Legend of the Asura

Chapter 47: The ring of time and space


Two rings, one black and one white, appeared in Feng Xiao's hand. They were the rings given to him by Zi Lei Qilin before.

"What effect will the ring that hides a shocking secret have?"

The sealed ring of time: a spiritual weapon that has not recognized its owner and cannot be used.

The sealed space ring: a spiritual weapon that has not recognized its owner and cannot be used.

"There are actually two spiritual weapons, not bad." The only thing that has not changed from the original four rankings is the equipment ranking, which shows how rare and precious spiritual weapons are.

Two drops of blood were dripped on the two rings respectively. The recognition ceremony was completed and the rings regained their light. However, the strange thing was that they did not emit the red light unique to spiritual weapons. The ring of time emitted a strange black light. The ring of space The ring emits white light.

The sealed ring of time: a spiritual weapon, a ring passed down from ancient times that seems to hide a big secret. It is currently in a sealed state, with some of the power of time remaining. Effect: You can use the incomplete time-binding spell "Absolute Time Domain" twice a day to stop time in a 20-meter range around yourself for 3 seconds.

The sealed space ring: a spiritual weapon, a ring passed down from ancient times, seems to hide a big secret. It is currently in a sealed state, with some space power remaining. Effect: The incomplete space-binding spell "Infinite Space Gate" can be used six times a day. It can instantly cut through the space and teleport to any place you have visited. It is invalid for places with powerful seals. Teleportation within the same town. Invalid.

Feng Xiao was shocked...

"How can this be a spiritual weapon? This effect... is simply a divine weapon!!"

"I've got a lot of hair. They're all life-saving magic weapons. It's hard to even think about dying now... Hahahaha!"

"But what's going on with this time-based forbidden spell and space-based forbidden spell? Is there still hidden time and space magic?"

Feng Xiao has never seen any information about these two types of magic on the official website. After the magician reaches level 50, he will learn a general teleportation skill similar to space teleportation, but it can only move within a small area and consumes a lot of energy. The magic is huge, incomparable to the "Infinite Space Gate".

And time magic - magic that can control time, this is too scary, is there really such a thing that can destroy the balance? Or does it only exist on certain props.

From the moment Feng Xiao called her out until now, Rourou has been timidly guarding the door of her room. The various shouts and screams coming from inside made her heart skip a beat.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Fenghun. Your 'Sealed Ring of Time' has topped the equipment rankings. Do you want to display your name?"

"Ding, congratulations to player Fenghun. Your 'Sealed Space Ring' has been listed in the equipment rankings. Do you want to display your name?"


As expected by Feng Xiao, the two rings occupied the fifth and sixth places in the equipment rankings respectively.

The level rankings have changed a lot. Feng Xiao still ranks first. Hentian, who is in second place, is already level 18 and is chasing closely.

Level ranking: (those with higher experience at the same level go first)

First place: Name hidden々Level 20々⌒荼蕞々々々∥訨锱

Second place: Hentian 々々々Level 18々≌穅々々∥訨锱

Third place: Hand of God々16々±Purple's ХㄊΙ∥訨锱

Fourth place: Tiansha Fengyun々Level 16々〈Tan Tong々々々∥訨锱

Fifth place: Chiyan Fentian々Level 16々≌穅々々∥訨锱

Sixth place: Demonic Wolf—Crazy 々16々《窪开々々々∥訨锱

Seventh place: The Devil Is Smiling Level 16々』鹣's ХㄊΙ∥訨锱

Eighth place: Maple Leaf Raging Wave々16々》Man’s ХㄊΙ∥訨锱

Ninth place: Rainbow Colorful Clothes々16々」Archer々々∥訨锱

Tenth place: Xiaoyue々々々Level 16々」Archer々々∥訨锱

Several new faces appeared on the level rankings, especially Hand of God, which shot directly to third place. As the game progresses, advanced equipment continues to appear and tasks are continuously explored, and the levels begin to gradually open up.

Reputation rankings:

First place: 2740 Name hidden

Second place: 804々『especially

Third place: 678々∧┤Hand covering

Fourth place: 672々∩ Department of hand

Fifth place: 655々〕purpepeЩ

Sixth place: 615々⌒ピ

Seventh place: 572々√焐sellingLiao

Eighth place: 530々∧ЮCha Kuang

Ninth place: 522々∶鸹

Tenth place: 502々〔Shit Lixi

Fengxiao 2740's reputation ranks first, and absolutely no one can shake it in the short term.

Reputation is mainly used to create gangs. When your reputation exceeds 300 and you get a gang building token, you only need to pay a certain amount of gold coins to Tianlong Dynasty to get your own gang station in the city and form your own gang. The maximum number of people a gang can accommodate depends on reputation, and the maximum number of people = reputation × 10.

Gang-building tokens will only be dropped by some super powerful BOSS, and the explosion rate is extremely low. No one has obtained gang-building tokens yet.

Money rankings:

First place: Eyes open when seeing money々9087 gold coins

Second place: Knife々々々5889 gold coins

Third place: Hand of Doom々5355 gold coins

Fourth place: Demon Wolf—Crazy 4765 gold coins

Fifth place: Red Flame Demonic Fire々4265 gold coins

Sixth place: Maple Leaf Blue Star々3955 gold coins

Seventh place: Name hidden々3890 gold coins

Eighth place: Soul Destroyer々々々3699 gold coins

Ninth place: The true nature of a businessman々3689 gold coins

Tenth place: Name hidden々3623 gold coins

Jianqianyankai and Xiaodao caught Feng Xiao's attention. Although they were unknown on the level and reputation lists, they were by no means simple figures who could collect so many gold coins in a short period of time.

Pet ranking:

First place: Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin 々∥Liao Frozen comb 铹々∮ Di surname Lu Hezhang Hide

There is only one pet in the pet rankings, Feng Xiao, lonely and dazzling.

After closing the major rankings, Feng Xiao began to look at the "young master's room" that Rourou called.

Simple and elegant decoration, antique furnishings, the space is not too big, but it gives people a very warm feeling. What's even more peculiar is that there are all kinds of things that are necessary in real life, such as beds, quilts, cabinets, tables, shelves, mirrors, pens, ink, etc., and there is even a bathroom.

"Is it possible to take a shower in the game?"

Feng Xiao checked the game time and found that he had already spent seven hours today, and the remaining hour was barely enough to complete his plan.

Although each player in "Reincarnation" can be online for up to 9 hours a day, he only plays for 8 hours a day, because after 8 hours, the system will give an offline prompt every 5 minutes like a duck being removed from the game. , he hated this feeling.

But even so, he still pulled a long way behind those leveling maniacs who didn't log off until the last second.

The door opened, startling Rourou who had been standing at the door holding the corner of her clothes. She blushed, lowered her head in a panic and said, "Master, what are your orders?"

Rourou has been Princess Shuiyue's maid since she was very young. She has never served a man, and she doesn't know how to serve a man. In addition, Feng Xiao has been rude to her before. Facing Feng Xiao, she instinctively feels panic and panic. Feeling helpless.

"What will you do?" Feng Xiao asked with a smile.

"The old man Emperor treated me well. House prices are so expensive these days, but he actually gave me such a big villa, and also came with a little maid who was willing to stay with me - well, this is what she said herself."

"Young master... I can clean up the room, I can... tidy the yard, grow flowers and plants, grind ink, and help the young master change clothes and take a bath... "

Rourou's voice stopped, she could no longer speak, and her face was as red as the sunset. The people she used to help change clothes and bathe were all Princess Shuiyue, so she said it without thinking in a panic.

"Ahem, very good. I'm going out first. You can play as you like. Be careful of bad guys when you go out..."

Rourou said in her heart: You are the worst villain I have ever seen.

"It's young master, I'm just fine at home, ah!"

One hand had already grasped her left breast, and after rubbing it hard twice, the owner of the hand laughed and walked out of Fenglou.

Rourou looked at Feng Xiao's back with complicated eyes, and was stunned for a long time before murmuring: "Appearance, temperament, and ability are all unique. Only such a person is worthy of the princess. It's a pity that Princess… "

"It would be nice if it wasn't so bad... How should I tell my father..." The little girl blushed again, but found that her heartbeat had inexplicably accelerated.

Living in the palace since she was a child, she had very little contact with young men from the outside world.

-Eunuchs are not men!

"This little girl is not simple. She is timid and weak, but she always makes me have the urge to bully her." Feng Xiao said to himself, while savoring the plump and smooth feel, and kept clicking his tongue.