Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 1711: Long whistle


The blue sky is like washing, and the sea is tumbling. Vientiane City was shaking and swaying, like a lone boat on the sea. The loud noise that the two Yang Gods exploded at the same time could not be subdued for a long time. Especially Leng Yuan’s Yang God contains the power of cold profoundness that has been accumulated for thousands of years. It is completely released at this time, pulling Vientiane City into the winter season, and all the pavilions, buildings, and trees are covered. A layer of white frost turned into a silver world. No one had thought that Li Qingshan's counterattack would come so fiercely! Three shots, one roar and one shot! In the blink of an eye, two true disciples fell, one demon emperor was killed, and hundreds of practitioners were buried. As the head of all true disciples, the big sister Dai Mengfan was suspended in mid-air, flying in the wind in a purple dress, like a fairy descending to the world. Even though the magic weapon of his life was destroyed, but under the action of Du'erdan, the aura on his body was not attenuated by half, but it became more and more shining. However, there was no blood on her charming face. Below was Li Qingshan's vengeful anger, and above was the cruel pressure of Guihai Lingzun. She didn't dare to fight or escape, but she felt desperate. But now, no one will laugh at her for being cowardly, and the true disciples are all chilling in their hearts. This is the power of the gods, even if it is only an incarnation, it is as easy as slaughtering pigs and dogs to deal with them, these Yang god monks. This situation and situation are like the battle of Black Cloud City, where the incarnation of the devil descends, and the whole is slaughtered. But this time, there is no Li Qingshan top in front, Guihai Lingzun will never take a personal risk and face the demon god, but stand high up in the sky book to supervise the battle. In this huge shock and shock, everyone didn't know how to react, and they were dumbfounded. Outside the Vientiane city, the raging wind pushed away layers of seawater, and a huge stone head emerged. It was the statue of Li Qingshan that was destroyed by Leng Yuan personally ordered not long ago. The broken body has been cleaned up. Leaving a huge head sinking into the sea. This time the water came to the bottom, and when the cold wind blew, a thin layer of ice was immediately frozen, and his expression seemed to be more determined and determined. All the soldiers died in the battle, leaving the generals fighting here, but they have become "monsters" in everyone's eyes. They have sturdy heads and crimson eyes lying downstairs in the book of heaven. They are surrounded by black devilish air, in their mouths and noses. Emitting white heat. After killing Leng Yuan, the "monster" seemed to smile, becoming more and more terrifying, and it was a living nightmare. It's just that no one has noticed, the melancholy color flashing in the red eyes-killing is also hesitating. Only the Tianshu Tower is not affected by the cold current and still maintains its original appearance. The red bricks and blue tiles, towering majestically, look particularly bright and dazzling in this frosty world. Standing on the top of the tall building, Guihai Lingzun looked indifferent and his eyes were as deep as the sea. After eliminating the defected Pi Yangqiu and frightening all true disciples, he turned his gaze back to Li Qingshan. His life span is tens of thousands of years. Even if he hasn't surpassed seven calamities and become a true immortal, his accumulated strength and wisdom are already as deep as a sea of abyss. At this time, this "Vientiane all-encompassing array" was operating silently, integrating itself with the Tianshu Tower, and the Tianshu Tower integrated with the entire Vientiane City, and the Vientiane City integrated with the world. If Li Qingshan wants to defeat him, he needs to defeat this world! And this world is his chessboard. All true disciples are his chess pieces. As long as he can hold Li Qingshan's steps and resist his strongest offensive, he will be invincible in this chess game. ! In fact, what the Spirit Turtle is best at is not calculation, but defense.

Ever since, Li Qingshan has not had time to carefully savor the taste of revenge in the future, and then he feels that kind of oppression as if he is in the deep sea. He seemed to be accustomed to this kind of oppression, and the whispers of beings in the demon realm sounded in his ears: pray, lament, worship... How many enemies must be killed before they can get what they hope? An inexplicable emotion surged in his chest, and he suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed-the tiger demon was mad! The true legendary disciples were shocked and evaded at first. They were all shocked by Li Qingshan's "Tiger Demon Roar" just now. After waiting for a while, they discovered that although this long roar was generous and fierce, it did not contain much power, so much so. It was using his talents and supernatural powers to be more like the howling of a beast that fell into a trap. Li Qingshan seemed to have used all his power to fight against Guihai Lingzun, and he didn't have the slightest remaining power to target other people. A few true disciples even took a sigh of relief and their expressions relaxed. It turns out that as long as they don't run away, Guihai Lingzun can wholeheartedly suppress Li Qingshan, and then Li Qingshan's threat to himself has been greatly reduced. As long as they can't make a one-hit kill, they have countless hole cards to deal with. In this way, Leng Yuan’s death should be counted on Pi Yangqiu’s head, and he gradually realized that Pi Yangqiu’s words and deeds were weird, perhaps when he took back Xuanming Cave Mansion, he was drawn to Li Qingshan and fell into the magic way. NS. It can only be said that there is not a fool among the true disciples, and after a little inference, he guessed the matter. Suddenly I felt that Li Qingshan was not that terrifying, but in comparison, Guihai Lingzun was even more terrifying. So they stopped trying to escape, and each cast a magic weapon and attacked Li Qingshan. In a short time, the large square downstairs in Tianshu became a sea of swords and flames, almost submerging Li Qingshan's huge body. The body transformed by this spiritual energy shrank inward at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if to follow in the footsteps of Pi Yangqiu. Even if he knew that he was a chess piece, he could not defy the chess player's order and rush to the enemy general along the path arranged for them by the chess player. However, Li Qingshan did not respond at all, neither evading nor resisting, except for the continuous whistling, as if giving up the battle in front of him, purely venting a certain emotion. The chess pieces also seemed to be more excited. If they could eliminate the incarnation of Li Qingshan here, it would be a great achievement. The Heavenly Palace of No Desire would have massive rewards to come down, and there would be a chance to cultivate an immortal based on this. However, what is strange is that the situation is very favorable. The high-ranking chess player's expression has become more and more dignified, and his brows are deeply furrowed. In order to suppress Li Qingshan, he has no spare power to make calculations, just following Li Qingshan's body. As he became smaller and smaller, instead of feeling relaxed, he faintly felt an increasingly bad feeling. Of course, not all of the chess pieces are obedient. Dai Mengfan is an exception. She only uses one point of strength to attack Li Qingshan, but leaves nine points of strength for self-protection, carefully hiding among the true disciples, there is no big sister. The boldness. This behavior was seen by other true disciples. It is expected that after this battle, she will be respected and severely punished by Gui Hailing. Not only will she not be a master sister, but she may even be expelled from the sect. If Dai Mengfan knew their thoughts, she would definitely yell out: "Please expel me from the sect right now!" Because at this moment, her arithmetic ability even surpassed Guihai Lingzun , but only saw the thick ink. Lifeless, drowned them all.