Legend of the Asura

Chapter 112: Tears of Two Dragons


"Brother Zhan, could he be Lao Huang's friend? Otherwise, why would he recognize us? Only he has seen our human incarnations." The woman in black asked the man gently.

The man shook his head: "It's impossible for Lao Huang to make friends with humans."

Feng Xiao's mind was racing, and he was secretly thinking about them. At the same time, his heavenly eye quickly scanned at them.

Holy Dragon of Light: Level:? ? ? life:? ? ? Skill:? ?

Dark Demon Dragon: Level:? ? ? life:? ? ? Skill:? ?

The eyes of the Holy Dragon of Light became sharp: "So that's it, what a powerful soul power! Now that you have recognized us, we can't let you go easily!"

Feng Xiao was startled, and immediately curled his lips with some disdain: This dragon has no brains, even if it kills me, I can still be resurrected. If you really want to spread the information you have here, there is nothing you can do to stop it.

However, Xuanyuan Wan'er screamed: "Brother Feng, it's soul deprivation! He's going to use soul deprivation on you! All your memories in Tianlong Continent today will be erased!"

"What!" Feng Xiao was startled: "How could such a situation happen! Then wouldn't this game... wouldn't it be too scary?"

"Brother Feng, I know what you mean. Don't worry, it can only deprive you of the memories in the game, not the ones in reality that it can touch. Do you still remember the horse hunter who was deprived of his soul in Novice Village?"

"Well! Remember, could it be..."

"Yes, Brother Feng. I learned from their memories that Orion Ma was actually teleported here by some strange combination of circumstances. He became curious about the strange dragon egg and wanted to take it back to Novice Village with him. The Dark Demonic Dragon found out Finally, he was very angry and deprived him of all his soul in a rage, turning him into a living corpse without memory and thinking, and then teleported him to Tianlong Imperial City."

"It turns out to be like this. The soul of Orion should be in the hands of the Dark Dragon... Oh, forget it, it's impossible to go back to Novice Village anyway." Although I accidentally found the key to the Novice Village mission, the lock has already been locked. Can't find it.

"Brother Feng, the only thing that can save you now is the dragon egg!"

"Dragon egg?" Feng Xiao suddenly had an idea: "Can I save it like I saved Xiaoxiao?"

"Yes. Since the blood of Chaos can integrate all elements in the world, even completely opposite light and darkness should be able to do it! And... the hatched dragons will also establish a soul contract with you. When the time comes, they want to kill you. No more. They should also agree to your request." Xuanyuan Wan'er became obviously happy. Since meeting Feng Xiao, good luck seems to have never stopped, and dreams are being realized bit by bit at an incredible speed.

Somehow, there seemed to be an invisible force guiding them.

The man nodded to the woman. The woman understood, and a ball of black energy appeared in her hand.

"I'm sorry human beings, for the sake of the peace of life of our family of three, I can only do this! Don't worry, it won't do any harm to you, it just makes you forget the memories you shouldn't have, and then we will send you safely back to Tianlong Imperial City ." Under the influence of her husband for tens of thousands of years, the Dark Demon Dragon's negative emotions have already subtly faded away, and will never harm innocent people.

Feng Xiao no longer hesitated, pressed the dragon egg left and right, and the blood of chaos quickly dripped on it.

After learning the lesson from Xiaoxiao's loss of Qilin's power last time, he did not dare to be stingy in the slightest and sprinkled ten drops at a time.


A faint cracking sound sounded from the strange dragon egg, but to the ears of the two dragons it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

"You... what did you do?" The alluring face of the woman in black turned ferocious. It was obvious that she thought Feng Xiao had used some special method to destroy her most important thing.

The white arm blocked her face. The woman in black glanced at her husband, only to find that his face was full of shock and expectation, an expression he had never seen before.

"Chaos... Blood of Chaos!" the man murmured.

Another bolt from the blue! It's just this thunderbolt that makes the woman in black feel like she's in a dream...

Zheng! !

A dazzling white light lit up from the dragon egg, instantly shining the entire space like daylight. As the white light shone, the cracks on the dragon egg slowly expanded.

Suddenly, the white light disappeared completely in an instant, and a ball of pure darkness spread from the dragon egg, instantly swallowing up all the light in the space, completely plunging the entire space into a world of darkness.

"What a pure power of light, what a pure power of darkness, how pure light and pure darkness actually merged... Is this the power of the blood of chaos?" The man in white murmured as if dreaming.

"...Brother Zhan, can it be that our child can be saved?" The woman in black finished speaking with difficulty, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

Tens of thousands of years of staying together, eternal despair, who can understand the longing and sadness deep in their hearts.

If someone looks down at the Lost Soul Abyss at this time, they will be surprised to find that the bottom of the abyss is strangely flickering.

Through the sudden rise and fall of the light, Feng Xiao concentrated on observing the two people's reactions, only to find that the two of them were watching the changes in the dragon egg blankly, with their faces alternately happy and sad. The eyes of the woman in black were already filled with tears.


Tears of the Dark Dragon: Super god-level medicine. The tears formed by the dark dragon's thousands of years of sorrow contain extremely powerful dark power. Effect: Spirit +300, dark resistance +50%, dark magic effect increased by 100%.

Oh my God, this is a super god-level attribute!

Come down quickly, come down quickly!

Feng Xiao didn't know when a spiritual jade bottle appeared in her hand. He just waited for her tears to fall and immediately put it into the bottle.

What he cared about more was the tears of the Holy Dragon of Light. It's a pity that he didn't. He looks like a fool now, more like a wooden man.

The alternation of light and darkness lasted for a full minute, and the two people stared blankly for a minute. Finally, with a soft sound, the strange dragon egg completely burst open, and the space returned to a faint light. With a gentle flicking sound, a cute little head crawled out of the eggshell.

At that moment, the woman in black could no longer control her emotions and lay in the man's arms crying.

One drop, two drops, three drops, four drops...

Feng Xiao excitedly collected the tears that fell in the air drop by drop into the jade bottle. When he absorbed seven drops, he finally saw a glint of light slowly slipping from the corner of the man's eye.

Tears of the Holy Dragon of Light: Super god-level medicine. The tears turned into the tears of the Holy Dragon of Light for thousands of years contain extremely powerful light power. Effect: Spirit +300, light resistance +50%, light magic effect increased by 100%.

One drop, two drops, three drops.

"Halo, why don't you come more! How many tears can you hold back in ten thousand years? I clearly remember the long-lost father and son on TV crying like a torrential rain when they recognized each other, and it almost didn't cause a flood."

This is the so-called inadequacy of the human heart, which is most vividly reflected in Feng Xiao.

The man couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been so rude. Maybe it was millions of years, maybe tens of millions of years. Because the surprise in front of him was so big that it could completely defeat the tenacity he and his wife had cultivated over hundreds of millions of years.

He quickly controlled his emotions and looked at the man who suddenly broke in again.