Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 34: Zhuang Li System, let me tell you a story


The 7480, who used to be arrogant like a god, is now taught by Zhuang Li to be like a dog, willing to do anything for a chance to live.

But Zhuang Li was not satisfied. There is a fundamental difference between "like a dog" and "being a dog".

He strode through the brightly lit testing ground, completely ignoring his boss's inconvenience, and didn't think about slowing down to walk with him, because his goal was always ahead.

There was a dark light in his eyes, and his tone was a little weird: "System, how about I tell you a story?"

7480 was stunned for a while before answering cautiously, "Okay, okay."

Zhuang Li casually brushed a strand of curly hair from the corner of his forehead, and said: "In the past, there was a system, which was very powerful, and it always successfully completed the tasks assigned by the Lord God. Gradually, it was removed from all systems. It stood out and won the favor of the main god. The main god even promised it that as long as the last task was completed, he would give it a flesh and blood body and make it immortal."

He paused at the right time and silently felt the mental power fluctuations of the system. The sudden jump and the abnormal reaction oozing with subtle heat made him smile with the corners of his lips hooked.

"Well, isn't this kind of reward very tempting?" Zhuang Li whispered softly like a demon.

7480 was afraid of revealing information that should not be disclosed, so he did not dare to speak up. But its mental power is tightly wrapped by the host's brain waves, and there is no secret at all.

Zhuang Li sighed: "Isn't your system desperately trying to steal spiritual power from the mission target or host to transform it into an eternal life form? Is this kind of reward supreme to you?"

7480 still did not dare to say a word.

Zhuang Li continued to induce: "There are very few systems that have received this reward, and those that have succeeded have never appeared again. Guess where they all went in the end?"

7480 couldn't hold back no matter what, and hurriedly asked: "Do you know? Where did they go in the end?"

Sure enough it's gone...

Zhuang Li sighed in his heart before continuing to make up stories: "They gained warm bodies and fresh lives, but lost their memories. As soon as they opened their eyes, an inorganic voice sounded in their minds: Hello host, I am System 001, and I will be bound to your soul. As long as you complete all the tasks assigned by the Lord God, you will be able to obtain immortality—"

The story ends abruptly here. Zhuang Li let out a very soft laugh, as if he was reminiscing about the infinite mystery in the story.

7480 was completely stunned. It took more than ten seconds before he gasped for air, and then made a panicky sizzle.

"No, no way! You're lying to me!" it shrieked like a broken woman.

Zhuang Li asked one sentence after another, "System, do you have any memory from the past?"

"Did you suddenly feel that you lost the most important thing at a certain moment?"

"Where does your obsession with life come from?"

"Do you want to know who you used to be?"

7480 couldn't answer a word, and could only make a messy sizzle.

Zhuang Li smiled, and his tone turned cold: "The tasker and the system, who are you, and who are you in the end? After all the tasks are completed, where is your way out? Are you walking in a dark closed place? In the grave. No matter how hard you struggle, you will never escape this reincarnation? What is the so-called eternal life of the Lord God?"

7480 was already paralyzed with fright, and the chaotic electric current gradually became weaker.

Zhuang Li suddenly laughed again, his voice soft like a long drizzle: "System, this is just a story, you don't need to be afraid."

7480 tried his best to shrink himself into a small black spot, and was already afraid that the walls would be separated.

Zhuang Li urged: "Okay, you should send messages to those two systems."

7480 immediately suppressed the trembling of his soul, and replied in a panic, "Master, I will send them a message immediately. I will definitely help you fish them out."

The conversation ends here. The 7480 diligently sent messages to the other two systems. Those terrifying conjectures occupied all of its thinking, so that it had absolutely no way to consider the consequences of betraying the Lord God.

Xuan Ming simply wanted to applaud the wonderful mind control technique of Little Curly Hair. He knows too well how to take advantage of a person's weaknesses and use fear to dominate the other person's behavior.

How lucky I was to meet him and be in the same camp as him.

Just thinking of this, Xuan Ming heard the cold voice of the little curly hair ringing in his ears: "When will these devices arrive?" He walked into the office and took out a list.

"I'll take a look." Xuan Ming took over the list to browse, and then frowned: "These equipment involve the military industry or state secrets, and I can't get them."

"There's nothing you can do?" Zhuang Li asked.

Xuan Ming pondered in his heart and remained silent for a while.

Zhuang Li suddenly leaned over, put his hands on both sides of the wheelchair, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xuan, do you know why I threw the glass slide into the nuclear fusion reactor just now?"

The sudden closeness made Xuan Ming smell a hint of woody fragrance, neither strong nor strong, but it made him dizzy and confused.

"Why? Isn't that an experiment?" His Adam's apple rolled slightly and his lips were dry.

"It's not an experiment." Zhuang Li shook his head gently, "I'm destroying the nanochip taken out of An Baoer's brain. You may think this is a waste, but do you know that the body of a nanochip is The amount is at the atomic level, and it has the driving force to escape in the air. That is, a glass slide can't trap it at all."

Zhuang Li stretched out his index finger, tapped Xuan Ming's eyelid from an inch away, and said slowly, "Once it leaves the slide, our naked eyes can't find it at all, how can we catch it. It can drill down the pores. into anyone's body and continue to lurk around you, even in your brain. So I'm going to wipe it out, along with the air around it."

Xuan Ming stared straight at the small curly hair's deep and unpredictable black pupils. He didn't speak.

Zhuang Li continued: "I know this kind of thing is bizarre to you, but it did happen, otherwise how would you explain Qiao Yanan's abnormality? How would you explain Dr. Zhao's death? How would you explain An Baoer's deliberate approach? How would you explain it? Your secret will always be known to those who shouldn't know?"

Xuan Ming showed a fearful expression just right.

Zhuang Li curled his lips in satisfaction, and his tone was more serious: "Mr. Xuan, you have been trapped in a huge conspiracy. Have you seen it? This nano-level spy chip is far beyond the technological level. More than you can imagine. And I—"

He slowly retracted his arms, straightened his spine, and said in a very proud and conceited tone, "I'm the only one who can solve these troubles for you."

Xuan Ming stared straight at him, in a contemplative manner, but felt quite amused in his heart. I just said that the little curls are good at psychological control, but I didn't expect this control technique to be used on myself in the blink of an eye.

Although the little curly hair hides a lot of information, it gives the most essential truth and the most important hint: first, Xuan Ming is indeed trapped in a huge conspiracy; second, apart from himself, the world No second person can solve these pervasive systems.

"I understand." Xuan Ming nodded solemnly, and gave a satisfactory answer after only a little consideration: "No matter how much you pay, I will help you find all these equipment. You can give me some more. time."

"Then please, President Xuan." Zhuang Li curled the corners of his lips, his smile very perfunctory.

"No trouble." Xuan Ming's smile was sincere. He was grateful for everything Curly did.

"Please try to purchase equipment in the order listed on the list. I'll be waiting for the equipment at the front. By the way, I still need this team. You can dig all of them." Zhuang Li took out a list, Of course there are various demands.

Xuan Ming glanced at it roughly, and his head suddenly ached. This team is the best research team of nanomaterials in China. It belongs to the country. It is not easy to dig!

"If they don't want to, you can send them the papers here to take a look." Zhuang Li gave a chip.

That's it.

Xuan Ming's headache was relieved immediately, and he picked up the chip. The only chips that can impress this team are more advanced technology, and he has no doubts about the strength of the little curly hair.

"I'll contact them right away, you wait for my good news." Xuan Ming drove the wheelchair towards the elevator.

Zhuang Li watched him leave, looking very satisfied. Don’t ask too much, don’t read too much, don’t interfere, pay the money if you give it, and contribute the effort if you give it. Where can you find such a good gold master

Soon after Xuan Ming left, An Baoer also woke up from a coma, but found himself lying in a spacious and bright ward surrounded by several doctors.

"What's wrong with me?" she asked in a hoarse voice, touching the gauze on her forehead to remember what happened in the laboratory.

She was startled and hurriedly shouted one after another in her mind: "Where are you, System? System, system, system..."

The whole world was as desolate as death, she hurriedly opened the bag placed beside the pillow, and there was no Wangchun Pill in it.

Everything she had depended on for her existence was gone.

Thinking of his own savings of less than five figures and his status as an orphan, An Bao'er instantly slumped on the hospital bed. Without the system, she could only live like a maggot. The convenience brought by the Lord God made her forget that the most important survival skill for human beings is learning.

Over the years, she has not learned anything except buying magical items from the system store.

Not to mention how miserable An Baoer was here, Qiao Yanan, who had been smooth sailing, is now in a dilemma.

"Xuan Ming, this dog man, fired if he said he was fired. He didn't give me any leeway. He also stated on my resume that he was addicted to drugs. This is killing me! I made so much money for him. I've been together for five years, he doesn't say that he likes me, at least he will have a good impression on me? But how could he tear up my face in a blink of an eye? He's just a jerk!" Qiao Yanan was lying on the sofa pretending to be asleep, but he lost his temper in a frenzy.

"Didn't you already know that he has no feelings?" 248 didn't think Xuan Ming's behavior was strange. His personality is like this, he is business-like and never mixed with personal emotions.

"He blocked me. You helped me get into his mobile phone, and I have to explain it to him." Qiao Yanan opened his eyes and said resentfully.

"Stop using hacking methods, he was already suspicious of you." 248 firmly refused.

"What should I do? I can't see him now, and I can't get through on the phone. How can I do the strategy mission?" Qiao Yanan pulled her hair, feeling like she was about to collapse.

Just at this moment, she received a text message from Xuan Ming, and before she could be happy, she saw the news that the other party was getting engaged, and her whole body exploded.

"System!" She bounced off the sofa and ordered sharply: "Help me find out Xuan Ming's fiancee, I must stop him from getting engaged! Where's the bitch, you've already grabbed the old lady! "

248 immediately went to the Internet to check the news, and happened to see the photo of Lin Yayan visiting Xuan's house last night. Rumors of a marriage between the two have spread.

The 248 operation that locked the target was surprisingly efficient. In less than an hour, he collected all kinds of black materials that Lin Yayan was messing with abroad, and sent the relevant evidence to Xuan Ming, Xuan father, Xuan mother, Xuan Laozi, and major news media in turn. .

The private life of the wealthy and wealthy girls has been degraded to such a degree that the photos of one woman, two men, three men and even N men have exploded the entire Internet.