Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 29: Xuan Ming Fuck you, it's love at first sight!


These days, the little curly hair has lost 7.2 pounds, but as a bystander, Xuan Ming has lost a full 8.9 pounds. He was worried about the little curly hair almost all the time, lest he would never see him again after parting with each other one day.

But after today, his anxiety and worry disappeared completely. Because the little curly hair has proved with practical actions that every word he has said before is true and effective, and it is definitely not a bluff or a useless threat.

Who would have thought that he would hack into the core program of the system and take control completely

Xuan can't meditate.

7480 is even more unexpected.

In the eyes of 7480, such a powerfully intelligent nano-robot should be a god-like existence for mortals in a world with very backward technology. But the reality is that mortals have turned over the gods, and although it is incredible, it really happens.

Xuan Ming took Zhuang Li to eat a big meal, and after sending the other party home, he watched him run up the steps and closed the door, then entered the bedroom and turned on the lamp before leaving reluctantly.

When he returned to his home, Xuan Ming's mind was still filled with the figure of the little curly hair. He ordered more than 30 dishes by himself and filled a large round table.

He really didn't know how to write the word "kindness" at all, and he was very faithful to his own desires, eating as much as he wanted, as much as he wanted, and never made a choice.

He only ate a small mouthful of each dish on a table, but the way he hiccupped when he was satisfied still made Xuan Ming very happy.

"Brother, why are you so stunned? I've called you several times." A complaint interrupted Xuan Ming's aftertaste. He raised his head and saw his younger brother Xuan Pei standing at the gate with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted just now." Xuan Ming casually said, and when he was pushed up the steps by the bodyguard, he suddenly remembered a neglected but very important thing-Little Curly found that there were still three numbers in the system's contactor, but There are only three missionaries around him, so where did the other one go

The latent crisis made Xuan Ming wake up immediately. Fortunately, he has the ability to intercept the voice of the system, otherwise he can only be slaughtered now.

However, this ability is too coincidental, as if it was tailor-made for him. Could this be the coveted luck of the Lord God

While thinking about it, Xuan Pei had already taken his eldest brother's wheelchair from the bodyguard and pushed him slowly towards the living room.

Hearing the sound of fried food coming from the kitchen, Xuan Peifu whispered in his elder brother's ear: "Brother, sister Yayan is back, she is in the kitchen."

"Who?" Xuan Ming didn't remember this person at all.

"Lin Yayan, Uncle Lin's daughter, the chubby little sister who lived next door to our house when I was a child." Xuan Pei looked around, his voice lowered a little: "She's thin now, and she looks super super beautiful! "

Two "super" are enough to express Xuan Pei's love for Lin Yayan.

Xuan Ming is not interested in women.

Rather, he wasn't interested in anyone but little curly hair.

"You push me back to the room first." Xuan Ming didn't plan to meet the Shibo's daughter.

Xuan Pei pouted and muttered dissatisfiedly, before sending his brother back to the bedroom.

Although both legs were broken, Xuan Ming didn't need anyone's help to take care of himself. He supported his body with his hands and moved to the bed, took off his suit and put on casual clothes.

His arms are strong, the body-fitting fabric outlines the streamlined muscles, the broad back is connected to the thin waist, and then the tight abs and two deep merman lines.

There is no soft spot on his body, every line is masculine, cold, and tough, exuding a strong aura of pure masculinity.

However, after the phone vibrated, he looked at the screen that suddenly lit up, and his sculptural face showed a soft smile.

Little Curly Hair: [What is this, have you ever eaten it?] Immediately after, a few pictures of spicy brain flowers were sent.

Xuan Ming immediately replied: [I will take you to eat tomorrow.]

In fact, he never eats such strange things, but it doesn't matter, he can try anything for the sake of the little curly hair.

Little Curly Hair: [Okay.]

A simple word, but it made Xuan Ming chuckle. He stared at the brain flower picture for a long time, his eyes softly as if he was looking at something very cute.

However, this happy mood was soon interrupted, Xuan Pei ran up to ask his brother to eat, and after being rejected, he pushed the wheelchair without any explanation.

"Sister Yayan cooks by herself today. Even if you have eaten, you should go down and sit down. Walk around, don't be long-winded!" Xuan Pei couldn't wait to shove people into the elevator.

As soon as the brothers walked into the restaurant, an unusually beautiful woman greeted them. While calling out to Brother Xuan, she naturally took the wheelchair from Xuan Pei's hand. A fragrant fragrance emanated from her white skin, and just the slightest trace was enough to fascinate her.

Xuan Pei took a deep breath, and then his ears turned red.

Xuan Ming opened the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly.

He heard the woman say in his mind, "System, use Anxiang Pill!"

An inorganic voice immediately replied: "The Anxiang Pill has been used, and the host's charm value has increased by five percentage points."

"Test Xuan Ming's favorability."

"Host, please wait a moment, Xuan Ming's current favorability for you is, for, for—" The system got stuck.

The woman named Lin Yayan asked, "What's your favorability, shouldn't it be low?"

The system rattled for a while before saying, "Xuan Ming's favorability rating for you is -198. Ah, now it's -199, -200, -201, -202..."

The system mechanically counted down, as if it had been stupid.

The smile on Lin Yayan's face was still so gentle, but the voice in her mind was full of disbelief: "Impossible! The lowest favorability rating is -100! I'm so beautiful, even if he didn't fall in love with me at first sight, how could he still fall through his favor? "

"I'll check it again." The system wiped off the unwarranted cold sweat, and after a few seconds, the voice became more hollow: "Host, the favorability of the mission target for you is now -278."

Lin Yayan clenched the handle of the wheelchair and wanted to push Xuan Ming directly into the wall. What kind of dog man is this! When I first met, the favorability was so low, and it dropped dozens of points in a few seconds. He was sick!

Xuan Ming didn't even bother to give alms to the woman behind him from the corner of his eye, he just stared at his mobile phone all the way. To be honest, without these short messages from Little Curly Hair, his favorability to women would have been even lower.

"System, make use of bright eyes, smiles like flowers, hands like softness, and skin like creamy fat!" Lin Yayan ordered four items in one go.

"Good host, a total of 8,000 points, thank you for your patronage." The system's voice brought a bit of joy. It seems that it likes the host to shop lavishly in the mall.

"Just deduct it. By the way, Xuan Pei's favorability for me has reached the upper limit. Have you settled the points for me?"

"Xuan Pei is the younger brother of the mission target. You can get 2,000 points by attacking him."

"How many points are there for Xuan Ming's father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother?"

"Father 2800, mother 2500, grandpa 3000, grandma 2500."

"What about Sun Jingshu's points?"

"He is the secret of the mission goal, with 1500 points."

Lin Yayan made an estimate in her heart, and her tone immediately became relaxed: "The points of these few people are enough for me to buy a lot of props. Okay, don't feel bad, I have too many points." For her, other people's admiration or likes are just It's just points used for consumption.

Objectifying or formatting everyone in the world is a common problem with so-called "hosts". They live here, but they just regard it as a virtual game field, and anyone around is an NPC that can be used or even destroyed.

Hearing these conversations, the evil feeling in Xuan Ming's deep pupils was already gushing out.

Lin Yayan didn't know that she had been seen through. She pushed the task target to the dining table, greeted with a smile, and used vivid and witty language to describe her experience of studying abroad. She recalled the joys of her childhood, and her mind was not idle, so she ordered the system to quickly put the new props Once used.

The system dutifully broadcasts: "Bright Eyes and Favorites have been loaded, and the charm value has increased by 10 percentage points; Smile Ruhua has been loaded, and the charm value has increased by 15 percentage points; Charisma increased by 10 percentage points."

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yayan's beauty rose to a whole new level.

Xuan Pei's eyes were straight when he saw her, and Xuan's father, Xuan's mother, the old man, and the old lady also spoke to her in a more intimate tone.

Xuan Ming opened the WeChat chat interface and gave Xiao Curly Hair a picture of a pot of spicy crayfish. He had already discovered Lin Yayan's change, but so what? His beautiful features did not hold him the slightest attraction.

Lin Yayan asked delightfully, "System, Xuan Ming's favorability to me should have increased significantly, right?"

Systemic myocardial infarction: "Host, the favorability of the mission target for you is -344, -354, -364..."

From falling one point per second unconsciously to falling ten points per second, very good, there is progress!

The system collapsed: "Host, what did you do to him?"

Lin Yayan was even more broken down: "You ask me, I want to ask you! Are you loading me with items that increase the charm value or reduce the charm value? Why is his favorability falling so fast!"

"Look at the reactions of the people around, my props are definitely effective!" The system showed the favorability of Xuan Pei and others, and they all scored high.

"Xuan Ming, this dog man! Is he sick? Could it be that his aesthetics are the opposite of those of normal people?" Lin Yayan gave the most reasonable guess.

The system agreed with this: "I also think this is the reason. The more beautiful you are, the lower his favorability for you, which is not normal."

"Then what should I do? I don't want to be ugly!" Lin Yayan smiled and talked to Xuan Pei, but her heart was as uncomfortable as a hundred claws were scratching her heart, and her eyes glanced at Xuan Ming, who was seriously texting.

She found him browsing food websites and copying many pictures to friends, and it seemed that he was very interested in what he was eating.

"System, I want to buy props to improve my cooking skills!" Lin Yayan said eagerly.

"Host, I suggest that you buy this item." The system pulled down the panel, which displayed a special item called Love at First Sight, asking for 100,000 points.

Xuan Ming's fingertips when sending the message paused slightly.

"100,000? So expensive!" Lin Yayan exclaimed.

"Host, you have attacked so many high-quality men abroad, and the points you have accumulated are enough to buy this item." The system bewitched: "Using it, your mission will be completed very quickly. Think about what Xuan Ming has done to you. Isn't it cool to be obedient and obedient? After marriage, all his property is yours, and you can spend it and return to the main god space."

A scene appeared in Lin Yayan's mind: Xuan Ming threw away his mobile phone, dragged his broken leg in plaster cast, slammed down to his feet and licked the toes of his shoes, shouting for the master, holding the black card in his palm...

A burst of refreshing air rushed to the scalp from the soles of the feet, and Lin Yayan burst into arrogance, "Buy it!"

"Okay!" The system responded cheerfully: "Love at first sight has been loaded, thank you for your patronage!"

At this moment, Xuan Ming looked at the woman sitting opposite him uncontrollably, his head was empty, and then inexplicable joy, throbbing and dizziness rose up...