Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 505: The ending of the modern god stick 58 ┃ Lord of Terror


Zhuang Li sat in the laboratory and followed the situation of each copy through the huge display screen on all four walls. Not only does he have to instruct these players to find out every hidden card in each dungeon, but also tell them what the source of energy is to support this dungeon.

Only if these sources of energy are also destroyed or taken away, this copy will disappear forever. Otherwise, it just goes to sleep after the player leaves, waiting for the next team to arrive.

The source of energy for these dungeons is either ornaments, such as the magic mirror in the hell of the self; or a certain NPC, such as Lin Shiyu in the world of despair; or inconspicuous things that occasionally flash, such as the stars in the labyrinth world.

By finding these sources of energy, players can reap huge benefits and even become top players. Therefore, when Zhuang Li informed all players of the existence of the source of energy through the world channel, everyone went crazy.

Not only did they take away all the cards in the dungeon, they also turned over every inch of land and scraped away the source of energy. In the past, even if they got nothing, as long as they could leave the dungeon alive, they would be very satisfied.

As a result, without the support of the source of energy, each copy suddenly fissioned after the players left, and then completely annihilated.

Intensive explosions came from the palace of the Lord of Terror, gravel and dust fell from the magnificent dome, and cracks appeared in the walls covered with relief.

The pet attendants kept in the palace by the Lord of Terror came to check the situation one after another, but the moment they opened the door, they were lifted into the air by a strong air wave and fell to the ground.

This air wave, wrapped in divine power that destroys the dead, rushed out from the door and swept the corridor, garden, front hall, etc. A pair of invisible giant hands shook the palace, causing it to slowly disintegrate.

The Lord of Terror, surrounded by balls of light, is being bombarded one after another. At this moment, he was like a soldier strapped with grenades, with nowhere to hide and powerless to escape.

Each light sphere is like a black hole, devouring his divine power frantically, then compressing these divine power into a point of extremely dense mass, and then bursting with a bang. The energy released by each burst is far more terrifying than the divine backlash.

It was a complete out of control of divine power, and the destructive force formed was enough to tear apart every cell of the Lord of Terror and shatter every inch of his bones. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't even stand up. He could only lie on the ground dying, waiting for more light balls to explode.

He wondered how it all happened. Why would someone break all his worlds in one fell swoop

Zhuang Li leaned on the back of the chair, resting his cheek with one hand, tapped the table lightly with the other, and looked lazily at the small sub-screens that were darkened one by one on the huge light screen. It was one copy after another that had been destroyed. .

Time passed by minute by minute, and more and more small split screens suddenly went out, until the entire light curtain turned black.

Eternal darkness has come, but this darkness belongs to the Lord of Terror, not man.

Xuan Ming, who was helping people clear customs, finally got a chance to catch his breath. He returned to the space and quietly watched these light screens gradually sinking into darkness, with more dangerous light flowing in his eyes.

He knew that the Lord God was coming.

Zhuang Li had a premonition that the Lord of Terror was no longer able to support the game world, so he sent a message on the world channel: [Today's team battle can be over, we will continue tomorrow. In order to prevent the main god from blocking our plug-ins, please bind the task manager to your system. After binding, the task manager can be hidden in your system, evading the detection of the main god.]

Seeing this notification, all players bound the task manager to their own system.

Having tasted the taste of getting rich overnight, it is naturally impossible for them to give up such a useful cheating tool.

However, they don't know that the game world no longer exists. When tomorrow comes, they will no longer be able to enter any of the dungeons.

"Why did you lie to them?" Xuan Ming asked in a low voice.

He is waiting for the return of Huangmao and Xiaodao. Tonight, they are ready to return to the wilderness and cut off the head of the Lord of Terror with their own hands. After that person dies, the game world will never exist, and it becomes meaningless to tie the task manager to the system.

"Because these people absorb a lot of energy from the game world. They will become another hidden danger. Their power can also be used in the real world. If the game world does not exist, they will lose their goals. Once a person once If you lose your way, you are likely to go astray. I worry that they will turn the world of ordinary people upside down. Each of them has the potential to grow into a new master of terror, so I will put a spell on them."

"What tying spell?"

"I put a virus in everyone's task manager—"

Before Zhuang Li could finish speaking, Xiaodao and Huang Mao returned.

Xuan Ming immediately said, "Let's go."

Zhuang Li looked at a few huge screens and found that the players had formed a stable alliance, and he could get the last few dungeons by himself, and said, "I also want to go to Savage."

Xuan Ming only thought for a second before picking him up, returning to the wild in an instant.

The knife, who was about to take out the props to depict the teleportation array, looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but be stunned, "Boss, can you tear apart the space barriers now? Your strength has improved again?"

"It's not tearing apart the space barrier, it's the star trail." Xuan Ming didn't explain much.

Returning to the power of the stars in his body allows him to get through the star trails and go to any place he wants to go. He put down Zhuang Li, stroked his cheek lightly, rubbed his hair again, and said, "You hide in the space first, and I'll pick you up when you're done."

He pointed to a towering castle not far away, and his tone was cold: "I'll go in and kill someone."

Everyone knows who to kill.

Zhuang Li has the self-knowledge of being a weak chicken, and nodded obediently: "Go, I can't guarantee it."

He quickly looked around and found that this was a barren, cold, dark, and dead world. There was no green grass and green leaves, and no flowers and sunshine. There were only craggy rocks and long yellow sand, and the dark clouds in the sky were heavy. , is breathless.

Pile of dead bones were hidden among the strange rocks and yellow sand, giving off an unpleasant smell.

It really is a barbaric and desolate world. If it hadn't been eroded by the Lord God, it would never have turned into such a dilapidated appearance. It is the place where Xuan Ming was born, and it can be imagined that thousands of years ago, it was full of spiritual energy, rich and beautiful.

"Everything will change back to how it used to be." Zhuang Li suddenly held Xuan Ming's hand and said very firmly.

Xuan Ming instantly understood what he meant, so he smiled briskly.

"Yeah. After it gets better, this is our home." Xuan Ming pulled the little devil into his arms and kissed his lips very cherishly.

"Go in." Xuan Ming pushed gently, and Zhuang Li disappeared in place.

Xiaodao and Huangmao pulled out the short blades in their boots and urged excitedly: "Let's go, let's go to war! Kill the Lord of Terror, you are the king of the wild!"

Xuan Ming shook his head and laughed. He doesn't want to be king, he just wants to create a safe home for himself and the little devil, that's all.

After the three approached, they found that the palace was about to collapse, and many beauties in fancy clothes were running out of it in panic, and the bodies of many guards were lying on the ground. It can be seen that those monsters that live in the wild have come over by the smell of blood.

The Lord of Terror became their target to be devoured alive.

When encountering these monsters, Xuan Ming would naturally not be soft-hearted. Seeing one kills another, he quickly broke into the inner hall.

The Lord of Terror has also detonated the last few balls of light to kill the "hyena" besieging him.

He was seriously injured and could only use this "self-injury eight hundred" method to save his life. He thought that if these "hyenas" were dead, he would be able to take a breath, and then escaped along the secret path to find a place to heal.

However, Xuan Ming, who was carrying a long blood-quenched sword, strode in at this moment.

Seeing his murderous eyes, the Lord of Terror finally showed a desperate expression. He knew that he was doomed, and he was not necessarily Xuan Ming's opponent in his heyday, let alone now

"Fuck! It's so miserable?" Huang Mao was startled by the blood-filled Lord of Terror.

Xiaodao sighed sincerely: "Sister-in-law is still very powerful. Sister-in-law does not need a knife to kill."

Who said no? Zhuang Li can make the Lord of Terror look like this from the air.

Xuan Ming didn't say a word of nonsense, he raised his leg and kicked the Lord of Terror into the air, then bullied him, hacking and slashing again and again. The missionaries who broke in from outside the door and were about to get a piece of the pie were stopped outside the hall by Huang Mao and Xiaodao.

The already dying Lord of Terror was Xuan Ming's opponent, and his head was chopped off with a knife in just a few rounds.

Xuan Ming slashed open the head that was still flying in the air, took a black card from it, and wrote four big characters - the power of destruction.

This power naturally belongs to Xuan Ming.

The main god and k's minions stole a lot of power from Xuanming, and then borrowed these powers to destroy Xuanming's world.

Even the meanest robbers are like that.

A three-foot-tall column of blood shot out from the severed neck of the Lord of Terror, staining the palace's dome red. Seeing Xuan Ming standing in the rain of blood, and feeling the terrifying aura emanating from him, the missionaries who kept rushing to compete for the territory were all afraid, and then slowly retreated.

However, Xuan Ming had already turned his eyes out, killing all these taskers with one knife. Anyone who steps into this palace must die!

Before long, the ground was filled with human heads.

"Let's go, take your sister-in-law around the wasteland and take a look at the scenery." After making sure that no one dared to break in again, Xuan Ming got rid of the blood beads on the knife and turned into a good man with a gentle temperament in a second.

Huangmao and Xiaodao: "..." The speed at which the leader changed his face was a bit terrifying!

When passing by the atrium garden, Xuan Ming jumped into a fountain and carefully washed away the blood stains all over his body.

Huang Mao complained: "Boss, sister-in-law knows what you are here for. What are you washing? Go back quickly."

"I can't stop the killing that happened in front of him, but I will try to keep him away from the blood. This is the only thing I can do for him." Xuan Ming stepped out of the fountain, changed into a set of clean clothes, and sniffed again. After confirming that there was no residual blood on his arm, he walked towards the door.