Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 2: Prequel 02┃Ignorance of Zhuang Li


Faced with such a rare face full of mystery and oriental style, the female anchor's belly full of vitriol was forgotten.

She couldn't help but have a crush on this young man, and just as the sneer at the corner of her mouth melted a little, she heard the other person say something quite unbelievable.

"What did you say?" She asked in a shrill voice after being stunned for a while.

Contrary to her sluggish response, the audience in the live broadcast room had long since scolded:

[Fuck! How dare he insult Dr. John!]

[He should be burned to death! He is a heretic!]

[The court shouldn't have let him go because he was a minor! This time we must send him to jail! Life imprisonment, never release!]

[No no no, we should throw him into the nuclear pollution zone and let him taste the taste of his body being slowly eroded by nuclear radiation!]

[Dr. John adopted him and gave him the best education, but he avenged his revenge, he is not worthy of being a person at all!]

[Yellow Pig, inferior, go to die...]

Such vicious remarks instantly occupied the dialog box of the live broadcast room.

Zhuang Li provoked everyone's hatred with just a few words, but he didn't care about it. He just glanced at the live broadcast room and said casually, "Come in."

He took the lead in walking into the dimly lit room, not paying too much attention to the two people standing at the door, nor was he worried that they would turn around and leave.

The female anchor walked in aggressively with her fist clenched, and the photographer followed with a tight face, with uncontrollable anger in her eyes.

The pictures in the live broadcast room began to switch with the footsteps of the two.

Dilapidated hallways, dark corridors, and mottled walls are all displayed on the screen. The federal commander General Ford, who was sitting in front of the computer and watching the live broadcast, mocked: "Without your care, his life is very sad!"

He was in a splendid villa at this time, outside the villa was a sky tinged with golden sunlight and a green bamboo forest. The night wind blew through the top of the forest, bringing a soft sound of brushing and pulling, like the gentle whispers of nature.

To be able to plant such a vast forest on Mars, where resources are scarce, can imagine how high social status the owner of the villa has.

"After searching for so long, it turns out that he has been hiding under my nose." A deep voice sighed slowly.

General Ford personally poured a glass of red wine and handed it over, and whispered to persuade: "This time you can't be soft-hearted. If you forgive him again and again, it will only make him worse. To deal with such a bottomless person, let him often What it's like to be in jail."

"Look at it again, after all, it's the child I raised with my own hands." A well-jointed hand raised a wine glass to his lips, but couldn't drink it for a long time.

There is no doubt that this middle-aged man who has completely lost his interest in tasting wine is Dr. John.

He is a pure North American with a very tall stature. His blond hair has already turned silver-white due to years of hard work, and his handsome face has also been engraved with traces of vicissitudes of life.

But his eyes are very firm, and he is staring at the holographic screen for a moment, trying to find out what kind of life his adopted son has lived in the past ten years.

Seeing his slightly concerned expression, General Ford sighed involuntarily.

"You can't indulge him this time. We must arrest Zhuang Li! He must pay for what he did. You are the hope of all mankind, and you should not be slandered!" General Ford reiterated. own position.

Dr. John said the same thing: "Let's see what he wants to say first."

The two looked at the holographic screen together, and at the same time, the constantly shaking picture had stabilized.

Zhuang Li walked into a spacious laboratory made of silver-white metal, filled with various unnamed instruments, and said, "Please take a seat."

He points to two metal chairs in the corner.

The female anchor and cameraman stood still, their faces full of anger and alertness.

Zhuang Li pressed a red button on the console.

The hostess and the photographer quickly backed away, and after reacting, they hurried forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

However, nothing abnormal happened in the laboratory, as if the red button indicating danger had no effect.

The hostess and the photographer let out a long sigh of relief, then looked at each other with a sarcastic expression - look, this lunatic is playing tricks again! He really loves acting.

Zhuang Li didn't care about their views and attitudes towards him, and pressed the green button next to him. This time, there was finally movement in the laboratory.

The metal wall above the head slowly opened, and several projectors stretched out, using their respective light to synthesize a fiery red holographic image.

The female anchor and the photographer took a closer look and exclaimed, "This is the sun!"

That's right, the red star in the picture is the sun that humans depend on for a living. It is emitting light and heat continuously, and the bright light stings the eyes of all who look directly at it.

But the strange thing is that this high-temperature star, which was once unapproachable by anyone, has now been alternately wrapped in five or six metal rings, like a ruby hidden in a hollow pendant.

These metal bands around the sun are the legendary Dyson spheres. They are connected by a block of energy plates, and then continuously absorb the energy radiated from the sun and transmit it back to Mars.

The audience in the live broadcast room is no stranger to this great project that has changed the destiny of all mankind, and they were already in awe at the moment they saw it:

[It's a Dyson Sphere!]


[This is the hope of all mankind!]

"No, this is a disaster for all mankind." Zhuang Li stared at the barrage on the holographic screen and said coldly.

"I warn you not to talk nonsense, or I will tear your mouth apart!" The female anchor's sharp voice stung the audience's eardrums, but everyone applauded her.

Even General Ford, who has always been serious and serious, said with a chuckle: "This blonde girl has a good sense of justice."

Dr. John stared at Zhuang Li and did not answer.

Zhuang Li stretched out his pale and slender fingertips and drew in the air: "Why do I say this project is a disaster? Because the four-dimensional theory that Poincaré Johann stole from me is incomplete."

A blank holographic screen appeared in front of Zhuang Li, and his fingertips moved quickly on the screen, depicting one by one profound and complex mathematical symbols.

No one could understand the meaning of these symbols, and the overwhelming abuse and condemnation continued.

But these noisy and malicious voices did not affect Zhuang Li's thoughts in the slightest.

He said quickly and clearly: "Why do I say this theory is incomplete? Because I was only fourteen years old at the time, and my understanding of the universe was not profound."

Hearing this, General Ford, who was sitting on the other end of the camera, smiled sarcastically: "He actually said that your theory is incomplete, and that your understanding of the universe is not profound. What a fearless ignorant!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden name suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room. That was Chemonov, another great scholar who was second only to Dr. John in terms of scientific research ability.

Chemonov said bluntly: [If Dr. John's understanding of the universe is not deep enough, then those of us should be ashamed and die! His mathematical theory has opened a window for mankind to move towards a higher civilization or even a higher dimension, and he is a well-deserved savior. I advise you to stop slander immediately, or you will be severely punished by the law!]

The flashing effect was added to this sentence, and it was automatically converted into voice. It was indeed Chemonov's voice, and he seemed to be pissed off.

But even a big man like him couldn't interfere with Zhuang Li's thoughts. His slender fingertips were still moving on the screen, writing one complex formula after another, which was the fundamental formula in the four-dimensional geometric theory proposed by Dr. John.

This formula has been demonstrated by scientists all over the world, and the final result has proved that it is completely feasible to find a coordinate in the three-dimensional space and connect it to the four-dimensional space through this coordinate.

Zhuang Li is deriving and verifying this formula, and the first half of the paragraph is completely consistent with the verification methods of the scientists, which at least proves that his mathematical skills are very powerful.

Seeing this scene, Chemonov sighed regretfully: "Unfortunately, you were originally a good seedling."

General Ford on the other end of the network also shook his head and said: "He still has a little real talent, but it's a pity that he didn't use it in the right place."

Dr. John smiled, his face gradually turning pale.

The female anchor didn't know what the hell Zhuang Li wanted to do, but for the sake of ratings, she didn't interrupt the other party's actions. The photographer tried to get close to Zhuang Li several times, but was blocked from the console by an invisible energy film.

Obviously, the previous red button is not used for attack, but for defense.

The photographer was a little anxious, and his left hand quietly touched his waist.

Zhuang Li quickly deduced and calculated on the holographic screen, and said with a half-smile: "So far, this theory seems to be correct. But at that time, my thinking was limited, and I didn't think that in four-dimensional space, The speed of light is not an unsurpassable constant."

"So, the basic formula of the four-dimensional geometric theory is wrong from the beginning!" Zhuang Li walked back along the densely derived formulas, stopped at the beginning, and then gently shook his fingertips to circle a constant C in the basic formula. came out.

In this formula, C represents the speed of light, and all the calculation results of the four-dimensional geometric theory are based on c0=299792.458km/s.

Chemonov, who was still advising Zhuang Li to stop immediately, suddenly lost his voice.

General Ford smiled sarcastically.

A fine layer of sweat appeared on Dr. John's forehead.

The audience, who knew nothing about science, insulted Zhuang Li as much as possible. They had absolutely no idea what was going on at this moment.

Zhuang Li crossed out C in the formula, and said slowly: "In my theory, the most important concept is that C is a variable, not a constant. In four-dimensional space, C will change its operation due to different situations. That is to say, four-dimensional creatures are not bound by space and time, and they can come and go freely in the long river of time.”

He originally wanted to write a formula for how to calculate variable C, but he just drew half a symbol but slowly erased it, and said indifferently: "With the addition of the formula for calculating variable C, this theory is complete, and it It should have been called the theory of ascending dimension, which means leaping from three dimensions to higher dimensions, and it is the key to opening the door of time and space.”

Speaking of which, Zhuang Li raised the corners of his lips and laughed sarcastically: "Four-dimensional theory, what is that?"

"Just as in the unified field theory of the universe, two parallel lines will one day intersect at a certain point. In my theory of ascension, all extra-dimensional spaces, even parallel worlds, have points of intersection. They are both A whole separate from each other and connected to each other.”

"As long as these intersecting points are calculated, that is, the coordinates of the high-dimensional space, we can cross the barriers of time and space and go to another world. It is based on this theory that it is possible for you to build a Dyson sphere with the least amount of materials."

Zhuang Li pointed to the holographic projection of the sun and explained: "To completely envelop the sun, the diameter of the Dyson sphere must reach 200 million kilometers, and the required material must reach the 27th power of 2X10, and the total weight of the required material has exceeded The total weight of the entire solar system is completely beyond the reach of our current technological level."

"But we did it! Dr. John did it!" The hostess immediately waved her fist to retort, and the audience in the live broadcast room also called for Dr. John. After finishing, she slammed Zhuang Li more violently.

Words such as stupid, ignorant, and spicy chicken kept passing through the live broadcast room.

Zhuang Li walked slowly through the dense mathematical symbols, and said slowly: "Yeah, you thought you did it. The four-dimensional theory that Poincaré John stole from me made the Möbius ring and Klein The bottle became a reality."

"The Mobius ring has only one side, and the Klein bottle has no inner and outer divisions. The Dyson sphere built with these two four-dimensional geometric bodies is greatly reduced in weight, volume and area, thus changing from fantasy to reality. huge building.”

"However, due to an error in the basic formula, you have made an error in the selection of coordinates from the 789509th node of the fifth interval."

Zhuang Li walked in front of the projection of the sun, his fingertips walked along one side of the Dyson sphere, and pinpointed the connection of one of the energy plates.

"The wrong coordinates cannot withstand the huge shock wave caused by the reactive magnetic field of the armature, and it will eventually start here and collapse one by one."

What Zhuang Li said was esoteric and inexplicable, and audiences with no knowledge in this area naturally scoffed at this judgment.

Dr. Chemonov shook his head and murmured, "Son, you should show evidence. You should write down the formula for how to calculate variable C and let all scientists verify it, otherwise your words will never be believed."

"Why should I write out the complete formula? What good will that do to me?" Zhuang Li narrowed his long and narrow eyes and asked indifferently.

Dr. John, who was on the other end of the network, breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Zhuang Li doesn't come up with evidence, everything he just said is rubbish.

General Ford sneered: "Zhuang Li's stupidity and boldness are beyond my imagination. Does he think he can smear you with just a few nonsense? I'll call the Guard Office immediately and ask them to arrest someone."

This sentence has not yet landed, and several golden accounts have appeared in the live broadcast room, namely Dr. Depp, Dr. Albert, and Dr. Chatman. In the field of mathematics, they are well-deserved leaders.

Dr. Depp sneered: [I think your derivation and judgment are simply wrong!]

Dr. Albert rebuked: [Don't be embarrassed anymore, you will never be able to surpass your adoptive father!]

Dr. Chatman cursed more directly: [Get away from my eyes, you ungrateful yellow-skinned pig! You have tarnished the three words scientist!]

The attitudes of several authoritative scholars seem to fully demonstrate that Zhuang Li's previous calculations are all nonsense. So the audience in the live broadcast room began to swear fiercely. All the vicious words in the world were dumped on Zhuang Li by them.

The hostess turned the dialog into speech mode and turned up the volume, letting the swearing reverberate in the lab. This mental attack is enough to break anyone down.

But Zhuang Li turned a deaf ear, instead walked back to the console, sat on the soft chair, clasped his hands on his knees, and closed his long and narrow Danfeng eyes slightly, as if he was waiting for something.

Above his head, a display screen suddenly appeared, with a string of bright red numbers beating on it—00:10, 00:09, 00:08…

"What is this?" the female anchor murmured.

General Ford, on the other side of the network, sneered: "What trick is he playing? But it doesn't matter, the police will find him soon and bring him back. I will put him on trial for all mankind, and then put him in jail. Floating cabin, put into the depths of the universe. He will realize his mistakes in the boundless darkness and loneliness. The savior is not something that a little ant can slander!"

Dr. John pulled the corners of his lips and persuaded: "Give him another chance..."

However, before this sentence was finished, the holographic projection of the sun changed.

I saw that the Dyson sphere energy plate that was accurately pointed out by Zhuang Li's fingertips suddenly exploded, and then took it as a node to explode and fall off one by one from both sides.

The Dyson sphere, which was originally a whole, dissociated into countless fragments in just a few seconds, scattered all over the universe, some drifted away and slowly disappeared, and some were burned into ashes by the flames of the sun.

"The wrong coordinates cannot withstand the huge shock wave caused by the reactive magnetic field of the armature, and will eventually start from here and collapse one by one" - these are the original words of Zhuang Li.

And this sentence, at this moment, is buzzing in the minds of several scientists like a death knell.

The live broadcast room full of filth and abuse suddenly became deadly quiet.

The timer suspended above Zhuang Li's head arrived at the end-00:00 sooner or later.