Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 1708: Black rain


The night was gradually falling, and all sides were sunk in deep darkness. There was no light for thousands of miles. The brightly lit Vientiane City was like a lone boat in the boundless sea.

Black clouds are surging in the night sky, and the rain at night is endless.

The majestic statue in the shallow sea has become completely black, and the rain falls along the thick eyebrows of "Li Qingshan", his eyes still staring into the dark depths, indifferent to everything behind him.

Xiaowei Luo blinked his eyes soaked in the cold rain, looking at the scar left by his own hand in a misty manner, and suddenly felt very sad, as if he had lost something extremely important.

All the onlookers had a feeling of witnessing history. When everyone thought that Li Qingshan would start a long rule in the Vientiane Sect, the curtain came to an end in an instant.

Wang Junxing was very regretful. He couldn't help Li Qingshan anymore. He could only use these Li Qingshan lackeys to vent his anger, hoping that these people would not die.

'Huh, I thought how hard it was, it turned out to be just a bunch of gangsters! '

Leng Yuan was still aloft, snowflakes flying around him, and a cold smile appeared on his cold face, like the water seeping out of the ice on the lake.

Who can contend with the majesty of the law

Then there was no need for him to say one more word, and the sergeants stepped forward one by one, leaving their own marks on the back of the black statue.

The sword air knife Gang was like a bolt of lightning, instantly illuminating the face of everyone present, and then immediately sank into the darkness.

Everything is carried out in silence, as if a certain ritual is being held to draw a line from the past.

Everyone was desperate and pale, without the confidence and high spirits they had when they came. The blood that belonged to Asura gradually cooled in the blood vessels, cold like rain, almost shivering.

Never fought to the last moment on the battlefield, but succumbed to some invisible coercion, the strict laws enacted by the powerful.

Even the real Asuras, once they lose their intent to fight, they will also lose their immortality, let alone them

Will be the courage of soldiers!

The man is no longer there, and they have been stripped from the army and broken up into isolated individuals, but once again they have to face the invincible enemy.

That kind of determination to unite into a city turned into helplessness to follow the crowd, as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered sacrificed the pride in the heart.

Suddenly I understood that I was not a warrior who dared to face the devil, but the lowest level practitioner in the path of practice, small roles such as "waiter" and "accompaniment reading".

Who can resist fate

But for a moment, "Li Qingshan" was full of scars. If he was tortured by Ling Chi, he was faltering and was about to be unable to support his own weight.

But unanimously, everyone was unwilling to slap that fatal blow, causing it to collapse completely.

"Go on, don't stop!" Wang Junxing shouted loudly: "I said, it must be completely destroyed, no traces can be left!"

His eyes looked like a hungry wolf, searching for the weakest lamb in the flock, and suddenly he locked on one of them: "Hey, you! Don’t think I didn’t see it, but you haven’t taken it yet. Everyone must take it, otherwise. It's the lackey of Demon Realm!"

In the crowd, Tong Dagong's body was shocked. First, a pair of eyes beside him looked indifferently, and immediately everyone's eyes gathered on him. Suddenly felt the heavy pressure of a mountain. The colleagues who were familiar and close at this moment were so strange and distant, and he was alone.


He raised his head to look at the black statue, and the rain instantly blurred his vision. As long as he walked forward with a light wave, he could be free from the infinite pressure.

But for some reason, I remembered the Xuanwu army god who had condensed everyone's trust and hope on the battlefield, and he also had his share!

So instead of being able to make a move, he inexplicably spit out a sentence: "I would like to fight to the death with the general..."

Like a slogan, but also like a promise. Hearing this sentence, the indifferent eyes beside him suddenly changed strangely.

"What did you say?" Wang Junxing did not hear clearly.

Tong Dagong slowly turned his head, a fierce faith filled his heart, red light appeared in his eyes, and Wang Junxing glared at Wang Junxing: "Ghan Yunniang!"

"You say it again, if you don't want to make a move, are you going to betray the door too!?"

This sentence used to frighten all true disciples. Tong Dagong, the lowest-level "waiter", spat fiercely: "So what?"

Leng Yuan frowned, the situation was a little out of control, he immediately interrupted Wang Junxing, and warmly persuaded: "This junior, Li Qingshan has already abandoned you, don't be stubborn."

Speaking of later, the tone was already full of warnings. The giant beast at its feet seemed to feel the emotions of its owner, and suddenly showed scimitar-like fangs, staring fiercely at Tong Dagong.

Tong Dagong's body was chilly, his teeth fought, and a strong sense of fear surged in his heart, and he almost bowed his head to admit his mistake. But then I remembered the battle in Black Cloud City, the incarnation of the indomitable demon god who slaughtered these true disciples like a dog. It was many times more terrifying than Leng Yuan, and won't they also be defeated in the end

The fear suddenly weakened, and the red light in his eyes became more intense.

"Gang Yunniang! If it weren't for Li Qingshan, you real disciples of the dog days, you would have escaped back to Vientiane Sect! Li Qingshan may be a traitor to Vientiane Sect, but I have never apologized for my Tong Da Gong, never! Let's talk about it. , Without Li Qingshan, I wouldn't even know where the Vientiane Sect's door was opened, it would have been his mother's death in Black Cloud City!"

Tong Dagong scolded heartily, his eyes were red and there was no fear in his heart.

He did not have any loyalty to the Vientiane Sect at first, and these ordinary sergeants were just peasant children who were recruited from all over the world to guard the border. Although there are opportunities to make contributions and enter the path of cultivation, but in a borderline and bitterly cold place, without any cultivation resources, in the end, he can become a disciple of the Vientiane Sect.

Everyone was stunned. A mere foundation-building monk dared to speak this way to a Yangshen monk.

"Bold!" Wang Junxing yelled, but he was a little bit stern. He vaguely saw the man's shadow on Tong Dagong, which aroused deep fear in his heart.

Only Leng Yuan remained calm, the drizzle suddenly turned into snow in the sky, and the sky was freezing for a while, exhaling into ice, and the giant beast under his feet let out a stern roar, shaking the sky and killing the earth.

"Tong Dagong, do you know what crime you committed?"

Leng Yuan asked word by word, he also saw the person's shadow from Tong Dagong, and a strong sense of disgust surged in his chest. Such a person must die!

"I know, isn't it just death? I haven't died before, so who is it to scare me?"

With a choke, Tong Dagong drew his sword out of its sheath and lay it across his neck, "My life was given by Li Qingshan, and I will return it to him today!"

His eyes were cracking, his teeth clenched, his hands clenched the handle of the knife, and gradually exerted force, the blade plunged deep into his neck, blood immediately gushed out, and half of his body was dyed red.

He did not relax, cutting through the flesh and blood inch by inch, cutting off the neck bone along the seam, and in a blink of an eye he cut most of the thick neck.

Until the neck was completely cut off, he grabbed the bun on the top of his head with his right hand, lifted his head up to show the crowd, and suddenly fell on his back.

The blood spread on the ground, his head rolled aside, and the red light in his eyes gradually dimmed. Although hideous and terrifying, there is no fear. The fastest update, please read without pop-up window.