It will be an era where everything is interconnected and information is highly developed."

Zhuang Li encapsulated these five stages with a combination of symbols, and chuckled: "Didn't you find it? Every technological revolution, human beings have only spent a few decades to complete. They got rid of ignorance and embraced technology. , it only took more than a hundred years in total. And every revolution starts with the birth of genius as the horn."

"Dennis Papen, who invented the steam engine; Siemens, who invented the electric generator; Einstein, who proposed the general theory of relativity; Pierre Curie and his wife Marie Curie, who first discovered nuclear energy; Johann von Nou, who first invented the computer Iman, Max Planck who proposed quantum mechanics…”

"It is these super geniuses who, by themselves, have driven the wheel of the times."

Having said this, Zhuang Li raised his eyebrows and smiled with interest: "Now, the fifth scientific and technological revolution has just begun, but I think the sixth scientific and technological revolution will come soon, because the birth of genius can make an era development has moved forward significantly.”

Zhuang Li pointed to himself, speaking slowly: "And I am that genius. It is not an unrealistic dream for me to condense hundreds of years of technological development into decades or even years."

7480 immediately sneered: "It's just you?" But inexplicably, its core program began to tremble.

Xuan Ming clenched his cigar and let thousands of thoughts race through his mind. These words were arrogant, but they ignited his blood.

"Yes, it's up to me." Zhuang Li took this question for granted, and added, "I can tell you for sure that the sixth technological revolution will be dominated by new biology, a carnival of bionic and regenerative technologies. Nanorobots like yours, which combine living things with machinery and intelligence, will enter mass production. The technology you contain will soon be surpassed.”

Zhuang Li wrote this sentence stroke by stroke on the paper: [Leader of the sixth scientific and technological revolution - Zhuang Li], and raised his eyebrows at the end: "System, I'm glad you cheered up, this game is without you. It's going to be boring. In the days to come, we'll see if you're going to die sooner, or if I'm going to die quicker."

7480: Huh!

Xuan Ming picked up the scissors, cut off the cigar head neatly, lit it with a lighter, and took a breath. He is also looking forward to this game.

By this time, although the battle had not been decided, it had completely become Zhuang Li's home court. He pushed the paper aside and began to concentrate on taking minutes of the meeting again.

On the other hand, Xuan Ming slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, his gloomy expression was replaced by pleasure.

"Okay, this is my immature idea about 5G construction. Does anyone need to ask questions?" Qiao Yanan, who was standing on the podium, glanced at the audience.

Two engineers asked questions one after another, all of which were answered satisfactorily.

A major shareholder glanced at Xuan Ming and said in a timely manner: "Minister Qiao's idea is very mature. If we keep going at this pace, our 5G technology will definitely be implemented soon. President Xuan, I propose that Minister Qiao be the head of the R&D department. Chief, what do you think?"

Xuan Ming smoked his cigar slowly and didn't answer, his eyes filled with indifference flashed in the smoke, as sharp as knives.

Looking at him with such eyes, Qiao Yanan's mouth twitched slightly, but he couldn't smile.

"System, why do I feel that Xuan Ming's look at me is wrong, as if he is estimating an object." She complained silently in her heart.

"I'm sorry, I can't understand the meaning of human eyes, I only know that he is looking at you. Isn't this a good thing? If you want him to fall in love with you, you must first keep his eyes." 248 scripted Read out the golden lines in emotional tweets.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Xuan Ming looked away and looked down at the information in his hand.

Qiao Yanan frowned, feeling both relieved and panic.

"Anyway, I must take the position of head of the R&D department today. That's an annual salary of 30 million yuan!" she said in her heart.

"You can do it, get rid of Zhao Zhensheng, the possibility of you becoming a minister is 100%." 248 said proudly.

"Of course, at this critical moment, who will the R&D department give up on me? Who's scientific research ability is stronger than mine?"

It has been a long time to deceive people, and Qiao Yanan even deceived herself. She raised her chin slightly and scanned the audience with proud eyes, as if she really became the most outstanding scientist in China.

Many engineers raised their hands and said, "Mr. Xuan, I also propose that Deputy Minister Qiao take the post of Dr. Zhao."

"Mr. Xuan, only Sister Qiao has the ability to lead us to build a 5G framework."

"Mr. Xuan, the hearts of the R&D department are scattered, let Sister Qiao come on, we all serve Sister Qiao."

"It's not necessarily that someone else can afford this burden."

"We are all engaged in scientific research. We know best in our hearts who can do it and who can't. We all agree to let Sister Qiao join. President Xuan, if you choose someone else to lead our R&D department, I'm afraid it will be messy. It's not good for those of us who are engaged in scientific research, they can't even understand our report."

"Yes, we are a highly professional team, and our leader must be the one with the best professional skills."

All the engineers stood on Qiao Yanan's side and admired her in every possible way, but no one knew that the scientific research results Qiao Yanan had obtained were actually stolen from others. She killed Dr. Zhao and got the 5G algorithm for this day.

Xuan Ming has no way to deal with Qiao Yanan and the 248 system at all. In order to stabilize the company, the best strategy he can take at the moment is to hold Qiao Yanan up and coax her to come up with the 5G algorithm.

But Xuan Ming didn't want to let the other party do what he wanted.

Why should I provide for a murderer and give her so many benefits? Xuan Ming's eyes turned colder, shaking off the hot soot, and slowly announced word by word: "I personally invested 60 million to stimulate your enthusiasm for research and development. From this moment on, whoever derives the 5G algorithm first will be able to Take the 60 million, plus the position of the head of the research and development department of Haiming Group, a villa worth 300 million, and an annual salary of 40 million."

His sharp eyes swept over everyone, and his tone was cold: "This decision is not only effective for the internal staff of the company, but also for the external staff. Sun Jingshu—"

He instructed his chief secretary: "Go to the company's website immediately and publish this news."

Sun Jingshu immediately nodded and promised, "Good President Xuan." The laptop was next to him, and with the effort of his fingers, the news was announced.

All major shareholders, look at me and I look at you. Both feel that this decision is sudden, and that it is understandable. Haiming Group can develop from a small workshop producing electronic components to a leader in the high-tech field, relying on large-scale capital investment.

The investment in research and development cannot be cut in any way.

The engineers who were clamoring to elect Qiao Yanan as the minister just now are all warm at the moment. They secretly decided to work on the 5G algorithm immediately after the meeting. Maybe they will be one step faster than Qiao Yanan when they get inspiration

The audience was boiling because of the reward worth as much as 400 million, including Qiao Yanan.

"System, did you hear? A bonus of 60 million yuan, a large villa of 300 million yuan, plus an annual salary of 40 million yuan, I have made a fortune!" She shouted excitedly in her mind, but her face was very proud.

"Host, you have to be steady! If you take out the 5G algorithm now, Xuan Ming will pay less attention to you than the original plan. Remember, you have to be the one who saves him at the moment of life and death, not the scenery. When the time comes, he will be his deputy." 248 quickly persuaded.

"That's 400 million!" Qiao Yanan's voice was trembling.

"Can four hundred million be compared to immortality? Don't forget, you have already failed two missions. If this mission fails again..." 248 didn't finish his sentence.

Qiao Yanan fell silent in fright.

She was silent for a while before she said reluctantly, "Okay, I'll be steady."

248 immediately comforted: "Don't worry, host, I am monitoring the scientific research results all over the world at any time. At present, except for Dr. Zhao, no one has been able to deduce the 5G algorithm. That is to say, even after three or five years, you will still be this one. The king of the field, you don't have to worry that others will surpass you."

"I have already sold the news of Dr. Zhao's death to several newspapers," 248 said grimly, "Even with the help of the government, the Haiming Group can't hold back the news. I will create public opinion on the Internet and bring down Haiming. The stock price of , and guide foreign forces to launch a financial attack on Haiming. Host, you have to seize the opportunity. "

"Okay, I understand." Qiao Yanan made up his mind.

The news of Dr. Zhao's death was suppressed by the police and the government with the help of Haiming Group. At present, only the backbone of the R&D department and several major shareholders of the company know about it.

These people all hold the company's shares, so naturally they will not harm their own interests, but Qiao Yanan is different. Her purpose is to capture Xuan Ming's heart. For this, she can kick the Haiming Group into the abyss.

She applauded and smiled: "President Xuan, please rest assured, our R&D department will not let outsiders take away this reward."

"Yes, fat and water do not flow to outsiders, and the reward must be ours!" Several software engineers exclaimed.

After listening to the plans of Qiao Yanan and the system, Xuan Ming just wanted to kill these two inhuman things. He gritted his teeth and smiled: "Then you have to do your best. Today's meeting will end here, everyone should leave."

Everyone left the table one after another, but Zhuang Li, who had been quietly taking minutes of the meeting, poked Xuan Ming's arm with his slender index finger.

Xuan Ming's expression of smiling but not smiling melted away like snow, and his eyes that had always been dark and cold immediately became a little warm: "What's the matter with you?"

He didn't realize at all how strong anticipation filled his heart. Yes, this reward order is not to stimulate Qiao Yanan, nor to inspire other engineers, but just for the youth around him.

I don't know why, but Xuan Ming firmly believes that if anyone can come up with the 5G algorithm immediately, it must be the little curly hair around him. Didn't the little curly hair say it himself, he is a super genius who drives the wheel of the times.

Zhuang Li covered his nose and said, "Look at what's written on it."

Xuan Ming followed his fingertips, but saw a sign posted behind the door panel, with the words in bright red written on it - Smoking is strictly prohibited in the conference room.

Xuan Ming: …

Zhuang Li twitched his slender eyebrows and coughed twice, then he took a briefcase and walked away leisurely.

Xuan Ming's full of anticipation turned into a foam of embarrassment, his face was still stiff, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop curling up. The little curly hair parasitized by the system is not in a hurry, what is he in a hurry? Let's take a step by step.

He immediately snuffed out the cigar, and said to Sun Jingshu, who was waiting beside him, "In the future, if I'm addicted to smoking, remember to remind me, especially when Little Curly Hair is around."

Sun Jingshu immediately realized who the little curly hair was talking about, and while nodding his head, he couldn't help thinking: What is the origin of that person, even President Xuan has to accommodate