Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 56: The Story of Pan Man 06 ┃ Zhuang Li I have a compensation to discuss with you


This time, Zhu Jianrui not only smashed the mouse, but also the keyboard. When he raised the computer to continue smashing, the chubby boy quickly hugged his arm: "Zhu Jianrui, what are you doing! This computer was just given to me by my father. I bought it with the highest configuration, and it cost hundreds of thousands!"

Zhu Jianrui froze, although he could not see his embarrassed appearance from the window, but he could hear his panting voice. He is very angry now, and his whole body is about to explode, but he is not the young master of the Gong family yet, and a hundred thousand is still an astronomical figure for him.

He finally put the computer back, stared at the man with a slack attitude in the window with blood-red eyes, and asked in a hiss, "Are you attacking and defending with me just now?"

Zhuang Li didn't answer, just tapped the keyboard.

Following his actions, the central control device on the computer desk asked in a sweet voice, "What do you think?"

Without any answer, Zhu Jianrui already understood that it was Zhuang Li who defeated him in all directions just now and made him lose face. But how is it possible! He is just a useless man, earning a dead salary of 10,000 yuan a month, how could he have such superb hacking skills!

"I don't believe it! You can't be this powerful!" He roared incompetently and furiously.

Zhuang Li typed on the keyboard with a smile, and the central control device replied in his place, "Have you ever known me? Do you know what the real Zhuang Li is like?"

Zhu Jianrui was asked. Having lived under the same roof for more than ten years, his understanding of this man is limited to a face-to-face meeting at get off work, the nagging when he reaches out for money, and the honest smile on his face. All other impressions are vague.

He opened his mouth and couldn't answer.

The central control device said in a cold mechanical voice: "Wait at home, the police will come soon."

Zhuang Li in the window turned his head and said to the head of the department: "Humans themselves are the most vulnerable line of defense. No matter how strong the firewall I designed, it can't stop the internal staff from making mistakes, so next time this happens, please remember You must not open the firewall to anyone."

The head of the department nodded and bowed again and again: "Brother Zhuang, I remember it. Hackers' methods are really hard to guard against! Fortunately, you are here today, otherwise our company will suffer great losses."

It was only now that he really understood what kind of organization the cybersecurity department was, and what kind of responsibilities it shouldered.

The colleagues in the department who surrounded Zhuang Li in a circle applauded enthusiastically. The so-called master is in the folk, this sentence is really true! Who would have thought that Zhuang Li, who is usually honest and friendly, would be such a powerful hacker!

The intern whispered, "It's incredible that a hacker like Zhuang has been sitting on the bench in your company for eight years."

The mean man is not mean this time, he even nodded in agreement: "MIK's network security department is just a decoration, 8.90% of the people recruited are related households, honest people like Zhuang can't stand out. of."

While speaking, Zhuang Li stood up abruptly, put on his suit jacket slowly, and carefully adjusted his tie and a strand of curly hair on his forehead facing the window. As for Zhu Jianrui, who was roaring frantically at the other end of the window, he couldn't see a trace of it in his pupils.

"You can't be this powerful! You are useless! Let's fight again if you have the skills! Zhuang Li, Zhuang Li, talk about it! You bastard!" Zhu Jianrui could swear any swear words out of anger.

The chubby boy was frightened by him, and whispered: "How can you scold your father like that! If my father is so powerful, I can wake up laughing when I sleep!" After a crushing confrontation, Zhuang Li has replaced Zhu Jianruicheng his new idol.

Seeing Zhu Jianrui with a distorted face, resentful eyes, and violent behavior, the head of the department frowned in disgust, and swallowed everything he wanted to say several times.

The mean man was outspoken: "Brother Zhuang, your son is a bear! Remember to beat him after you go back!"

Zhuang Li said nonchalantly, "I don't have the right to beat him, let the society do this task. The police should be here, let's go."

As soon as he finished speaking, several policemen knocked on the glass wall. The door to the office was locked and they couldn't get in. Many colleagues watching the lively were standing behind the police, looking at Zhuang Li with curious eyes.

The head of the department hurried to open the door.

In the window, several police officers also rushed into the house of the fat boy and took the two away after showing their credentials. There is no doubt that this is Zhuang Li's handwriting. The son is not his, nor is the misfortune he caused, he does not bear the blame.

The police car Ula Ula drove away, and the ambition of 7480 seemed to be broken at the same moment. It originally thought that Zhu Jianrui would be able to kill the host, but it did not expect that in just one round, this talented young man would be crushed into the sand and completely defeated!

You know, in the original plot, Zhu Jianrui is the biggest golden finger of Zhu Miaomiao and Gong Xuanlin, and the behind-the-scenes boss who controls everything. Gong Xuanlin can sit on the top spot of the richest man in China; Gong Xuanqi, that is, Gong Xuanlin's eldest brother, can become the president of China; Zhu Miaomiao can become a popular star, all thanks to Zhu Jianrui's help.

This young man can read at one year old, and can count at two years old. He skips grades in elementary and junior high school, and he is already in the third year of high school at the age of fourteen. He plays computer games all day, but his grades are always ranked first in the grade. According to the development track of the original plot, In the future, he will become the top student in the college entrance examination and become the idol of many young people. He will also be recruited by the national security department for his superb hacking skills, and then enter the political arena.

Because he was too promising, Mr. Gong and Mrs. Gong, who had been extremely disdainful of Zhu Miaomiao, could only pinched their noses to recognize this fate.

Gong Xuanlin's eldest brother Gong Xuanqi even regards Zhu Jianrui as his chief staff and obeys his command in everything.

After Gong Xuanlin's abdication, Zhu Jianrui was successfully elected president of China at the age of twenty-five, a rare achievement in the world.

Such a walking coercion, such an omnipotent god, is not even Zhuang Li's opponent? 7480 grabbed his head and fell into deep doubt and despair.

When it came back to its senses, Zhu Jianrui and the chubby boy had already been arrested at the police station, and they met Zhuang Li and his party at the door.

Zhuang Li just pursed his lips and smiled inexplicably, without saying a word, but the head of the department asked, "Your child is too extreme, your father worked hard to raise you, is this how you repay him? It's against the law to hack into other people's networks, do you know how much trouble you've caused your father this time!"

"Do you know how he usually treats me? He doesn't deserve to be my dad at all!" Zhu Jianrui bared his teeth fiercely at Zhuang Li, his blood-red eyes filled with hatred.

The police officers who captured Zhu Jianrui look at me and I look at you, all with thoughtful expressions on their faces. A child will not hate his father for no reason. What's more, they have learned about the child's information before arresting people. They know that he has excellent academic performance and a good relationship with his classmates. He is a good boy who is praised by everyone.

There must be some inherent reason why he would do such a thing. Fathers are not entirely immune.

Thinking of this, the leading police officer's attitude towards Zhuang Li became a little bit colder, and he said angrily: "Children make mistakes, and the main responsibility is often on the parents. Well, let me open a mediation room for you, let me You father and son have a good chat."

He said to the head of the department: "MIK is a victim, do you want to hold the child accountable? If you want to hold the child accountable, you can come to the mediation room and discuss a charter together. The child is underage and will not bear legal responsibility. We will arrest the child. You have to understand that you have to let them go later."

The head of the department cannot do this, and can only call his immediate boss. He hid on the side and said something, looked at Zhuang Li from time to time, and smiled at the other party.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man with sparse hair and a round belly hurriedly walked into the police station and stretched out his hand with a smile: "Hello Team Zhao, I'm the boss of MIK, my surname is Fang. I'm here to discuss compensation with Mr. Zhuang. questionable."

Captain Zhao of the Cybercrime Section took these people into the mediation room.

As soon as Mr. Fang sat down, he said generously: "I asked the heads of various departments just now, because Mr. Zhuang made timely repairs, our company did not suffer too much loss. But—"

He looked at Zhuang Li and suddenly changed the conversation: "Our editing department has lost some samples. Although the original film is still there, it will take a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to re-edit. I just made a rough estimate and re-edited these samples. If so, our company will have to spend an additional 2.88 million yuan, I don't know how Mr. Zhuang will compensate for this part of the loss?"

Zhuang Li hooked his thin lips and smiled silently.

Mr. Fang misunderstood his indifferent smile into a wry smile, and immediately said: "2.88 million is an unbearable amount of debt for any ordinary family. Mr. Zhuang is an old employee of our MIK, we do not I have the heart to persecute Mr. Zhuang. Well, I will make the decision to wipe out this debt and return Mr. Zhuang with an annual salary of one million. What do you think of Mr. Zhuang? "

Several police officers originally thought that they would witness a "tragedy in which the common people were driven to a desperate situation by the capitalists", but they did not expect the turn of events. Not only did the capitalists not recover their losses, but they also took in a high salary of 1 million per year! The plot changed too suddenly, didn't it

Hearing that Zhuang Li wanted to compensate MIK 2,880,000, Zhu Jianrui had already grinned gleefully. After listening to the second half of Mr. Fang's sentence, his face became extremely gloomy again.

The head of the department was so envious that his eyes were red, but he also knew that with Zhuang Li's skills, the annual salary of one million was really not high. Only the firewall he temporarily built, which even the White House of the United States is using, can completely erase the debt of 2.88 million.

After all the calculations, MIK's blood won't make a loss.

Mr. Fang has already given his greatest sincerity, and he also believes that the other party will accept this sincerity.

But he didn't expect Zhuang Li to just flutter a strand of curly hair on his forehead, with a casual tone: "You shouldn't talk to me about Zhu Jianrui's compensation, I don't have this obligation. Wait a minute," he took out his phone and looked at it, chuckling. : "Zhu Jianrui's biological father will come soon, and I also have a compensation to discuss with him."

One sentence stunned everyone in the mediation room.

Zhu Jianrui's eyes widened, looking at Zhuang Li in disbelief. He always thought that Zhuang Li didn't know about the revival of Gong Xuanlin's old relationship with his mother, but now it seems that he knows everything clearly.

Yes, he is a top hacker. If you want to know anything, just look it up on the Internet and you will know.

For the first time in his life, Zhu Jianrui looked at this honest man with serious eyes and gave him a "extremely dangerous" stamp in his mind.

However, Zhuang Li didn't have time to pay attention to him at all. At this time, he took out his mobile phone and asked Captain Zhao politely, "I have a bill to print. Can I borrow the equipment from your police station?"

Captain Zhao nodded dumbly.

A few minutes later, Zhuang Li walked in with a bill that was two centimeters thick, sat back in his seat and smiled at Zhu Jianrui. His originally honest face, at this moment, has taken off all disguise, showing full of evil and evil.