Legend of the Evil God

Chapter 9: Trial combat


After half a year of continuous pondering and practice, I have become quite proficient in the Qijue Slashing Technique. The most important thing is... my understanding of every move and every style has been completely understood after my careful calculation!

The principle of forging is nothing more than seven words: grinding, spinning, wiping, stacking, rubbing, pasting and rolling. Of course... these are just seven words I sorted out. The seven words may not be used appropriately or appropriately, but I fully understand the content contained in it, and it is very complicated!

According to seven different principles, I have developed an all-inclusive seven-style hammer method for each basic principle. For example, spin, it is the same spin, but the effect of spin in different directions, different angles, and different strengths is Absolutely different, based on seven different directions, different angles, and different methods of exerting force, I have sorted out the seven-style hammer technique that covers everything, and it is also the seven-style sword technique! Together they become one move, which I temporarily named the Spin Knife Technique!

The same goes for other seven-move sword techniques. Each move represents a basic principle of forging, and based on this principle and different techniques, the basic seven postures are divided. All of these combined are my Qijue Slash!

After more than half a year of forging, now... My strength has become very strong. My forging hammer has long been replaced by a 40 kilogram hammer, which is twice as heavy as the one used by ordinary people, but... I am not the only one who uses it. , almost every blacksmith has several hammers, including 20 kilograms and 40 kilograms. The patriarch even has a 100 kilogram giant hammer. It was this hammer that was used to forge the eight magic weapons.

However, I think that the hammer should not be too heavy, just like the weapon. Although the heavier the weapon, the higher the attack power and the greater the damage caused, but high attack speed is exchanged for low speed, and I pay more attention to dexterity. , It’s not that you don’t need power, but you can’t just ask for it, that would be too stupid.

In addition... I changed the shape and length of the hammer and lengthened the ax handle to make it easier to exert force. At the same time, in terms of physical characteristics and stress points, it is almost exactly the same as the knife!

After more than half a year of practice, my Nine Yang Magic has made great progress. Now... every time I run the basic skills of Nine Yang Magic, I feel warm all over my body. Not only does my fatigue recover, but my strength improves. It’s also very fast!

Now... I can swing this huge and heavy battle ax very freely. After enduring it for so long, I know... I can finally start the trial journey that has been delayed for more than half a year!

Actually... The reason why I don't want to continue practicing is because I feel that I can already start to prepare to forge my sword. Only with a good sword can I fully exercise my Qijue Slash. After all... Qijue Slash is the most suitable Knife fighting skills!

Some people may ask, if you want to forge a sword, just forge it. Why do you need to go through a trial before forging it? Actually... there is a reason for this.

From the knowledge I have learned, I know a truth, that is, the strongest metal is not a single metal, but an alloy!

And if I want to find the ores of various metals, I have to go far away, to places where few or no one has ever been! This requires me to have strong combat power. Only in this way can I ensure that I will not be killed by Warcraft when I go out to mine!

Carrying a dwarf battle ax and fully armed, he followed the patriarch's grandfather and walked excitedly out of the village. Under the care of the patriarch's grandfather, nothing would go wrong.

Outside the village are patches of green forest. This forest is the papaya tree planted by the dwarves. All the dwarves survive by eating the papayas grown on these trees!

Because I often come here to manage and care for papaya trees and pick ripe papayas, there are no powerful monsters nearby. The powerful ones have been killed. Over time, all the monsters know that this area is dangerous, so few monsters invade. Papaya forest.

Although there are no powerful monsters, there are still many weaker monsters. The clan leader pointed to a green oblate object not far in front and said to me: "Xiao Mo... This is the weakest monster here. His His name is Slime. In the next trial, your task is to obtain 100 Slime skins. After returning them to your Aunt Madia, she will give you the black iron ore collected by her family. , don’t you want to forge a sword of your own? Black iron is a precious ore that is hard to buy with a million dollars. As long as a little bit of dark iron is added to the weapon, its hardness will reach a terrifying level!"


I opened my mouth in surprise. I know the name of Xuan Tie. Not only can it make the weapons added to him strong and almost indestructible, but it can also make the weapons much sharper. The most important thing is that Xuan Tie is really heavy. Gold is heavier!

After explaining the task, the patriarch stood aside and motioned for me to take a look first. If I couldn't deal with it, he would rescue me...

I tightened the tomahawk in my hand and swallowed nervously. Looking at Slime jumping around not far away in front of me, I finally took my first step!

Slime is a soft-bodied monster with a thin skin and a lot of stuffing. It is full of green liquid, which is mainly a mixture of leaves and grass. It is similar to rabbits on the earth. It eats grass as its main food. Of course... it falls to the ground. Eat the green leaves too!

Because it is a mollusk and a herbivore, its attack power is very limited and it is difficult to cause much harm to humans. Moreover, its skin is the same as that of rabbits, horses, cows, and sheep, and is an excellent choice for making clothing. Good material.

Slime's attacks are similar to those of a cow. They are mainly collision attacks. The force of the collision attack is very strong, which is equivalent to the heavy punch of a middleweight boxer. However... for dwarf warriors who have strong protective gear and armor. Said it didn't pose much of a threat.

Slime is a docile creature. Unless you take the initiative to attack it, otherwise... it will ignore you and sometimes even run away quickly, but not very fast. As long as you are determined to chase it, even if it is Even small children can catch up.

Seeing me slowly approaching, the sensitive little guy immediately stopped eating grass and looked at me cautiously with a pair of small eyes, showing a hint of hostility!

I know... I must not be nervous. The more critical the moment, the more I need to stay absolutely calm. Once I become nervous, it will affect the performance of my strength!

Taking a deep breath, suppressing my beating heart, I took a big step and rushed over quickly. The battle ax in my hand quickly raised and struck at the slime on the ground.


With a strange scream, the slime suddenly jumped up from the ground. Before my ax could fall, it hit my chest. Suddenly... my body was shot out of the air.

I just felt a flash of green light in front of my eyes, and then... A strong force came from my chest, and along with the severe pain, I was hit and flew back. Oh my god... This little guy is really not to be underestimated, even though he is just a grass-eating creature. , but the power is really strong!

The slime did not stop attacking. When he saw me being knocked away, he quickly bounced on the ground and bumped towards me again. Looking at the fast approaching slime, I knew... I must not panic. If everyone else is If it can be dealt with, there's no reason why I can't deal with it.

The battle ax in his hand raised slightly, and he slashed at the slime with a decisive move, bang! With a bang, the giant ax came into contact with the slime's body. The slime's body sunk in along with the ax blade, and then retreated. I felt like I had struck a balloon, but I didn't use any strength at all.

I excitedly squeezed the tomahawk in my hand, and I knew... The first time I was hit, it was because I moved first. The second time, it was Slime who moved first, and then I took action based on his movement route. the ax so that I could hit him.

If... when I hit the first axe, I didn't use all the power of sucking, but left part of the power to adjust the attack direction of the tomahawk, then I wouldn't have been hit by the first blow.

After thinking about everything, I quickly stepped forward and rushed towards the slime. Seeing this scene, the patriarch couldn't help but frowned and thought to himself: "This kid has already suffered once, why is he still here?" So unrepentant, when dealing with a slime, a novice must wait for it to attack first! For a novice, the first thing to learn is to instigate and use various means to make the slime activate, and then they can win the battle. ”

I didn't notice the expression of the patriarch, but instead struck the slime with an axe. The power was 50% released and 50% closed. As long as the slime attacked, I could immediately change the attack route!