Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 59: The story of Pan Man 09 ┃ Zhuang Li Without me, what are you guys?


Gong Xuanlin originally thought that with his own identity and status, as long as he sent a word, the trouble caused by his son would be resolved quickly, and his wife's last marriage could be dissolved immediately, but he didn't expect Zhuang Liren to leave, and he still had to. Stay at the police station and calculate what the heck the reparations are.

"It's nothing, it's nothing!" After holding back for a few minutes, he suddenly kicked the file cabinet next to him, causing the cabinet to sway from side to side and creak.

A young and vigorous policeman immediately said: "If the cabinet is smashed, I will pay for it!"

Gong Xuanlin: "..."

The chief lawyer of the Gong Group asked, "If it's not clear, will the compensation be made according to the figure given by Mr. Zhuang?"

Gong Xuanlin, who originally only planned to pay 5 million at most: "..."

The figure given by Zhuang Li was 328 million! It is more than three hundred million higher than his original valuation. This figure is nothing to the Gong Group, but it cannot be raised in minutes.

Gong Xuanlin took a deep breath and ordered, "Let's go, we'll talk about the compensation later."

The group was aggressive when they came, but a little disheartened when they left.

Several policemen pointed to their backs and said, "I guess Gong Xuanlin will default on his debts. The more money he has, the more he searches."

"Yeah, people have helped him raise his wife and children for so many years, but he is quite at ease. That Zhu Miaomiao is also cheeky, and Zhu Jianrui is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, a shameless thing in the family."

Several police officers thought they spoke very quietly, but they didn't know that Zhu Jianrui was born with sharp ears and eyesight, and could hear other people's whispers from far away. He looked back at the policemen, the anger in his pupils was as sharp as a thorn.

The three walked towards a luxury car surrounded by bodyguards.

As soon as he got into the car, Gong Xuanlin took out his mobile phone and called his eldest brother.

The other end seemed to know what he was doing, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Has it been resolved?"

Gong Xuanlin said in frustration, "No."

"Why?" Gong Xuanqi's flat tone finally became a little surprised. In his opinion, Zhuang Li, who has no background, is equivalent to an ant, walking over and crushing it with one foot, and there is no problem that cannot be solved.

"I'll tell you in detail when I come back." Such an embarrassing experience, even in the face of his eldest brother, Gong Xuanlin couldn't open his mouth.

"Well." Gong Xuanqi asked with concern: "Did Xiao Rui take it back?"

"Beside me." Gong Xuanlin glanced at his son.

Gong Xuanqi was relieved, and ordered, "Just bring the child back. You will take him home for dinner later. I want to chat with him."

"Okay, big brother." Gong Xuanlin nodded in agreement and hung up the phone.

On the other side, Zhuang Li was in a room in a five-star hotel fiddling with the phone and computer he just bought. The original owner's home was full of things of Zhu Miaomiao and Zhu Jianrui's mother and son. The only activity space for Zhuang Li was a baby room of several square meters, with a foldable wire bed, so narrow that it was difficult to turn over.

The original owner slept on this wire bed for several years, but Zhu Miaomiao and Zhu Jianrui had their own rooms, which were spacious, bright and well-decorated.

That family is two worlds divided, and Zhuang Li doesn't like it very much. Later, when Zhu Miaomiao signs the real estate transfer contract, he will sell the house as soon as possible.

After crossing into this world, 7480 fell into the back of the original owner's neck and continued to be its tool system.

It also wants to drill into the original owner's brain. In that case, if you choose an ancient world with backward technology, the host will have absolutely no way to take it. It's a pity that as early as the previous world, the host has modified all its management programs, so that it can only choose the back of the human neck as a sojourn every time it crosses.

Although it has self-awareness, it is still a machine in the final analysis, and the machine can only obey the commands of the program.

Zhuang Li, who has transformed all the programs, has completely become its master.

But it doesn't matter, as long as this master is dead, I will be free! hahaha~

The more 7480 thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help rubbing his hands.

Zhuang Li sensed its emotion, and asked while writing the code, "You seem very happy?"

"No!" 7480 hurriedly denied.

After the words were over, it felt that it was too guilty, and quickly added: "I am happy for you, host. You finally got rid of those two garbage, congratulations!"

Zhuang Li hummed inexplicably, then continued to fiddle with the computer.

7480 secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer concealed his joyous mood, and showed it in such a grand manner. The host has poked such a big hornet's nest, can it be unhappy

In the original plot, Zhuang Li was always attentive to Zhu Miaomiao's mother and son, and responded to every request. Therefore, when Zhu Jianrui attacked the MIK network, he took full responsibility for the compensation and inexplicably took on billions of debts, and was imprisoned because of some evidence that Zhu Jianrui fabricated on the Internet.

He didn't do anything to hurt Zhu Miaomiao, but Zhu Jianrui ruined his reputation, and then died tragically in prison. All of this stemmed from two words - fame.

The Gong family is a famous family, and Gong Xuanqi is running for president again, so there is no room for mistakes, so the Gong family's emphasis on reputation has reached a morbid level.

It is impossible for a second-married woman like Zhu Miaomiao to marry into the Gong family, because her previous marriage would become a weapon for the outside world to attack her and then the Gong family. What's more, she gave birth to Gong Xuanlin's son during her marriage with her previous husband, which is a shocking scandal.

Therefore, in order to protect his mother's reputation and to stabilize Gong Xuanqi's position in the political arena, Zhu Jianrui, a terrifyingly smart teenager, has made a plan to clear obstacles from the very beginning.

Only by completely destroying Zhuang Li and letting people talk about him, the first thing that comes to mind is the words "doing bad things and getting what they deserve", can Zhu Miaomiao come out of this quagmire cleanly. People will sympathize with her unfortunate marriage, sympathize with her experience over the years, and tolerate and understand the mistakes she made when she was young and ignorant.

So all the scandals are no longer scandals, but turned into tragedies, and Zhu Miaomiao is the heroine of the tragedies and will surely be loved by the vast majority of people.

When people's memories fade, Zhuang Li can disappear forever. He is a hidden danger, and immortality is not enough to reassure Zhu Jianrui.

So in the original plot, Zhuang Li died just like that. He was stabbed in the stomach by the rioting prisoners, and the blood flowed into rivers.

This shows how vicious Zhu Jianrui is. What's even more terrifying is that he was just an underage child when he planned all this!

In the original plot, Zhuang Li could have been treated so badly without provoking him at all. Now that the host is here, how will he deal with the host

You must know that the host taught Zhu Jianrui a lesson like a grandson, whether on the Internet or in reality, and slapped his face with his arms rounded, making him feel ashamed. With his vicious nature, can he not hold grudges? Will he come back with revenge

The more 7480 thought about it, the more beautiful it became, but when he recovered, he found that the host was sending short video clips to Zhu Jianrui, Zhu Miaomiao, and Gong Xuanlin, and could not help but ask strangely: "Master, what did you send them?"

"Nothing, just some interesting cartoons." Zhuang Li tapped the keyboard lightly and skillfully.

On the other end, Zhu Jianrui, Gong Xuanlin, and Zhu Miaomiao really received a message at the same moment.

"The Secret Life of Zhu Miaomiao, what? Who is the Lord of the Universe?" Gong Xuanlin looked at this strange WeChat account.

"This is Zhuang Li!" Zhu Jianrui recognized Zhuang Li's phone number.

"How could he become my WeChat friend, I haven't added him." Gong Xuanlin frowned fiercely.

"He's a hacker, and this kind of thing is easy for him." Zhu Jianrui stared at the message, his eyes crawling with blood.

"He really beat you on the Internet? Didn't someone help him?" Gong Xuanlin confirmed repeatedly.

"Yes." Zhu Jianrui nodded embarrassedly.

Gong Xuanlin rubbed his brows and felt a little tired.

When the two were talking, Zhu Miaomiao had already opened the video eagerly, and Zhu Jianrui only had time to whisper, "Be careful of the Trojan horse!"

"I don't care about any Trojan horse! Zhuang Li is also a hacker, he can find out my secrets! I have lived with him for more than ten years, in case he takes my nude photos or bathing videos when I am not prepared. What should I do? I must see what the hell he sent!" Zhu Miaomiao was also frightened by Zhuang Li, and could no longer treat him as casually as before.

After the video is clicked, it is not a nude photo or a fragrant video, but an animation, and the words Part1 are displayed in the first few seconds.

Although the characters in the animation only have a few strokes, they completely capture the charm of the prototype, making people know at a glance that it is Zhu Miaomiao. She was wearing a white skirt and carrying a shoulder bag. She walked on the street at night with her back hunched over, her stomach slightly bulging, her feet staggering back and forth, and her face was disheveled, as if she was about to faint from hunger.

Suddenly, two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, appeared on the dimly lit street with the words "Mom and Dad" on their heads. They grabbed Zhu Miaomiao, dragged her into a small clinic, and sent her to a room with the word "traffic room" written on it.

The next second, a doctor with a mask on his face threw a bloody flesh lump into the trash can, closed the lid, and the big blood-red characters jumped out of the screen—Fist blood!

Thinking of the scene where his parents forced him to have an abortion and Zhuang Li rescued him from the abortion room, Zhu Miaomiao: "..."

Zhu Jianrui, who heard her mother talk about this incident: "..."

Gong Xuanlin, who heard his girlfriend talk about it: "..."

After this animation ended, Part 2 started again. Zhu Miaomiao was still walking on the street at night, looking tired and staggering, as if she would faint at any moment. Her parents didn't show up, replaced by two rambunctious young men. They approached Zhu Miaomiao with knives in their hands, one grabbed her arm and the other grabbed her satchel.

During the struggle, Zhu Miaomiao fell to the ground, and the white skirt was gradually stained red with blood.

A line of red characters jumped onto the screen - Double kill!

Zhu Miaomiao was so frightened that his mind was dazed, but Zhu Jianrui and Gong Xuanlin already understood Zhuang Li's intention.

He made these animations to show a central idea - look, what would have happened to Zhu Miaomiao and Zhu Jianrui without my care all these years.

After the words Double kill disappeared, Part 3 began.

Zhu Miaomiao was still walking on the street in the dark, but this time he was carrying a very heavy box. She walked and walked, walked and walked, when she was walking up the steps, she suddenly sprained her foot and fell to the ground with a thud.

The white skirt was once again stained red with blood, followed by a line of blood-colored characters—Triple kill!

When I was pregnant, I went shopping frantically for a few hours, so that the shopping bag was so heavy that I almost rectified myself. Zhu Miaomiao, who gave birth: "… "

Zhu Jianrui, who heard her mother talk about this incident: "..."

Gong Xuanlin, who heard his girlfriend complain that Zhuang Li made her suffer too much, also knew about it: "..."

Zhu Miaomiao couldn't watch it anymore, and poked the close button of the video with bright red nails, but it didn't work at all.

Once the video is started, it must be finished. This is a program pre-set by Zhuang Li.

Part 4 begins...