Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 12: The Sixth Heaven of Shinto


"Innate spiritual liquid?"

Jian Wushuang was startled. Of course he had heard of it. It was formed by the transformation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It contained very pure spiritual power and had a greater effect on the cultivation of warriors than the spiritual pill.

However, the birth of innate spiritual liquid requires very harsh conditions, so that its value is also extraordinary.

Secondly, even for warriors at the spiritual level, if they rely on innate spiritual liquid to assist their cultivation, the amount of innate spiritual liquid required is very large, so let alone the Jianhou Mansion, even in the entire Tianzong Dynasty, those who are qualified Not many warriors have the luxury of using innate spiritual liquid to assist their cultivation.

For example, the Jianhou Mansion also has some innate spiritual liquid, but the amount is too small, and its help to warriors is minimal.

"I know a place where there is a pool completely formed by innate spiritual liquid. I wonder if you dare to be interested." Bai Chong said with a smile.

"Pool?" Jian Wushuang's expression changed.

If the amount of innate spiritual liquid is too small, it will not have much effect on a warrior's cultivation, but if there is a large amount of innate spiritual liquid to assist in cultivation, it will be completely different.

A pool formed by innate spiritual fluid? How much innate spiritual fluid is there

"The pool is in a cave in the northern canyon of Jiulang Mountain, thirty miles away from the county. However, the cave has long been occupied by a blood lion beast that has reached the peak of the sixth level. Do you want to enter that cave? , I'm afraid we have to find a way to calm down the blood lion beast first," Bai Chong said with a smile.

"Jiulang Mountain... the northern canyon." Jian Wushuang remembered it secretly, and then said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Bai Chong!"

"You're welcome, go ahead." Bai Chong waved his hand.

Jian Wushuang took a deep look at Bai Chong, then turned and left.

After Jian Wushuang left, a golden-robed deacon behind Bai Chong couldn't help but said: "Director, that is a pool formed entirely of innate spiritual fluid. The value of so much innate spiritual fluid is not small."

"In the pool formed by the innate spiritual liquid, what is truly precious is not the innate spiritual liquid, but the spiritual fruit under the pool. It is because of the existence of that spiritual fruit that many innate spiritual liquids were born." Bai Chong shook his head and smiled, "Go and tell those who go to the water pool to just pick off the spiritual fruits under the water pool and take them back, and ignore the innate spiritual liquid. As for the blood lion beast, there is no need to pay attention to it. "

"Yes." The golden-robed deacon nodded. In the life-and-death martial arts arena, this supervisor could be said to be true to his word, and no one dared to violate his words.

"By the way, in more than a month, it should be the annual battle for the Jianhou Order in the Jianhou Mansion, right?" Bai Chong asked again.

"Yes." The golden-robed deacon quickly and respectfully replied: "The Jianhou Mansion has already sent an invitation to you, the supervisor. Not only that, the new generation of sword pavilion masters will also officially take over in this battle. As for the new sword pavilion masters, , is the most outstanding genius of the younger generation in Jianhou Mansion, Jian Meng'er, who is now less than sixteen years old and has already become a great master. In addition, this Jian Meng'er is the daughter of Jian Lan, the elder of the Blood Martial Hall."

"Oh?" Bai Chong raised his eyebrows, "Haha, it looks like this year's battle for the Sword Lord Order will be very interesting. Even I am looking forward to it!"

"Jian Nantian's son... tsk tsk, I just want to see if he can surprise me like his father did back then."

On the way back to Jianhou Mansion, Jian Wushuang kept thinking.

"The value of the water pool completely formed by the innate spiritual fluid is so amazing. You actually told me this news? It's because of my father!" Jian Wushuang understood in his heart.

He once heard his father say that he was aloof by nature and did not have many real friends, and Bai Chong was one of them.

Bai Chong was good friends with his father, and Bai Chong had obviously just recognized his identity, so he told him about it.

"Whether it's because of my father or not, in short, I will remember this favor." Jian Wushuang said secretly. "The water pool completely formed by the innate spiritual fluid, even ordinary people can get great benefits if they go to practice in that water pool, let alone me who practices the Great Heaven Creation Art, but the cave where the water pool is located has a blood The lion beast, the blood lion beast at the peak of the sixth level, is comparable to the peak of the sixth level of human spiritual realm. I am not a match yet!"

"No rush, let's work hard to improve our strength first!" Jian Wushuang clenched his hands.

Jiange, a prefecture-level training room.

"The efficacy of the first-grade Spirit-Building Pills is astonishing. Before, I just swallowed one, and it allowed me to directly break through from the third level of the divine way to the fourth level of the divine way. But now, I have eleven first-grade spiritual pills, not only Do you know how strong my strength will be when I swallow and absorb all these eleven first-grade spiritual pills?" Jian Wushuang sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes burning.

"let's start!"

Without hesitation, Jian Wushuang opened the jade box and swallowed a first-grade spirit-building pill directly into his belly. The Great Heaven Creation Technique began to rapidly absorb the astonishing effects of the medicine.

In the following time, Jian Wushuang still spent the time in penance.

The cultivation speed of the Great Heaven Creation Technique is much faster than that of ordinary cultivation methods. In addition, the rapid recovery ability of the Great Heaven Creation Technique perfectly cooperates with the earth-level training room, making the cultivation speed even faster!

At the same time, Jian Wushuang has been swallowing the first-grade spiritual pills that are coveted by countless spiritual practitioners with great luxury.

All these factors combined made Jian Wushuang's cultivation speed reach an extremely astonishing level.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed, and now there is only one month left before the annual battle for the Sword Lord Order.

In the evening, it rained lightly.

Jian Wushuang, who was still spending the night in the earth-level training room, finally absorbed the last trace of the medicinal effect left in his body. Then he slowly opened his eyes, and the spiritual power surged up in his body. , with the sudden clenching of his hands, explosive power suddenly erupted, as if it could directly crush the air.

Jian Wu's eyes also burst out with intense light.

"Sixth Heaven of Shinto! And we are almost close to the peak of Sixth Heaven!"

Jian Wushuang was wildly surprised.

After more than half a month of hard training, he absorbed all the eleven first-grade spiritual pills in his hand. You must know how amazing the efficacy of a first-grade spirit-building pill is. It usually takes an ordinary warrior at least a month to completely absorb one pill. And he only relied on the magic of the Heavenly Creation Art to be able to absorb it in such a short time. Within, eleven were directly absorbed.

And because of this, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

From the fourth level of Shinto that had just been broken through, he jumped to the sixth level of Shinto, and he was still close to the peak of the sixth level of Shinto!

Incredible speed, if you tell this, it will definitely scare many people. You know, a month ago, he was a well-known waste who could not condense spiritual power.

"Jian Meng'er, don't worry, there's still one month left. I'll give you a huge surprise then!" Jian Wushuang clenched his hands, his eyes shining with confidence.

PS: Brothers, starting from tomorrow, this book will be better and more exciting.

In addition, the war against piracy led by China Literature Group has begun. I hope everyone can participate in this battlefield with Beat Death to fight against piracy and resist piracy!

(End of chapter)