Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 19: Zhuang Li Madam, do you understand?


Hearing Qiao Yanan's rhetorical question, the software engineers who were looking at her with eyes turned to look at Zhuang Li.

Zhuang Li stepped onto the podium, and while writing with an oily pen, he said slowly: "The answer to the first question is: use a common model to define and control wireless networks, that is, software-defined wireless networks."

"The answer to the second question is: developing edge computing."

"The answer to the third question is: using big data analysis, the CDN system comprehensively considers information such as the connection status of each node, load situation, and user distance, and distributes relevant content to the CDN proxy server close to the user. Get the information you need."

"The answer to the fourth question is: developing large-scale antenna array technology."

"The answer to the fifth question is divided into three ideas: the first idea is to develop interference randomization processing technology; the second idea is to enhance the interference assistance between cells; the third idea is to develop multi-point coordinated transmission technology. "

"The answer to the sixth question is context-aware technology, network slicing and content distribution networks. The biggest profit point is tailoring the network services for customers to their needs."

After quickly writing these dozens of lines on the blackboard, Zhuang Li turned around and glanced at the people present.

Sun Jingshu was stunned when he heard this. It was only now that he vaguely realized that this young man who graduated from Yeji University did not seem to be the legendary trash who didn't know anything but only knew how to eat old things.

Xuan Ming also did not understand these words, but this did not prevent him from showing an expression of admiration.

The engineers and scientists who had no expectations or even sneered at the speeches of the youth could no longer sit still.

Some of them are quickly copying the writing on the blackboard, some are doing crazy calculations on the scratch paper, some are slamming their hands, and some are patting their foreheads and shouting: "Yes, that's it!"

To the uninitiated, the words on the blackboard are just some celestial books that look very powerful, but can't be read at all. But for experts who are proficient in this technology, these simple lines are a beacon in the dark, illuminating their way forward.

Only at this moment did everyone's gaze towards Zhuang Li completely change. If this person is a liar, then they all don't need to mix in the field of communication!

Only Qiao Yanan stared into his eyes and curled the corners of his mouth, disdainful of Zhuang Li's answer. What is this? If you don't understand it, if you answer it, you don't answer it! Don't let him fool people casually, right

248 said in her mind: "Host, this person has indeed mastered advanced technology, he is not a liar."

Qiao Yanan's slanted mouth drooped down for a moment, and her expression changed from scornful mockery to hesitant and solemn.

However, before she changed, Zhuang Li's gaze had fallen on her lightly. A sharp light flashed in his narrow eyes, and then he returned to indifference.

Someone raised a hand to ask him to elaborate on these six questions, but he ignored it, turned around, and continued to write on the blackboard.

"Young man, you are here. Can't you give us a good analysis of the arrangement of large-scale antenna arrays? Problems need to be solved one by one..." A respected old scientist rambled, but his voice quickly became stuck. in the throat.

The engineers who gathered together for a heated discussion also kept their mouths tightly shut, and then raised their heads one by one, staring at the blackboard with burning eyes.

I saw Zhuang Li write a line on a blank blackboard: [Nine key technologies of 5G: first, non-orthogonal multiple access technology; second, filter bank multi-carrier technology; third, millimeter wave technology… Nine, D2D technology.]

Just because of these few lines, the noisy conference room became surprisingly quiet.

Now that the concept of 5G is just emerging, everyone is smearing it with both eyes and groping one step at a time. But Zhuang Li has already chiseled the steps to the top of the mountain, so that everyone can see the whole picture of 5G. is it possible

This is simply not possible!

But the impossible is indeed happening in front of everyone's eyes. Everyone's breathing became rapid, and several old scientists hurriedly took out a bottle of medicine from their pockets and poured it into their palms.

Qiao Yanan stared at the blackboard with a serious look, as if to keep pace with everyone's mood, but in fact he said in an ignorant tone: "What exactly is he writing? I know every word, and I can't read a single one of them together. Understand!"

248's tone was serious: "He is depicting the future of 5G."

"Really? Is he more powerful than me?" Qiao Yanan had forgotten that the results she brought out belonged to Dr. Zhao, not her own. In fact, she and Zhuang Li are not comparable at all.

248, who is still very clear-headed: "… "

7480 began to persuade again: "Host, your cleverness surprised me very much. If you were not obedient, I would be reluctant to kill you. In the next day, I will gradually increase the decibel of the noise, and before I die, You can slowly think about how to choose. Didn't you say that you are precious? Then why would you risk your life for a man you don't even know?"

Xuan Ming's mind was filled with these conversations, and various dark lights flashed in his eyes. For Qiao Yanan and those two systems, he detested deeply; for Little Curly Hair, he both admired and felt distressed, and really wished he could agree on behalf of the other party.

The system is right, geniuses like Little Curly Hair are really precious, and once they are lost, it will be the loss of all mankind.

However, Xuan Ming's idea of genius can never be grasped.

Even when he heard such a vicious threat, Zhuang Li was able to maintain his inner peace. He no longer communicates with the system, or even thinks about anything.

In the eyes of others, he is normal, but in Xuan Ming's perception, he has become a walking black hole.

After writing the nine basic theories, he further divided these theories into data-level theories and physical-level theories. After ignoring everyone's active questions and raised hands, he continued to write with more difficulty and R&D level. Higher technical theories, and finally connect these theories with lines to form a huge 5G technology development tree.

He couldn't write on the blackboard, so he turned on the computer, continued to write in the document, and then used a projector to project the content on a huge white screen for everyone to watch.

One by one, the raised hands were lowered, and instead they were typing desperately on the keyboard. Everyone is copying this tree, because it has fully and concisely explained the entire research and development process of 5G technology, both logically and technically.

Zhuang Li didn't lie. The title of his speech today, "Overview of Key 5G Technologies", was really an overview, rather than a framework and a one-sentence summary like Qiao Yanan.

This tree is equivalent to a map with its own voice navigation. As long as the researchers of Haiming Group are not fools, they can follow the signs in the picture, one step at a time, and reach the destination stably and very quickly.

When everyone thought that the tree was amazing enough, Zhuang Li began to add branches and leaves to the tree. Those technologies that were rarely used, technologies that were difficult to develop, and technologies that were easily overlooked were also enumerated by him one by one.

The meeting unknowingly lasted for more than five hours, from nine in the morning to two or three in the afternoon, without a single person asking questions or discussing in the middle. Everyone stared at the blackboard, pressing the keyboard with both hands, for fear of making a mistake or missing even half a word.

The young people on the stage didn't seem to be here to kick the gym, but more like they were here to teach elementary school students.

The little curly hair did not disappoint me. Xuan Ming propped his forehead and looked at each other with a happy expression.

Qiao Yanan pretended to copy the notes, but actually asked in his heart, "Can I use the things he wrote today? You will sort it out later and send it as a paper in my name."

248: "No, there are surveillance cameras in the conference room, and there are witnesses. If you send out your results as your own, you will get into an infringement lawsuit. By then, the reputation I have finally created for you will be over. I can destroy the surveillance, but I can't. Influence the judgment of these people, and Xuan Ming also knows the truth, he will hate you."

It's not disgusting, it's disgusting. Xuan Ming corrected silently in his heart.

"That's fine. But I can use the results he developed in private in the future, right?" Qiao Yanan continued to ask.

"Old rule, as long as he hasn't published it publicly, I can help you steal it and help you destroy all the evidence." 248 agreed.

"Hee hee, I have another mobile warehouse." Qiao Yanan was proud for a while, and then complained dissatisfiedly: "Why is he still writing? Will he finish writing all the 5G technology in one go and leave nothing for me?" She has been shameless enough to take other people's things as her own.

Xuan Ming's stomach was churning for a while.

"No, he still has a few key algorithms that he hasn't written yet." 248, who comes from a high-dimensional space, obviously also has a comprehensive understanding of 5G technology.

"Which ones?" Qiao Yanan quickly inquired.

"You don't have the right to know, but I can tell you that he missed six key algorithms. But I believe he can find these problems in his subsequent research." 248 is very optimistic about Zhuang Li.

"These six algorithms are mine." Qiao Yanan announced proudly.

Xuan Ming was almost laughed at by the shameless duo, and was thinking about how to remind Little Curly Hair euphemistically, but saw that the other party closed the full document and opened a blank document.

An old scientist with a silver head hurriedly raised his hand, "Mr. Zhuang, I haven't finished copying it yet!"

The rest of the people also made comments in a low voice.

Zhuang Li was still writing on the document by himself as before.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Although their faces are full of doubts, anxiety, and grievances, no one dares to sing against the teacher. What if the teacher has more important theories to elaborate

Their guesses were soon confirmed. This time, Zhuang Li wrote a brand new algorithm that had never been mentioned in the previous technology tree, but it was also an extremely critical algorithm.

248 sighed: "He found a loophole!"

Qiao Yanan's face became ugly in an instant.

However, Zhuang Li raised his head at this moment, pointed his slender fingertips at the other party, and his tone was cold: "I have given out some key data, please write its algorithm."

Qiao Yanan looked at the curtain, and then became stunned - [F-OFDM algorithm design in 5G system], what is this!

Contrary to her stunned silence, the engineers and scientists who were sitting on both sides took out scratch paper, and based on a few clues given by Teacher Zhuang, they were eager to calculate.

Xuan Ming realized almost immediately—Little Curly Hair discovered Qiao Yanan's abnormality! Yes, he is so smart that he can even peel off the skin of the system and the main god, how could he be deceived by an ordinary person

So Xuan Ming stopped immediately: "Put down the pen, no one can do the math!" Once these people write down the pen, 248 can tell Qiao Yanan their answer and teach her how to get away with it.

Everyone subconsciously stopped doing the questions, and then they started to write regardless. They are the most free and loose group of people in the company, but they are also the ones who create the most business value. Others will be afraid of the president, but they are not afraid.

Zhuang Li tapped the tabletop with an oil-based pen, in a light tone: "Don't write anything, let this lady write, and I'll explain her answer later." He didn't know why Xuan Ming ordered that, but it didn't Prevent him from plugging any loopholes.

The most stubborn old scientists immediately put down their pens and sat upright. The rest of the people also pushed the paper away hesitantly and looked at Qiao Yanan.

Xuan Ming couldn't control the group of lunatics in the R&D department, but just a few hours ago, Zhuang Li, who was still a newbie of Xiaomeng, managed them obediently.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yanan's forehead slowly burst out with a layer of cold sweat.