Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 127: Love bet live game 15 ┃ Zhuang Li I want to be your boyfriend


Zhuang Li opened the curtain of the bed, walked to Si Ming step by step, squatted down, put both hands on his knees, tilted his head to look at each other, and repeated, "I really don't want to be your friend at all. "

Si Ming stared blankly at the little curly hair, then closed his eyes in despair and buried his head in his arms.

But at this moment, Zhuang Li held his face, pressed his face to the tip of his nose, and commanded strongly, "Open your eyes and look at me!"

Si Ming was forced to open his eyes and looked at each other with red eyes.

Even if he knew that this man was holding a sharp blade and was about to cut his completely open heart, he couldn't refuse. He just wants to listen to his words, whether it is happiness or pain, as long as it is given by the little curly hair, he will accept it completely.

Zhuang Li looked directly at his eyes soaked in tears and despair, and said cautiously and slowly: "Listen, I'll only say this once. I don't want to be friends with you, because I like You, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, to be your lover, to be your partner, to spend this life together, and then the next, and then forever. I already knew you had ALS, but I didn't care."

Si Ming suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the opposite side in shock and disbelief.

"What did you say?" he asked, trembling.

However, Zhuang Li didn't respond at all. He took out a wet tissue from his pocket, unpacked it and folded it into small squares. Carefully wiped his lover's face, first his sweaty forehead, then his eyes full of tears, and finally It's the tip of the nose with snot hanging on it.

He wiped the thin lips that were light blue because of pain and despair many times, and wiped them back and forth with the pulp of his fingers, and then he suddenly leaned over and kissed them fiercely.

Si Ming: "!!!"

Zhong Xingyun: "!!!"

School doctor: "Cough cough! I'm going out to guard the door!"

No amount of disbelief, no amount of pain and despair, no amount of helplessness and confusion, all vanished in this extremely warm kiss.

Zhuang Li held his lover's face, gently brushed the tips of his hot ears, and then pressed the back of his head, deepening the kiss, and conveying the firm love in his heart.

Finally, he bit his lover's tongue with his canine teeth and asked in a hoarse voice, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." Si Ming nodded dumbly, but his hands were desperately around Xiao Curly's slender waist, lest he pull away.

"Pain is not a dream." Zhuang Li rubbed his lover's head.

Si Ming was stunned for a while before grinning slyly. This is really not a dream! His wish came true!

From hell to heaven, it's just a blink of an eye.

Seeing that he smiled so cutely, Zhuang Li couldn't help kissing his cheek.

Si Ming's head slanted and sent his lips over, and he learned to kiss with tongue without a teacher. He hugged the little curly hair tightly with his left hand, like a drowning person hugging a driftwood.

It seems that his body is not disobedient, but has his own opinion.

Zhuang Li inserted five fingers into Si Ming's completely unconscious right hand, intertwined with his ten fingers, and pressed them tightly against his chest, inducing step by step, "What is our relationship now?"

"It's a couple relationship." Si Ming's ears were red and his voice was shaking.

"If I had ALS, would you dislike it?"

"How is that possible! I will take care of you for the rest of my life!"

"So my mood is the same, I will take care of you for the rest of my life, and I don't despise you at all."

Si Ming: "..." His eyes turned red again, and the huge emotion and intense happiness drowned his reason like a flood, making him lose the ability to express.

Zhuang Li hugged his head, kissed his forehead lightly, and continued to induce: "Do you believe what I said?"


"I will cure you and let you live like a normal person, do you believe it?"

Xuan Ming hesitated for a moment and then nodded vigorously: "I believe it."

"Okay." Zhuang Li smiled contentedly and slowly stroked his lover's cheek before revealing his schedule: "So from tomorrow, I won't be able to come to school for classes. To save you, I have to develop repair genes. I have to spend twenty-four hours in the lab. My time is your life, do you understand?"

Si Ming was stunned, the crimson ears quickly turned pale, and the fear of being abandoned immediately jumped up from the bottom of his heart.

Zhuang Li lowered his head and kissed his thin lips, erasing these fears with ease: "But you can come to the laboratory to see me at any time, in fact, I need you to cooperate with me to do some physical examinations. This is the address of the laboratory, you Remember, come see me if you miss me, but only if you study hard."

He stuffed the note with the address into the palm of his lover's hand.

Si Ming immediately clenched the note and said with an oath, "I will see you every day."

"Take your homework and notebook with you when you go, and I'll take the time to help you make up lessons." Zhuang Li added at the right time.

Si Ming, who is full of joy: "..."

"Pfft!" Zhong Xingyun was amused. Seeing Master Si staring at him coldly, he immediately turned around and waved: "You talk, you talk, I'll go out first."

What Zhuang Li cared about most was Young Master Si's studies, and this alone made Zhong Xingyun willing to believe that he was not a bad person. As for the genetic medicine he said, just listen to it and don't take it seriously.

Master Si searched all over the world's top doctors, but no one dared to guarantee that Si Ming would be cured. Zhuang Li is only seventeen years old this year, what can he do

Zhong Xingyun shook his head and sighed while stepping out of the infirmary, only to find that the school doctor did not know where to hide, and a familiar figure flashed into the opposite corner, as if he was eavesdropping outside the window just now.

"Fixing the yue?" Zhong Xingyun raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he didn't take this episode to heart at all.

To put it in a bad way, Si Ming is so ill, and his life is less than a day, who would find him unhappy because he fell in love with a man? What if Xiu Yue knew about it, the Si family didn't care about this at all.


After comforting his lover, Zhuang Li rushed to the laboratory with confidence.

Si Ming originally wanted to send people over in person, but when he walked to the school gate, he found that there were several cars parked on the side of the road waiting. Observe the surrounding environment, and then quickly invite people into the back seat, pull the door and leave.

The remaining few vehicles either lead the way in front or follow behind, and there are several vehicles on both sides, completely isolating the approach of unfamiliar vehicles.

They walked away in a mighty manner, which was even more exaggerated than the travel of the richest man.

Si Ming was full of reluctance and didn't think much about it, but Zhong Xingyun vaguely realized something, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Master Secretary, where's the address Zhuang Li gave you? Let me see." He spread his palms.

Si Ming absentmindedly handed over the note.

Zhong Xingyun took a photo of the note and sent it to Mr. Si.

Within two seconds, Mr. Si called with a shocked tone: "Who gave you this address?"

Zhong Xingyun stepped aside and reported everything that happened today in detail.

Mr. Si was so shocked that he didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and ordered: "Don't worry about the two of them, let them develop freely. This may be Xiao Ming's last hope!"

"Really?" Zhong Xingyun was taken aback.

Mr. Si's hands and eyes are open to the sky, and he will not say such things for no reason.

"Do you know Area 51 in the United States?" Mr. Si asked without answering.

"I know." Zhong Xingyun was full of question marks.

"The address on the note is Area 51 in our country. If Xiao Ming can freely enter and leave this address to visit Zhuang Li in the future, you should understand the meaning of this, right?"

"Ming, I understand! I understand, old man! I didn't hinder the development of the two of them at all, and I also assisted, don't worry! Okay, okay, I understand, I will definitely not talk nonsense. Well, well, I Tomorrow, I will send the young master to visit Zhuang Li, and I will call you when there is news."

Zhong Xingyun hung up the phone at the old man's tireless exhortation, lowered his head to look at the note in his palm, and couldn't help showing awe.

If the young and old can really freely enter and exit Area 51, how high is Zhuang Li's authority in Area 51? just a family member...

Zhong Xingyun tapped his head, not daring to think further.


The next day, Si Ming got up early in the morning, stuffed a thick photo album into his schoolbag, walked down the stairs lightly, walked around the living room, and wanted to go to the garage, but was stopped by a majestic voice: " What are you doing sneakily?"

Siming froze immediately.

"Go to see your little boyfriend?" Mr. Si, who was already sitting in the dining room reading the newspaper, waved angrily: "Come and have breakfast before you go!"

"Grandpa, don't you scold me?" Si Ming was extremely surprised.

"I just want you to be happy." Mr. Si patted the table. "After eating, bring a copy to your little boyfriend."

After hearing the last sentence, Siming immediately ran into the restaurant with his long legs, and eagerly instructed the cook: "I'll just have a bowl of porridge. You can make another fried dumpling, stuffed with leeks and pork, and fry until fragrant on one side, and on the other side. Don’t touch the oil star at all, the taste should be crispy but not soft and glutinous, prepare a plate of mature vinegar and add two drops of garlic juice.”

The chef agreed with a smile.

Mr. Si teased: "I know people quite well."

"I know what he likes." Si Ming grinned slyly.

Seeing his eyes twinkling with happiness, Mr. Si was also very happy. The atmosphere of the Si family has not been so active for a long time.

After sending off his grandson, Mr. Si walked into the living room slowly, pressing down on a crutch of a faucet with his hands folded, sitting on the sofa with his back straight, his hazy eyes looking at a certain direction in the void, not knowing where he was. Think about something.

After sitting stiffly for more than an hour, the call he was waiting for finally came.

Zhong Xingyun whispered like a thief: "Old man, I'm on my way back. The eldest and youngest went in. The gatekeepers were all special forces, and the fence was still pulling the power grid. When I drove past, there were several guns in the watchtower. Facing my head, it almost scared me to death! Zhuang Li personally came to pick him up, wearing a white coat and accompanied by two guards. Now I finally understand why those nine families dare not trouble Zhuang Li, he The backstage is tougher than anyone else."

"Okay, I understand, come back." Mr. Si hung up the phone, his straight back suddenly collapsed, and two lines of turbid tears slowly fell from his old cheeks, but he laughed happily.

The grandson is really promising, and quietly found such a boyfriend!

At the same time, Zhuang Li was looking at the album brought by Si Ming while eating breakfast.

"This is when you were young? It's so cute." He praised, but his eyes fell on the plants behind the child, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never caught his eyes.

He flipped through many photos one after another and asked, "Why do you grow so many cycads in your family?"

Cycads, commonly known as cycads, are a very popular landscape plant.

"I don't know either, the gardeners do all the greening at home." Si Ming hasn't noticed any problems yet.

Zhuang Li pointed to the background of the two photos and continued to ask: "This is the Xiu family, this is the Si family, right?"

"Yes." Siming nodded.

"The gardens of both houses are full of cycads. Whose idea was this?"

"I don't know." Si Ming scratched the back of his head.

Zhuang Li raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have you and your mother been tested for genetics? Have you found the genetic gene that causes ALS?"

"I did, but I didn't find anything." Siming shook his head.

"Then do the genetic test again now, and I'll take you to the infirmary." Zhuang Li stood up and ordered quickly.

Although Si Ming was full of doubts, he honestly entered the medical examination room.

While waiting for the result outside, Zhuang Li sneered and said to 7480: "Just pray that Si Ming's illness has nothing to do with the Son of Destiny, or I will let him die worse than anyone else."

7480: "…"

Who am I provoking? I'm your sweetie now!