Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 45: Zhuang Li Minister Qiao, your performance is over


Qiao Yanan looked at the densely raised arms under the stage with a terrified expression. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, and the cold sweat on her forehead dries and drips, dripping and drying, messing up her carefully crafted makeup.

There is no need for Zhuang Li to express any more doubts, anyone with eyes can see how embarrassed she is and how embarrassed she is now. The so-called myth of the most outstanding young female scientist in China will soon be dashed.

To make matters worse, the summit has struck a deal with a huge webcasting platform to broadcast on the web at the same time. As a result, more and more people saw Qiao Yanan's ugly appearance.

At first, everyone supported and loved her. When Zhuang Li stood up to make things difficult for her, the live broadcast room was filled with barrages of support for her. But now, these barrages have all turned into questions and accusations. Some even wrote in bright red characters: [Don't ask any more, Qiao Yanan is a liar!]

Liar Liar Liar! This word appears repeatedly on the barrage, one after the other, row after row…

Tuth couldn't keep a decent smile any longer. His face had completely turned black, he clamped Qiao Yanan's arm tightly, and said into the microphone: "I'm sorry everyone, there is a big problem with Minister Qiao's body. Before, I helped her make a fake for the benefit of the company. The medical report of the…”

"Stop making excuses," Zhuang Li said calmly, "Do you know what is most important to us scientific researchers?"

Tusi frowned and looked over.

Zhuang Li tapped his temple with his slender fingertips, and said in a low voice, "This is the most important thing."

Tusi couldn't understand what he was saying at all, and his expression became more and more impatient.

The scientists participating in the summit nodded in agreement. Yes, for these people, the wisdom, knowledge and ability in the brain are the most precious wealth in their life.

Zhuang Li looked around the audience and his tone turned cold: "When our minds are completely denied by others, even if we face the threat of death, we will stand up to defend ourselves. The knowledge in our minds not only shapes us, but also our most Favorable weapons, we will take them all out to fight the enemy."

"This battle is not bloody, it is just an exchange of ideas, but it is also full of gunpowder smoke. The direction of our research, the scientific theories we uphold, and the prospects and futures we believe in are our beliefs and cannot be trampled on by anyone. Whoever denies our beliefs must face our attacks head-on."

"Looking back at the past, Roger Penrose and Hawking engaged in a 30-year debate on 'whether an infinitely dense singularity can exist outside a black hole'; Bohr and Einstein on 'quantum mechanics and generalized The incompatibility between the theories of relativity' has been debated for two decades. This defense of one's own beliefs is an instinct rooted in the soul of every scientific researcher, and it is a pride that cannot be abandoned."

"When Eddington successfully observed the bending of starlight caused by the sun predicted by Einstein, the Dutch physicist Lorenz telegraphed the good news to Einstein. Einstein was then asked if Eddington would What would he think without seeing the starlight bending he predicted in an eclipse."

Speaking of which, Zhuang Li raised his chin to Qiao Yanan and asked, "Guess what Einstein answered."

How could Qiao Yanan, who has no knowledge of everything in the academic circle, be able to answer? She gritted her teeth and tried to support her last bit of decency, but her cheeks were wet with dripping cold sweat.

Zhuang Li squinted his eyes and recalled: "Einstein said: 'Then I will feel sorry for my dear God, because the theory is really correct.' You see, this is the courage and pride of scientists, who are convinced of their own Not even God can refute the theory."

Zhuang Li pointed at the podium where Qiao Yanan was with his slender fingertips, and said slowly: "If it were me today, or any of the scientists here, faced with this situation, even if there is a knife in our heart, we will We will always stand. We will use all our knowledge to refute everyone who tries to question us, even if it is God. Our minds cannot be denied by anyone.”

Zhuang Li sat under the stage and looked up at Qiao Yanan, but his arrogance seemed to be condescending: "Ms. Qiao, as the most outstanding young female scientist in China, do you have this pride? Do you dare to use your knowledge to defend yourself? "

Qiao Yanan, who had been actively cooperating with Tusi to show a morbid state, was now unable to leave even if she wanted to.

Zhuang Li's speech resonated with all scientific researchers. They are all the most outstanding people in the whole country. They claim to be extremely smart and capable, and their pride in their bones will never be bent. At work, they often quarrel with colleagues because of a conflicting idea, not to mention being questioned in public.

Thinking from another perspective, if they were Qiao Yanan, not to mention that their bodies had not recovered yet, even if they were about to die in the next second, they would use their last strength to shout out their scientific ideas.

Sick and need to leave early? Sick so you can't participate in the debate? What a shit excuse is that! Who are you fooling

With a bang, there was a huge noise in the hall, and everyone who had doubts about Qiao Yanan looked at her with more and more angry eyes. None of the arms that were raised were put down, and the arms that were never raised were now raised one by one.

Qiao Yanan watched this scene in horror, and slowly moved her legs back. However, as soon as she stepped back, the camera immediately caught her ugly attempt to escape.

The uproar under the stage turned into an angry roar: "She wants to run! She really doesn't understand communication technology at all!"

"This is a liar!"

"Steal papers, hire gunmen, I've never seen such a shameless person!"

"Scandal! The biggest scandal in the Chinese scientific community in 20 years!"

"Quickly pinch the live broadcast! It's too embarrassing!"

The live broadcast signal was cut off, but Qiao Yanan's true face was already known to everyone. Because of her joining, the stock price of Future Map soared by several percentage points, but it fell to only half of its original value in just ten minutes, and the loss was heavy.

Tooth didn't have time to check the company's stock price, but he could imagine the dire consequences. His handsome face was contorted by the fury of being fooled, but he had to smirk from the corners of his mouth when he was on stage.

"Qiao Yanan, how dare you lie to me!" He squeezed these words out of his teeth.

Qiao Yanan quickly grabbed his arm and whispered, "Save me!"

Confused, she forgot that she was standing in front of the microphone, so everyone heard the words full of panic and cowardice.

She did not give an impassioned speech to clarify herself, nor did she use her knowledge to fight back against all kinds of doubts, but pinned her hope of getting out of trouble on others. Zhuang Li's previous sentence against her turned out to be all true. She doesn't know anything about communication technology and is a complete layman!

The noise suddenly ceased, and the audience fell into silence, but this did not mean that everyone's anger also subsided. On the contrary, stronger doubts and deeper hatreds are fermenting in everyone's heart.

The technicians of Future Atlas lowered their heads and dared not see anyone.

Standing on the stage, Tusi seemed to be tortured by Ling Chi. He prides himself on being wise, but he didn't expect to make such a big mistake on Qiao Yanan!

However, when their embarrassment was about to reach an unbearable peak, Zhuang Li stood up abruptly, smoothed the hem of his clothes gracefully, and said in a lazy voice, "Ms. Qiao's performance is over, let's go."

Xuan Ming put down the microphone and followed behind him.

Although everyone in Haiming wanted to stay and watch the show, they also left in a steady stream.

This shows how much influence Zhuang Li has in the Haiming Group. Everyone is following his lead, even Xuan Ming. He is the absolute center and has the absolute right to speak. The so-called shield is simply nonsense.

Those who were still puzzled by Xuan Ming's choice now all understand: Qiao Yanan is really a piece of garbage, and Zhuang Li can say the argument about science and faith just now, its essence is absolutely absolute. Not a mediocre ordinary person.

After the people from the Haiming Group left the venue, the government officials sitting at the front tables also got up one by one and retired early.

In an instant, the huge venue was half empty.

It would be better if everyone disappeared, and Qiao Yanan would no longer have to face embarrassing scenes. But those who are engaged in scientific research are very stubborn, and they do not go away, but they want to leave a mask to pierce Qiao Yanan.

Their hands were still held in the air, and they shouted, "Minister Qiao, ask someone to ask questions!"

"Why, don't you dare?"

"Can you explain to me the basics of how FBMC works?"

"By the way, don't you understand what FBMC means?"

"Do you want me to translate it for you?"

In the face of these doubts and faces full of contempt, Qiao Yanan's psychological defense line completely collapsed. She closed her eyes, covered her ears, and shouted into the microphone: "Don't ask any more! Go away, all go away! System, system, where are you! Come out and help me!"

The questioning from the audience turned into a surprised gasp.

Qiao Yanan flicked the microphone, knocked down Tusi, and ran towards the backstage. As soon as he entered the curtain, he was captured by a group of agents.

"Ah, let me go! The system saves me!" Qiao Yanan scratched and kicked, his hair disheveled and his face twisted like a lunatic.

Several agents pressed her hard against the wall, with her arms cut in handcuffs.

The lead agent took out his phone while gasping, and sighed, "We got her."

Xuan Ming's indifferent voice came from the microphone: "Well, I have already said that she is a liar, and all her achievements are stolen. Please investigate her background carefully, Dr. Zhao's death must have something to do with her. , after all, she is the ultimate beneficiary."

"We will definitely investigate carefully." The agent said anxiously: "It is not trivial to be able to shape a layman into the most outstanding young female scientist in my country, and enter the circle of core scientists in our country, and support her behind the scenes. She is a spy sent by the United States. She has been lurking around you for five years, and I don’t know how many secrets she has sold to the United States.”

"Apart from the United States, I can't think of any other country that has this capability. In short, you have to be careful." Xuan Ming hung up the phone.

And Qiao Yanan was secretly escorted to a certain base by a group of agents wearing a black hood.

Tusi, who chased Qiao Yanan to the backstage, was frightened by the fierce battle, and quickly raised his hands close to the wall, not even daring to breathe. It is conceivable that after the news of Qiao Yanan's arrest spreads, what kind of damage the future map will suffer. Catch up with Hai Ming in five years - this slogan may never be realized.

On the other side, Zhuang Li did not go home after leaving the venue, but drove to his laboratory.

Xuan Ming followed him step by step.

The two stood in front of the dual magnetic field device called "Endless Reincarnation", squinting to appreciate the picture captured by the quantum interferometer.

Two small "paramecias" kept spinning in the metal coil, and finally fell out of the metal coil, were put into a metal can by a straw, frozen into a superconductor, and then attracted by a magnet to the mouth of the can, and swirled along the track...

The spinning needle of the gramophone slid gently across the disc, and a melodious waltz swayed, making the scene even more eerie.