Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 124: Clear punishment and rectification


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In the world of blood and darkness, the lush green vines are extraordinarily bright and vigorously stretched and grown, densely woven into a large cocoon.

For a long time, only the sound of the rustling green vines rustled.

Qian Rongzhi stopped talking and stared at the emerald green cocoon blankly.

When it was confirmed that Qian Yannian was dead, Diao Fei stepped forward impatiently, dispelled Qingteng, and searched Qian Yannian's body, but of course there was no treasure bag.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at the tough sixteen-year-old boy, only to see that he was standing among a bloody corpse, looking up at the night sky, looking extremely devoted. Moonlight shrouded him, as if all the blood stains had nothing to do with him.

The stars in the summer night were dazzling, and even the moonlight couldn't detract from it. Li Qingshan found that the starry sky was much more beautiful than the corpse on the ground.

He wasn't pretending to think about life, but suddenly a feeling came out. As for the specifics of this feeling, he didn't understand. I couldn't help but think of that dream again-the stars were sunk in the blood.

After thinking about life, Li Qingshan lowered his head: "How many have you caught?"

"Three, two ran away."

"This is a good trick."

"you flatter me."

After talking in a few words, of course Diao Fei would never wonder where Qian Yannian’s treasure is, or ask Li Qingshan to give a copy. He also has his own calculation, which is to hunt down a few unthreatening second-tier gas refiners, and then sneak back to see the development of things. If Li Qingshan is defeated, he will leave quietly and report to Zhuo Zhibo. Ensure that you are not in any danger.

However, I never expected that Li Qingshan could really drag Qian Yannian to this point. Diao Fei knew best that his move, which was surrounded by vines, would never be able to catch a five-layer gas refiner. Qian Yannian was clearly. The oil ran out and the lamp ran out, but this was all the credit of Li Qingshan alone.

Although it seemed extremely difficult and embarrassing, Li Qingshan actually dragged down a five-tiered gas refiner. It is better to retain some respect for the strong.

As for the gas refiners at the bottom of the mountain, even though they were far away, there were many ways to see the mountain, and their faces were incredible at this moment. From the beginning to the end, they did not see the lurking master of the Eagle Wolf Guard appearing. It was only this young man who had fought Qian Yannian for so long with the identity of the second-tier gas refiner

In the end, he won inexplicably. Could it be that Qian Yannian was really so old and debilitated that he was taken advantage of by others? This is probably the only explanation.

Gongliangbai murmured: "How is this possible?!" This is also the voice of all the Qi refiners present.

With a "clang" sound, the water jet fell to the ground, and there was a faint sobbing sound.

The moment Qian Rongzhi saw Qian Yannian's corpse, his whole body trembled. The smile on his face had completely disappeared. After a long time, the hot and humid liquid slipped from his face, not blood but tears.

She didn't know why she was crying, but suddenly howled.

Li Qingshan and Diao Fei looked at each other without saying anything.

Li Qingshan took a deep breath and said loudly: "Today, there are Yinglangwei, Li Qingshan, Diao Fei, and Qian Rongzhi. They will punish Qian Yannian and beheaded here." After a pause, "and the Qian family." To exterminate the whole family, in order to follow your example. You and other gas refiners are blessed by nature, and you should take this as a warning.

The loud voice overwhelmed Qian Rongzhi's bitter cry, and it spread to the foot of the mountain plainly, echoing throughout the ancient wind city.

The first cheer sounded from the dark corner of the alley, just a down-and-out scholar who couldn't hold back but carefully admired. Two years ago, the Qian family opened up a garden, forcibly flattened his ancestral house, and lived on the streets with his wife and child. He became annoyed with a serious illness and almost lost his life. He finally recovered, rented a shabby room, and sold it by writing. The painting barely survives, but the chest is too heavy and he can't calm down. I thought I would hold my heart for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that there would be a day of revenge.

This cry was like a stone thrown into the quiet lake, stirring up a circle of ripples, and then turned into a loud sound, soaring up, and returning to the mountain platform, as if responding to Li Qingshan's words.

Li Qingshan saw that the lights were lit up in the ancient city, countless civilians walked out of the door, excited cheers, many people embraced and wept, carrying on a large parade, as if celebrating a grand festival, money The lanterns and firecrackers that the family forced them to prepare came in handy, but they were celebrating the demise of the Qian family.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, among these people who fell to the ground, there may be many innocents! But he is not an American hero with a habit of morality and cleanliness, a man of bone, can't he still bear a few lives? If you destroy the Qian family, you will also destroy the Qian family. There is nothing you dare not admit.

How does a family cry like crying all the way

Only those gas refiners hiding in the darkness, their expressions changed drastically, Li Qingshan's threatening words were clearly directed at them, but they were angry and humiliated, but at the same time there was an indescribable depression, even so A trace of fear, subconsciously inspecting oneself, is it like the money family

Li Qingshan narrowly killed Qian Yannian and killed Qian's family, accepting the cheers of the people, like a law-enforcement god, standing on the altar, and agitating at all demons and demons. Who dares to contend head-on, only shrinks and trembles.

Li Qingshan didn't give these people a face. They would come to Qian Yannian to wish his birthday. It doesn't mean that Qian Yannian was so innocent. They probably defended themselves and didn't understand what the Qian family did. But who can't hear the sound of rushing into the sky like this? I am afraid that I will turn a deaf ear to hearing it, and understand the truth of self-preservation, and I don't want to offend a family of Qi refiners for ordinary people.

The Qi refiners hid in the darkness one after another and left the Ancient Wind City. They all remembered a name.

Li Qingshan said: "Have you cried enough?"

Qian Rongzhi raised his head in confusion.

Li Qingshan said: "If you cry enough, let's go, our mission is over!" And he has already got what he wanted.

After that, he ignored Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi, only glanced into the canopy of the distant tree, and strode down the mountain.

Qian Rongzhi said, "Wait!"

Li Qingshan looked back in doubt, but saw Qian Rongzhi smiled, wiped his tears, and said: "I haven't got anything yet!" Then he rummaged in the pile of corpses and said in his mouth: "You leave someone weak. People will be afraid of women here."

Li Qingshan was stunned, thinking that she could avenge her revenge and relieve the depression in her heart. Not to mention that after putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha, she would always have a little more insight into life, and be less narrow and vicious. In fact, on the contrary, revenge and hatred did release something from her heart.

But what was released was not the beautiful feelings that the world expected, the suppressed innocence and kindness, she finally no longer had to pretend to be Miss Qian, and laughed at her in the corpse, seeming to incorporate the madness into her bones. , More and more distorted.

Now I know that everything about once enlightened and abandoning evil and doing good are all made up in the story. The normal state of the world is that the country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change. If there are Buddhas in the world, there are demons. Or, is this normal

Qian Rongzhi grabbed her a little bit: "Thank you two colleagues for helping each other, so that the slave can get revenge. If you don't dislike it, I would like to promise each other." She smiled and looked very happy.

Li Qingshan's footsteps kept going next, Diao Fei walked faster, like avoiding a snake, leaving Qian Rongzhi's idiotic laugh behind him.

Qian Rongzhi wandered in the pile of corpses, like a ray of dark ghost, no longer looking for anything, but like an artist, admiring his favorite works, and tourists walking in the beautiful garden.

She stopped from time to time, held up a familiar face, and said a few words to her, even if she couldn't get an answer, she could giggle for a long while. Compared to this corpse mountain purgatory, she looked even more weird and terrifying.

Xiao An received Li Qingshan's signal, but did not leave immediately, but hid on the side, entering a state of intense thinking.

The eminent monk is full of good fortune and wisdom, seeing the world like a fire house like a sea of bitterness, and the world is sinking into it, greedy, anger, foolishness, and unable to extricate himself, so he practiced the Mahayana Buddhism, but still cannot save all living beings, lamenting their misfortunes, and angering them.

Grief begets boundless compassion, anger begets boundless killing intent.

He was in the tribulation of heaven and earth, life and death, and found that there was still a hindrance in his heart, and once again saw the clarity of the mind, so he conformed to his original heart and issued the four great aspirations, so that his thoughts would not be stagnant, so that he could survive the tribulation.

If it is a demon, the nature is extremely evil, knowing the nature, and killing rampantly, it is at ease and equal to the Buddha.

"Oh, I understand, that eminent monk is a super genius. Seeing that all beings are stupid and stupid, they don’t listen to what they say, and they don’t understand how to say it. There is a shadow in my heart, and he is suppressed by the words of my Buddha’s compassion. , You can only keep your heart inside, not let it go, so the pressure is great."

"It’s much easier to kill a bunch of nasty fools than to save one, oh no, it’s just like a bunch of flies around him all day long, and he just grabs this fly and squeezes it through. His belly pulled out his intestines and then used his intestines to strangle his neck and pull it hard. Heh, his entire tongue is sticking out! He took the knife again in his hand and fell. Wow-the whole world is clean."

In a small inn at the foot of the mountain, Xiao An wrote his own understanding on a piece of paper and told Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan said after thinking about it.

Xiao An was stunned when he heard that, as Li Qingshan said that the realm of that high monk had fallen by more than one level. Even if he had fallen into the magical way, he was a bone bodhisattva with great wisdom and great power. Now he feels the pain that this bodhisattva has experienced. It's no different from worry, how to fight against Xiaomin.

Li Qingshan said: "Now, Xiaoan, let me tell you that the most important thing to be a human being is to be happy. The same is true of being a skeleton. You can't go to extremes. Those who go to extremes are mentally ill. When it doesn't make sense, give him a knife."

ps: Recently, it seems to be too cool. I will add a paragraph of Li Qingshan’s home teaching. Adjust it. The name and introduction of this volume are approaching step by step. Hey, hey, hey, rather than caring about a perverted girl, I’d better care about us. Cute Xiao An, is it more important, now, writing a book, the most important thing is the monthly pass, you know.

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