Legend of the Asura

Chapter 10: The bloodthirsty white wolf king


Exiting the game cabin, it was already past 5 pm. Feng Xiao took a nap. After all, he was too excited last night due to the open beta of "Reincarnation" and didn't get a good rest.

It was already past 7 o'clock in the evening when Feng Xiao woke up. After Feng Xiao called his sister who was at school, he briefly made dinner and then entered a state of trance.

Still not feeling any flow of breath, Feng Xiao sighed helplessly. "I have been practicing Chaos Art for seventeen years, but I still can't break through the barrier and can only stay at the first level. My adoptive father must be very disappointed."

Thinking of his adoptive father, Feng Xiao's heart became heavy again... Longing, warmth, doubt, sadness, hatred, many complicated emotions were intertwined, and Feng Xiao's mind fluctuated a lot.

Feng Xiao's adoptive father is an extremely mysterious person, so mysterious that even Feng Xiao, who has lived with him for 22 years, cannot fully understand him.

When he was 3 years old, he started telling him countless times in his ears not to call him "dad", but "adopted father", which is a somewhat modern title. He also frankly admitted that he just picked him up and didn't care about it at all. The mental endurance of a child who was only 3 years old at the time.

When he was 4 years old, he began to teach him the Chaos Technique, and he accidentally mentioned that only Feng Xiao in the world could practice this technique. But surprisingly, Feng Xiao has been practicing for more than ten years and still hasn't felt the slightest flow of breath that internal strength should have, that is, internal strength. However, his physique and speed have undergone amazing changes, and these two aspects have even surpassed him. 's adoptive father.

Apart from being strict when practicing, my adoptive father is usually a kind and caring father. In order to take care of him and his sister, he gave up his carefree life, gave up pursuing the peak of martial arts, gave up getting married and having children, settled in Beijing, and raised them by himself. A man pulled two children, and the brothers and sisters silently watched the hard work, and were moved in their hearts.

The adoptive father would often say some strange words, do some strange actions, teach him mysterious skills that even he himself could not practice, and would often talk to himself in some language that he did not understand. What makes Feng Xiao most mysterious and shocked is that his adoptive father sometimes predicts what will happen in the future. Feng Xiao has always believed that even if someone told him that his adoptive father was a god, he would not be too surprised.

Feng Xiao clearly remembers what his adoptive father said before he died three years ago:

"Three years later, Yingluo's reincarnation will definitely come to this world. Xiao'er, you must be the first person to be reincarnated! You must!"

At that time, Feng Xiao didn't understand the meaning of this sentence and could only nod blankly with tears in his eyes. It wasn't until two years later that the promotion of "Reincarnation" covered the entire world...

Slowly calming down his mood, Feng Xiao said silently in his heart: "Father, Xiao'er is already moving along the path you guided. Yao'er is now a sophomore and will go home for summer vacation soon."

"Father, if you have a spirit in heaven, just watch me and Yao'er become your pride!"

Thinking of his sister who brought disaster to the country and the people, a warm smile appeared on Feng Xiao's lips: With her by his side, he would never be lonely.

The next morning, Feng Xiao woke up very late. After a simple wash and breakfast, he lay down in the game cabin and started to continue playing "Reincarnation".

In a flash of white light, Feng Xiao had appeared at the place where he was offline yesterday. The refreshed white wolf seemed not to recognize the human who massacred their people, and ate grass leisurely without any reaction to his appearance.

There were still no players around, which made Feng Xiao feel a little strange. "White Wolf is very fast, doesn't take the initiative to attack, and has high experience. It should be a good place to form a team and level up. How come there are no players? Doesn't anyone know about this place? But it is clearly marked on the map of Novice Village This is Sunset Slope, the territory of Level 5 White Wolf.”

If Feng Xiao had looked at the forum or asked the village chief for more information at that time, he would have known that most of the monsters in the northern area of Novice Village are docile and do not take the initiative to attack, but the damage rate of money, potions, and equipment is extremely low, and novice players are just When money is most scarce, killing monsters here will only make ends meet. Only a novice like Feng Xiao with high luck, high attack, and high reflexes can make a living here.

When he couldn't think clearly, he stopped thinking about it. Feng Xiao touched the 20 bottles of Xiaohong in his backpack. He became more confident and began to delve deeper into the Sunset Slope.

Further inside is Sunset Canyon, the territory of level 8 violent wolves. Feng Xiao looked at his 200 attack and 450 life, and felt that there should be no danger.

Just when he was about to step out of Sunset Slope, a cave caught Feng Xiao's attention.

The cave is as tall as a person and is made of soil and stones. It seems to be a natural formation. It is very conspicuous and abrupt on the green grassy sunset slope.

Feng Xiao vaguely remembered that the village chief seemed to have mentioned some cave. Could there be treasures in this cave? Without any further hesitation, Feng Xiao ran towards the cave. (The village chief yelled: "Damn it! I'm warning you not to get close to that cave!")

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, a bloody aura of killing suddenly hit his face. Feng Xiao instinctively turned to the side, and a gleaming sharp claw passed dangerously in front of his eyes.

What appeared in front of Feng Xiao was a tall white wolf. Compared with the docile white wolf, its body was twice as big. Its eyes glowed with a strange red light, staring at the intruder in front of him. The person exudes a strong aura of cruelty.

"Ding, player Fenghun, you broke into the territory of the Bloodthirsty White Wolf King and violated the wolf king's dignity. The Bloodthirsty White Wolf King will attack you until you die or leave its territory."

Ignoring the system prompts, and not having the slightest fear, Feng Xiao's heart was filled with intense excitement: "BOSS, it's BOSS, no wonder I didn't clear it all afternoon yesterday. It turned out that this guy was hiding in his lair and sleeping! .”

What is the concept of BOSS? It represents a lot of experience and top-quality equipment. Challenging BOSS is almost every player’s expectation and hobby. Even if they encounter a BOSS that is too powerful to fight against, most people will go back and call them. The aunt and the nine aunts started a group fight. If you don't fight the boss when you encounter it, you are either a coward or a noob. Unless the gap in strength is so large that it is insurmountable.

Bloodthirsty White Wolf King: Level 10 senior BOSS with 1,500 lives. The king of white wolves has gradually grown into a high-level BOSS due to the influence of Sunset Slope's pure spiritual power all year round. It is gentle in nature, but will ruthlessly kill creatures that intrude into its territory.

Skills: Bloodthirsty: Passive skill, absorbs 5% of damage and converts it into own health.

Tearing Claw Strike: Active attack skill, using sharp wolf claws to hit the enemy's body hard, with a high probability of causing a critical hit.

"It's still a high-level BOSS." However, Feng Xiao is not too worried. His current attributes are comparable to those of an ordinary player at level 15. Coupled with his reflexes, he should have no problem challenging it in a one-on-one battle.

The BOSS levels in "Reincarnation" are divided into ordinary, advanced, silver, and gold levels from low to high. Each time you increase a level, your strength will change dramatically. For example, a silver BOSS can easily defeat three high-level BOSSs, while a gold BOSS can easily defeat three silver BOSSs. Above the golden BOSS there will be extremely powerful immortal beasts, and above the immortal beasts there will be legendary mythical beasts. Above the mythical beasts there will be super mythical beasts, and standing at the top is the supreme existence of "Reincarnation" - the holy beast.