Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 106: The strong gathered


One hundred thousand mountains.

Since the news spread that a black water lotus was about to be born in Shiwanda Mountain a few days ago, the number of warriors entering Shiwandashan has obviously increased.

Although Shiwandashan is composed of countless mountains, there are also lakes and streams among them.

Jingyue Lake is a very common lake in the Shiwan Mountains.

But as the black water lotus was born in the Jingyue Lake, the Jingyue Lake was destined to never be calm again.

At this moment, on the shore of Jingyue Lake, there is a huge crowd of warriors. These warriors are together in twos and threes, talking and laughing with each other, as if this is a grand party.

"There are so many people."

Jian Wushuang and Su Rou, one has a small golden elixir and the other has a complete golden elixir, they are inconspicuous in the crowd.

After all, those who came to Jingyue Lake to compete for the black water lotus seeds were almost all warriors with a golden elixir or above, and there were even many who had perfected the golden elixir. Naturally, no one would care about the two of them.

They were very happy and found an open space to sit there.

"Among these people, only a few people have understood the artistic conception of dripping water. Most of them are not here to fight for the black water lotus seeds themselves, but to be hired by others." Jian Wushuang smiled slightly.

Like in the Golden Dragon Palace, as long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, you can issue a mission, and then there will naturally be Golden Dragon Guards to listen to your orders.

Naturally, some people who do not have the strength to fight for the black water lotus seeds, but have good backgrounds, will hire a group of strong men at a high price to come and fight for the black water lotus seeds.

"There are hundreds of powerful people here now, and there are still people coming here one after another. It is estimated that when the black water lotus is really born, it will be a very fierce battle." Su Rou said As he stood, his eyes glanced at the center of Jingyue Lake.

There, there was a dark lotus standing there.

That jet-black lotus is the black water lotus that is extremely important to her.

"Don't worry, judging from the appearance of the black water lotus, it will probably take two or three days to fully mature." Jian Wushuang said with a smile.

at this time…

"Hey, you guys." A rough voice suddenly sounded, and a burly red-haired man came over and shouted: "This place belongs to us, you guys get out of here."

"Why?" Several people in the open space were immediately dissatisfied.

Jian Wushuang and Su Rou also looked over, because they were also sitting in this open space at the moment.

"If you want you to get out, get out quickly, otherwise, be careful with your heads." The burly red-haired man glared at the dissatisfied people. At the same time, a group of more than ten people behind him came forward, and the leader was He is a handsome young man holding a folding fan.

"Have you found the place?" The handsome young man's voice was indifferent, but his expression was obviously a little arrogant.

Seeing this handsome young man, the few people who were dissatisfied before in the open space were stunned.

"He is... the eldest son Ling Mubai?"

"It's him, Ling Mubai, ranked 96th on the Earth Dragon Ranking!"

"Everyone from the Earth Dragon List is here?"

The Earth Dragon Ranking is the place that all Jindan warriors yearn for most.

Ranking on the Earth Dragon List is the dream of countless people.

However, the Tianzong Dynasty is so big and there are countless Golden Core warriors, but there are only a hundred who can really be included in the Earth Dragon Ranking. Each of these hundred people are true supers, and each one can be called a legend.

But now, when an Earth Dragon appears here, it will naturally cause a shock and commotion.

"Hmph, you know it's the eldest son who's coming in person, why don't you get out of here?" the red-haired burly man shouted. Immediately, the few people who were dissatisfied before immediately got up and left dejectedly.

"Let's go too." Jian Wushuang said, and then he and Su Rou got up and left, leaving the open space.

Of course, Jian Wushuang's choice to give in was not because he was afraid of Ling Mubai, but because there was no need to fall out with Ling Mubai.

"That Ling Mubai looks gentle and elegant, but in fact he has a very domineering temper." Su Rou couldn't help but say.

"In this battle for the Black Water Lotus Seeds, Ling Mubai is definitely not the only one who will come to the Earth Dragon Ranking. But just because these strong men on the Earth Dragon Ranking are already famous, when the fight for the Black Water Lotus Seeds actually begins, They will definitely be wary of others, but we are different." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"Both of us are not well-known, and our realm is very average. We are not very impressive, and no one knows how strong we are. As a result, by the time we really start fighting for the black water lotus, we have already occupied a huge territory. The advantages."

"Yeah." Su Rou nodded, she also understood the truth.

Time passed, and three days passed quickly.

In the past three days, a large number of golden elixir warriors have arrived at Jingyue Lake. Now there are probably thousands of warriors on the shore of Jingyue Lake. Among these thousands of people, the top experts No less.

Not to mention those powerful Jindan experts who were quite famous in the Tianzong Dynasty. There were six experts present on the Earth Dragon Ranking alone.

These six powerful men on the Earth Dragon Ranking are also extremely conspicuous among the crowd.

"Look, that's the Fire Lion, ranked sixty-three on the Earth Dragon List."

"Blood Knife Tu Xin, he's here too."

"Look, that's the eldest son Ling Mubai. He is still so gentle and elegant."

"Zi Yang, that crazy woman is here too."

A large number of warriors in the crowd were discussing, and the focus of the discussion was almost all these powerful men on the Earth Dragon Ranking.

"Fire Lion, Tu Xin, Zi Yang, and Ling Mubai are all ranked below sixty on the Earth Dragon Ranking. They are not really strong." Jian Wushuang and Su Rou were also chatting casually. .

On the earth dragon list, the higher the strength, the stronger it is.

Among the six Earth Dragon Ranking experts present, there were only two who truly made Jian Wushuang extremely solemn.

One of these two men is a purple-robed man carrying two spears on his back. This purple-robed man should not be old, at most in his twenties, but his eyes are extremely dark and cold, and his aura is particularly... horrible.

Magic Spear Gu Tao!

Ranked 39th on the Earth Dragon List.

It is said that Gu Tao was an orphan. He grew up in a bandit's den. He experienced bloody storms from a very young age, and gradually developed a murderous heart. What he understood was the artistic conception of dripping water. And the black water lotus seeds are of great use to him.

As for the other person, he is a very free and easy middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

The middle-aged man in green clothes was dressed casually. He was lying alone on the trunk of a big tree, drinking wine with a wine bottle in his hand, and his face became rosy as he drank.

Xiao Mang became famous ten years ago, and was already ranked on the Earth Dragon Ranking at that time. Now ten years later, he is ranked 22nd on the Earth Dragon Ranking.

He is the highest ranked among the six powerful Earth Dragon Rankers present.

At the same time, this Xiao Mang did not understand the dripping water artistic conception, and he was still alone, and no one invited him to fight for the black water lotus seeds.

But he came anyway.

(End of chapter)