Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 120: Love bet live game 06┃Si Ming I'm not interested in little curly hair!


After separating from Zhuang Xin, Zhuang Li did not go back to the classroom, but went to the computer room. He found a computer and edited everything that happened in the office into a short video, which was sent to the Internet using the live broadcast account of the group of four.

This account has released two videos about Zhuang Li. The first video is that the four of them listened to Zhuang Li's arrogant recording on the rooftop and made a love game bet after reading Zhuang Li's ambiguous diary; The second video is a scene where Teng Xuan and Zhuang Li face off at the corner downstairs.

In the video, Zhuang Li said firmly: "There is nothing to explain. As you heard, all the achievements you have achieved over the years are because of my comity. Without my comity, what are you?"

This sentence is quite offensive and ridiculous to Teng Xuan's fans.

A scumbag who wants to crush the god of learning, who gave Zhuang Li the courage

Some fans took out the "Grey Man Theory" of Oxford University to describe the gap between Zhuang Li and Teng Xuan.

Fans are looking forward to Teng Xuan's follow-up live broadcast, and they are eager to see how this long-established god of learning has taught Xue Zhuangli a profound lesson.

So now, the video that fans have been waiting for is finally here, and the title is also in line with everyone's expectations, called "Rolling".

Hundreds of thousands of fans swarmed in, shouting: [Come on, Xuanxuan, crush Zhuang Li for us!]

After watching the video, the lively live room turned into a dead silence. Everyone couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. Zhuang Li actually got a perfect score in all subjects, and finally took away Teng Xuan's place in the competition.

Zhuang Li's mother indirectly admitted the fact that she did not allow her own son to get good grades in the test.

Teng Xuan's father pressed his son's head to ask him to apologize, and scolded him that he couldn't afford to lose.

It turns out that the one who really can't afford to lose is Teng Xuan! In order to create the illusion of being the first in his grade, he could use such a subtle method to get rid of his biggest enemy. He is really...

Fans can't find the right words to describe their delicate mood.

The passerby said bluntly: [Teng Xuan's methods are too contrived!]

[Very sinister!]

[If I was suppressed by my relatives all the year round, I might go crazy! Teng Xuan is so intolerant at such a young age, it's a bit scary!]

Passers-by's impression of this campus prince has changed drastically. They quickly pushed a fan's "Grey Man Theory" to the first floor, leaving messages mocking:

[I almost laughed when I saw this comment! What a goddamn prophecy!]

[Yes, it is really God's prophecy! It's just that the grey man in your fans' mouths is Teng Xuan, not Zhuang Li! Surprised or not, surprised or not?]

[Hahahaha, this thing can make me laugh for a year! The floor-sweeping monks have already let you go, and you still don’t have any B numbers in your heart. You run to them and talk and talk to them. As a result, they are so annoyed by you that they will give you seconds with one move!]

[Relieve your anger! This should be done to this kind of rich second generation who doesn't know the sky and the sky! If you don't learn to be a man yourself, Zhuang Li will teach you!]

The masses naturally sympathize with the weak, and at the same time admire the strong from the bottom of their hearts.

Amazingly, Zhuang Li was both weak and strong in this incident. Therefore, his counterattack is too popular and too realistic for the public.

This video went viral, and it was a mess, and it was quickly put on the hot list of the live broadcast platform by the water army.

After sending his father away, Teng Xuan, who took out his mobile phone to check the network trends, was stunned in place as he was struck by lightning.

Only the four of them know the password of this account. Who put this video up? How could the other three betray themselves? No, that's not the main question at all, the question is who made this video!

It selects a lot of angles, including overhead, side, and close-up close-ups. The seemingly scattered pictures have a montage effect, which is very rendering.

But during the exam, Teng Xuan didn't even notice anyone around him was live streaming!

He shook his hands and entered the account of the group of four, trying to delete the video or write a few words of explanation, but found that he did not have permission to operate.

When the "No Operation" prompt popped up on the screen, he was in a boundless panic.

Vaguely, he realized that the picture taken from the top of his head should be from the surveillance camera; the picture taken from the side should be the mobile phone camera of another teacher; the picture taken from the close-up should be his own mobile phone camera.

Therefore, this video was filmed by abnormal means, and the person who can easily do this will only be a top-notch hacker.

No one knows better than Teng Xuan what the consequences of being targeted by hackers are.

His legs were weak for a while, and he walked a long way against the wall before sitting down beside a flower bed. He continued to delete the video in cold sweat, but to no avail.

Many fans feel that he is hypocritical, insidious, and petty, and have already unfollowed.

Some diehard fans shouted: [Fake, this video must be fake! Brother Xuan will not be so useless!]

However, the word "useless" deeply hurt Teng Xuan's self-esteem. In fact, he is indeed so "useless". When Zhuang Li no longer hides his strength, he turns out to be a waste in front of the other party.

Teng Xuan took a deep breath to keep himself from being impatient, and then set the account permissions again.

At this time, a netizen pointed the way: [The video is real, everyone go to the love betting game forum, Kestrel has greatly updated Zhuang Li's diary.]

Isn't "Kestrel" just me? Teng Xuan was shocked for a moment, and immediately turned to the forum to find that Kestrel's account had reprinted Zhuang Li's latest diary. It was the one that Teng Xuan had read before, with six ticks.

Some netizens asked below: [Kestrel, what does this diary mean? How many ticks are there? Zhuang Li's study plan was completed so quickly?]

Teng Xuan immediately entered the Kestrel account to delete this diary, but was once again blocked from the program by the "Operation Prohibited" dialog box.

He was stunned for a moment, and then a violent buzzing sounded in his mind, as if some terrible torrent was roaring towards him.

The "Kestrel" did not answer questions from netizens, but posted a notice recently announced by the school.

After reading the notice, everyone understands everything.

Teng Xuan, who participated in the national knowledge competition on behalf of the school, was actually cancelled, which meant that he was not eligible to participate in the next international knowledge competition, because he could only enter the international group if he won the top three seats in the country.

In the table that should belong to Teng Xuan, the word "Zhuang Li" was written neatly at this time.

So the video just now is true, if there is no absolute strength, the school will not let Zhuang Li replace Teng Xuan to participate in such an important competition.

That diary wasn't a study plan at all, but a loot checklist. As Zhuang Li himself said: "If I let you, you are the first; if I don't let you, you are nothing."

These words appeared over and over in those irrefutable videos, recordings, and diaries, and in the form of psychological hints, they stamped an irreversible imprint on everyone's heart—Teng Xuan was indeed no better than Zhuang Li.

[I really did not expect the result to be like this! The plot turned so fast! ] A classmate from Chongming Middle School sighed.

Someone immediately echoed: [Me too!]

More people began to discuss this matter: [This is the study of God! In front of Zhuang Li, what does Teng Xuan have to be proud of?]

[In Zhuang Li's eyes, Teng Xuan is probably a clown jumping on a beam.]

[Definitely yes. When Teng Xuan got the transcript, when he got the trophy, when he stood on the podium to speak on behalf of all the students, Zhuang Li didn't know how to laugh at him in private!]

[That's why Zhuang Li released such harsh words after being provoked. He obviously has real skills, but he is suppressed and not allowed to stand out. It is me, and I will explode!]

[Yes. Because you have endured for so long, Lao Tzu, you still run to Lao Tzu to show off your might, who gave you the face?]

[Zhuang Li must have thought so at the time: If I give you face, you will have face. I don't give you face, how many eight are you?]

[Hahahaha, I already have a picture in my mind! To be honest, I really don't like Teng Xuan. When he looks at people, he either uses his nostrils or the corners of his eyes.]

[I don't like him either, he's too arrogant.]

People who are too good will always be envied by those around them. Teng Xuan is not RMB, so naturally this situation cannot be avoided. Seeing his face being torn off by Zhuang Li, and even his honor being taken away one by one, everyone felt very happy.

His support team is very strong. Although a wave of people ran away because of the broken filter, the wave left behind was very loyal, and he wrote cursingly: [Zhuang Li is just a dog who lives under the fence!]

[Zhuang Li is a poor ghost!]

[Fucking oil bottle, bah!]

[Without the Teng family, Zhuang Li is a piece of shit!]

However, such remarks will only make those netizens from ordinary backgrounds more angry and disgusted with Teng Xuan.

It was only at this time that some people finally woke up and asked in the forum: [Is it not good for us to make such a bad joke with Zhuang Li?]

[I have long felt that something is wrong! I don't play this game anymore, I quit.]

A lot of people left the forum, and all that was left were kids with problems with their values, who didn't want to stop the game.

Teng Xuan had no way to delete the videos and screenshots of the diary, so he could only log out of the network in embarrassment. His ugliness, his ugliness, and his dark and narrow thoughts are now completely exposed!

He repeatedly asked himself: Is this game still going to be played? In the case that Zhuang Li is also a hacker and has all the initiative

Yes, he suspected that the person who compromised his two accounts was Zhuang Li, otherwise things would not have turned into what they are now, and everything was harmful to him, but everything was beneficial to Zhuang Li.

Teng Xuan could not see the depth of Zhuang Li at all, so he could only grope in the darkness like a blind man, as if there were dangers everywhere around him.

Zhuang Li's phone recordings and private diaries, when he first discovered it, he only thought it was absurd and ridiculous, but when he looked at it now, he suddenly realized that they were all traps, tempting him to jump down.

What was originally a very interesting game turned into an abyss because of Zhuang Li's careless actions.

The feeling of falling constantly involved a fragile nerve all the time. At this time, Teng Xuan was really scared.

He wanted to stop.

Love betting games, live streaming games, and learning competition games, he doesn't want to play all of them.

However, the situation was completely out of his control.


The whole class was playing with their mobile phones, some were laughing, some were gloating, and some were distressed.

Of course, those who are distressed are all girls, and they can't see the campus prince being hurt.

Huang Zhe, Fang Yibo, and Xiu Yue were also looking at their phones, each with a more solemn expression.

The result of Teng Xuan being crushed by Zhuang Li in all directions was completely unexpected to them.

When the three gathered together and whispered, the tall boy sitting in the corner frowned and said, "Where is the little curly hair who taught us the topic before? He seems to have not come to class for three hours, and the teacher doesn't care. ?"

His deskmate widened his eyes and said in a surprised tone, "It's rare, Si Ming, you actually know that there is one person missing in the class, and how long he disappeared!"

"The old man disappeared, who can't see it?" Si Ming asked impatiently, "Where did he go?"

"He's that old and sits under the blackboard every day, and you didn't know him before! Don't stare at me, I'll ask you." The same table ran to ask others, and after a while, he ran back and whispered, "He was arrested by The teacher has called to the office. Come, come, let me show you a big gossip! This man named Zhuang Li is absolutely smashing the sky!"

The same table handed his mobile phone to Siming.

Si Ming watched from the first betting live broadcast, and slowly went through the matter from beginning to end, and sneered: "Xiu Yue really can't be on the stage, and the group of people who play with him are also scum! Little Curly Hair You even praised them in the diary for being handsome and good-looking, but are you blind?"

"I also don't think Zhuang Li is so blind. He is really good. He can keep a low profile and soar into the sky. A trustworthy person helps manage the company, can't you really hand over all your property to your father? You must nurture your confidant from an early age, this is the old man's original words." The same table advised in an unusually mature tone.

Si Ming stared at the little curly-haired man in the video, his eyes were deep, but his tone was very indifferent: "No need, I'm not interested in this person."

"Really? If you're not interested, you know that they have been away for more than three hours?" The tablemate raised an eyebrow and smiled strangely.

Si Ming stared at him coldly.

The same tablemate was about to raise his hand to surrender, but he heard the classmates outside the corridor shout eagerly, "Zhuang Li and Teng Xuan are back, everyone, put away your mobile phones!"

The classmates collected their mobile phones in unison.

Si Ming didn't know what he was nervous about. When he realized it, he had covered his head with his coat, lying on the table and didn't dare to move.

Seeing the cold Si Shao hiding like a groundhog, he patted the table and laughed.

They were so scared that they said they were not interested!