Legend of the Asura

Chapter 39: This is...Qilin?


"Dual element Qilin? Want to be more powerful?" Feng Xiao asked.

"Yes," Zi Lei replied, "A dual-element Kirin is a whole level stronger than a single-element Kirin. We, the Kirin family, have a special ability—element fusion. We can fuse two types of magic from different elements. Transform into more powerful magic. The fusion of magic is by no means as simple as 1+1. Low-level thunder magic and low-level fire magic will be fused into fire and thunder magic with intermediate power. The fusion of high-level and advanced magic can even generate forbidden spells. Powerful compound magic!"

Feng Xiao clicked his tongue and exclaimed in surprise: "So powerful!" If this ability is given to ordinary players, level 10 will bring out the power of level 50 magic, level 50 will bring out the power of level 80 magic, and level 80 will bring out the power of magic. It can release the power of forbidden spells that can only be understood occasionally at level 150.

Ordinary players can be so perverted with this kind of ability. If it were applied to Qilin, the King of Holy Beasts... I can't imagine it.

"However, dual-system unicorns are extremely rare. Since the beginning of chaos, our Qilin family has had more than 40 unicorns for billions of years, but only two dual-system unicorns have appeared, and they were both born in response to catastrophes..."

"Zheng..." A green light shot out from the unicorn egg.

"What?!" Zi Lei almost jumped up: "Three-series Kirin, a third-series Kirin actually appeared..."

"Zheng..." Before Zi Lei could finish his voice, another yellow ray of light shot out from the unicorn egg.

Zi Lei: "..."

"Zheng..." Then a blue light shot out from the unicorn egg.

Purple, red, green, yellow, and blue, five colors intertwined and sparkled, dividing and combining. Each time they divided and combined, it would become another completely different mixed color from the previous one. The entire unicorn egg seemed to be transformed into an ever-changing three-dimensional form. pattern.

Zi Lei Qilin's whole body was shaking, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak for a while. After a long time, he managed to squeeze out two words through his teeth that almost made Feng Xiaojue fall down:

"Holy shit!"

"The Five Elements Holy Kirin... is the legendary Five Elements Holy Kirin..."

"Zheng..." The moment the five colors blended into white, another gray light shot out from the unicorn egg.


The Purple Thunder Qilin fell to the ground.

"Bang!" The white and black slowly blended and dissipated, and the unicorn egg that lost its light finally cracked open, and a creature the size of a basketball finally crawled out of the broken eggshell...

After seeing the newborn baby clearly, Feng Xiao almost fainted and fell to the Pacific Ocean...

This is... Qilin

This little creature has snow-white hair and a pair of watery round eyes that are pure black. It has a bloated body, short limbs, and five patterns of different colors on its body, with a hint of gray in each pattern. The little head is round, the ears are pointed, and the tail is in a weird "Z" shape... The little life looks extremely cute, but there is no unicorn feature at all. When Feng Xiao saw him for the first time, he collapsed. He thought of a creature he had seen in cartoons-Pikachu!

The only difference - Pikachu is yellow, it's white.

The little life that first came into the world rolled its cute big eyes and looked blankly at the unfamiliar environment around it, at a loss. When it saw Feng Xiao, it sniffed gently with its cute nose, and its blank eyes suddenly became bright. When he got up, Sayazi ran towards him happily.

thump! The little Qilin fell to the ground, rolled like a little white ball twice, stood up with great effort, and continued to run towards Fengxiao. After running a few steps, he fell down again, then got up again and continued running...

"Uh... Boss Qilin, are you sure this is your child?" At the risk of being killed by Zi Lei in anger, Feng Xiao finally couldn't help but ask weakly. He really couldn't take the cuteness in front of him seriously. The little life is connected with the majestic and fierce Qilin.

"Yes... it should be!" Zi Lei Qilin's stammering answer made Feng Xiao faint.

What does "should" mean? ! ! !

The little Qilin finally ran and rolled to Feng Xiao's side, rubbing his head on his legs affectionately, while greedily absorbing his breath with his nose, while the tall and mighty Purple Thunder Qilin next to him was directly hit by it. Ignore.

This little guy is really unfilial. Your father worked hard for hundreds of millions of years to give birth to you, but he didn't even have a bird... Feng Xiao secretly observed Zi Lei's reaction.

Purple Thunder Qilin seemed to have seen nothing, standing there with a confused look on his face, as if he was in shock, and seemed to be trying to think about something.

Feng Xiao began to observe the small white ball around him.

Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin: Level 0, unknown grade.

The Netherworld's Five Elements Saint Kirin? Feng Xiao was confused. He clearly heard what the Purple Thunder Qilin called out: the Five Elements Saint Qilin.

Could it be because of the death aura of the double-headed phantom wolf

"The effect of the blood of chaos is far beyond my imagination. The power to dissolve and merge all things in the world is truly worthy of its reputation!" Purple Thunder Qilin's voice sounded, as if he had already figured out many things.

"Are you saying that the root of all abnormalities lies in my blood?"

"That's right!" Zi Lei Qilin began to explain slowly.

"Our unicorn lineage is all male. When we give birth to the next generation, we will look for female beasts to mate with, and they will lay eggs. We will hatch them for hundreds of millions of years!"

"As the Kirin egg grows, the characteristics derived from the mother will gradually be excluded from the eggshell by the increasingly powerful Kirin power. When a new Kirin is born, it will not retain any of the characteristics of the mother, only the characteristics of the mother. Will become a complete unicorn!"

"I didn't expect the blood of chaos to be so powerful. When my unicorn hatched, it completely integrated the excluded maternal characteristics with the unicorn's body!"

"That's it..." Feng Xiao looked at the little Qilin who was "wooka wooka" at his feet, and suddenly asked with a strange look: "Then who was the spouse you were looking for back then?"

He really couldn't think of what kind of beast and the characteristics of the rugged lion-faced unicorn could be combined to give birth to this cute creature similar to Pikachu.

"Um... ahem..." Zi Lei became shy for the first time. He hesitated for a long time before replying: "It's a... rabbit..."


"What!!!! Bunny, rabbit, bunny, bunny... Rabbit?!" Feng Xiao almost collapsed, and a scene of a huge unicorn gnawing at a little rabbit appeared in his mind... In an instant, Zi Lei's tall image It collapsed suddenly, and Feng Xiao unconsciously took two steps back. The little unicorn "Gulu" who was lying on his feet fell to the ground, let out an aggrieved "Woo", and got up again and ran to Feng Xiao's feet.

Sensing the extremely weird look Feng Xiao was looking at him, how could Zi Lei, who had lived for hundreds of millions of years, not understand what he was thinking? It almost went berserk, opened its big mouth and cursed: "Fuck! You!" What are you thinking about?! I'm not as dirty as you think!"

With a flash of purple light, Zi Lei's body began to slowly become smaller, and finally, it turned into a person!

Wearing a purple gold crown, a purple patterned robe, purple gold wristbands, a purple beard and long eyebrows, and a rugged face, the purple thunder unicorn transformed into a human is still imposing, standing there like an emperor, with purple thunder beads on its forehead emitting. With a stunning purple light.

"Can you actually turn into a human form?" Feng Xiao didn't realize that Qilin could talk, but he was a little surprised when he turned into a human form!

"Existences at the level of holy beasts can transform into human forms...except for dragons, which can transform into humans when they are at the level of super beasts!"

"Oh, so that person in your family... uh, your spouse is a rabbit at the level of a holy beast?"

"No! There are only 5 holy beasts and 10 super beasts in Tianlong Continent - oh, there are nine now. And the rabbit I am talking about is only at the level of fairy beasts, and it is only a low-level fairy beast, but it can transform into a human form. The reason why I've always been confused, maybe it's its unique ability."