Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 24: Zhuang Li System, I'll give you a seven-day deadline


Xuan Ming brought over a dozen bodyguards, all of whom were tower-like strong men, all wearing sunglasses and suits, with fierce looks on their faces.

The only house left by Zhuang Dahai is only 40 square meters, so there are so many people that the corridors are crowded.

There were more than 20 families living on this floor, and it was just in time for commute. The neighbors were startled by the two rows of strong men as soon as they got out of the elevator. The first thought popped into their minds - it's over, Zhuang Dahai That prodigal son really took out a loan shark!

They walked in slowly on their sides, and when they accidentally touched the corners of the strong men's clothes, they quickly squeezed out a stiff smile and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I borrowed it. What's wrong? How much money does Zhuang Li owe, hiss—"

There is no doubt that the gasping sound originated from Xuan Ming's impressive face.

In the past, Xuan Ming was very low-key and never appeared in the media. Even the Forbes rich list could not see him all year round. However, the assassination plan of the United States gave him a free advertisement, which made his handsome face quickly become popular all over China.

Now he is a well-known national father, and his wealth can directly kill the current richest man in China.

Neighbors tugged at the door frame and looked inside, their desire for gossip far outweighed their fear of the strong men in black.

"It's the national father Xuan Ming, why is he here?"

"Did you come to find Chang Dongming?"

"I heard that Chang Dongming has been working as an assistant to Xuan Ming, and the relationship between the two should be very good."

"In my whole life, this is the first time I have seen such a big man! Tomorrow I have to go to the company and have a good blow!"

"Did Zhuang Dahai divorce Chang Hui today? Dongming is so highly valued by the boss, I don't know how Zhuang Dahai is feeling now."

"Don't ask, ask is regret."

"Hahaha, Zhuang Dahai is not lucky."

The chatter of the neighbors came from outside the door intermittently, but Chang Dongming, who was standing in the house, did not feel the slightest bit of pride, but lowered his head and blushed.

Chang Hui's complexion also turned blue after a while, and she didn't understand how all this happened in front of her eyes. How could Zhuang Li be the head of the research and development department of Shanghai Ming Group, and he also got the bounty that has been hyped up on the Internet recently

That is a villa + 60 million bonus + 40 million annual salary! Together, there are four hundred million!

What is the concept of 400 million? Chang Hui didn't even dare to think about it before, but now, they are spread out like that, lined up on the coffee table in the same way, so clear that they are so heavy that they are so hard to touch.

Zhuang Li put a pen in Zhuang Dahai's hand and said in a flat tone, "Dad, you sign the property transfer letter, and this suite will be yours from now on."

Zhuang Dahai was like a fool. When his son asked him to hold the pen, he held the barrel of the pen. His son took his hand to write, and he signed his name in a trance.

Looking at the photo of the villa attached to the contract, so magnificent, so spacious and bright, so expensive and delicate, Chang Hui suddenly felt a burst of angina, and she fell on the sofa with a tremor.

The three houses that Zhuang Dahai sold were pre-marital property, and she didn't even need to get them, but this house could have been half of hers. In just a few hours, she became a noble lady worth hundreds of millions! Just a few hours away!

Chang Hui covered her chest and took a deep breath. Chang Liang hurriedly held her shoulders, and his face was horribly ugly. One second he also said that Zhuang Dahai would go to sleep on the street when he was old, but the next second he slept in the big villa, his face was slapped...

"What's the matter?" Chang Liang looked at Chang Dongming with suspicion in his eyes.

He hoped that his nephew could tell him that everything in front of him was fake, and that Zhuang Li was still the same Zhuang Li, a hopeless prodigal who only knew how to eat old trash. Since he was no longer a relative, he naturally couldn't see Zhuang Dahai doing well.

Chang Dongming quickly logged into the company's website and saw the news that Qiao Yanan was fired and Zhuang Li was promoted to the head of the R&D Department. The company's official Weibo also issued an announcement saying that the reward order had already been owned, and a photo of Zhuang Li was attached below the text.

Netizens are making a fuss at the moment, no one believes that an unknown young man can squeeze Qiao Yanan away.

The stock market has closed, and whether Haiming's share price has changed is unknown at this time. But when the market opens tomorrow, investors' distrust of Zhuang Li will definitely show up in the plummeting stock price.

Chang Dongming saw a lot of comments criticizing Zhuang Li, and just felt a little better in his heart, but he saw that the company officials released several news successively, and new investors continued to join the big family of Haiming, and it was pulled up in just a few hours. billions of capital.

It is conceivable how Haiming's stock price will soar when the market opens tomorrow. Zhuang Li's entry did not bring any negative impact to Hai Ming at all, but instead made it a qualitative leap.

Immediately afterwards, the company's official Weibo released another blockbuster news that starting tomorrow, Haiming will officially start deploying 5G networks.

Chang Dongming rubbed his eyes and looked at this Weibo again, and found that he really read it correctly. It was deployment, not R&D. How did Haiming do it? How can you go straight to the sky with one step

really? Zhuang Li was brought out in order to attract investment and confuse Americans, right

Thinking of this, Chang Dongming felt a little better, but when he raised his head, he was stabbed in the eye by the fortune of more than 400 million. Although it was false, all the benefits that Zhuang Li got were true. Why is the world so unfair

Chang Dongming turned off the screen with the force of crushing the phone, and shook his head at his uncle with a livid face.

After Zhuang Dahai signed the signature, he shouted: "Hey, wait, this villa is not mine, but my son's!"

"I'll buy a bigger one in the future when I need it." Zhuang Li said shocking words in a normal tone.

Zhuang Dahai became more and more dizzy. He looked at the real estate transfer contract, the car keys, and the card that was said to have 100 million in it, and murmured, "What's going on? Am I dreaming? I Is your son really promising?"

Zhuang Li rubbed his head and didn't answer the silly question. He just asked the bodyguard to help move things away.

Xuan Ming took Zhuang Dahai's hand and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhuang, you have given birth to a good son. He is the most valuable investment I have made over the years. He can change the world."

"Boss, you have passed the prize. My little Li is still young. Please take care of you in the future." Zhuang Dahai shook Xuan Ming's hand vigorously, and tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke.

Others say that his son is not promising, only he has always believed that his son is just not sensible and will definitely grow up in the future. Fortune tellers say that their son is a late bloomer.

But how late this night was, Zhuang Dahai didn't know, he could only hold on with this belief. When he heard that his son would be fired from the company, for a moment, he was really scared.

He is afraid that what he has done these years is really as bad as others say, that he has harmed his son for a lifetime, and that he is accustomed to killing his son...

The feeling of fear was long overdue, Zhuang Dahai's tears fell even more fiercely, and he kept saying: "I knew that my family Xiaoli was a person with great prospects. The night his mother gave birth to him, I dreamed good A big snake ran after me, then plunged its head into my house and disappeared. It wasn't a snake, it was a dragon! My little Li was born from a dragon in the sky!"

Xuan Ming: "…"

The dream was quite predictable.

The neighbors outside the door also figured out the situation and immediately started talking:

"What a god! Zhuang Li has actually developed!"

"Forty million a year, and a big villa!"

"There's a car key on the table, Rolls-Royce!"

"Zhuang Dahai will not have to worry about it for the rest of his life!"

"Yeah, all the previous investment has been earned back! Raising this son is really not a loss at all!"

"Yo, didn't Chang Hui divorce Zhuang Dahai today? If she doesn't get divorced, she can live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car, right?"

"Hey, she didn't have that life!"

While speaking, more than a dozen burly men were moving things out one by one. Zhuang Dahai ran back and forth to command, his eyes and nose were red, but his mouth was about to crack with laughter.

"Lao Li, are you off work? I'm moving here, and I'm blocking your passage. I'm sorry."

"I'm moving to Greentown Taoyuan! I'll have time to play at my house in the future!"

Zhuang Dahai's voice was very loud today, and after speaking, he burst into laughter, becoming more and more like a Maitreya Buddha.

Everyone congratulated him sentence by sentence, with obvious envy on his face. That is Greentown Taoyuan, a place that only the richest and richest people in China can afford to live in.

Chang Hui and Chang Dongming, who were packing things, were squeezed aside and could only watch awkwardly.

Chang Liang poked his sister's back and whispered, "You and Zhuang Dahai really don't have any relationship at all?" The marriage had just been divorced, and he had the idea of remarrying his sister.

That's four hundred million! Who wouldn't want to touch this light

Chang Hui's face changed from time to time, from red to white, it was especially wonderful. She stared at Zhuang Dahai who was walking around, the greed in her heart was growing like wild grass.

However, as soon as she took a step towards Zhuang Dahai, her wrist was tightly clamped by her son.

"Mom, so many people are watching, you give me some face!" Chang Dongming whispered in her ear through gritted teeth.

Chang Hui looked at the open door, only to realize that everyone glanced over from the corner of their eyes from time to time, the undisguised sarcasm and contempt were like spittle in the wind, drenching her face.

Her body froze in place immediately.

Zhuang Dahai also packed up his things, and explained nonchalantly when he went out: "Lock the door for me when you leave. I don't want the rest of the furniture. You can move it when you like it."

The door closed with a creak, and a group of people chased after Zhuang Dahai to flatter, and at the same time, they wanted to take a look at Xuan Ming. The cluttered footsteps gradually disappeared from near to far.

Only then did Chang Dongming slump on the sofa, wiping the unwillingness and embarrassment on his face with his sweaty hands.

Chang Liang asked worriedly: "Dongming, it seems that Zhuang Li and President Xuan are very familiar. You have torn apart your face with him. Will you run into trouble in the company in the future?"

Chang Dongming shook his head firmly: "His position is just a decoration, a smoke bomb thrown by the company to confuse the Americans. The news of Minister Qiao's dismissal must be false. In fact, she hid in the dark and continued to work on it. 5G development. Zhuang Li is just a shield, and President Xuan's goodness to him is only superficial, and it definitely doesn't affect me."

He curled his lips, his voice full of contempt: "This is a company secret, you must not tell it. I have been with President Xuan for several years, and I know him well. He will never give me small shoes for a useless person like Zhuang Li. ."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the personnel department sent a notice - [Chang Dongming, starting from tomorrow, your position is the manager of the sales department. Please report to the sales department on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.]

Chang Dongming's face turned pale.

Chang Liang squeezed to his head and said happily, "Dongming, have you been promoted again?" In his opinion, the manager must be more senior than the assistant.

Chang Hui also turned from sadness to joy, and whispered: "Hmph, my son is not bad! My son's promotion depends on his true ability!"

However, only Chang Dongming knew that as long as he entered the sales department, everyone's title was manager. The so-called sales manager is, to put it bluntly, an ordinary employee, whose reputation is far from being an assistant to the president.

To make matters worse, the sales manager's base salary is only 12,000. After deducting the mortgage, he has to live on earth every month. The days to come are simply endless.

Thinking of the 400 million that Zhuang Dahai took away happily, Chang Dongming finally felt his belated regret.

At the same time, Zhuang Li was pushing Xuan Ming slowly towards the parking lot.

7480 said in his mind: "Host, I found your weakness. You are very filial."

Zhuang Li ignored it, but Xuan Ming clenched the armrest of the wheelchair.

He had already guessed how the system would threaten Little Curly.

7480 smiled maliciously: "If you die, what will happen to your father? Don't think that leaving him so much inheritance is enough for him to retire. You should also know that so much money is left for an old man with little knowledge. It's never a good thing in hand."

"You said what would happen if he was deceived? An old man like him who lost his only child is the target of many criminals, right? He is too sick to find a babysitter, right? The babysitter sees his money and marry him Poison him..."

7480 made up a lot of stories about the murders of lonely and widowed old people with great interest, and finally asked with a smile: "Host, you don't want the tragedy I just said happened to your father, right?"

Xuan Ming, who had been noisy all day long, gently rubbed his eyebrows and sighed in his mind: "Little Curly Hair, promise."

It's a pity that the other party can't receive his brain waves at all.

Zhuang Li's slender eyebrows were slowly twisting together, the slanted eyes were as sharp as frost blades, and his voice was completely cold: "System, I hate people taking my family as a threat. Ten days is a Did you give me the right deadline? Okay, I'll give you seven days. You should cherish the present."