Legend of the Evil God

Chapter 5: Nine Yangs Scripture


The morning after one day:

indifferent! What are you doing... didn't you eat in the morning? The movements are soft and soft, do you still have the demeanor of our dwarf warriors? Give me more effort!

I smiled bitterly and used my last bit of strength. Hey... I am asking for trouble. This morning I finally put on a vest, leggings, and elbow pads filled with iron sand, and then took the thickly plated gun. Big ax of molten iron, how can you tell me to get up quickly? Being able to continue to stand here shows that I am strong!

But then again...iron sand vest, iron sand leggings, or iron sand elbow pads, all were covered under the leather armor of the dwarves. Grandpa, the patriarch, was too old to see me. I gained weight several times during the night!

A whole day... I don't know how many times I was yelled at by the patriarch. I almost cried because of my tender face, but I remembered my goal, and I will persevere no matter how hard it is!

Lying on the bed with my back facing the sky, my whole body was throbbing. It’s not that I didn’t know that this kind of intense training was definitely not something I could bear now, but... for my goal, did I have a choice


My whole body hurts so much. Although I am very tired, but... The pain is irritating and I can't sleep at all, but... If I don't get a good sleep, how will I persist in training tomorrow! Someone will die!

Suddenly... an idea flashed in my mind, and I remembered the Nine Yang Manual I bought. Since the pain was so painful that I couldn't sleep, why not give it a try. Maybe it would be true. At least... I have learned all the skills of the Hundred Battles Sword Technique. So excellent, no matter how bad the Nine Yang Divine Art is, there is a limit!

Quickly recall the content of the scripture: "Visualize the Dantian area, and there is a red sun shining. The rays are emitting a blazing temperature. It slowly rises from the Dantian. During the meal, it passes through the tongue... and returns to the Dantian from the perineum point. This is the day of the week. , Beginners can use it to move the heavens for nine weeks!"

Well... Just try it as written in the book. Even if it doesn't work, it's still better than not being able to sleep. Now... I followed the chart on the page of the book at that time, put on the basic cross-sitting posture with five hearts facing the sky, and started practicing!

First, visualize a red sun shining in the dantian, the rays of light exuding blazing heat, um... the sun? It’s still a red sun! That must be very hot!

What is genius? What is a child prodigy? That's right... it's imagination. I can easily imagine a blazing red sun appearing in my Dantian, emitting endless light and blazing temperature, huh? real or fake! I feel like the sun is so hot!

I don’t know how long I thought about it, but I followed the method written in the book and let the red sun rise little by little. It passed through the Shanzhong point and directly rose to the brain through the tongue that was pressed against the upper jaw. Wow! So comfortable... so warm... I don't feel the heart-wrenching pain anymore!

After staying in the brain area for a while, the sun gradually set down behind my back, passing through a series of acupuncture points, reaching the perineum point, and finally returned to the Dantian!

The process is very complicated. Every time you go to a location, you have to pay attention to what the sun is shining on, such as the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, kidneys... etc. However, under the command of my genius thinking, everything went smoothly. If it were changed Ordinary people would already be in a hurry!

The book says that beginners have to move around the heavens for nine weeks. Since I have nothing to do, and I don’t feel any physical pain while practicing, why don’t I continue practicing? Whether it is useful or not will be discussed later.

So... I continued to sit and practice. When I reached the ninth level and slowly opened my eyes, it was already bright outside, and the whole night had passed!

Looking at the sun that has already risen to half the sky, I can't help but scream inwardly. I am late again today, and now I will be criticized by the patriarch grandfather again!

I quickly jumped to the ground, and I suddenly froze there. After sitting cross-legged all night, I didn't feel any numbness or pain at all! This... this is wrong!

What surprised me the most was that the pain all over my body disappeared, and my body was full of strength, and my condition reached an unprecedented level!

A smile of joy gradually bloomed on my face, haha... I bought a treasure. My mother and sister were right. As long as it is on sale, no matter whether it is useful or not, buy it first...

I quickly put on the iron sand vest, iron sand leggings, and iron sand elbow pads, and I rushed out of the house quickly, haha... With the Nine Yang Magic Skill, I can exercise with peace of mind, and no longer have to worry about my body being unable to bear it!

Children's thoughts are the simplest. Originally... this kind of simplicity is equated with ignorance. But the problem now is that I am not an ignorant person. I have obtained a double doctorate at the age of ten. Who can say that I am ignorant?

A pure mind is most suitable for practicing Qigong, because there are no distracting thoughts and it is easier to concentrate. However... for ordinary children, it is simply too difficult for ordinary children to understand the meaning of the words in the Nine Yang Manual! But I don’t have this problem. I didn’t get my doctorate certificate for free. Isn’t it just a piece of cake to understand the Nine Yangs Sutra

Next is the question of wisdom. In fact... no matter what you do, it is the same. Before reaching a certain height, you can improve yourself through hard work. But after reaching a certain level, if you want to improve, what you need is wisdom, just hard work. It has no effect at all!

Generally speaking... it takes at least two to three years to practice Nine Yang Magic to the entry-level level, which is what I am doing now to strengthen the body and relieve fatigue. This is the real door to enter the Nine Yang Divine Art!

In the past... people who practiced the Nine Yang Magic Skill were all old men in their seventies or eighties. Only with rich knowledge and experience, as well as a wealth of experience, could they master such a magical skill!

It can be said that the Nine Yang Divine Art is worthy of the name of the divine word. Not to mention its power, in terms of the difficulty of practice, it is definitely ranked among the top few. During the operation, as the red sun rises, you must constantly think about it. The meridians and spleen that are illuminated by the light must be used in order and at the same time, that is, to keep the red sun rising and to keep the light shining. You may not be able to find one among ten thousand people who can do this.

The red sun, the rays, and even the internal organs are all imagined out of thin air. Most people think about the red sun and forget about the rays. When they think about the rays, they forget about the irradiation, or the time and location of the irradiation. None of them are right!

As long as there is any mistake in the mind, it may lead to obsession. For example, when running, you suddenly forget to think about the red sun. The result is that the power is suddenly interrupted. The consequences are very serious. The inner breath will be confused and conflicted. Generally, practicing internal strength Time is the most taboo to be disturbed. Once disturbed, it is possible to go crazy. This is the reason!

In just one night, he entered the realm of entry. This is absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented. What is especially rare is that such a thing still happens to a young man who practices the Nine Yang Divine Art with a pure Yang body. Can do twice the result with half the effort! But... for a genius, and for me, who has the reputation of being a child prodigy, nothing is impossible, hahahahaha...

But don’t think wrongly, the so-called entry is really just the entry. The Nine Yang Divine Art is divided into nine levels, and the entry is not even one level. Only by continuous practice on the basis of the entry, can we hope to achieve First floor level!

Getting started is just to allow the initial pure Yang Qi to form in the body, and to allow the internal organs of the body to adapt to the pure Yang Qi, otherwise... it will cause huge damage to the internal organs! If I could use one word to describe getting started, it would be - Zhuji!

In the small square in the center of the dwarf tribe, I waved the giant ax in my hand bitterly. Oh my God... It seems that no matter what I do, I can't eat a fat man in one bite. Although my strength has improved a bit, but... progress. It's not obvious yet, but it seems... I will have to sit there every night from now on!

After a day of training, I received a lot of scolding from the patriarch. This time it was not because of my slow movements, but because of how I learned and the movements were different from others. Not only was it awkward, but it was also laborious!

I looked at the patriarch with a wry smile. It's not that I'm stupid, on the contrary... I'm too smart. I'm using an axe, relying on imagination to practice the Hundred Battles Sword Technique, and using the characteristics of the ax to use the sword technique. Isn't it awkward and effortless?

Grandpa, the patriarch, is a very meticulous person, and the blacksmith is also very patient. He kept talking about me all day long, which made me a little confused whether I should continue or not.

When I returned to my simple house at night, I sat on the bed without saying a word. Don't get me wrong... Not only was my house simple, but there was not a single house in the entire dwarf village that was not simple. For dwarves, as long as a house can shelter from wind and rain, it is enough. Well, being so luxurious and comfortable will make people lazy!

Thinking about everything today, I began to hesitate, what should I do? Do you want to practice the ax technique that the patriarch taught me first? Or should we continue to use the ax to practice the Hundred Battles Sword Technique

From a scientific point of view, it is feasible to use an ax and rely on imagination to practice the Hundred Battles Sword Technique, and it is also an effective training method!

But...can I ignore the teachings of the patriarch? Can I let him continue to get angry for me? Or... should I take the initiative to tell him clearly? But...even if I say it, can I explain it clearly

I sighed helplessly. Don't think about things you don't understand. Not all questions have answers, even if I am a genius or a child prodigy! Many times, if you don’t look for it deliberately, the answer will jump right in front of you!