Legend of the Asura

Chapter 24: Changed job to Shura


Tianxiu slowly finished explaining the origin of Shura's profession, took a breath, and suddenly said seriously: "I, Tianxiu, the twenty-second generation descendant of Shura, solemnly ask you if you are willing to inherit the power of Shura, promote the power of Shura, and shock Shura. The name."

"I do!" Feng Xiao curled his lips secretly, despising Tian Xiu's useless words, and at the same time, he began to look forward to it.

"Okay!" Tianxiu's face turned red with excitement: "I, Tianxiu, in the name of Shura, will officially pass on the power of Shura to the twenty-third generation successor Fenghun."

Tian Xiu's whole body burst into a layer of dark red light. Following the guidance of his thoughts, the red light all over his body gradually converged on his fingers, forming a dark ball of light.

Cruelty, killing, resentment, and countless negative energies came from the ball of light. Tianxiu remained unmoved and muttered something. Suddenly, his index finger quickly stretched forward and pointed the ball of light on Feng Xiao's forehead with lightning speed.

Feng Xiao felt a sudden bang in his head. He felt as if he was slowly losing consciousness and his vision gradually blurred... When his vision became clear again, his heart trembled and his body trembled uncontrollably - because he saw the ocean of blood. …and killing, endless killing.

A man holding a giant sword with red eyes, like a god of death from hell, constantly harvesting the lives around him. The enemies fell one by one, and the blood dyed the giant sword and his clothes red, but he seemed not to notice it, and continued to harvest lives without changing his expression!


... It is impossible to calculate how many people he has killed, and how long he has been killing for. The earth has turned into a sea of blood, the sky has been dyed the color of blood, and there is only the pungent smell of blood in the wind... The only thing that remains unchanged is the calmness. Eyes. Until there was no breath of life around him anymore, he was holding a giant sword and standing in a purgatory of countless broken arms and limbs like a bloody man... He didn't know where to go, and he didn't know who to kill next...

Is this Shura... Feng Xiao's heart trembled. Compared with the real Shura, the people he killed who often claimed to be Shura were just a laughable joke.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Fenghun for changing his profession to the only hidden profession Shura. Reputation +50. Life +200, magic +200, attack +100. Four basic attributes +20, seven series resistance +10%. Luck +3. "

"Ding, congratulations to player Fenghun. You are the first person in the world to change jobs. The system rewards you with +200 reputation and +1,000 gold coins."

The system prompt woke Feng Xiao up. He looked at Tianxiu blankly, and the pale Tianxiu nodded to him with a knowing expression. The first thing every Shura should do before changing jobs. I just need to have a preliminary understanding of what Shura is.

There was no color on Tian Xiu's face, and his body was slowly going limp to the ground. Feng Xiao was moved and quickly went up to help him; "This old man really has no reservations about himself and uses his whole life's strength to turn around for himself." Got the job…”

"Hey, I'm really tired. I can't use the power of Shura within 3 minutes after transferring someone's job."

Feng Xiao's hand softened, and Tianxiu fell to the ground with a "plop". "I thought this old guy had lost all his strength and wasted his feelings..."

"Damn it, you kid is crossing the river and destroying the bridge! Do you know how to respect the old and love the young! Can my old bones withstand such a fall?" Tian Xiu stood up with a curse, patted the dust on his body, and looked generous again He said: "Forget it, I won't argue with you kid, hey, after waiting for a thousand years, I can finally fulfill my dream of traveling to Tianlong Continent. I really can't wait for a moment, I'm going now... Kid , here you go!”

Tian Xiu gave Feng Xiao a scroll and a conch: "This map was drawn by the previous Shura when he traveled around the Tianlong Continent. I dare say that this should be the most comprehensive map today. It should be very helpful for your adventure. This conch can Talk to me when you need it, but remember it's not a big deal and don't call me, otherwise I'll take it back if I get impatient!" Patting Feng Xiao on the shoulder, Tian Xiu said seriously again: "Shura has been warlike and persistent all his life. , aloof and arrogant, do whatever you want and are not bound by all the etiquette in the world, but you must never bully others, let alone be bullied by others, otherwise you will be in vain as a Shura!"

"Also, the six-ray scroll you just used was bought by the 21st generation Shura with his life. I don't want you to disgrace it. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, I hope that all the professions you switch to must be hidden professions. !”

"I understand, Master Tianxiu!" Feng Xiao nodded seriously, and his title became respectful.

Tianxiu laughed heartily a few times; "I guess you have some conscience, hahaha... I'll go too!"

Tianxiu left as soon as he said so, without even saying hello to the five old men.

"Holy shit!" Feng Xiao slapped his head and shouted anxiously: "Wait, Master Tianxiu! Come back!"

"What's wrong, Fenghun boy? You can't bear to leave me! Haha... We will have a chance to meet again in the future." Tian Xiu's voice came from afar.

"Asura fantasy! My Shura fantasy!"

A black mask in the distance fiercely hit Feng Xiao, accompanied by an angry curse: "You heartless boy, you always care about my artifact! I'm so excited for nothing. Damn it! "

Feng Xiao hurriedly took the Shura Huan, and a purple light unique to the divine weapon emitted from it. Feng Xiao almost shouted excitedly: "Sacred weapon! It is indeed a divine weapon!" He quickly checked the attributes of the Shura Huan:

Shura Huan's first attribute almost made Feng Xiao faint:

Life +100%!

Feng Xiao was so excited that tears filled his eyes. With this attribute, he would be more bloody than a blood bull shield guard of the same level! You dare to challenge the BOSS with no shirt on!

Shura Fantasy: artifact equipment, usage requirements: Shura profession. It was originally Luo Jia's fairy mask, the illusion of good and evil. After being baptized by the blood of thousands of people and the breath of murder, it gradually evolved into the artifact Shura's illusion.

Effect: Life +100%, magic +100%, four basic attributes increased by 3 levels, movement speed +10. That is, the mortality rate is +3%. Bad status resistance +30%, death resistance +30%, luck -3. There is a 50% damage bonus to human enemies.

Skills: Soul Absorption: Passive skill, automatically absorbs the souls of killed human enemies and seals them in Shura Fantasy. The upper limit of absorption: 50.

Ghost Soul Break: Summons and directs the souls absorbed by Shura Phantom to attack. The attack can be concentrated or dispersed. The attack power of each soul is equal to twice the user's attack power. A maximum of level/5 souls can be summoned at the same time each time, and the number of souls that can be summoned is 35/50.

Shura Pluto Wave: Active skill, sends out the Pluto Wave of Hell to attack surrounding enemies, causing 100% of enemies within a certain range to fall into at least one of poisoning, blindness, fear, weakness, curse, confusion, dizziness, paralysis, freezing, sleep, and petrification. A bad state. The duration depends on the enemy's ability. It consumes 300 mana. The attack range is = player level/2. It can be used twice a day.

Feng Xiao pinched himself hard to make sure he was dreaming. This attribute... was too powerful.

"An artifact! What is an artifact? This is called an artifact! As long as you have an artifact in your hand, you can run the "Reincarnation" rampantly. Who said this? It's the fucking truth!"

"But what is this death system?" Among the seven resistance systems in the attribute column, there is no death system, and there is no death system in the major professions of magicians.

And that lucky -3 was directly ignored by Feng Xiao. In the face of so many powerful attributes, this loss can be ignored.

Feng Xiao, a pervert whose luck exceeds 10, would naturally not understand the impact this attribute would have on other players. For those ordinary players whose minimum luck is 1 and the maximum is 5, luck -3 is likely to mean that luck becomes 0 or even a negative number. A lucky score of 0 means that you will no longer be able to explode equipment from monsters, and you will no longer be able to receive hidden missions. And negative luck is bad luck! When luck turns to misfortune, the probability of being critically hit, falling into a trap, receiving a trap mission, choking on a potion, and being inexplicably PKed will all increase significantly.