Learning God in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 95: Back to the first world 07 ┃ Zhuang Li Now it's my turn to save you


More than a hundred financiers quickly walked away with checks.

Xuan Ming suggested: "Call the representative of the manufacturer over to collect the money. Later, I will go to the bank with you and repay the loan."

Zhuang Li suddenly chuckled: "Are you always so positive about spending money?"

"I can spend money for you." Xuan Ming tightened the cap of the pen, his expression was very serious and serious, but his ears were red. It can be seen that he is trying to please his beloved, but he can't say anything sweet.

Zhuang Li withdrew his smile, stretched out his long legs and sat on the table directly opposite Xuan Ming, stretched out two arms and put his arms on each other's shoulders, leaned down, stared straight into his eyes, and asked, "You saved your life. Me, who will save you?"

Xuan Ming didn't say a word, just stared at these long, narrow and deep eyes, feeling that he had met the young man in front of him at some point and nowhere, in a moment or in an eternity.

His familiarity with the youth was like a mantra carved into his soul, which could not be forgotten, nor allowed to be forgotten.

So Xuan Ming answered silently in his heart: Your presence is salvation to me.

Zhuang Li suddenly put his head close to him and chuckled softly in his ear: "Did I ever say that you look so handsome signing a check for me? Now it's my turn to save you."

Xuan Ming stretched out his hand, took the little curly hair from the table into his arms, and responded in a hoarse voice: "Well, I need your rescue very much." The words moved his waist and abdomen uncomfortably.

Feeling the hardness of the M500, Zhuang Li immediately understood the meaning of his lover, and knew that the other party had misunderstood the meaning of "salvation" again, so he couldn't help laughing loudly on his shoulder.

After laughing, Zhuang Li left his lover's arms without any hesitation, and said solemnly: "Get up first and take me to your company, or the police will come to arrest you later. Don't ask anything on the road, I will give you the company's technology. The backbone calls and asks them to go to the conference room to wait immediately. Then call the police station and tell them that it is okay to arrest people, but they have to send qualified people."

"What?" Xuan Ming was stunned.

"Don't ask, go to your company, I said, it's my turn to save you next." Zhuang Li quickly cleaned up the documents on the table, and then pushed his lover towards the door.

A group of bodyguards immediately followed.

On the other end, Feng Bai found a secluded place to call Tusi, and the moment he got connected, he asked in a frantic tone, "Why did Zhuang Li know Xuan Ming? The information you gave me before was inaccurate!"

"President Tu, I don't know how they met." Feng Bai squatted and smoked in the dim stairwell.

"You call the police immediately. Illegal financing of 180 million yuan. The crime is very serious. Zhuang Li will be imprisoned for at least ten years." Tusi said coldly.

This is the plan he made early in the morning. First, he will force Zhuang Li to pay back the money. If he does not pay, Zhuang Li will either choose to jump off the building or go to jail. In short, there will be no good end.

"President Tu, how did Zhuang Li offend you?" Feng Bai finally couldn't help but ask this question.

He was really too curious, a rich and noble son, a commoner with grass roots, the two of them couldn't even fight!

"You don't need to know this, you just need to remember that if you kill Zhuang Li, you can get 10 million and become the CEO of Motu." Tusi hung up the phone and stared at the phone in a trance.

Why kill Zhuang Li? Because of a precognitive dream. No one will believe this.

But since five years ago, Tusi has had a dream repeatedly.

In the dream, he stood on a podium covered with a red carpet, with a hall full of people at the bottom, and brilliant lights on the top. The thunderous applause sounded in his ears, indicating the arrival of glory and fame.

But in this group of strong colors, a gray figure stood up and said word by word: "This glory does not belong to you."

This sentence is like an apocalypse, and it is like a spell to activate magic, so everything in the dream collapsed in an instant, and finally turned into nothing.

It took Tusi two years to see the face of the gray figure. At first, he didn't believe that this dream could control his life, but he met the person in the dream by accident. Although he never lived, he knew that face when he turned to ashes!

Zhuang Li? It's the name!

As soon as he hears these two words, he will have a physiological disgust. If he doesn't step on the other side into the mud and trample them to ashes, his heart is always full of anger, and it is difficult to swallow day and night.

"Call the police and arrest people immediately." Tusi urged in a gloomy tone.

"Okay Mr. Tu. People don't have enough hearts to swallow elephants. Those creditors won't get the interest, and they must be uncomfortable. I will let them sign a joint letter and submit it to the public security organs and the court. The case will definitely be severely sentenced." Feng Bai lost 25% of his shares and was trying to regain his position.

Isn't Zhuang Li proud of the spring breeze now? I don't know if he will be complacent when the police come to the door later.

Feng Bai sneered and called the creditors one by one, saying that Zhuang Li was now involved in the Haiming Group, which was rich and powerful.

Those who can take huge risks and run for illegal financing are all greedy people, and they agree to Feng Bai's request almost without thinking. What if Zhuang Li returned the principal to them? If he doesn't take ten times the money for personal use, he can't think of anything better!

After receiving the exact answer from the creditor, Feng Bai instructed one of them to report to the police station.


So Xuan Ming had just brought Xiao Curly Hair into the headquarters building of Haiming Group when two policemen greeted him with rose gold handcuffs in their hands.

"Mr. Xuan, I'm sorry, this case is a bit big, I can't give you this face." The leading policeman is very young, but he has a great style, and it seems that his identity is not simple.

I also know that being able to be dispatched by the superiors to the Haiming Group to arrest people, I really can't do this job without a background.

"Young Master Gu, you don't need to wear the handcuffs anymore. I've paid off all the 180 million yuan. It shouldn't be a big problem. Can you be released on bail pending trial?" Xuan Ming threw off the handcuffs and asked in a cold tone.

The young policeman, who is respectfully called "Gu Shao", looked at Zhuang Li playfully. Seeing his red lips, white teeth, and a romantic figure, he suddenly smiled: "Mr. Xuan is really generous, and if he pays 180 million, he will pay it back. Okay, we don't need to wear the handcuffs, we will take people with us. Go back and record a confession." Then he went to pull Zhuang Li's arm.

Xuan Ming was about to protect the little curly hair behind him, but the little curly hair had already run to the back, stuck out a head, and said arrogantly: "Don't do it yet. If you want to take me back, Gu Shao is afraid that there is no such thing. Eligibility. The Desa system deployed by the United States in country H is now operational, right?"

"Half of China's territory is now under the surveillance of the United States. Young Master Gu, if you want to solve this problem, if you want, send someone to the Haiming Group for a meeting, and I can give you technical guidance."

"What did you say?" Gu Shao seriously suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

A gadget keeps saying that it wants to solve the Desa system in the United States, isn't it afraid of bragging

The Desa system is a terminal defense system for intercepting short-range and medium-range ballistic missiles. It consists of four parts: radar, fire control system, launch vehicle and interceptor.

The United States set it up in country H, which is very close to the territory of China, and then used the radar of the system to scan most of China's territory. Once the war starts, the Desa system can immediately detect the military movements of China, and then intercept China's missiles in advance.

In this way, the U.S. can stop China's military operations before the war begins. And China's missile force is the most powerful force in combat. If this force is abolished, China will be suppressed and beaten by the United States.

Therefore, after the news of the deployment of the Desa system in country H was exposed by the media, the relationship between China and H immediately dropped to freezing point.

Over the years, Huaguo has been working to restrain the Desa system, but has not made much progress, which has become a heart disease of the military.

Gu Shao's father is one of the senior leaders of the military, and he is particularly sensitive to the words "Desa system".

"I warn you not to make jokes about national affairs." Gu Shao said through gritted teeth.

"You can tell if I'm joking by passing this paper to the experts in the military. But I also want to warn you that this paper is very important. If foreign spies get it, China will be in trouble. It's big." Zhuang Li handed over his cell phone.

Gu Shao took the phone and glanced at it quickly, then pondered for a while before trying to send it to his elder brother.

They all work in the military and political system, and Gu Dashao is a senior scientific researcher of the Ministry of National Defense and Security. He should be able to distinguish the authenticity of this paper.

"Let's go, let's go to the conference room to wait for news from the Gu family. What about the scientific researchers in your company? Call them all over." Zhuang Li walked out from behind Xuan Ming, smoothed the folds of his suit jacket, and took care of it again. The curly hair on the forehead is unrestrained and indifferent.

Xuan Ming, who was completely confused about the situation: "..."

Zhuang Li grabbed his lover's wrist and walked straight towards the elevator.

Gu Shao quickly followed, and said in a gloomy tone: "If you dare to lie to me, I will arrest you and go to jail!"

Zhuang Li curled his lips and didn't speak, but Xuan Ming pulled him into his arms and wrapped his arms around him.

The elevator door opened, and the group walked into the R&D department and found a conference room to sit down. After a few minutes, the backbone of Haiming Group's research and development came one after another, but they were not even satisfied with a round table.

Since Dr. Zhao left, many technicians have also left, and they all feel that there is no future for them to stay in Haiming Group.

"Mr. Xuan, what are you doing here with us?" one of the technicians asked cautiously.

Xuan Ming, whose nose was completely led by the little curly hair: "..."

He still can't figure out the situation.

Gu Shao sneered, just as he was about to say that your boss was dizzy because of the beauty, and his brain was a little short-circuited, but he received a call from his elder brother.

He opened his mouth and asked, in a short voice: "Who wrote this paper? Where did you get it? Did you show it to others? Tell me the fuck!"

You didn't give me time to answer at all, what did you ask me to say? Gu Shao was extremely aggrieved, but he also quickly realized that the paper submitted by Zhuang Li had something real!

"The person who wrote the thesis is by my side, brother, do you want to talk to him?" Gu Shao asked in a low voice.

"Give him your phone, hurry!" Hearing Gu Dashao's tone, he seemed eager to get out of the phone screen to meet Zhuang Li.

Gu Shao quickly stood up, holding the phone in both hands, bent down and handed it to Zhuang Li. To make the eldest brother in such a hurry, he already understands the weight of this person in front of him.

Zhuang Li took the phone and said in a casual tone: "Hello, Master Gu, I'm currently holding a meeting at Haiming Group, the theme is "Construction and Development of China's National Defense Network". If you are interested in participating, you can bring yours now. The researchers are here."

Haiming technicians sitting on both sides of the round table: "..."

Haiming Group seems to be just a communication company. When did it get involved with national defense? Shouldn't they have woken up by now

The policeman standing behind Gu Shao asked in a low voice, "Gu Shao, can we still arrest this person?"

"Catch your ass! If you have the ability, you can ask the Ministry of Defense to arrest people in person!" Young Master Gu stared angrily, and finally lowered his voice: "When my eldest brother comes, I will take you for a political background check, and then ask you to sign. Confidentiality agreement, you will go with the military personnel at that time, and if there is no problem, you will be able to go home that night, and if there is a problem, you can ask for your own blessings."

The policeman who just came to arrest people, but did not expect to be arrested instead: "..."

7480: "…"

Fortunately, it is fortunate that this world has no hope, otherwise it will cry to death now.

Gu Dashao soon came to the Haiming Group secretly with a group of scientific researchers, changed several cars on the way, and entered the building in batches in disguise. The security protection was done without leakage.

The paper sent by Zhuang Li has proved his worth, and it would not be too much to protect him with an army.

When everyone finally arrived, Zhuang Li slowly walked up to the podium, pulled down a blackboard, and wrote a line of words—[5G—6G—7G].

Everyone took a close look, and suddenly took a breath of air.

Is this ambition too big? 5G is still in the development stage, he dares to engage in 6G or even 7G, he is either a super genius or a complete lunatic!