Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 72: The story of Pan Man 26 ┃ Zhuang Li Dad will always be your dad


The live broadcast platform collapsed, the personal website was paralyzed, the internal mobile phone was scrapped, and even the radio station was attacked. Gong Xuanqi had no other way out except to give Zhu Jianrui another chance.

What if he rushed to the hospital now, lay in bed, and took pictures and medical records of his serious illness? Out of sight of the public, all the clarifications he did were in vain.

"Just let it go, don't put too much pressure on it, uncle doesn't blame you for whether it's successful or not." So in the shortest time, Gong Xuanqi adjusted his almost collapsed mood.

Now he has become that amiable, steady and wise uncle, as if his harsh words, hatred and contempt before were all an illusion.

Zhu Jianrui looked up at his hypocritical face, but Zhuang Li's gentle and doting smile flashed in his mind. He often praised others in a proud tone: "My son is the best! My son is old and smart, like me!"

Zhu Jianrui's nose was slightly sour, and he almost burst into tears. Only in this embarrassment did he show a child-like vulnerability.

But it's too late to say anything. It has been done, and there is no way to deny it. Zhuang Li is such a powerful hacker, he can even dig out all the hacker army hidden in the dark web, how can he not know what his son is doing behind his back.

He knew exactly how Zhu Jianrui arranged the reunion between Zhu Miaomiao and Gong Xuanlin after a long absence, and how he planned a clean return to Gong's house. So he sorted out the account books, signed the divorce papers, and made a complete termination. He will not forgive his once dearest wife and son.

Now he just wants to destroy everyone who betrayed him, including Zhu Jianrui, Zhu Miaomiao, Gong Xuanlin, and even the aloof Gong Xuanqi.

And he's almost there. He is a powerless and powerless little person, and he actually made a powerful politician like Gong Xuanqi fall down at the most critical moment. It's scary how serious he is!

With timidity and fear, Zhu Jianrui began to track all the smart devices controlled by the botnet. He couldn't break Zhuang Li's computer, so he could only take the stupidest way.

Mima joined the pursuit after a frantic vent.

They are the top hackers in the world, and apart from Zhuang Li, they have few rivals. But they soon discovered that the game set up by Zhuang Li was unsolvable.

Zhu Jianrui, who found tens of thousands of zombie devices in just ten minutes, almost bit his tongue.

He barely raised his arms, but his ten fingers couldn't touch the keyboard stiffly, because he gradually realized that even if all the zombie devices were found, this crisis would not be solved, but it would cause even more trouble.

Gong Xuanqi immediately noticed his abnormality and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"I found the zombie device controlled by Zhuang Li." Zhu Jianrui said in a hoarse voice.

"Then why don't you shut them down?" Gong Xuanqi urged impatiently.

"These devices are all cellphones," Zhu Jianrui made a list in an inaudible voice: "They all come from the people around us, you, me, father, mother, as well as our colleagues, relatives, and friends."

Gong Xuanqi looked at this outrageous list and couldn't react for a long time. This is really ridiculous. When he monitors others, he never thinks that he will be monitored by others; when he invades others, he never thinks that he will be invaded by others. All the means he used to deal with Le Zhengming will be returned by Zhuang Li as it is.

Zhuang Li is not an ant, but an untouchable poisonous snake!

Gong Xuanqi took out his two mobile phones with shaking hands, pressed the power button hard, and ordered loudly: "You all turn off your mobile phones! Quick!"

Everyone hurriedly turned off their mobile phones, and the expressions on their faces became more and more frightened.

Zhu Jianrui covered his eyes and shook his head dejectedly: "It's useless. My botnet is made up of randomly selected smart devices, but Zhuang Li's is not. And then radiate the zombie virus out."

"You all know the theory of six degrees of division, right?" He opened his eyes, and his pupils were actually dyed blood red.

Everyone had a horrified expression.

The so-called Six Degrees of Separation Theory is also known as the Small World Theory, which means that there will be no more than six people between you and any stranger, that is to say, you can know any stranger through at most six people.

If this theory is used in the spread of the virus, the consequences are quite dire. If a person is infected with a certain virus, in a very short period of time, he will infect everyone around him.

The mobile phone virus is a hundred times more infectious than the real virus, because it is the most frequently interacted communication tool, no one. On average, a person sends dozens of messages in a day, and the person who receives the message will send and receive dozens or even hundreds of messages with others; then these people will contact more people…

You can imagine what kind of a big net they will roll out.

Infected zombies will grow exponentially. And just now, when Gong Xuanqi's live broadcast was cut off, his team members made a lot of calls for help before their mobile phones were paralyzed, digging out the most infrequently contacted contacts from the corners and making use of them.

So the big net built by Zhuang Li expanded several times in just a few minutes.

What's even more frightening is that most of the people who can get in touch with Gong Xuanqi are high-ranking dignitaries. Their mobile phones cannot be hacked into by anyone, nor can they be remotely closed without calling.

If Zhu Jianrui really did that, the hackers who served these dignitaries would also follow the clues and launch a counterattack against Zhu Jianrui.

By then, Gong Xuanqi will be in a worse situation.

In other words, Zhuang Li not only created a botnet, but also created a hornet's nest. Zhu Jianrui didn't even dare to touch it, let alone remove it. He kept pulling down the list so that Gong Xuanqi could see the prominent names that represented power.

"If I want to stop this data tsunami, I have to turn off their mobile phones remotely. The mobile phone is inexplicably turned off, and their security officer will investigate immediately. Uncle, what do you think I should do? Shut it off?" Zhu Jianrui put the hot potato throw out.

Gong Xuanqi's face was completely dark, and his eyes that always shone with kindness showed a rare anger.

This list is horrible! All of them are characters he can't afford to offend. If he really let his nephew hack these people's mobile phones, he would be outraged, and he doesn't know what kind of suspicion he will face in the future.

"Can you find evidence that Zhuang Li hacked their mobile phone?" Gong Xuanqi asked with the last glimmer of hope. If he can find evidence, he will tell the big bosses about the situation and let them be more vigilant about Le Zhengming.

Zhu Jianrui fell into a long silence.

Gong Xuanqi looked down at him with a cold tone: "You can't find it?"

Zhu Jianrui shook his head and continued to be silent. In fact, it was not that he could not find it, but that he did not dare to say it. He found that his mobile phone was the central controller for the construction of this botnet, but he quietly pressed the shutdown button for a long time, but the screen of the mobile phone never went black. After removing the SIM card and battery, the data tsunami continued to wave after wave. come.

Only then did he realize that Zhuang Li might have copied his mobile phone and used his identity as a cover to start this war.

If he is really to be held accountable, all the evidence will point to him. He will take all the guilt in place of Zhuang Li! He had no choice but to admit defeat! In the network, they are not an order of magnitude opponents at all.

What a ruthless method, and there is no similarities between the previous warm and useless waste. Has the silent lion been awakened? If I had known that Zhuang Li was hiding so deeply, I shouldn't have betrayed him in the first place!

Zhu Jianrui once again fell into deep self-doubt. He kept clenching his fists, his blood-red eyes were dyed with water, as if he was about to cry, but he bit out blood from the tip of his tongue, and held back abruptly. He couldn't let himself collapse, because the Gong family was not a comfort zone, but a dangerous jungle.

If he showed weakness, he would be swallowed up by the beasts lurking around him. And he had been carefully cared for under his wings by another more powerful beast.

He regretted it, was afraid, but it was too late.

Gong Xuanqi really looked at this nephew with a cold and ruthless gaze, as if to assess whether this person was still worth using.

When Zhu Jianrui's muscles were about to freeze, Gong Xuanqi rubbed his brows and sighed: "Forget it, it's over. Everyone go home and wait until the internet returns to normal."

On the surface, he is calm and composed, as if he can maintain a calm and wise judgment no matter how big a crisis is, but in fact he is extremely frustrated inside.

He took Zhu Jianrui and left the headquarters of a live broadcast platform, daring not to say a word along the way, for fear of being overheard by Zhuang Li. He simply could not imagine that such a desperate situation with no way out and no way out would befall him.

Just in case, he destroyed all his smart devices, mobile phones, tablets, computers... He couldn't even trust the smart control panel of the car, and always reminded the driver to be careful and drive slowly. Because he knew that Zhu Jianrui could control a car or a plane through sound waves. What Zhu Jianrui can do, there is no doubt that Zhuang Li can do it too.

Gong Xuanqi kept pressing and rubbing his temples, giving him a splitting headache. It's really scary to provoke such an enemy who doesn't know how to guard against it.

Zhu Jianrui sat in the back row, holding the puppy tightly in his arms, his neck and shoulders curled up stiffly, like a child who made a big mistake and dared not speak. Of course, this childlike weakness will only manifest after being severely beaten by Zhuang Li.

Dad will always be your dad — an Internet catchphrase that aptly describes his relationship with Zhuang Li.

The car slowly stopped in front of the Gong's old house. A slender woman was standing on tiptoe and shouting to the videophone: "Gong Xuanlin, come out! You said you were going to marry me! I even gave birth to a son, how could you not admit it?"

Gong Xuanlin, who was dismissed from all positions by the company, suppressed the irritability in his heart: "Can you stop making trouble? Something happened to my eldest brother, and I'm trying to find a way for him. You go back first, I don't have time to talk to you about these trivial things. "

"You actually said that getting married is a trivial matter? It's a major event in my life! For you, how much suffering and suffering I have suffered over the years! Woohoo..."

Zhu Miaomiao cried bitterly against the wall, but Gong Xuanlin couldn't bear her sharp voice. He sarcastically said mercilessly: "You have spent millions of dollars in a few years. Where did you suffer? Tell you, our Gong family will not accept a gold-worshiping girl like you, and it is useless to have a son!"

Zhu Miaomiao's hopes were dashed, so she couldn't help crying, scolding Gong Xuanlin for having no conscience while crying. When she married Zhuang Li, she was a delicate and carefree wife; when she returned to the powerful Gong Xuanlin, she turned into a curmudgeon by the side of the road, and she was disgustingly cheap.

Seeing such a humble mother, Zhu Jianrui quickly covered his face and refused to face this embarrassing scene. His dignity also seemed to be destroyed in Zhu Miaomiao's self-contemptuous behavior. He can abandon his adoptive father who is too good to say anything to him, and naturally he can also abandon his mother who only regards him as a tool to marry into a wealthy family.

Gong Xuanqi's anger, which he had been holding back for the whole way, finally erupted at this moment, and he opened the window and shouted at the bodyguard: "Let this woman take care of me, don't let her run around outside."

A group of people immediately dragged Zhu Miaomiao into the car and took him to a remote place for detention.

The car gradually drove away, but Zhu Miaomiao's screams could still be faintly heard. At first, she kept calling Xuanlin to save me, but finally it turned into calling for her son. The son did not respond, so she shouted over and over again: "Zhuang Li, Zhuang Li, Zhuang Li..."

It's a pity that the man who always appeared immediately when she encountered difficulties has disappeared forever.

He used to be her superman...