Legend of the Evil God

Chapter 11: Challenge Kaku Kaoru


Hearing that I killed 1,000 slimes in a week, the patriarch was very surprised. Especially when he heard that there were no more slimes around, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. Fortunately... The reproductive ability of slimes Super strong, in just a few months, countless slimes will appear here again!

After a week of training, my actual combat experience has been greatly enriched. Now... I can finally challenge more difficult Warcraft, and... while walking out of the papaya forest, I can have a new job, that is Mining and transporting ore!

After a simple breakfast, my grandfather, the patriarch, and I walked out of the village, passed through the dense papaya forest, and arrived at an endless grassland.

What lives on the grassland is Kakusun, which is much larger in size and attack power. It is a kind of monster that is similar in shape to a deer, but has only one horn. It moves very fast. Once it starts to run away, it is difficult to catch it with manpower. On top of that, the attack of the unicorn is very strong and if you don't do it right, you will be fatally attacked!

Fortunately, Jiaoxun is also a herbivorous monster, so it will not actively attack. Unless you chop it first or put it in a fighting posture, otherwise... it will never attack you!

The horn of Jiao Xun is a very good material and is generally used to make the handles of weapons. Generally speaking, the horn of an adult Jiao Xun is more than two feet long. The body of the horn is thick and strong, and has ribs. The body of the horn is cold and difficult to hold. It's not easy to sweat when you live in it, so... Jiaoxun's horns are usually used to make sword or ax handles.

The patriarch looked at me with a smile, pointed at Jiao Xun and said: "Next, you kill Jiao Xun here. After you kill 100 Jiao Xun's horns, you can go to Uncle Rivado's to exchange for a piece of refined copper ore. , with this refined copper ore, you can start to build the sword of your dreams!"

After listening to the words of the patriarch, I couldn't help but tremble with excitement. After working hard for so long, I can finally start to forge my sword, haha...

Next, the patriarch grandpa explained to me the fighting essentials of Jiaoxun. Jiaoxun mainly uses collision attacks, using the horn in the middle of his head to hit the enemy. Once he is hit, it is no joke.

Jiao Xun is about the same size as an average dog, but the horn on top of his head is particularly exaggerated. It is thirty or forty centimeters long, completely out of proportion to his body!

Not only can horns be used, but more importantly, its meat is very delicious. It is the favorite meat of the dwarves. It is not only delicate, but also has an indescribable aroma. Unfortunately... most dwarves are crazy about it. For blacksmithing, few people are in the mood to hunt these horns and smoke them back for food.

Under the care of the patriarch, I started fighting against Jiao Xun. When I took out my ax and assumed an attacking stance towards Jiao Xun, Jiao Xun felt my hostility for the first time and turned around quickly. He lowered his head and pointed his gleaming horn at me.

Looking at the sharp golden horn, I couldn't help but feel nervous. This is completely different from slime. Slime is basically difficult to cause fatal harm to humans, but Jiao Xun is different. If it is really stabbed by its horn, , everything is possible!


Jiao Xun roared and launched the attack on me first. Seeing Jiao Xun rushing towards me quickly, I tensed up, raised my battle ax fiercely, and rushed towards Jiao Xun with gritted teeth. I knew... I would definitely do it. You can't let Jiao Xun increase his sprint speed, otherwise... his collision will be difficult to resist.


With a loud noise, my ax accurately hit Jiao Xun's horn. The huge force came. I was shaken violently and staggered back a few steps. My whole arm became numb. Oh my god. ! This horn is so powerful!

Jiao Xun paused slightly, but did not fly back like me. In just a moment, he rushed towards me again, still aiming at my chest and abdomen with his horn.

Looking at Jiao Xun, who was charging toward me with his head lowered, I knew... Jiao Xun was definitely not someone I could defeat at the moment. Since I couldn't defeat him, I had to outsmart him!

Looking at Jiao Xun with his head lowered and charging towards him desperately, my eyes lit up and I thought of the bullfighting on earth. Although the size and strength are much different,... Jiao Xun and the mad cow are the same, they can only act stupidly. Crash!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel happy. In this case, why don't I deal with it like a mad cow? Looking at Jiao Xun who quickly rushed in front of me, I smiled slightly and quickly dodged to one side. At the same time... the battle ax in my hand suddenly swung out and struck Jiao Xun's right spine diagonally.


Jiao Xun passed me by. Under my full-strength ax attack, Jiao Xun suddenly lost his center of gravity, fell to the ground in a panic, and slid far away. It took him a long time to stand up with difficulty, shaking in pain. .

I know... the ax just now has broken some of its bones, so... the next impact will definitely not be as sharp!

Sure enough, after Jiao Xun took a few breathless breaths, he awkwardly stepped forward and rushed over again. His speed dropped significantly, and the impact force also weakened a lot accordingly.

Despite this, I was still not prepared to fight it head-on. I made a slight feint to the right, and then when Jiao Xun changed the direction of sprinting with my feint, his body flashed at full speed. Jiao Xun could only helplessly move from my right. I rushed over sideways, and at the same time... my ax whizzed and hit Jiao Xun's neck!


With a dull sound, Jiao Xunjiao fell down. After struggling for a while, he finally failed to get up again. He tilted his head and died unwillingly.

The clan leader looked at this child in astonishment as he moved around with extraordinary strength and flexibility. He simply couldn't imagine that this was his first battle and he had already reached this level. He had completely reached the level of a trainee warrior! We have even had a first glimpse of the junior samurai!

The patriarch didn't say anything. He walked up to me, patted my shoulder excitedly and said, "Okay! My son... you did a great job. I won't say anything more. You did everything well!"

Looking at me kindly, the patriarch grandfather said happily: "You no longer need me to stay and take care of you, but you have to remember that as long as you are fighting, you can't be careless at all. You must go all out, otherwise If so... it could be dangerous at any time."

I nodded firmly. The goshawk had to go all out to catch the rabbit, not to mention that there was not that big a gap in strength between Jiao Xun and I. I defeated it completely with my wisdom. There was nothing worth being careless about!

Looking at Jiao Xun patrolling in the distance, I couldn't help but secretly swear that although I can't defeat them with strength now, one day I will defeat them with pure strength!

The patriarch of the clan left soon. There were too many things waiting for him to deal with in the clan, so... he didn't have time to rest. At the very least, the children in the clan were still waiting for him to train them!

Before... When I was on Earth, my favorite sport in extracurricular time was basketball. Because my body was too short, my favorite position was point guard, so... Dribbling breakthroughs are essential, and if you want to dribble If the ball breaks through, then feints are also necessary!

The reason why I am able to use dodges and feints so skillfully did not develop in a day. It was a skill I honed on the basketball court. Although I have only played for four or five years, my ability to control the ball is not the same at all. Bad! Especially when it comes to fake moves, no one can see through it.

The reason why no one can see through it is actually very simple. There is no absolute difference between real movements and fake movements. My fake movements are all determined based on the situation on the scene. It is really possible that they will turn out to be fake. , what is fake may become real, it just depends on how the other party reacts.

In the next week, I was completely immersed in the world of truth and fiction. One after another, Jiao Xun was deceived by me and died one by one under my dwarf ax!

A week later, I finally killed 100 horn smokes, and at the same time... all the dwarves in the tribe tasted horn smokes for a whole week, hehe... If I hadn't spent time sending the killed horn smokes back to the village , how could I spend a week killing 100 horns

Regarding the help the dwarves have given me, I have been thinking of ways to repay them. As long as there is a chance, I will not let it go. Since most people like to eat horny meat, why don't I call it for them? Woolen cloth

When transporting hornets, the horns weighing more than 200 kilograms also greatly exercised my load-bearing ability, which was no easier than transporting ore.

Finally... I came to Uncle Rivado's door with 100 smoked golden horns, haha... After I exchanged the refined copper ore from him, I could start forging the sword of my dreams!