Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 157: rule


Speaking of this, Di Xi was also helpless.

Hunting in the Far East is extremely cruel, even tragic.

As a small dynasty, the Tianzong Dynasty has to compete with those medium-sized dynasties or even large dynasties. The fifteen geniuses participating in the hunt must work together to have a chance to perform. If there are internal conflicts within themselves, then they will participate in the hunt. , it’s no different from dying.

So since Jian Wushuang and Xueyun are in the same situation, it is destined that only one of them can go to the Far East Hunting, while the other one will stop at this selection battle.

"It's almost time, let's get started." Di Xi said indifferently.

Upon hearing this, a golden general standing next to him nodded respectfully, and then stepped out.

In the open space where a large number of warriors gathered, everyone's eyes were still focused on Jian Wushuang and Xueyun.

"Jian Wushuang, now you have stolen the limelight from all of us." Bai Lichen walked to Jian Wushuang and joked.

"He was the one who started it." Jian Wushuang shrugged.

"I know." Bailichen's expression suddenly became serious, "But you have to be careful about this blood cloud. That guy is very scary."

"Terrible?" Jian Wushuang glanced at Bai Lichen. The peerless genius who ranked second on the dragon list would actually use the word "terrible" to describe a warrior of the same level

"It's very scary." Bai Lichen said solemnly: "Three years ago, Qingcang and I teamed up to fight him fiercely, and we ended up with a draw. But three years ago, he had only reached the golden elixir, and he had only just crossed the border. Not long after he entered the golden elixir, he had not even reached the top of the golden elixir, but now, his spiritual power has reached the ultimate level of golden elixir perfection!"

"He has improved so much in terms of spiritual power alone, not to mention that with his talent, his understanding of the artistic conception of heaven and earth must have also improved tremendously in the past three years. In short, this guy is now a complete The big monster!”

"Even I am afraid I am not qualified to be his opponent now."

"I have a feeling too." Qing Cang, who had been silent all this time, said in a low voice at this moment, "Although I haven't fought with him from three years ago to now, but now just seeing him, I have a feeling. It feels like he has reached a point that is far beyond my reach.”

"Oh?" Jianwu's pupils narrowed slightly.

Both Baili Chen and Qing Cang had real fights with Xueyun, so their fear of the latter was naturally extremely strong.

And Jian Wushuang's heart was extremely solemn.

He knows that Xueyun is indeed not easy to mess with!

But is he easy to mess with

Two years ago, he almost killed a purple-faced killer in the Blood Feather Tower, and two years later, he was even stronger.

at this time…


The general in golden battle armor suddenly appeared in the void above the clearing, and a monstrous aura instantly oppressed him.

For a moment, the entire clearing fell silent.

All the warriors in the clearing, including those on the Earth Dragon Ranking, trembled under the pressure of this aura.

"Yangxu Realm!" Jian Wushuang also had a hint of fear in his heart.

The realm of Yin and Yang deficiency can be divided into two realms: Yin deficiency and Yang deficiency. Among them, Yang deficiency realm is much stronger than Yin deficiency realm. Each realm is divided into four small levels: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Consummation, and Peak.

For example, the two purple-faced killers that Jian Wushuang met at the Qingshui stronghold before were only minor achievements in Yinxu, and they were at the bottom among the strong men in the Yin-Yangxu realm.

The top twenty strong men in the Earth Dragon Ranking are said to be able to compete with the Yin Yang Void Realm. The top ten even have the combat power to kill the Yin Yang Void Realm. The Yin Yang Void Realm mentioned here are just ordinary Yin Yang Void Realm. .

But if it were replaced by Yinxu Dacheng, it would be completely different.

Like Lin Yun, the lord of Fengxue City in Jingyue Lake two years ago, he was a master of Yin deficiency.

As for the Yangxu realm, it is even more powerful and awe-inspiring, far more terrifying than the Yinxu realm. Strong men like the black and white palace masters of the Dragon Palace and Hui Yi of the Blood Feather Tower are the Yangxu realm. .

The golden armored general who appeared at this moment was a super strong man who had reached the Yangxu realm.

The golden armored general was suspended in the void above, his aura oppressive and commanding silence below. Then he slowly spoke, "The sixty-eight innate golden elixirs participating in this selection battle, all listen carefully..."

"The location of this selection battle is in the Tianyun Mountains next to you!"

"The Tianyun Mountain Range is made up of fifteen continuous giant peaks. Within those fifteen giant peaks, there are a total of fifteen spiritual beasts, one on each giant peak. The goal of this selection battle is very simple. , you just need to kill any one of the fifteen spiritual beasts to get their inner elixir."

"The selection battle lasts for seven days in total. After seven days, the fifteen people who hand over the inner elixir to me will be deemed to have passed the selection battle!"

The golden armored general's voice was so majestic that it echoed throughout the world, making it clear to all the warriors in the open space.

"Kill the spiritual beast and get the inner elixir?" Jian Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly, but his expression was a little strange.

He has dealt with spirit beasts countless times, and he is not afraid of them at all.

But what surprised him was the time of this selection battle

It should be noted that the Tianyun Mountain Range is only that big. A group of people can find and kill all fifteen spiritual beasts in less than half a day. In other words, the fifteen inner elixirs can be recovered within a day. Got.

But the selection battle will last seven days

Seven days ago, even if you got the inner elixir, it was nothing. Only when you hand the inner elixir to the golden armored general seven days later can you pass the selection battle.

"Hmph, it lasts for seven days. It just wants us to fight here for seven days. Sixty-eight innate golden elixirs participated in the selection battle. After seven days of fighting, only fifteen people were eliminated." Jian Wushuang raised the corner of his mouth slightly. I already know the rules of this selection battle by heart.

And the voice of the golden armored general continued to sound.

"During the seven days that the selection battle lasts, no one is allowed to leave the Tianyun Mountain Range unless they give up and give up the competition."

"In addition, in the selection battle, life and death are not considered. In other words, if you are not strong enough and still go out of your way to fight for the inner elixir, and are killed by others, then you can only blame yourself."

"Similarly, as long as you have the strength, you can kill your opponent as much as you want in the selection battle for the inner elixir. If the sect or the strong man behind the person you killed afterward dares to retaliate against you for this reason, they will have their own rights. I, the strong man from the Golden Dragon Palace, will come forward to solve it for you, which means that in the selection battle, anyone can have a free hand."

"But there is one thing. During the selection battle, it is forbidden to swallow pills that can enhance your spiritual power or increase your strength in a short period of time. Violators will be executed. As for other methods, there are no taboos and they can be used!"

Hearing this, except for a few of the sixty-eight golden elixir experts who participated in this selection battle who were absolutely confident in their own strength, the others' expressions tightened.

Obviously, this selection battle will be very cruel.

(End of chapter)