Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 3: Prequel 03 ┃ Genius Zhuang Li


Only then did Zhuang Li suddenly open his eyes, kicked the coffee table beside him, causing it to make a loud bang, and finally pointed at the holographic screen and scolded him in a stern voice: "Huangpi pig, who are you scolding? ?"

Two blazing flames burned in his dark pupils, and his pale cheeks were rendered crimson with anger.

"Take a good look at how the yellow-skinned pig in your mouth protects the world!"

Zhuang Li pressed a button on the console, and then several projectors protruded from the dome, each emitting light, synthesizing a holographic image.

That is Earth.

To be more precise, it was the country of China that once existed on Earth.

The mushroom cloud formed by the nuclear bombs rose into the sky, destroying this once magnificent, mysterious and vast land. After the mushroom cloud spread, small sub-shots appeared on the holographic image, which were the last images left by each Chinese soldier.

Each of them is covered with a red button under the palm, and the other end of the button is connected to the detonator of a nuclear or hydrogen bomb.

The ranks of these soldiers are all high, and none of them are below the generals. These tough guys, who used to be resolute, brave and fearless to death, now have tears in their eyes.

"On XX, XX, XX, at 9:05:24 in the morning, I, Li Wei, executed Order 0001 on behalf of the East China Military Region. May our sacrifices be exchanged for the longevity of all mankind, and may my army live up to its mission! Hua Long live the country!"

One of the generals nearly choked out the sentence, and resolutely pressed the detonator. His split shot went dark.

After an interval of ten seconds, another general roared: "On XX, XX, XX, at 9:05:34 in the morning, I, Zhang Yalin, executed Order 0001 on behalf of the Huaxi Military Region. May our sacrifices be exchanged for the longevity of mankind. , may my army live up to its mission! Long live China!"

He also pressed the detonator without hesitation, and disappeared into eternal darkness.

In another ten-second interval, South China, North China and even the whole of China were destroyed by the bombardment of nuclear warheads.

They know that their sacrifice is the survival of all mankind, so they do not have the slightest timidity. They even feel that it is their honor to shoulder such a great mission.

Seeing their resolute faces disappear into the camera one by one, the audience who had been scolding just now could not even open their mouths at this time.

People in the military and political circles may have seen this video for a long time, but ordinary people are facing this tragic but magnificent picture for the first time.

Only at this time did they know that their survival was actually obtained in this sentence of "defeating the mission". The collapse of the Dyson sphere could not cover up the grandeur of this scene.

After the whole territory of China fell, a huge spaceship carrying the women, children and children of China escaped from the thick smoke caused by the nuclear bomb.

They kept asking for support from the federal military in space, but got no answer.

A swarm of mad males pursued the ship and dragged it back into the hell of fire and gunpowder.

It was not until the spacecraft exploded violently and crashed in mid-air that the federal army responded: "The nuclear radiation concentration of the earth has exceeded the tolerance range of our spacecraft, and once it gets close, our soldiers may also encounter danger. So after everyone's common deliberation, we decided to give up support, Chinese people, please find another way. Your sacrifice is worthwhile, and we salute you."

In the holographic scene, the spaceship that carried the last hope of the Chinese people disappeared into the thick black mushroom cloud as soon as a rescue capsule was put in. The spaceships that were suspended near the earth and belonged to the Federation left one by one.

They flew to the new homeland of mankind, and also to the new hope of mankind.

The holographic video playback stops abruptly here. Zhuang Li, who was indifferent before, now seems to be a different person. His eyes were filled with hatred, but Junxiu's face twisted into a smile.

"Did you see, that's how you survived." He tried hard to restrain the anger in his heart.

"If my people don't deserve to live, then you all deserve to die!" He couldn't face these arrogant, stupid and ignorant people with a peaceful attitude, so he closed his eyes.

The anger in his heart made him grit his teeth, unwilling to say another word, tears slowly seeping out of the corners of his eyes.

When he was silent, the originally noisy live broadcast room was surprisingly quiet. Those who were clamoring for Zhuang Li to be brought to trial, but at this moment, it was as if the devil had their tongues cut off, and they couldn't say a word.

General Ford covered his face with his hands, unable to face the scene just now. He knew that he had always known that Hua Guocai was the real hero and savior. They sacrificed everything in exchange for the continuation of humanity.

But it is precisely because this gift is too heavy and unbearable, and because the behavior of the federal army to abandon the Chinese survivors is too despicable, no one present at the time dared to recall those pictures.

They deliberately let themselves forget, and even slander the Chinese, in order to gain peace of mind.

This kind of behavior is shameless, but it is also very useful, so gradually, the achievements of the Chinese people have become sins. They changed from the saviors of mankind to the destroyers of the earth. They became the enemy of all mankind.

General Ford wept in the palm of his hand, then cheered up again, and hurriedly sent people to check the condition of the Dyson sphere. He didn't believe that the holographic picture just now was real.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't believe it either, they thought it was an animation that Zhuang Li used to stimulate everyone.

Zhuang Li's tears have evaporated. He opened his eyes, looked straight at a camera hanging on the dome, and said, "Poincaré John, you should know what this is?"

He slowly raised a notebook with a bright red national flag printed on the black cover and two Chinese characters - Zhuang Li - written in golden ink in the lower left corner.

It's just an ordinary notebook, everyone thinks so.

But Dr. John, who had been sitting still before, suddenly rushed towards the holographic screen and grabbed the notebook. It's a pity that the oriental youth on the screen is only a mirage composed of light spots, no matter how lifelike it is, it is blurred with just a touch.

Dr. John's hand, of course, slid across the notebook, touching a mass of nothingness.

General Ford looked at his old friend in astonishment, wondering why he suddenly lost his temper.

However, Zhuang Li seemed to have seen Dr. John's every move, and smiled lightly with the corners of his lips hooked.

"Want it?" His deep voice was like the whispers of the devil.

Dr. John gritted his teeth and stared at the young Oriental in the holographic projection, his fingertips clicked quietly on the intellectual brain on his wrist, and sent an order.

At the same time, the photographer standing behind the female anchor suddenly took out a particle gun and aimed at Zhuang Li. But unfortunately, every bullet he fired was blocked by a layer of energy film, which never hurt Zhuang Li's hair.

The photographer didn't stop, but instead took out a gun and fired from left to right, one after another, vowing to break down this energy film in the shortest possible time.

The four flying cameras hovering in mid-air also instantly turned into four miniature bombs, rushing towards Zhuang Li one by one.

This hot scene fooled the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even without the follow-up of the photographer and the miniature camera, the monitor set up by Zhuang Li in the laboratory has already taken over the recording work in the live broadcast room, so everything on the scene is still playing in an orderly manner.

Seeing that the enemy finally showed his hideous face, Zhuang Li smiled with great interest.

Only at this time did the audience realize that the character of this oriental youth did not seem gloomy. On the contrary, he was as hot as a fire, and it was a fire with the smell of gunpowder.

He tore off the bright red flag on the notebook, pressed the board squarely to his chest, touched it gently, and then threw the black notebook at the energy membrane.

There seems to be a defense program on the energy membrane, which ignites the moment the black notebook touches it.

The paper thing always burns very fast, but with a bang, there is a mass of charred ashes on the ground.

"No!" Dr. John yelled uncontrollably. "Get him, quick!"

The photographer received the master's command through the smart chip in his ear, and immediately intensified the firepower attack.

But that layer of energy film has never been able to break through.

Zhuang Li looked at the cannon fire almost obsessively, and said with a chuckle, "Poincaré John, without my manuscript this time, how are you going to play the game of saving mankind?"

"Unfortunately, your Dyson sphere has burned out." He pointed to the sun projection on the side.

The Dyson sphere, which had just been built, was indeed burnt away, leaving only a few energy plates floating in the universe. This is a super project that all mankind has spent ten years building, and it is their last hope.

"Grab him, Ford, you must grab him!" Dr. John, who was desperate, grabbed General Ford's arm tightly.

Feeling the severe pain from his skin, and seeing his old friend's particularly hideous and desperate face, General Ford seemed to understand something.

He opened his mouth and wanted to condemn, but in the end it became a supreme order and issued to military bases around the world: "No matter what the cost, Zhuang Li must be brought back!"

He paused for two seconds, and then carefully emphasized: "Don't hurt him, catch him alive!"

Soldiers all over the world are in action at the same time.

However, Zhuang Li waved his hands with disgust: "I know you are desperately trying to catch me, but goodbye everyone, I don't plan to continue playing with you. This world disgusts me."

He pressed a button on the innermost side of the console, and the dome's projector retracted into a collider.

At the moment when the machine was activated, a dazzling halo appeared beside Zhuang Li. Inside the halo, there was a universe dotted with stars, a winding galaxy, endless darkness and a distant unknown.

Zhuang Li slowly walked towards the halo and murmured, "It would be great if I could return to my country again and see my compatriots."

The halo gradually expanded, forming a door.

Zhuang Li stepped in with one foot, but stepped back and said to the camera above his head: "By the way, I would like to emphasize that the Chinese are the best race in the world, even if there is only one survivor left. , we are also invincible. You continue to cheer, I am gone."

He waved his fist as a gesture of encouragement, lowered his head and gazed affectionately at the national flag on his chest, and disappeared into the dazzling light.

At the same time, the collider could no longer withstand the huge energy pouring in from the other-dimensional space, and it shattered into powder.

The audience doesn't understand what it means, but Dr. John does.

He grabbed his already messy hair, and roared in a frightened and disbelieving tone: "No, it's impossible! He can't open the channel of high-dimensional space! He can't do it!"

But everything has already happened. The so-called impossible is just a set goal in the eyes of some people.