Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 16: Zhuang Li Dad, I'll make you four hundred million


Zhuang Li put down his briefcase and walked towards the dining table.

Zhuang Dahai shook his big hand: "Let's go, I haven't washed my hands!" His voice was full of disgust, but a doting smile appeared on his chubby face.

Zhuang Li turned his toes and immediately walked into the kitchen to wash his hands.

The 7480 was still playing tricks in his mind, high-frequency noise, low-frequency noise, and even infrasound waves that could make people crazy, alternately and endlessly.

He frowned patiently, washing his hands carefully, without the slightest impatience or sloppiness, and went back to the table.

"Smash, eat quickly." Zhuang Dahai immediately put the bowl and chopsticks into his hands, and rubbed his curly soft hair again.

Zhuang Li put on disposable gloves and took a big bite. The Chinese delicacies that can only be eaten in dreams made him lose his demeanor, and made a whimper like a little wolf dog gnawing.

Zhuang Li's ears were hot, and his whole body suddenly froze.

On the contrary, Zhuang Dahai laughed: "Dad knows you are the best! Don't worry, there is still a big pot. If you like it, we will cook it tomorrow so that you can eat enough." Pu Shanda's hand is on his son He slapped on the back, looking at the big old man, but his strength was extraordinarily gentle.

Zhuang Li's embarrassment was quickly relieved, and he held the sauce elbow in both hands and nibbled slowly.

Chang Hui said yin and yang angrily: "Eating soy sauce elbow every day, where do you get the money?"

"My monthly salary is more than 8,000 yuan, but that's not enough for my son to eat meat?" Zhuang Dahai poured a glass of white wine and took a sip of it.

"You don't have to pay utility bills for eight thousand wages, you don't have to buy daily necessities, you don't have to spend money, and you don't have to take favors. You just buy meat for your son, and you still don't care about your family?" Chang Hui held back her temper.

"I take care of my son as I take care of the family." Zhuang Dahai put down his glass and said confidently.

"Okay, okay, you still treat me and Dongming as outsiders, right? What do you eat, haven't you eaten meat in eight lifetimes?" Chang Hui slapped the sauce elbow from Zhuang Li's hand, and said sharply, "Dongming hasn't come back yet, neither of you. Do you have a question?"

Zhuang Li put the soiled sauce elbow aside, and took another one from the basin, his face was flat, and there was no anger.

However, Zhuang Dahai patted the table and replied: "I ask a fart! You spent my money to buy roast chicken and roast duck for yourself and Chang Dongming, why didn't you remember that we were a family when you were hiding and eating? If it weren't for you and Chang Dongming always eats alone and only gives my son green vegetables and tofu, how can my son grow so short?"

Zhuang Li, who is 183 cm tall, felt like he was hit by an arrow for no reason. But Zhuang Dahai is a strong man of 1.9 meters, and even Chang Dongming is 1.88 meters. It is reasonable to describe him as short.

Chang Hui was completely blown away: "What's wrong with us eating alone? It's better than selling the entire house for Zhuang Li to go abroad to study at Yeji University! Calculate how much you lost for him before and after! My family, Dongming, wants to get married, let you You are not willing to pay three million for a down payment! You don't feel bad if you spend five million for him in one go!"

"My son has to spend money, why do I feel bad? Don't stare at my house. When my wife passed away, all these houses were transferred to my son. It was his personal property. He can deal with it as he likes. Don't even ask, can you be a stepmother?" Zhuang Dahai threw the wine glass with a bang.

Chang Hui covered her heart and panted: "Okay, go over with your son, I won't go with you! You only treat me and Dongming as your servants..."

Zhuang Dahai interrupted her immediately: "Take it down. When you got married, Chang Dongming was already eighteen years old and an adult. According to the law, I have no obligation to support him at all. But I will support him after he finishes university. As a graduate student, he will be given 2,500 yuan per month for living expenses. The new mobile phone and new computer will be replaced every two or three months. Calculate how much it will cost me to train him! Which servant has it? This treatment?"

"He's good. For so many years, Dad never called me, and he didn't say a good word to me. He wanted me to pay him a down payment, and I'd pay him a hammer!" Zhuang Dahai wanted to flip the table and saw his son hug him. With the sauce, the elbows gnawed very deeply, and then changed it to smashing the wine bottle.

Chang Hui screamed: "You said that Dongming never called your father, did Zhuang Li call me mother?"

Zhuang Li immediately raised his head, "Mom."

Chang Hui: "…"

I can't have this cheap son!

Zhuang Dahai pointed at his son and shouted proudly, "Look, look at how polite my son is!"

Chang Hui: "…"

I want to cry!

"Stop arguing, get a divorce!" A calm voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Chang Hui and Zhuang Dahai turned their heads to look, but saw Chang Dongming standing upright at the door, hiding behind a number of neighbors who were probing their brains.

"Mom, pack up, let's go, and go to Zhuang Dahai for divorce tomorrow. I took out a loan to buy a flat outside, and it's written in your name. We won't have to rely on others in the future." Chang Dongming deliberately raised his voice.

So the neighbors outside the door began to talk: "Dongming has only been working for a few years, so he has just bought a house. It's really promising!"

"He is a top student of Qing University, of course he has a future!"

"I really don't know what Zhuang Dahai thinks. His own son only knows how to lose his family. He also cuts his flesh and sells his blood to make endless offerings. His stepson is so promising, he ignores it. There will be times when he regrets it!"

"Yeah, his family, Zhuang Li, can't do anything, spend the first place, and Zhuang Dahai won't have the time to cry in the future."

Chang Dongming turned his body to the side, letting everyone admire Zhuang Li's stupid face with oil on his face, and his heart was inexplicably happy.

But Zhuang Dahai was annoyed, he walked to the door and waved his arms: "Go, go, go and go, my family, Zhuang Li, works in the Haiming Group, and he is much more promising than your children!"

Chang Dongming leaned against the door frame, pretending to be concerned, but in fact mocking: "Uncle, I forgot to tell you that it was exposed that you paid Zhuang Li to buy test answers, and the company will soon fire Zhuang Li. I will give you a hint. Here's a suggestion, quickly sell this house and buy him a job."

"My God, Zhuang Dahai is so willing! In order to get his son into Haiming, he sold a house! I said that Zhuang Li was not promising when he was young, so why did he suddenly find such a good job! So that's what happened. !" The neighbors boiled.

"Zhuang Dahai, if you don't make a good offering to a promising son, you only know how to eat old waste. What will you do when you get old! Don't be reduced to the point of begging for food on the street." Someone was gloating outside the door. call.

"Your son is trash, your whole family is trash!"

Zhuang Dahai squeezed to the door and shouted angrily: "My son will definitely have great prospects, you wait and see! Chang Dongming, bring your mother and get out of my way! Don't think I don't know what the hell your mother is up to, before you You only married into my house after seeing the few apartments I got from the demolition. Knowing that the house is written in my son's name, you can't stay here, can you? Divorce! This marriage is settled!"

Chang Dongming's eyes flashed, and he sneered: "Uncle, what am I inferior to Zhuang Li? You just don't look down on me? You raise me, and I will repay you sooner or later. It is better to raise a dog if you raise him."

"Get out of here for me! I have supported you for so many years, and you have never bought me anything after working and earning money. I know that you are a white-eyed wolf. I am willing to support my son for the rest of my life, can you handle it?" Zhuang Dahai shoved Chang Dongming again and again.

He is very big, and when he is angry, his face is full of fat and trembles, and he looks very difficult to mess with.

Chang Dongming was so angry that he didn't dare to do it, so he could only shout, "Mom, hurry up, I'll be waiting for you outside."

"Ehhh, Mom is here." Chang Hui ran out of the bedroom with a large bag and a small bag.

Then Zhuang Li held a greasy sauce elbow, walked to the door, and said to Zhuang Dahai, "Dad, I will make you 400 million tomorrow, and you will wait for my call at home."

Zhuang Dahai had long been used to his son running the train with his mouth full, but he still answered happily.

The neighbors who were hiding in the corridor and watching shook their heads and sighed: "Zhuang Hai's eyesight is so blind, it's really hopeless."

Chang Dongming took Chang Hui's luggage and turned around and said, "Uncle, you should sell this house as soon as possible. Zhuang Li's job can't be kept."

Zhuang Dahai spat at his back, went home, closed the door, and immediately lowered his voice and asked, "Erzai, is what he said true? Are you really fired?"

"No, I'll be promoted to minister tomorrow," Zhuang Li picked up a sauced elbow and hesitated for a while before shouting, "Dad, you can eat it too."

"You're going to be a minister? Really?" Zhuang Dahai hugged the big food bowl, his head dizzy.

"Well, the head of the R&D department. Tomorrow, you will also pack up the things at home and wait for the villa provided by the company." Zhuang Li instructed seriously.

"Eh, okay." Zhuang Dahai agreed in a trance, but thought to himself: Son's bragging this time is a bit big! It's even worse than when I got into Princeton!

That night, Zhuang Li couldn't fall asleep. 7480 is right, noise can indeed kill people, it is a serious mental damage, and no one can stand it for a long time.

But the next morning, he came to work at the company on time, and everything was normal except for a little black and blue now. No one could guess what kind of torture he was going through.

Liao Kaiping met him in the elevator, and immediately whistled, "Yo, Preston's top talent is born."

There was a snicker in the elevator.

7480 immediately broadcast: "Host, there are a total of thirteen people in the elevator, but the favorability of you is below -10, you are really a loser!"

Zhuang Li looked up at the elevator counter, his expression very flat. However, some brainless monsters are just squeaking, don't worry about it.

Liao Kaiping said a few more provocative words. Seeing that Zhuang Li didn't even frown, he felt more and more angry. When he got off the elevator, he deliberately raised his voice: "I advise you to submit your resignation, don't wait for your minister to expel people, it's too ugly."

Zhuang Li bypassed him and walked straight away. His way of dealing with mindless monsters has always been ignorance.

After entering the office, those who came first all looked up at him, their eyes or sympathy, or ridicule, or contempt. It seemed that something had happened without him knowing.

And the answer was slowly approaching him.

I saw the head of the Administration Department throw a stamped resignation form on his desk and ordered: "Fill out the form, then pack up and leave immediately."

"Why?" Zhuang Li put down his briefcase and took out his laptop.

"Because your education is fake."

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the president's office to get a reward first, and I'll come back to talk with you later." Zhuang Li straightened the curly hair on his forehead in front of the computer screen, adjusted his tie again, and got up and left.

His ignorant attitude made the Minister of Administration annoyed, chased out and shouted: "You will only die worse if you go to President Xuan! Waiting to be banned by the industry, you idiot!"

Zhuang Li pretended not to hear, walked into the elevator and went up to the top floor. He thought that it would take a lot of trouble to meet Xuan Ming, but he just explained his intention, and the secretariat took him into the president's office.

When Zhuang Li entered the door, he found that Xuan Ming was hurriedly pushing a half-smoked cigar into the ashtray.

7480 suddenly exclaimed: "Host, why is Xuan Ming's initial favorability rating for you higher than your dad's, but it has reached 180? The average person's favorability rating is only 100, your dad is already full, and there is no room for improvement. Xuan Ming actually broke the table? What the hell did you do to him!"

Zhuang Li's footsteps paused slightly.

Xuan Ming, who hurriedly extinguished the cigar:? ?