Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 54: The Story of Pan Man 04 ┃ Zhuang Li Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you


Seeing these big red characters scrolling past, everyone who was already nervous suddenly exclaimed: "Zhuang Li, you can't go! Did you find the hacker? Because your opinion was not taken seriously by the supervisor, so you contacted the hacker. , attacked the company network?"

Zhuang Li turned around slowly, curled his lips slowly, and was clearly smiling, but there was a dangerous light in his eyes.

It seems that he can't leave this time.

The supervisor also ran out of the office and roared loudly, "Zhuang Li, explain the current situation to me well!"

Immediately afterwards, every landline in the office began to ring frantically, and employees from other departments kept calling to ask why the computer was hacked, and they all asked the same question: "Who is Zhuang Li? ?"

The head of the department's cell phone also rang, and when he took it out, he saw that it was the boss of the company.

There was a long speech angrily over there, which made the department head sweat.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fang, Zhuang Li is by my side... He just submitted a letter to me about improving the company's network operations. I didn't agree, so he resigned, and then I approved it on the spot. It seems that Because this offended him, and then our company's network was hacked. I suspect that he and the hacker are in the same group. Yes, yes, I know, I will call the police immediately! I have a master who can solve this problem. , don't worry, okay, okay, goodbye Mr. Fang."

The supervisor nodded and hung up the phone, then immediately dialed 110, his free hand kept pointing at Zhuang Li, meaning to let everyone stop him.

Zhuang Li stood on the spot with his hands around his chest, his red lips curved slightly, and he seemed to be full of interest.

Several employees who were good at reading words immediately locked the office door and blocked the aisle with their bodies to prevent him from escaping.

The mean man who had provoked Zhuang Li in the toilet before was sitting in front of a computer. He tapped the keyboard with his ten fingers and made a crackling sound. His eyes were fixed on the computer screen. He was obviously engaged in a fierce confrontation with the hacker. It turned out that he was a master in the mouth of the supervisor.

The rest of the people all surrounded him, watching his dazzling operations with adoring eyes.

The intern also craned his neck to look at it, and muttered: "This person is not very good, and his skills are okay."

Five or six minutes passed, and the black screen still failed to return to normal, and the bright red text was constantly scrolling. Zhuang Li's name appeared repeatedly in the mouths of hackers, like a curse or a public execution. Employees from other departments also came to hear the news and pointed at Zhuang Li through the glass window.

Their mouths are saying the same sentence: "Look, that's the culprit, Zhuang Li!"

This is what the hackers want to achieve - to make Zhuang Li the target of public criticism; to make Zhuang Li bear all the losses; to make Zhuang Li stand in the dock with no arguments; to make Zhuang Li lose his reputation and lose everything!

7480 smiled gleefully: "Master, who did you offend? He is going to put you to death!"

Zhuang Li sauntered towards an idle computer, and said with a chuckle, "Who is trolling me behind the scenes, can you tell if you just take a look?"

7480 quickly realized that when it comes to hacking technology, who can compare to its own host? He is the man who has beaten 248! However, Zhu Jianrui of this world is also open, and he may not lose in a fight with the host!

As soon as 7480 settled down, the sight in front of him made his breathing stop.

Just a dazzling effort, the host has successfully cracked the hacker's attack, and used more advanced hacking techniques to restart the company's network operation program, redeploy the server, and duplicate the accounts of various instant messaging tools for the staff. information and email addresses.

Online backups have been wiped by hackers.

But it didn't matter. It only took Zhuang Li a few minutes to make an offline backup, restore the most important databases, quickly built a few firewalls, and retrieved the lost monitoring components.

The mean man's fingers were cramped, and he shook his head at the department head in cold sweat, with a tone like a concubine: "Mr. Liao, this hacker is very powerful, I can't deal with it."

The head of the department turned pale for a while.

The intern who had been attracted by Zhuang Li's actions for a long time laughed loudly: "What are you anxious about, Brother Zhuang has already solved the problem."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Li pressed the Enter key. With a light click, those computers whose screens went black also returned to normal at the same time.

Everyone looked at the computer and Zhuang Li, their faces were full of disbelief.

The mean man was just stunned for a second and then said sharply: "He found the hacker, of course he can solve it! Mr. Liao, have you called the police? This matter is very serious and must not be private!"

"I called the police. Zhuang Li, you are not allowed to leave!"

The supervisor rushed up quickly and wanted to pull Zhuang Li, but was pushed away by the intern, "Don't disturb Brother Zhuang, he is tracking the hacker!"

"He found the man, he's stalking the ass! What kind of drama are I playing here, tell the police if you have something!" The department supervisor wanted to bring Zhuang Li to justice, but was always stopped by the intern.

The two were arguing, and Zhuang Li tapped the Enter key lightly and whispered with a smile, "Caught."

As soon as he finished speaking, the countless lines of instructions on the computer screen turned into a small window, floating in the upper left corner of the screen.

Two fourteen-fifteen-year-old teenagers appeared in the window, one very handsome, the other chubby, talking recklessly: "Why did you attack your father's company? And expose his name? The police will take your father away. Bar?"

"On your birthday, I asked him to buy you two thousand yuan for a gift, but he was reluctant to give it." The very handsome boy pouted in disdain.

The chubby boy frowned, and seemed to think it was inappropriate, "You don't need to buy me a present, we can just have a meal. Two thousand yuan is too much."

The handsome boy immediately explained: "It's not just because of these two thousand yuan. My dad is the most stingy person and can't bear to spend a penny on me. Every time I pay the tuition fee, my mother has to cry and beg him. When I was young When he gets sick, the first thing he worries about is not my body, but how much it will cost to see a doctor."

The chubby young man said with righteous indignation: "There is such a dad in the world? It's too hateful! Then you must teach him a good lesson!" But then he changed his tone again: "We can just play with him, don't make things worse. "

"I'm measured." The handsome boy nodded in agreement.

The two were still quickly manipulating the computer, unaware that they had been captured by the computer's built-in camera.

Zhuang Li held his cheek with one hand and tapped the table with the other, the smile on his face became more and more interesting.

The department head standing behind him murmured in disbelief: "This is your son? Is he so good at hacking?" Then he thought that if Zhuang Li could easily catch his son, wouldn't he be even more powerful? Then the report he submitted before is also feasible

Realizing that he had missed a master, the supervisor felt remorse but refused to show it.

Mean men's IT skills are also excellent, otherwise they would not be so arrogant. Through the previous confrontations, he had seen Zhu Jianrui's methods. This underage child is a top-notch hacker, but Zhuang Li, who easily caught the child, is obviously a master at the top.

Thinking of this, the mean man's face was too dark to be seen. In fact, he hadn't read the opinion letter that he smashed with his own hands. If he had known that Zhuang Li was so powerful, he should have read it seriously! Others can't understand, can he not understand

Unspeakable embarrassment spread throughout the office.

Zhuang Li tapped the keyboard lightly and sent a sentence to the two children on the opposite side: "Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you."

In the window, the two teenagers suddenly frowned in surprise and whispered, "Why is our screen black?"

The next second, the two of them suddenly leaned back on the chairs, as if they had seen a ghost.

The chubby teenagers had glasses on their faces, the lenses reflecting off the computer screen in front of them. I saw that it suddenly became pitch black, and slowly rolled out a line of repeated blood-colored characters - Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you! Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you! Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you...

"You, you, you were counterattacked?" the chubby boy asked in disbelief.

The handsome young man's face turned ashen, and ten fingers tapped the afterimage on the keyboard, but he was completely unable to reverse the defeat. He was panting heavily, his clenched teeth made two hard muscles in his cheeks, and his already twisted face looked very ugly.

The chubby young man asked fearfully, "Who is counterattacking us? Why does he know your name is Zhu Jianrui?"

The handsome boy ignored him at all, called up the command box, and quickly entered a string of codes. He stared straight at the computer screen, his eyes were fierce, like an evil spirit, how could he still be a little boyish

However, the more angry he was, the more comfortable Zhuang Li's smile became. He was also typing the code, but with a relaxed attitude like he was playing a game.

The head of the department stood behind him, looked at Zhu Jianrui in the window with horrified eyes, and said in a low voice, "Where is this raising a son, this is raising a debt collector! Look at his expression, doesn't he look like a murderer? This kind of person is generally not recognized by the six relatives!"

"Don't be arrogant! Zhuang Li is counterattacking, you just have to watch it!" The mean man who had been very disdainful of Zhuang Li before now looked at him with admiration.

The intern squatted at Zhuang Li's feet, not even breathing.

Zhuang Li used the Windows SMB protocol to enter the target computer, and cracked all management passwords by brute force, and then implanted malicious software to monitor, copy and destroy the target computer. By controlling this computer, he can also control all the smart devices associated with it.

As a result, not only did the teenager's computer go black, but the sweeping robot that shared a WiFi connection with the computer also began to spin around the house at high speed, frantically sweeping everything on the road. The chair was knocked crooked by it, the shoe was knocked off by it, and in the end, even it turned into a spinning top, and it flew into the air with electric sparks, smashing the chandelier.

The two teenagers screamed in fright.

However, this was not over yet. The intelligent central control device placed next to the computer suddenly shouted over and over again: "Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you! Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you! Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you..."

The faces of the two teenagers who were still in shock suddenly changed drastically.

Immediately afterwards, the smart curtains closed with a swipe and opened again with a swipe, repeatedly without stopping.

The teenagers looked back to check the situation, the TV behind them also turned on automatically, and a line of blood-colored characters slowly scrolled on the screen: [Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you!]

The smart speaker suddenly made a loud noise. If you listen carefully, it is actually the climax of "Symphony of Destiny". With the "Zhu Jianrui, I know it's you" resounding throughout the house and various lamps that are constantly on and off, the atmosphere is unexpectedly high. So weird.

Not only this computer, but all the smart devices in the house are now under the control of Zhuang Li.

The head of the department saw the chaotic scene over there through the window, stunned, and at the same time had a deeper understanding of Zhuang Li's superb technology.

The handsome young man tried all his methods and could not release these controls, and smashed the mouse in a fit of rage.

The chubby teenager looked around his haunted living room, and exclaimed in a frenzied tone: "This hacker is a jerk!"