Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 37: Zhuang Li It's funny how you look stupid


169, who was taken off by Zhuang Li, did not speak for a long time. It can't believe that there are humans with such a high IQ in this lower plane.

7480 also hid in the small black house and did not dare to emerge. Once again, it deeply recognizes a truth - lying in front of its host is humiliating itself.

"Why don't you talk?" Zhuang Li smiled softly in his head. With his raised eyebrows and thin lips, he looks like a complete villain, which is especially hated.

169 took a deep breath, and then said: "What if I don't have a weapon system, you can't help me. You said just now that I came through the turbulent flow of time and space, then my defense program can ensure that I am in the The world is unscathed. You know what an energy shield is?"

7480 silently covered his face. It remembered 367, who died horribly.

Zhuang Li smiled and nodded: "I know, that thing can be thrown into a nuclear fusion reactor as fuel. Coincidentally, there is a tokamak in the laboratory next door, do you want to try it? Oh, by the way, if your Lord God receives A collision with a star should also be seriously injured, right?"

169 fell into a strange silence, and the sizzling sound of electric currents exposed its restless heart.

7480 shed tears of sympathy.

Xuan Ming coughed lightly with his fist to his lips, unable to hide the smile in his eyes. Every time he listened to the little curly hair talking to these systems, he would feel very comfortable.

A long silence spread across the operating room.

169 adjusted his mentality with extreme difficulty, and said, "What if you can sense my magnetic field response? You can't catch me. My body is smaller than a brain cell, and my drive is very flexible. I can leave Lin Yayan's. Brain, escape into the air. It will be harder to catch me than to salvage a needle in the universe."

Zhuang Li curled his lips into a nonchalant smile: "Small size is indeed your advantage, but it is also your greatest weakness. Even if you install advanced and flexible drives, you can only move at a speed hundreds of times your own length. That's your limit. I'll do the math for you. You need at least twenty-four hours to get out of Lin Yayan's brain. Do you think I can catch you within twenty-four hours?"

169: "…"

7480, who couldn't stand it any longer: "...Brother, listen to me, stop struggling."

The two systems fell silent again, only the various instruments in the laboratory hummed softly.

Zhuang Li raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why don't you talk anymore, let's continue. I like chatting with you very much. It's funny how stupid you are."

7480&169: Damn, why doesn't the law that the villain die of talking too much doesn't apply to him

The system did not dare to speak up, so Zhuang Li turned his attention to Xuan Ming, who was beside him. He patted Lin Yayan's bald head like a watermelon, and chuckled, "Mr. Xuan, do you know what I'm going to do next?"

"Open her skull and take out the chip?" Xuan Ming sat outside the disinfection area separated by a glass wall, frowning and asked, "Are you the only one doing the surgery? Why don't I call some assistants for you? ?"

"No need, I can do it alone." Zhuang Li began to adjust various parameters of a machine, and said in a loose tone: "You guessed wrong, I will not open her skull. In fact, my ultimate goal The chip was taken out of this woman's head unscathed."

Xuan Ming looked at Lin Yayan's hair, which had fallen all over the floor.

Zhuang Li changed his words naturally: "My goal is to take out the chip completely without using a knife or blood." At the end, he felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but glared at Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming almost laughed out loud, but held back in time. He pretended to be surprised, "How could it be possible to take out the chip without a knife or blood?"

169 finally stabilized his mind and said sarcastically: "Yeah, human, how did you take me out without surgery? Do you think you are the main god?"

The provocative smell of gunpowder spread out again, but Zhuang Li was not annoyed, instead he narrowed his eyes very comfortably. He likes the game of confrontation.

"Of course it's using nanotechnology." Zhuang Li put a nanomaterial that had been successfully developed long ago under a high-power microscope, and projected the picture observed by the microscope on the LED screen.

"See? This is my latest research result, a particle with a diameter of only 1 nanometer." Zhuang Li pointed to the screen and said.

Xuan Ming carefully looked at the image under the microscope, and the originally disguised surprise suddenly became extremely real. He was sure that before that, Little Curly Hair didn't know what the system looked like. But the nanoparticles he developed had the exact same appearance as the system. They were disc-shaped and had a ring of hair growing around them.

"Why do they look the same as chips, and what are these fluffs?" Xuan Ming directly expressed the doubts in his heart.

Zhuang Li chuckled, "Because this is an inevitable choice for scientific development, these fluffs are unstable defects composed of sulfur-containing molecules."

"Nano-scale robots must have the ability to adjust their direction when driven, otherwise they will be carried around the world by air or liquid like a virus."

"These hairs are like their fins, which allow them to constantly adjust their direction. In addition, nanorobots also need to have the function of grasping objects, and these tentacles are their arms."

"There is a more important point, nanorobots have the ability to transform or even create an object only when they are connected together. After all, the original intention of human beings to develop them is to obtain nanoscale factories. The role of a single nanorobot is really limited. "

"So they have to be able to connect to each other. The smooth surface keeps them moving away more quickly, and the finer hairs keep them glued together."

"You can imagine injecting a certain number of nanorobots into your blood vessels, they are densely connected, and they can quickly absorb the toxins in your blood. If you only inject one, then your health will not have any improve."

"Maintaining orientation, grasping objects, and connecting as a whole, these three functions have determined the appearance of nanorobots from the beginning. So no matter who invents nanorobots, they will end up like this."

As Zhuang Li spoke, he took out a remote control and fiddled with the joystick on it with his slender fingertips.

Xuan Ming was fascinated, and his eyes looked at the little curly hair for a moment.

The more 169 listened, the more relaxed his mood became, and he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "I admit that the nanoparticles you developed are indeed among the best in the world, but their diameters are still too large to pass through the blood-brain barrier. How can you catch me without a drive, cruising through air or liquid. I can get around them with my eyes closed.”

169 said proudly: "If you want to catch me, you face two absolutely insurmountable technical difficulties. First, break through the blood-brain barrier; second, install drivers for these nanoparticles."

"To break through the blood-brain barrier, you must at least make your nanoparticles have the same tiny size as mine. But in terms of the world's technological level, it's too difficult. You can't do it without forty or fifty years of development. To. It is hundreds of times harder to fit an actuator into a nanoparticle than it is to shrink it.”

"First of all, nanoparticles are already so tiny, how small is the driver installed in their body? There is no technology for making molecular engines in your world! To reach that level of technology, you still need two or three hundred years. time."

"Stop bragging, you can't deal with me at all!" 169 slowed down the speed of his escape, his tone full of triumphant triumph.

Xuan Ming's heart hung high, and he shook his head and laughed when he saw the light-hearted face of the little curly hair. He guessed that the little curly hair must have a way to overcome those two so-called technical difficulties.

Zhuang Li was still fiddling with the remote control and did not respond to the system's provocation.

169 waited excitedly. It thinks that it will soon appreciate the man's embarrassed expression. If the lie is exposed, he will definitely be embarrassed!

7480 couldn't help but remind: "Brother, don't be in a hurry to be happy..."

Before it finished speaking, the nanoparticles projected on the LED screen began to move slowly, first from left to right, then from right to left, and then kept spinning in place.

If it was just a coincidence that just one nanoparticle moved like this, it's intriguing now that all the particles are acting in unison. From a pile of dead things, they suddenly turned into a group of well-trained soldiers.

And Zhuang Li's fingertips were gently fiddling with the remote control, first moving the joystick to the right, then to the left, and finally circling in place.

Seeing his actions, and comparing the group of nanoparticles that suddenly came to life, 169, who was so arrogant just now, was speechless at this moment.

7480 covered his face and said, "Brother, I told you not to be happy."

Xuan Ming exclaimed: "You installed drives for them?" Doesn't it mean that the current human beings do not have this technology at all

Zhuang Li shook his head and said, "It's not the drive. That technology is too advanced. To develop it, it would take me more than ten years and an investment of tens of billions of dollars."

Shorten the technological gap of two or three hundred years to ten years, and the intelligence level of the little curly hair can be seen.

Xuan Ming silently suppressed the shock in his heart.

Zhuang Li continued: "I took a trick and implanted butyl methyl sulfide molecules into these nanoparticles to make a device similar to an actuator. The butyl methyl sulfide molecules will move in a specific direction after being stimulated by the flow of electrons. , the remote control in my hand is to control the electronic flow."

"In fact, such molecular motors also exist in our bodies. There are many molecular pumps in our cell membranes that carry ions in and out, and they carry substances from one area of the cell to another."

Zhuang Li pointed to his own brain and hooked his lips: "When I encounter a problem, I like to find the answer in my body. Do you know that the reason why human beings are wise is that we are the most exquisite in the world. Creation."

Xuan Ming was fascinated, and after a while, he raised his hand and applauded softly. The most exquisite creation? He likes these six words, because they can be used to describe the existence of little curly hair.

169 knelt down with a plop, then stood up strong, and roared: "What if your nanoparticles can move? Their diameter is still too big! They can't cross the blood-brain barrier at all!"

Hearing these provocations, Xuan Ming immediately asked: "Then how do you send these nanoparticles into Lin Yayan's brain? It is said that the human brain also has its own protection mechanism."

Zhuang Li turned on another machine and said slowly, "It's too late to start developing atomic-level nanoparticles that can freely enter the blood-brain barrier. Fortunately, there is the material I need in nature, which is foam. Broken, they break apart into microbubbles with smaller diameters."

"I can use microbubbles to break through the blood-brain barrier. To make sure the microbubbles don't burst when they meet an obstacle, I wrap single-component gases with stearic cells, giving them a stable structure. They can be as small as 0.1 in diameter. Nanometers can completely penetrate the blood-brain barrier."

While speaking, Microbubble is ready.

Zhuang Li took a few milliliters with a needle, injected it into Lin Yayan's scalp, and continued: "I will use ultrasound to guide the microbubbles to reach the blood-brain barrier. The microbubbles are very soft and tiny at the same time, and they can be pried open naturally and without damage. Blood-brain barrier. Once the blood-brain barrier is breached, I will inject nanoparticles with molecular pumps into Lin Yayan's brain, and use the flow of electrons to guide them to capture the chip."

Zhuang Li took out the empty needle, turned on the ultrasound guide, and said lazily: "Look, it's not difficult for me to take out this spy chip. But if you ask others to do it, they may study five There will be no clue in ten years.”

169 is completely out of the street.

7480 tried to shrink itself into a small black dot.

Xuan Ming wanted to say a few words of admiration, but his throat was so hot that it seemed like wildfire was burning. He raised his hand and patted it lightly, the admiration and admiration in his eyes stronger than any language.

The problems that others could not overcome in decades or even hundreds of years were solved in the hands of the little curly hair.