Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 142: caught you


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Li Qingshan and others are indeed facing this problem, and the boat is moored on the water. The cave in front of me is no longer one road, but divided into three. Each road looks the same, the same black and deep, I don't know where to lead. Of course it is impossible to divide the troops, and I don't know how many forks there will be further down, and they will definitely be larger than the number of them.

"What to do?" Li Qingshan became more and more invented, why the Eagle Wolf Guard failed to kill the zombie Taoist, he even doubted whether he could do it, the most difficult thing was not to fight, but to find.

Hao Pingyang smiled triumphantly: "I'm not going to come down without preparation? I knew these guys were unreliable, considering the worst." While talking, he took out a rugby-like wooden sphere from his treasure bag, and then Turning the top mechanism, a creak sounded softly, and many small holes opened in the sphere, becoming like a honeycomb.

With a buzzing, a group of small insects flew out of the honeycomb, not bees, but small insects that glowed like fireflies.

Xiao'an's eyes lit up again, and he reached out and grabbed one, only to see that it was not a real insect, but a very delicate organ bug, with an unknown green gem on its tail, each of which looked like an exquisite handicraft.

Li Qingshan asked, "What is this?"

Hao Pingyang said: "You know it by looking at it." Under manipulation, the insect swarm was divided into three strands and flew into the three caves.

Hao Pingyang turned the top of the honeycomb again, and the top tip projected a green light, which was spherical in the air.

There is a huge light spot and countless small light spots in the light sphere. The small bright spot is divided into three strands, all starting with a huge light spot, leaving three tortuous tracks in the light sphere. Upon closer inspection, they are three caves with different shapes. A three-dimensional map.

Li Qingshan immediately understood its role, and once again admired the magic of Mohist magic. Then the light spots began to differentiate, leaving more tracks and drawing more detailed maps.

Hao Pingyang said: "I found the puppets from the warehouse, which are specially used for finding objects and drawing. Everyone, take a good rest and get a good breath. When we find the nest of the zombie Taoist, we will set off."

"Brother is really wise!" Jin Bao praised. Everyone sat down and took the pill to reconcile the breath.

Hao Pingyang focused on manipulating the puppet worm. After a while, a mechanism worm found a cave with traces of human carvings. Then the worm was wiped out by something and lost its sense.

"Annoying bug!" A dry hand smashed the bug, and the zombie Taoist stroked the sarcophagus beside him, as if touching the face of his lover. Blood."

Li Qingshan made a point on the ball of light: "It looks like this is it!"

Zhang Lanqing and others also showed excitement, and the goal of this trip was right in front of them.

Hao Pingyang said: "Wait until the organ worm is called back, we will set off!" When the last organ worm returned to the honeycomb-like wooden ball, Hao Pingyang got up and was about to give an order to go, but he frowned suddenly and looked behind him. Cave.

Li Qingshan said: "It seems that I can only send you all here!" He needs to solve his own affairs in the end. With two confrontations with Zhuo Zhibo, You Dao is repeated, not repeated, it is time to end it.

Zhang Lanqing said: "What!" Then he also felt the powerful aura coming from the cave, and the fierce murderous aura, and his heart jumped. He Yishi and the three people felt the determination to kill, and their faces changed color, and they couldn't help looking at Li Qingshan.

Although they have been learning organ skills in the Hundred Schools of Classics for many years, they are not innocent teenagers. They know what it means to harm the pond fish. If the Xuanying leader is really determined to do it, I am afraid that they will not be concerned about them at all, but they will be killed.

Hao Pingyang said immediately: "We will set off now! Lan Qing, hurry up and sail!"

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly: "No, the speed of this boat can't get rid of them. This matter has nothing to do with you. You should take a step first. When I get rid of them, I will catch up with you soon."

"Qingshan's statement is reasonable. One person's goal is smaller. This cave is so complicated that you may not be able to find it. If we run away together, we may be attacked by both sides. Brother, you should make up your mind!" He Yi Shi couldn't help saying that he didn't want to be an enemy to the leader of the black wolf for a boy who had just met him. Not only was it not good, but there was a life-and-death crisis.

The zombie Taoist lost the Shadow Sword, and the ambush it laid was cracked. They were already extremely weak. Even without Li Qingshan, they were confident that they could win it. As for the darker thoughts in his heart, he wouldn't even think about it carefully. If Li Qingshan were not there, then 30% would not be divided.

Hao Pingyang said: "Then fight!" But apart from Zhang Lanqing standing up nervously, no one responded.

The breath is getting closer, Jin Bao said: "Qing Shan, you can leave Xiao An here first, and we will take good care of her." Xiao An holds two Thousand Chance crossbows, which are extremely powerful and do not need to be divided. Of course, He would never admit that he moved these thoughts.

"How can this be done? Didn't we say that we should be in the same boat? If it weren't for Qingshan, we would have died in the righteous village." Zhang Lanqing couldn't help but said, Li Qingshan is his lifesaver, how can he be ungrateful

He Yishi mumbled, "I haven't been saved my life." He is a noble disciple of Momen, he will have a great achievement in the future, how can he go desperately!

"You!" Zhang Lanqing pointed at He Yishi speechless. No matter how you look at it, after Li Qingshan killed him, He Yishi and the others were also dead.

Jin Yuan lowered his head and complained with a trace: "Senior Brother Zhang, you are on the fifth level of qi refining! We are not that strong. If we stay, we will only help." You are strong, of course we have the confidence, we are weak, but very Easy to be killed.

"Three idiots!" Hao Pingyang was extremely disappointed with the three juniors. This behavior is not only unrighteous, but also ignorant. After the Eagle and Wolf guard killed Li Qingshan, wouldn't he come to chase and kill them? Now, it is foolish not to combine all the forces in a battle, and to covet for a moment of ease with luck.

Raising his hands high, this is no longer the joke of the junior brothers, but the heavy hands who hate iron and steel, and want to wake them up, but Li Qingshan grabs them.

The so-called human-hearted people can't talk about how dark or bright they are. The calculation of benefits always inevitably exists in everyone's heart, but everyone's choices are different. In the real crisis of life and death, how many people can live and die with you

Although Li Qingshan felt his teeth were cold, he still smiled: "What they said makes sense, and you can't help me much. You have seen my physical training skills. It is easier to escape by yourself, but Xiao An, yes You must be by my side."

Without waiting for Hao Pingyang's persuasion, Li Qingshan took Xiao An and leaped back lightly, jumped out of the boat, and said, "Be careful all the way, there will be some time later!" He turned and disappeared into the black cave.

Zhang Lanqing was still in a daze, He Yishi rushed up to control the organ boat, walked towards the cave on the other side, the old lair of the zombie Taoist, and then parted ways.

In fact, Li Qingshan is not very optimistic about them. Although he has not met each other, he knows how cautious and cunning this enemy is from the two encounters with the zombie Taoist. If he does not have the confidence to win, he will inevitably disappear like a spider web. In such a cave, if he is willing to stay, it will be quite terrifying.

Unless you have hidden strength like Li Qingshan, you can ignore this danger, and the fighting power of this group of Mohist disciples is already clearly visible on the road.

Of course, he would not be gloating because of this, hoping that they would die, his mind is not so narrow, and Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing are also very loyal, and sincerely wish them a safe journey.

But he is neither a nanny nor a virgin. He admits that he has a clear conscience and his benevolence is the best. The rest is left to the destiny and the human heart to make the decision!

Zhuo Zhibo came with a group of profound wolf guards, feeling the two breaths in the two caves, Li Qingshan did not hide his breath.

Ge Jiandao: "Commander, which side to chase first?"

Zhuo Zhibo said, "Kill Li Qingshan first, then those Mohist disciples can slowly clean up," this is the biggest purpose of his trip.

As the breath approached, Li Qingshan smiled. With the power of the spirit turtle inner alchemy to control the water, he stepped on the water and galloped forward. The cave in front of him was retreating rapidly, sometimes sagging, and sometimes turning, as if it was never ending. He kept encountering new forks and choosing new paths without any hesitation.

Suddenly, the sound of surging water came from the front, and Li Qingshan seemed to be back in the mountains. During the days when he was practicing under the waterfall, he heard this kind of sound every day. The sound became louder and louder and deafening. The river water suddenly dropped without warning, forming an underground waterfall.

Li Qingshan jumped down to a height of more than ten feet and landed on an underwater platform. Looking around, there was an open space. It was a huge underground cave, half the size of a football field, allowing him to become a monster and stretch his muscles freely.

This is not accidental, but the battlefield he chose on the path that the organ insects explored is also the cemetery of this group of eagle and wolf guards. On the ground, it looked more perfect than from the map explored by the organ bug. He took a deep breath and gestured to Xiao An, who immediately disappeared in the water.

Without waiting too long, the murderous aura quickly rushed into the cave. Li Qingshan raised his head and saw Zhuo Zhibo and a group of mysterious wolf guards leaping down from the waterfall, falling in front of Li Qingshan, and then quickly dispersing, Li Qingshan surrounded the middle.

Zhuo Zhibo said coldly: "Finally caught you!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said, "No, I caught you."

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